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Was it good for you?

- Mileena

OPL: 9; SPL: 4; DPL: 9; FPWL: 6; HP: 1
Real Name: Mileena
Age: 10,000+
Height: 5-9
Weight: 130
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Skin: Olive
Race: Edenian
Identity: Public
Alignment: Villain
Status: Active
Occupation: Warrior
Base of Operations: Outworld
Team Affiliations: Outworld Warriors


SKILLS: Akrobatiks 8 (+14) [Accelerated Acrobatiks, Agile Feint], Athletiks 5 (+8), Deception 6 (+7/+9)
[Attraktive], Insight (+3), Intimidation 6 (+7) [Startle], Perception 2 (+5), Persuasion (+1/+3)
[Attraktive], Ranged Kombat [Throwing] 4 (+11), Stealth 5 (+11)

ADVANTAGES: Agile Feint, Attraktive (1), Defensive Attakk, Defensive Roll (1), Equipment (1), Favored
Foe (Kitana), Improved Kritikal (1) (Sai), Improved Initiative (1), Improved Trip, Languages (1) (Tarkata,
English, Base: Tarkata), Move-by Action, Power Attakk (3) (Rolling Thunder, Twin Sai, Unarmed),
Quick Draw, Startle, Takedown (2)

Half Tarkatan Physiology: Senses 2 (Low-light Vision, Scent [Akute]), Immunity 2 (Aging, Disease); 4
Kombat Array: 9 pt Array; 13 pts
Throwing Sai: Ranged Piercing Damage 5 (Flaw: Diminished Range [10/25/50]); 9 pts
Sai Strike Kombo: Multiattack Slashing Strength-based Damage 2 (Extra: Dangerous 2, Flaw: Easily
Removable [Requires Sai], Unreliable [5 uses]); 1 pt
Kick from Above: Teleport 1 (60 ft; Extra: Linked [Damage]), Bludgeoning Strength-based Damage 1
(Extra: Linked [Teleport]); 1 pt
Neck Bite: Piercing Strength-based Damage 2 (Extra: Dangerous 2, Flaw: Grab-based); 1 pt
Rolling Thunder: Affliktion 5 (Resisted by Dodge, Overkome by Fortitude; 1st: Dazed and Vulnerable,
2nd: Stunned and Prone, Extra: Extra Kondition, Flaw: Instant Recovery [Prone], Limited to two
degrees, Limited [target must be on the ground]); 1 pt

(5 pts)
Twin Sai: Piercing Strength-Based Damage 2, Defensive, Disarming, Split; 5 pts

Initiative +10
Close Attakk +13 [Sai Strike +5, Kritikal 19-20; Sai Strike Kombo +5, Kritkal 18-20, Multiattakk; Kick
from Above +4; Rolling Thunder Affliktion +5; Neck Bite +5, Kritikal 18-20]
Unarmed +15 [Unarmed +3]
Ranged Attakk +5
Throwing +11 [Sai Blast +5]

Dodge +14 [DC24] Parry +14 [DC24]
Toughness +4 (+3 without Defensive Roll), Fortitude +7, Will +5

Hatred: Kitana.
Monstrous Appearance: She loses her Attraktive advantage if she removes her veil and exposes her
large mouth with jagged teeth.
Motivation: Gaining power and eventually ruling Edenia and Outworld in her "sister's" stead.

Abilities 70 + Skills 20 (40 ranks) + Advantages 17 + Powers 17 + Defenses 15 = 139 / 139

Build Comments: I started thinking about why I paused my MK builds and decided to proceed. The
MK1 reboot may be larger in scale than the MK9 reboot but most characters are still probably going
to function the same and I want to rewrite a lot of my Earth-T1 lore anyway. So here is Mileena, a
long time fave. Sounds like they are going to go a different route with her and the Edenians overall so
I will definitely be doing some updates.

Secret Origins: Mileena is a clone of Kitana, created by Shang Tsung's sorcery in his flesh pits for Shao
Kahn, using Tarkatan physiology.

The Story so Far: Mileena was first introduced during the second tournament. Meant to be a loyal
replacement for Kitana, she is physically and mentally damaged, her animalistic rage controlled only
by Shao Kahn as she uses her lascivious behavior to lure victims and then slaughter and devour
them. She is referred to by Shao Kahn as his "true daughter" and when Kahn appeared to be killed,
his minions even discussed making her new ruler of Outworld. However, her very immature
personality and behaviour gives them pause.

When Kahn reappeared, she remained his loyal second and is one of the key players in his alliance
with (not saying yet…) in their plans to rule Earth.

Characterization: Mileena is a vicious foe, although she can be moody and immature at times. She
despises Kitana, and feels that it is her own right to rule Edenia as Princess in her place. Her fondest
wish is to kill her "sister", and claim her existence for her own.

Friends and Foes: Her greatest rival is Kitana, although she has fought many opponents in Outworld.
She is loyal to Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung and has an uneasy alliance with Baraka.

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