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Write a story ending with ‘…I wished I had not got out of bed that morning.

It was a day that began like any other day. If it had not, I would have stay in
bed and the rest of the day would not have happened.
I reached my office as the usual time. There was an important meeting
that morning. Mr Pang, our manager came in and informed the meeting with a
client from a well-known company. My partner, Darren and I were ready to
present our presentation. I was delighted when a colleague made a cup of hot
chocolate for me. I switched on my laptop and was doing my final checking of
my presentation. Halfway through, we saw a couple of mosquitoes flying
around us. This was the first time, we noticed mosquitoes flying in the meeting
room. One of the mosquitoes landed on my arm. Instinctively, Darren smacked
my arm to kill it. It made me dropped the cup of the hot chocolate that I was
holding. The coffee spilt on my laptop and the screen went black. I jumped out
f my seat. I was stunned. I tried to restart the laptop but all my efforts were I
vain. Then, the client walked into the room. I could hear my heart thudding. I
had no choice but to explain the matter to the manager. He was infuriated.
That morning, I could not deliver the presentation and had to reschedule the
meeting. I felt extremely apologetic to everyone. To make me worse, I had to
endure the killer look from my manager for the rest of the day.
By lunch time, I was beginning to forget the unfortunate incident and was
enjoying my food. Then, the lady next to me stumbled as she was getting up
and spilt her bowl of leftover curry noodle on my white shirt. I picked up the
bits of noodles and bean sprouts off my shirt while she apologetically. I rushed
to the washroom and tried to washed the curry out of my shirt. The bright
orange stain refused to come off my shirt and I had to endure the pungent
smell of the curry.
With the two disasters keeping me preoccupied. I almost forgot picking up my
son at school. That day, my wife had a dental appointment and I was asked to
picked my son up. I looked at my watch, it was half past five. I swiftly went to
my car and headed to my son’s school. Out of the blue, it started pouring
heavily. There was a massive traffic jam. I decided to take another route, only
to find myself caught in a flood. My car was submerged in the water. I had no
choice but to abandon my car. I called my wife and told her to get someone
else to fetch our son. I wait for the rain to stop before taking a taxi home. This
was the final straw. I broke down in tears.
When I reached home, I took a quick shower and reflected the three
disasters that happened that day. I almost lost an important client and I might
have to spend a hefty sum to repair my car. I wished I had not got out of bed
that morning.

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