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A Research Paper

Don Bosco Technical College Cebu-Inc.

Senior High School Department Cebu City

Ian Gabriel F. Aparri

Fheddie Rick Cris C. Braga
Albrecht O. Caballero Jr.
Alfonso S. Corominas
James D. Delos Reyes
Gabriel Augustine A. Regis
Grade 11 - Giordani
Second Semester
May 2022




A Research Paper

Presented to

The Senior High School Department

of Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu, Inc.

Cebu City


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the

Subject AApp3 (Practical Research 1)



Ian Gabriel F. Aparri

Fheddie Rick Cris C. Braga

Albrecht O. Caballero Jr.

Alfonso S. Corominas

James D. Delos Reyes

Gabriel Augustine A. Regis

Grade 11 - Giordani

May 2022


Name of Researchers: Aparri, Ian Gabriel F.

Braga, Fheddie Rick Cris C.

Caballero, Albrecht O.

Corominas S. Alfonso

Delos Reyes, James D.

Regis, Gabriel Augustine A.

Grade Level: Senior High School Grade 11, Second Semester, S.Y. 2021-2022

Research Title: Online Safety: A Qualitative Study on Ad Block Software as

Experienced by Online Students

Date of Presentation: May 7, 2022

Venue: Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu, Inc.

Research Defense Committee


Research Defense Panelist Research Defense Panelist


Research Defense Panelist Project Adviser



The researchers used this opportunity to express their deepest gratitude to everyone who

supported them in making this research. The researchers wanted to acknowledge their aspiring

guidance, valuable criticism, and friendly advice during the project work, especially the

following people:

First and foremost, God, who gave them endless blessings throughout the process of their

research study, by providing and granting strength to accomplish this study successfully.

To Ms. Catherine Rose Ried, for her endless guidance in making their research papers,

her high standards have made the researchers better at what they do.

To the informants, who shared their time and effort in collaboration for answering the

questionnaires without any hesitation and contributed to the success of their research

Lastly, to the group members, who gave their time in accomplishing the assigned tasks,

and conducting the study.

The Researchers


Advertisements became very common and it is still steadily growing, becoming a usual sight

everywhere people go. Ads had also found their way into the internet and it was commonly used

to promote products and services. However, some individuals used what seems like innocent ads

to lure victims into clicking just to infect them with malware. Due to this, the researchers

conducted this study to determine the advantages and disadvantages of using ad-block software

to combat malicious ads and ways to avoid them. Studies showed how disruptive and dangerous

malware is, there are plenty of ways of getting them, and almost everyone is prone to them. This

study used a qualitative research design, and a phenomenological approach to collect data from

ten (10) selected senior high school students of Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu on their

experiences with ad-block software usage, which was recognized through an online interview in

which they were asked what the advantages of ad-block software are, what are its disadvantages,

and how to overcome the challenges of not having one. The informants stated that the advantages

of ad-block are that it blocks ads, it helps them be more efficient when working online and

avoids ads with viruses. While its disadvantages are that some websites block access to ad-block

users, websites earn less money, and it blocks some web content. In overcoming the challenges

of not having ad-block the informants proposed to always be careful in visiting sites, not giving

too much personal information, and not be reckless in clicking links and attachments.



TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………………………i

APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………………………………..iii



TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………


I. Introduction

Background of the Study………………………………………………………..1-2

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………….2

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………..2-3

Scope and Limitations……………………………………………………………..3

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………..4

II. Theoretical Background of the Study…………………………………………………..5-6

III. Methodology

Research Design………………………………………………………………...6-7

Research Informants………………………………………………………….…...7

Research Setting…………………………………………………………………...7

Research Instrument……………………………………………………………….8

Research Procedure……………………………………………………………..8-9

IV. Results and Discussion………………………………………………………………..9-13

Thematic Analysis……………………………………………………………………13-20

V. Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations…………………………21-25



Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………………………..34-50

Chapter I


Background of the Study

During the pandemic where everything is done through a screen, it is important to keep

devices safe from malicious software that could damage and even steal data. According to

Rappler, damages caused by ransomware cost ₱40 million on average in 2020. In the same year,

Manila Bulletin reported the Education sector was the hardest hit by ransomware. While in 2017

according to Microsoft, the Philippines is the 8th most vulnerable to malware in the Asia Pacific.

Everyone is susceptible to malicious software as long as they surf the web unprotected.

Studies by JAMA pediatrics showed more than double the average screen time of

adolescents during the pandemic with 7.7 hours compared to pre-pandemic screen time estimated

at only 3.8 hours (CNN Philippines, 2021). More screen time means more risks while being

online, especially to people who are vulnerable to malware because of having no knowledge

about online security and those who are easily intrigued by online ads.

Student internet browsing is harmed by malware because it slows down the user’s

computers, steals personal information, and enables continuous pop-up ads to display on the

screen, all of which are detrimental to the student’s learning. Ad-blockers are extremely useful

since they let users avoid annoying advertisements, protect people from malware and

ransomware, and save bandwidth and battery power.

In this study, the researchers explained that everything people do during this pandemic is

done on screens and that there is hazardous malware that can damage the students' gadgets, and

that some of them can even steal important information. The researchers explored this topic so

that students who do not have an ad-block software can be educated that there are software

packages available that will secure their sensitive information as well as their electrical gadgets.

Statement of the Problem

This research paper aimed to study the experiences of selected senior high school online

students of Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu with ad-block software usage, the researchers

focused on the following questions:

1. What are the advantages of having an ad block?

2. What are the disadvantages of having an ad block?

3. How can students overcome the challenges of not having protective software?

Significance of the Study

This research conducted the purpose to provide vital information and knowledge

regarding ad-block software usage as experienced by online students. The following are the

individuals who would benefit from the study:

Students. This research intended to educate the students that there are software packages

available that will mostly protect their sensitive information and allow them to browse the

internet for all intents and purposes more securely.

Teachers. The study conducted could be very beneficial to the teachers, especially to

those who really do not know about software applications. Through this research, they can

understand that there are software applications that will protect their gadgets and sensitive


Parents. Considering that they are the first people to guide their children, they could use

this research to educate their children about the ways criminals can use the web to steal money

and propagate fake information through accessing or connecting to their personal gadgets.

Society. Through the help of this research, society would be able to utilize this study to

help them understand the dangers of malware and surfing the web unprotected. This is

considering that they also use the internet for all kinds of purposes.

Future Researchers. This study could be beneficial to future researchers, for it could

serve as reference material to support new related topics. This will serve as a guide to further

develop their research.

Scope and Limitations

This research covered ad-block software usage as experienced by online students within

Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu and is limited to the second semester of the S.Y. 2021-2022.

The researchers would use interviews to gather raw data from the chosen informants and utilize

media applications such as Messenger, Discord, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.

Limitations should be followed accordingly. Specifically, this research focused on the

experiences of Bosconian online students and their usage of ad-block software. Any other issue

regarding the main topic is not included in the study. Particularly, this was limited only to the

S.Y. 2021-2022 second semester, previous semesters and any succeeding years will not be part of

this study. This study would only utilize interviews, and other data-gathering instruments will not

be used.

Definitions of Terms

For this research, the following terms were given their operational definition to provide a

better understanding of the research topic.

Ad-block software. A Software specifically designed to stop advertisements from

appearing while surfing the web. Using this software can help users, especially the informants to

be safer online during these times when people always surf the web.

Malware or Malicious software. A Software that is specifically designed to disrupt,

damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system. These types of software can do

anything ranging from spamming ads to spying on the activities of the informants while they are

surfing the net.

Ransomware. A type of malicious software that could hold and block access to the

users’ computer system until a sum of money is paid. The informants can become future victims

as this type of malware is targeting the education sector.

Pop-up advertisements. Advertisements that suddenly appear in the foreground of

websites’ visual interface. These advertisements are mostly used for the informants to

accidentally click on to get more traffic or much worse immediately download something on the

respondent’s device.

Surfing. When the informants enter from one page or site to another on the internet to

browse for anything they want, from knowledge to entertainment. The researchers think that the

informants could encounter risks while enjoying surfing.


Online security. Represents the rules followed, actions taken, and the processes that

happen to ensure the informants are safe online. Security threats online have become very

common and the informants’ awareness of these has become more important.

Chapter II

Theoretical Background of the Study

The goal of the study was for the researchers to determine the experiences of Bosconian

online students regarding ad-block software usage and its effects on their studies during the

pandemic. The study aimed to determine the advantages and disadvantages of using ad-block

software and how to stay safe online without having one. The web was becoming more

dangerous day by day and full of people willing to take advantage of others for their gain, which

could affect learners if they ever fall victim. This study was important to learners during this time

of the pandemic when online classes are the safest option to continue learning.

The Philippines already had an ad-block software usage rate of 45.3% with the users

having different reasons for using one. 16.5% use the software because ads can contain viruses

(Brian Dean, 2021). This shows that several people already used and trusted ad-block software to

keep them safe. There are instances where links are posted on Facebook or are sent by a friend in

Messenger but when opened it will spread the link to the owner’s friends (Philstar, 2021).

Adblock could be able to prevent this as some warn users when entering a website deemed as

harmful. Ad-block also blocks intrusive advertisements keeping the users safe from malware

caused by ads and it also makes pages load faster (Intego, 2021).

Ad-block software can also block websites though it might be safe as it is one of its

disadvantages. Ad-block does not just block ads on a web page, but might also hamper its page

scripts. This would corrupt some of its important components, affect its functionality and cause a

bad browsing experience for its users. Subscribers had seen some chunks missing on the screen

or even an error message (A., 2021). Removing the ads also means removing some of the web

content on the page. Fake ad-block software with malware in it has also been going around on

the internet, it would instead spam ads on the user’s screen (PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group, 2020).

According to GOV.PH in order to stay safe online you must be wary of what you click on,

whether it is a pop-up or anonymous files and attachments that could contain viruses. Be careful

with what is being shared online and make sure personal information is not being posted. Users

should also recognize the link destinations whenever clicking one. The DICT has mentioned that

if you do not recognize the link do not click it (Philstar, 2021).

To sum it all up, this study was conducted to further acknowledge the benefits of

ad-block software and its importance in keeping the Bosconian online students safe. Using

ad-block software is highly recommended before browsing the internet for a much safer and

enjoyable experience. Although there might be some websites that might not allow the use of

ad-block software for their purposes, there are still threats that appear everywhere whether it can

be in the real state or the virtual world. Coming up with a solution to be as safe as possible is in

the best interest of the researchers.


Chapter III


In this chapter, the methods, and procedures used in the research are discussed: the

research design, research informants, research setting, research instrument, and the research


Research Design

This study used qualitative research, it is a type of research that involves non-numerical

data and seeks to interpret meaning from it, and used a phenomenological approach.

Phenomenological studies examined human experiences through the descriptions provided by the

people involved (Donalek, 2004). It will be the approach that fits the researchers' study because

it allows interviews, observations, and surveys to gather the needed data.

Research Informants

The research informants were ten (10) senior high school students from Don Bosco

Technical College-Cebu. They were chosen because of their exposure to the internet and they

had been using it as a way to learn during online classes. The outcome of the research would

help them in their learning. This research utilized a non-probability sampling technique and

convenience sampling because the informants will be selected according to their accessibility.

Research Setting

The research would be conducted at Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu. DBTC-Cebu is

a private Catholic vocational basic and higher education institution in Cebu City. It was founded

by Italian missionaries back in 1954. This school was chosen since the researchers know several

of the senior high school students and can communicate with them easily.

Research Instrument

In gathering data needed for this study, the researchers conducted an online interview

following the protocols of the “new normal”. Applications used in this study will be adjusted

based on the informants’ comfort or chosen material during the interview. The interview contains

two parts: Part I will focus on the experiences of the informants' usage of ad-block software, this

includes the advantages and disadvantages of using it. Part II would be the appreciation on how

ad-block software influenced them. The researchers contacted students from the senior high

school department of Don Bosco Technical-Cebu as their chosen respondents to answer the

questions provided.

Research Procedure

The researchers came up with a title and Statement of the Problem for their chosen field

of specialization and had them approved by the subject teacher. They searched for and provided a

background of their study and the scope and limitations. The principal's permission was

requested to undertake the actual data-gathering. After receiving approval from his office, the

researchers contacted senior high school students from Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu to

serve as their informants. The latter were informed of the nature of the study and their

involvement in it, and they gave their informed consent. Throughout the interview, the

researchers asked questions about the research topic and gathered responses for the statement of

the problem.

After the interview, the researchers examined and reviewed the informants’ responses

were then categorized to produce different themes throughout the discussion, based on Van

Manen's four existential lifeworlds, which were used to help organize the data into codes, that

were then used to construct categories to display the data logically. Van Manen's four lifeworld

existentials are: lived body, lived time, lived space, and lived human relations. It provides a

framework for examining and interpreting fragmented interview data and discovering the

essences of lived experience without placing categories on the data. (Rich et al., 2013). The

researchers were able to construct the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations

using the data that had been analyzed and evaluated using thematic analysis.

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

The Informants

The informants of the study were senior high school students from a selected educational

institution in Cebu, City. All of them had experiences regarding the usage of ad-block software

and they were all willing to address this based on the questions provided.


Carl is a 17-year-old STEM student who lives in his hometown, Oslob Cebu. He likes to

surf the web, especially watching YouTube videos during his pastime. In the interview, he stated

that the usage of ad-block software prevents ads from popping out of his screen while watching

videos and reading articles. The difficulty he was having in his ad-block usage is he cannot go

directly to websites blocked by the software. In order for him to avoid malware, he does not click

links immediately or visits unknown websites that may contain viruses.


Sokka is an 18-year-old STEM student who lives in Brgy. Cuanos, Minglanilla, Cebu. He

likes cycling and he spends his time on the internet to connect with his peers. In his interview, he

said that by using his preferred ad-block software, he can avoid inappropriate disturbance while

watching and browsing the internet. Although, most qualified ad-block software is not usable for

free as it requires a certain amount of money to avail of its services and he stated that while

browsing the internet, some websites disallowed him from entering having his software turned



Steven is an 18-year-old STEM student who lives in Cebu, City. He is often on the

internet for various reasons such as entertainment, educational purposes, and communication. He

said that as he utilizes the usage of ad-block software, he has the efficiency when working as he

surfs the web that has too many unavoidable ads. He stated in the interview that there might be

some cases wherein, you want to look for products from advertisements but ad block does not

allow it. He stated that using applications such as anti-virus, VPN, and many more ensures his

safety in his browsing experience.



Gizmo is an 18-year-old STEM student who lives in Brgy. Pardo, Cebu City. He mainly

uses the internet for education but he does visit social media occasionally. He stated in his

interview, that the usage of ad-block software allows little to no advertisements to seep into his

feeds, as ads can certainly get annoying sometimes. Considering that an ad-block software

disallows certain ads from popping, he stated that businesses and other organizations may have

difficulty in coping with the people to reach their services or even make money. He said that a

straightforward solution to ads is by just installing an ad-block software, as prevention is still his

best interest.


Mordecai is a 17-year-old senior high school student who resides in Palompon, Leyte. In

his interview, he claimed that the usage of ad-block software causes websites to load quickly

since there will be no advertisements to interfere with. Moreover, he said, that having an

ad-block software makes some content of a specific website corrupted and that it will cause a bad

browsing experience for the user in some websites as they don’t allow the usage of ad-block

software for their purposes. Regardless of how important an ad-block software can be, Mordecai

stated that keeping important information out of the media could help in making him less

vulnerable when surfing the internet.


Clarence is a 17-year-old STEM student who lives in Brgy. Basak Pardo, Cebu City. He

is usually on the web to watch movies, series, anime, and YouTube videos that expand his

knowledge. He said, in his interview, that having an ad-block software prevents ads from

popping up as he visits a certain website. He also said that having an ad-block software turned on

does not allow him from entering some websites. Because the said businesses or the organization

will earn less money. He also considers that just being careful and not reckless in browsing the

internet is enough for him to become less vulnerable in his browsing experience.


Phineas is an 18-year-old STEM student currently residing in Punta Princesa, Cebu City.

He uses the web in order to be updated on the news and information, and not just for

entertainment. He stated that having an ad-block software is helpful in websites with the

continuous popping of ads that may also contain viruses. Although, he claimed that some

websites might need him to turn his ad-blocker off as some websites disallow extensions such as

ad-blocker turned on; considering that ads are also one way of gaining money. He also said that

the internet is a big network, and trusting sites that are not credible to many is a big risk for him

as he needs to prevent malware from stealing his personal information.


Baljeet is a 17-year-old STEM student who resides in Brgy. Tisa, Cebu City. He surfs the

net for educational purposes, and on occasions for entertainment. He claimed that using ad-block

software removes distracting ads, makes pages easier to read, and makes web pages load faster.

He also said that the usage of ad-block software not only prevents ads from appearing on a

website but also interferes with the page scripts. He also considers that avoiding malicious links

sent by unknown users is one way to ensure his safety and avoid damages caused by malware on

his device.


Rigby is a 17-year-old STEM student currently living in Pardo, Cebu City. He is always

online and barely takes the time off, he uses the time to watch series, anime, and for education.

He said that having an ad-block software makes lesser inconvenience whenever he is watching a

series or anime, reading articles, browsing through media, and many more. He also said that

keeping personal information out of social media and observing netiquette certainly makes him

less vulnerable in his browsing experience.


Thomas is a 17-year-old STEM student who lives in Minglanilla, Cebu. He also mostly

does outdoor activities and uses his time online to interact with his friends on social media. He

stated that the usage of ad-block prevents ads from popping up as he surfs the internet and that he

has the freedom to surf the internet with no interruptions and it keeps him from potentially

harmful ads. He also stated that he cannot easily go to some websites as it requires ad-block

software to be removed for their purposes. Although, he said that going offline and working

manually is another way of being personally safe.

Thematic Analysis

After a thorough analysis of the data, three fundamental themes emerged. It enabled the

informants to communicate their thoughts and experiences through an interview based on Van

Manen's Four lifeworlds of Existentials on the students’ experiences with ad-block software


Theme I: Advantages of Using Ad Block Software

Advertisements online cause students a range of experiences, some are harmless that

actually promote products and are safe to click on while some are harmful and cause damage

when clicked. Since ad-block software offers the solution, the students take advantage of this and

use the software. The informants indicate how much the software has helped them in their

everyday browsing.

Subtheme 1: Avoiding Ads for More Efficiency While Working Online

Online advertisements have progressively become more aggressive and annoying just to

gain clicks and publicity from unsuspecting users. However, this has made more users want to

block and avoid ads more. These types of ads are also detrimental to their learning and efficiency

in browsing. When asked about the advantages of using ad block software the informants stated

that it helps them avoid advertisements when working online.

Informant 1

“The advantages when I use ad-block software are it removes all the ads while I’m

watching a video or while reading an article”

Informant 3

“It gives me much more efficiency when working on sites that have too many ads since it

removes them”

Informant 4

“Advertisements are usually everywhere, and they can get really annoying sometimes.

Ad-block software allows little to no advertisements seeping into your feed and allows you to

have a smooth and ad-free experience”

Informant 6

“The advantage of having an ad-block is that when I visit a website, I will not anymore

see ads”

Informant 9

“Less inconvenience whenever watching a movie or entering a website”

Subtheme 2: Online Safety

The risks these ads pose are immense since it is very easy to click them and get infected

with malware. These harmful ads have been very common and have increased in numbers since

people have been spending more time online and victims are easier to come by. Despite this, the

informants are confident in their safety while using ad block software.

Informant 7

“For me having an ad-block is helpful when some sites keep popping ads and some

having some ads with viruses”

Informant 1

“And using it helps to prevent redirecting into malicious websites”

Informant 10

“I can also stay away from ads that might cause me to harm and damage my device”


Ad blockers ensure that people surfing the web are not overwhelmed by the ads, and

protect its users from malware that can damage electrical devices, and many more (Kirk

McElhearn, 2021). The informants have benefited heavily and will continue to do so just from

using the safety software. The informants have benefited greatly and will continue to do so just

from using the safety software.

Students are the most popular users of the safety software, ad-block software usage is

most prevalent among males from ages 16 – 24 (Intego, 2021). The results showed using the

software has made the informants feel safe and comfortable whenever they are online and doing

their business. This has also helped them work with their tasks without interruptions and has

made their browsing more efficient without the bothersome pop-ups and ads that redirect to other

sites. Therefore, the advantages in using ad block software have thoroughly satisfied those who

have experienced it.


Theme II: Disadvantages of Using Ad-block Software

Ad block software is like a double-edged sword. With all of its advantages, there is no

doubt that it has disadvantages to the users. These downsides can be detrimental to the students’

browsing experience. The informants shared their experiences of these difficulties while surfing

the web:

Informant 5

“Web pages will be corrupted some of its important components, affect its functionality

and cause a bad browsing experience for you”

Informant 1

“I cannot easily go directly to the website because my ad-block is preventing me. Also,

the admin of the website that I visit cannot earn money from me”

Informant 7

“Some sites you need to not block ads to access them because ads are also one way of

gaining money”

Informant 6

“The owner of the website you will visit will earn less money and some websites do not

allow you to use their website when you have an ad-block extension”

Informant 8

“Ad blockers not only prevent ads from appearing on a website, but they may also

interfere with the page scripts”



Ad blockers either block or allow. Most ad blockers allow its users to whitelist websites;

those sites they want to support or that have less intrusive advertising. In some cases, ad-blockers

will break legitimate websites. So users may need to whitelist them to be able to access them

(McElhearn, 2021). The results indicated that most of the informants experienced corrupted web

pages, lose some of the websites important components.

Advertising is a very important source of revenue for online content creators and

publishers. They use it to make up for the time they spend on creating quality content for readers.

With ad blockers, they will be affected financially, prompting them to create poor-quality content

as they would not have the resources to produce good ones (A., 2021). Most informants cannot

access some sites if they use ad block softwares, as advertisements help the webmasters earn

money to create exclusive content and to keep the website free to open for users.

Theme III: Overcoming the Challenges of not having Protective Software

There are still ways to avoid getting malware on the internet while browsing without the

use of safety software. However, this can be very hard to do. The internet is full of people who

try to exploit those who are vulnerable. The informants shared their ways of how to stay safe

online without the help of safety software.

Informant 1

“I will prevent myself from going or clicking immediately on an unknown website so that

my computer will not have viruses.”

Informant 2

“I will only visit trusted websites and be cautious with links.”

Informant 5

“Never overshare on social media. Providing too much information on Facebook, Twitter,

and Instagram could make it easier for cybercriminals to obtain identifying information, which

could allow them to steal your identity or to access your financial information.”

Informant 6

“Students can overcome the challenges just by being careful and not be reckless in


Informant 8

“They can overcome it by not clicking any malicious links so that their pc/laptop is safe

to not have any viruses.”

Informant 9

“Do not share your private information with anyone and think before posting.”


One of the most important aspects of being secure is being aware of and cautious about

what to click. Most of the informants are well-oriented in understanding how to stay safe online

and how to protect their data without using safety software. Pop-up ads, anonymous files, and

attachments that may be accidentally clicked on are all potential virus carriers; be cautious when

posting online, and never post personal information (GOV.PH, 2021). The informants answered

to mind the links they click on and not visiting websites unknown to them, protecting their

personal information and not sharing them online for people to see.

Online users are also advised to be careful whenever they see shortened website links as

it could be a disguise for a malicious link containing malware or a virus “Don’t fall for it. If you

don’t recognize the link destination, don’t click,” (DICT., 2021). It is still easier said than done

and it will take a lot more effort in order to overcome the challenges of not having ad block


Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings

The purpose of this study was to determine the experiences of the informants' lived

experiences regarding the usage of ad-block software using Van Manen's four lifeworld

existentials as a guide to provide meaning in their day-to-day experiences. The researchers

organized a one-on-one interview with ten (10) informants ages 17 and older, six of them reside

in the city of Cebu, three of them are in the province, and one is from Palompon, Leyte. After

gathering the data, the researchers thoroughly analyzed the interview transcriptions repeatedly,

creating themes and subthemes, and codes through a thematic framework following Manen's

guide namely, Lived body, Lived space, Lived time, and Lived human relations. In evaluating the

data, the researchers found three fundamental themes emerged namely:

Theme I: Advantages of Using Ad-block Software

According to the data gathered, the informants were satisfied with the effects of ad-block

software on their browsing experience; most informants stated that it prevented advertisements

from appearing on their screens which makes surfing the web smoothly. It also helped them

become safer from malware damaging their electrical gadgets and stealing important


Theme II: Disadvantages of Using Ad-block Software

As mentioned by the informants, the researchers found several weaknesses expressed by

them such as ad-block software encryptions messing with the data coding of certain web pages

and disabling users to access some websites having the ad-block software turned on as

advertisements are one way to elicit immediate sales of products in different organizations.

Theme III: Overcoming the Challenges of Not Having Protective Software

After evaluating the data, the researchers discovered that the informants mind the links

they click on and not visit websites unknown to them, protecting their personal information and

not sharing them online for people to see and to ensure the safety of their electrical devices.


Malware can disrupt, damage, and even steal personal information from many global

users while surfing online. With this, most victims are traumatized and feel vulnerable as they

surf the web. Malware has been a concern to many individuals all around the world, especially

now that people are confined to their homes due to the pandemic. Studies by JAMA pediatrics

showed more than double the average screen time of adolescents during the pandemic with 7.7

hours compared to pre-pandemic screen time estimated at only 3.8 hours (CNN Philippines,

2021). Higher screen time indicates more hazards when online, especially for people who are

susceptible to malware due to a lack of information about online security and those who are

easily persuaded by online advertisements.

The researchers gathered ten (10) informants and asked them about the advantages of

using ad block software. The majority of respondents claimed that it stops advertisements from

displaying on their screens, allowing them to surf the web more smoothly. It also makes people

less vulnerable to malware, which may damage their electronic devices and steal sensitive

information. Ad-block software is helpful for a number of reasons; for example, it removes

distracting ads, makes pages easier, and faster to read, and also protects users from malware and

other viruses (K, McElhearn, 2021). The informants have benefited greatly and will continue to

do so just from using the safety software. Advertisers always talk about giving the best

experience for consumers. But with the stacks of useless ads they place on a web page, they are

instead discouraging visitors. Over the years, marketing networks have been infiltrated by

hackers who manipulate ads to spread malware (A., 2021).

Second, the researchers questioned the informants about the disadvantages of using

ad-block software. Ad-block software offers many advantages, but it also has some problems.

The findings revealed that the majority of the informants had corrupted web pages, resulting in

the loss of some of the websites' critical components. Most ad-block software allows users to

whitelist websites; those sites global users want to support or the websites that have less intrusive


In some cases, ad-block software will break legitimate websites. So users may need to whitelist

them to be able to access them (K, McElhearn, 2021). Most informants also answered that they

cannot access some sites if they use ad-block software, as advertisements help online publishers

earn money to create exclusive content and to keep the website free to open for users.

Advertising is a very important source of revenue for online content creators and publishers.

They use it to make up for the time they spend on creating quality content for you as readers and

end-user. With ad-block software, they will be affected financially, prompting them to create

poor-quality content as they would not have the resources to produce good ones (A., 2021).

Lastly, the researchers asked the informants about overcoming the challenges of not

having protective software. Most informants are well-oriented in understanding how to stay safe

online and how to protect their data without using safety software. Pop-up ads, anonymous files,

and attachments that may be accidentally clicked on are all potential virus carriers; being

cautious when posting online, and never posting personal information is one way of coping with

it (GOV.PH, 2021). The majority of respondents stated that they pay attention to the links they

click on and do not visit questionable websites, that they secure their personal information and

do not share it online for others to view, and that they protect their electrical gadgets.


Based on the results, the researchers would like to recommend:

To the students, teachers, and workers that are using the internet most of the time, the

researchers are aware of the dangers of the internet and the risks of having to use it. It is highly

recommended that we normalize precautions when utilizing the internet by having ad-block

software to protect us as we explore different websites.

To the Global Users who Experienced Malware Intents

Utilizing the usage of ad-block software is a straightforward solution to no

advertisements and malware intents, students need to normalize these kinds of things when they

surf online as it makes them personally secured. They should also set limitations on what

information they firmly expose on their socials and observe network etiquette to the least.

To the Mass Media

As users scour the internet, it is inevitable that users could experience possible attempts

of malware intents, being socially aware of the possible outcomes brought by any malicious

intent is a must and is one way of coping with insecurity. They should also be well-oriented on

the risks and factors while surfing online as those who are not aware will be more vulnerable to

any sort of social intents.

To Future Researchers

The study recommends that future researchers should continue to discover more

advantages and disadvantages of ad-block software that would pave a better way to explore

different websites without worrying about malware.


Gonzales, G. (2021, May 26). Ransomware attacks cost PH firms P40 million on the

average in 2020. Retrieved from

Education sector, hardest hit by ransomware in 2020. (2021, August 5). Manila Bulletin.

Microsoft. (2017, October 12). Philippines is 8th most vulnerable to malware in Asia

Pacific. Microsoft News Center Philippines.

Dean, B. (2021, March 09). Ad Blocker Usage and Demographic Statistics in 2022

Malasig, J. (2021, April 22). How to protect your Facebook account from malicious tags.


McElhearn, K. (2021, March 3). Ad-Blockers: The Good, the Bad, the Ethics.

Bantigue, P. (2020, January 27). CSB 177 - Beware of FakeAdsBlock Malware.

Top 10 tips to stay safe online for Pinoys. (n.d.). Credit Information Corporation.

Retrieved May 1, 2022, from

A. (2021, June 14). Ad Blocker: The Pros and Cons of Installing It On Your Browser. The

Plug - HelloTech.

Rich, S., Graham, M., Taket, A., & Shelley, J. (2013). Navigating the Terrain of Lived

Experience: The Value of Lifeworld Existentials For Reflective Analysis.

International Journal of Qualitative Methods.


The Interview Schedule

Research Title: Ad Block Software Usage as Experienced by Online Students

Name of School: Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu

School Address: Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City

Name of Researchers: Ian Gabriel F. Aparri

Fheddie Rick Cris C. Braga


Albrecht O. Caballero

Alfonso S. Corominas

James D. Delos Reyes

Gabriel Augustine A. Regis

Grade and Section: Grade 11 - Giordani

Date of Interview: March 28-April 1, 2022, Monday to Friday

(To be read to the respondent before conducting the actual interview)

Dear Respondent:

You have been chosen to be a part of a research study entitled Ad Block Softwares as

Experienced by Online Students. Your answers to the given questions will greatly help in making

this endeavor a successful one. Rest assured that all information will be kept confidential and

used for educational purposes only. Thank you for your support.

The Researchers

1. What are the advantages of having an ad block?

2. What are the disadvantages of having an ad block?

3. How can students overcome the challenges of not having protective software?




330-A Tres De Abril St, Barangay Punta Princesa, Cebu City, Cebu 6000

0927 037 2615


A 17-year-old Senior high school student of Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu – Inc.; a
hardworking person that is always willing to learn new things; experienced in ushering guests;
responsible and good at time management; has a pleasing personality that is easy to deal with;
proficient at photo and video editing; can quickly adjust to new situations.


I am dedicated to putting my newfound knowledge, capabilities, interests, qualities, and

principles to good use for the betterment of others around me. I desire that these capacities
prosper in using them properly and being beneficial to my group mates and the school.


Kindergarten Education : Lourdes Kindergarten School

Punta Princesa, Cebu City

March 2011

Elementary Education : Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.

Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City

March 2017

Junior High Education : Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.

Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City

June 2021


National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)

National Achievement Test (NAT)

Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (ARC)


Date of Birth : May 8, 2004

Place of Birth : Cebu City

Age : 17 years old

Height : 6’ 3”

Weight : 71 kg

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic


● October 2021 (Voters’ Information)

● November 2021 (Plagiarism Webinar)
● November 2021 (Harmuni Webinar)


● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visitation to Bosconian Brothers in Liloan, 2017)

● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Tree-planting, 2018)
● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visiting the Home of the Aged, 2019)


● Leadership
● Interpersonal skills
● Computer literacy
● Resourceful
● Socializing
● Flexibility
● Collaborative


● Savio Friends (Member)

● Esquire (Member)
● Peer Counseling (Member)


Ms. Catherine Rose Abanilla Reid


Practical Research Teacher

Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.

Gilberto D. Bangca Jr.


Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.


108 Villagonzalo 1 St, Barangay Tejero, Cebu City, Cebu 6000

0929 810 8842


I am a 17-year-old senior high school student at Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu, Inc.; an
organized and hardworking individual; capable of multitasking and can easily complete assigned
tasks; capable of editing pictures and videos: A person who is optimistic and approachable can
easily adapt to their surroundings.


I am determined to effectively apply the information, strengths, skills, talents, and principles I
have learned. In addition, I want to do all in my ability to aid those in my immediate community,
including my friends and family, as well as my own future.


Elementary Education : San Narciso School

Consolacion, Cebu

March 2013

: Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.

Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City

March 2017

Junior High Education : Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.

Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City

June 2021


National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)

National Achievement Test (NAT)

Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (ARC)


Date of Birth : July 28, 2004

Place of Birth : Mandaue City

Age : 17 years old

Height : 5’ 6”

Weight : 50 kg

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic



● November 2021 (Plagiarism Webinar)

● November 2021 (Harmuni Webinar)


● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visitation to Bosconian Brothers in Liloan, 2017)

● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Tree-planting, 2018)
● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visiting the Home of the Aged, 2019)


● Teamwork skills

● Leadership

● Time Management

● Problem-solving

● Flexibility

● Adaptability

● Active Listening

● Communication


● Savio Friends Club (Member)

● Biblos Club (Member)

● Don Bosco Citizen Advancement Training (Cadet)



Ms. Catherine Rose Abanilla Reid

Practical Research Teacher

Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.

Gilberto D. Bangca Jr.


Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.


Cancainap, Tulic, Argao, Cebu 6021
0915 173 8411

An 17-year-old Senior high school student of Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu – Inc.; a
hardworking person; can play good basketball; has decent knowledge on editing videos and
pictures: a person who is positive and can be approachable; a respectful and jolly individual.

I'm devoted to putting everything I've learned about information, skills, abilities, talents, and
values to the greatest possible use. I want to work at a company that will allow me to devote all
of my time and energy to aiding the company and partners' development and improvement. I aim
to do all in my power to aid others, such as my friends and family, and become a successful man
in the future.

Elementary Education : Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.
Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City
March 2017
Junior High Education : Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.
Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City
June 2021

National Achievement Test (NAT)
Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (ARC)

Date of Birth : September 21, 2004

Place of Birth : Zamboanga del Sur

Age : 17 years old
Height : 5’ 11”
Weight : 80 kg
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic

● Milo Best Training Camp (May 2016)


● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visitation to Bosconian Brothers in Liloan, 2017)
● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Tree-planting, 2018)
● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visiting the Home of the Aged, 2019)

● Active listening
● Communication
● Leadership
● Time management
● Patience
● Responsible
● Hardworking

● Don Bosco Greywolves (SBP Basketball)
● Don Bosco Greywolves (Passarelle Basketball)

Ms. Catherine Rose Abanilla Reid
Practical Research Teacher
Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.

Gilberto D. Bangca Jr.

Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.


976 Climaco St, Brgy. Cogon West Carmen, Cebu

0951 240 6045


An 18-Year -Old Senior high School student studying at Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu –
Inc.; A well-oriented individual about the important values required to become successful; Is
very interested in technical works, specifically electronics; He is always eager to learn for the
sake of gaining an advantage.


I commit to the best I can be. This means that will strive to become a man that focuses on the
more important things and not get distracted by the less important ones. I manifest into having a
company that would serve the people of this country, such as a transportation company. I will
strive to make all my plans work so that I will be able to provide my family with a decent life,
one that is free of trouble.


Elementary Education : Sacred Heart School, Hijas de Jesus

Don Jose Avilla St, Cebu City
March 2011

Elementary Education : Sacred Heart School, Hijas de Jesus

Don Jose Avilla St, Cebu City
March 2017
Junior High Education : Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.
Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City
June 2021

National Achievement Test (NAT)
Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (ARC)

Date of Birth : December 15, 2003
Place of Birth : Cebu City
Age : 18 years old
Height :
Weight :
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic


● November 2021 (Plagiarism Webinar)

● November 2021 (Harmuni Webinar)


● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visitation to Bosconian Brothers in Liloan, 2017)
● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Tree-planting, 2018)
● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visiting the Home of the Aged, 2019)

● Electronics and Technical Work
● Quick Learner
● Broad Range of Ideas
● Phone Repair
● Innovative
● Video Editing
● Aerial Cinematography

Ms. Catherine Rose Abanilla Reid
Practical Research Teacher
Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.

Gilberto D. Bangca Jr.

Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.


Brgy. Tisa, Cebu City, Cebu 6000


0945 438 1269


An 18-year-old Senior high school student of Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu – Inc.; an
independent, hardworking and socially argumentative-based individual; architectural literate; has
knowledge on the basics of infrastructural-related projects and algorithmic design architecture: a
self-taught individual eligible of exploring unknown inheritance of different talents.


I am deeply committed to putting the inheritance of my talents, skills, abilities, and knowledge,
into the ambitions, I am currently pursuing. I also want to increase my knowledge of the basics
of infrastructural projects. To add up, I will put all my professional backgrounds into an
organization that accepts what I am capable of doing implying the talents, skills, and knowledge
for the betterment of the business organization. Hoping that everything goes well as I journey
through accomplishing my endeavors.


Elementary Education : Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.


Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City

Year 2011-2017

Junior High Education : Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.

Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City

Year 2017-2021


National Achievement Test (NAT)

Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (ARC)


Date of Birth : April 3, 2004

Place of Birth : Cebu, City

Age : 18-year-old

Height : 5’ 9”

Weight : 60

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic


● November 2021 (Plagiarism Webinar)

● November 2021 (Harmuni Webinar)


● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visitation to Bosconian Brothers in Liloan, 2017)

● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Tree-planting, 2018)
● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visiting the Home of the Aged, 2019)


● Active listening
● Communication
● Music Literate
● Independent
● Problem Solving
● Time management
● Patient
● Creative
● Responsible
● Teamwork skills


● Don Bosco Citizen Advancement Training (Cadet)

● Knights of the Altar (Member)


Ms. Catherine Rose Abanilla Reid

Practical Research Teacher

Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.

Gilberto D. Bangca Jr.



Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.


1043 H. Cortes St. Subangdaku Mandaue City, Cebu 6000
0928 937 1808

A 19-year-old Senior high school student of Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu – Inc.; a
humble person and a man of focus sometimes; interested in the advice given to veterans; hunger
for knowledge and willing to gain more experiences.

I am committed to utilizing my knowledge and experiences gained in this institution into a better
use by using it where it can be improved and acknowledged and given compliment to other
people, as I am using my abilities, I would try my best in improving and gaining other talents to
be used. Furthermore, I would like to work as a seaman, where these skills can be given values
and worth on how important it is as I would be helping my family.


Elementary Education : Subangdaku Elementary School

Subangdaku Mandaue City, Cebu
March 2017
Junior High Education : Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Inc.
Pleasant Homes Subd., Punta Princesa, Cebu City
June 2021

National Achievement Test (NAT)
Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (ARC)

Date of Birth : March 1, 2003
Place of Birth : Mandaue City
Age : 19 years old
Height : 5’ 4”
Weight : 56 kg
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic


● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visitation to Bosconian Brothers in Liloan, 2017)
● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Tree-planting, 2018)
● Certification (Participant, SSRP: Visiting the Home of the Aged, 2019)

● Problem-solver
● Good at working with teams
● Adaptability
● Flexibility

● Red Cross Youth Don Bosco Chapter (Member)

Ms. Catherine Rose Abanilla Reid
Practical Research Teacher
Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.

Gilberto D. Bangca Jr.

Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu Inc.

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