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Key Words

contain effect public

3 skill
develop experiment sense
means. Choose the meaning that is closest to that of the key wvd
Use the sentences to quess what each key word
in bold.
and CaliBornia are on the Pacific coast
1. coast " The states of Washington,Oregon,
/koust/ ran along the coast, so as we drove, we were able to see the watos
" The road

b. a group of C. a long and busy road

Coast means. . (a.) land by an ocean mountains

" Parents shouldn't compare their children;

each child is special in his or her
2. compare
kYm'per/ OWn way.
to buy the bigger one.
The family compared the two houses and decided
b. tostudy the C. to preler one
Compare means... a. to try to make two thing to another
things the same differences
between two things
note from my
3. contain " The package from home contained sweaters, books, anda
/kYn'tein/ grandma.
" Iprefer homemade soups. Canned soups contain too much
Contain means a. to have many parts b. tohave something C. to make use of

4. develop " Many believe that yoga develops the mind as well as the body.
/d1'velYp/ " Greg and Iworked at the same office for a year before our friendship began
to develop.
Develop means a. to grow b. tobegin C. to test

5. effect " My essay discusses the good and bad effects of television on children.
" Isaw the effects of Roy's hard schedule; he was tired, underweight, and
Effect means a. something that b. something that C. something that happens
causes an illness helps you learn because of another thing
6. experiment "Some experimentsuse animals to study new medicines.
/1k'spermYnt/ " Scientist Alexander Graham Bel's experiments with the telegraph helped
-noun him create the first telephone.

Experiment a. a scientific test b. a personal plan c. a medical building

7. public " The president's address and salary arepublic knowledge.
-adjective Any changes to the law should be for the public good.
Public mcans... a. relating to all b. relating to all C. relating toall
people journalists politicians
8. sense " Erin didn't have the sense to stay away from the angry dog, and it bit her.
-noun Good sense tells Vou to dress warmly when it's snowing.
Sense means a. good behavior b. good understanding c. good information
9. skill " The chess champion tested his skillsagainst the compuler.
" The skills of an artist grow stronger with
-noun time.
Skill mneans a. ability b. understanding C. enjoyment
10. system
/'s1stYm/ " The library'scomputer system was put together very well. It'sclear and easy
to use.

" The city needs a better subway system. It's confusing to have so many lines.
System means a. a set of connected b. a group of workers C. astation


Match each key word with its definition.
1 develop to grow intosomething bigger or stronger
2. to have something inside, or to have something as a part
3 to study two or more things and see the differences or similarities
4 a set of connected parts that work together as a single unit
an ability to do something very well, especially because you have learned and
practiced it

6 a scientific test done to show a reaction or prove an idea

7. .a good understanding and ability tomake decisions

8 something that happens because of another thing, or a reaction to someone or
9. the land next to the ocean

10. relating to all the ordinary people in a country or city

Choose the best answer.
6. At the post office, they asked nme if
1.Conrad compared cities wanted to send contained the box
a. and enjoyed visiting both. a. any dangerous materials or items.
(b.) todecide where he should live after b. an address.
college. C. enough stamps.
c. because he found a new job.
7. Which of the following is an effect of
2. Whose job is it to care for public safety? exercising?
a. the police a. Youhave no timetoplay sportsor goto
b. a lawyer the gym.
C. a parent b. You want to be hcalthy.
c. You look and feel good.
3. The scientist did an experiment
a. to prove the dangers of the new
8. Your musical talent will develop
b. because his understanding of the new a. with a good singing coach.
medicine was correct. b. at tonight's concert.
c. when the results were alreadyclear. C. a lot of money.

4. Which famous city is on the coast? 9. My little nephew doesn't have the sense
a. Moscow, Russia a. to stay away Irom the hot oven.
b. Sydney, Australia b. toread long words.
c. Washington, D.C. c. to stay home alone.

5. Which of the following is a stereo system? 10. Which of the following is a skill?
a. rock, jazz,and classical music a. how tall you are
b. CDs and cassettes b. how well you write
c. CD player, radio, speakers c. how early you wake up
NOw that you have studicd the ten key words and thcir basic definitions, you are ready to learn words
that belong lo thesame family as some of the key words., Aword family includes words that look alike
but have different unctions (noun, verb, acdjective, or adverb). Their meanings are related but different.

A. Look at each model phrase and decide whetther the wordin bold is used as a noun, verb,adjective, or adverb.


1. compare
" to compare two artists
" need a
2. contain
" contains no new information
" close the container
3. develop
" must develop one's talent
" can the development of your
4. experiment
" ascience experiment
can experiment with different
5. public
"public knowledge
" will speak to the public
6. sense
" to use good sense
quickly sense her anger

B. Read each sentence and match the word in bold with the correct definition.
1. The president should know the views a. something such as a box, a bowl, a bottle, etc.
of the public. that can be filled with something
2. Sara put the cookies in the b. to feel something is true without someone
telling you so
3. The teacher took pleasure in his c. theact of studying two or more things to see
students' development. the differences or similarities
4. Animals run away if they sense
danger. d. the act of becoming bigger, stronger, or more
5. Chefs like toexperiment in the
kitchen. e. all the people in a country or city
6. Toshow how different I was from f. totry using new things to see how good they
my brother I used a comparison. are or how good they work
meanings of develop, public, and sense
Most words have more than one meaning. Study the additional
Then read each sentence and decide which meaning is used.

a. developv. to grow or change into somcthing bigger or stronger, or to

make someone or something do this
b. develop v. to make a new idea or item for sale better by working on it
for a long time
c. public adj. relating to all the ordinary people in a country or city
d. public adj. can be used by anyone
e. sense n. agood understanding and ability to make decisions
f. sense n. a feeling about something

f-1. The beginning of the trip was filled with a sense of excitement.
2. I never ate a lot of vegetables in the past, but over the past few years I've developed
a greater liking for tomatoes, mushrooms, and peppers.
3. The post office is a public building.
4. The teacher liked my ideas, but asked me to develop them. Illhave to work on my essay
over the weekend.
5. News about the closing of the factory caused public worry.
6. Marianne showed good sense when she chose not to drive in the thick fog.
Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box.

Coast eOntainer effect public skill

comparison develop experiment sense system

1. Ican save the leftover food inside this Container

2. The stood outside the palace; they wanted to share their king's sad loss
wife and their queen. of his
3. A(n) of cell phones shows that this model is the best.
4. When I with my writing, Isometimes surprise myself with the
5. If we take a drive to the we can have a picnic by the water.
6. You said you're fine, but I can -your unhappiness. What's wrong?
7. Itdoesn't take much tomake toast.
8. The of highways is very easy tO Use and saves time.
9. The company must its line of computers to help its sales.
10. The summer rain had the .of cooling everything off.

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