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THE FoRLORN ISLE der the Constellation ofthe Lonely Star sits the Forlorn Isle. See the Appendix to this adventure for an edited Constellations of Thylea. When the heroes choose the constellation, Kyrah delivers the following narration: Sec that star, off all by itsel? That's the Lonely Star, the constellation, if you can cal it that, of the Forgotten God, if you can call him that. Narsus, the God of Beauty. My brother, who abandoned the people of Thylea when they needed him most. He is obsessed with himself, unable to give appreciation or respect to anyone else. He cannot Understand companionship, or fellowship, for he ‘thinks the world revolves around him and his ‘wants. Those who cannot learn to value others are doomed to being truly alone, forever. Sea? Image Credit: Indah regar When the Ultras approaches the island, read the following A nt You sail towards an island edged by sandy beaches and calm waters. The land is hilly, and grasslands seem to stretch out before you, interrupted by a few trees. Some small ruins stand about the island, echoes of a more populated past. A beautiful, ghostly voice carries on the wind to your ears ——_—_—_—_—————————F Although this island is near to what trade routes exis between Themis and the mainland it is rarely visited Sailors, ‘on the Uitros will describe to the heroes how the island is ik erying ‘woman, though any man that makes landfall is never seen again ‘The Amazons sometimes come here to hunt the plentiful wild animal population, though always steer clear of the north of the island where the ghostly apparition appears. haunted. Merchants and sailors tell of a bea ComPANIONS ‘The heroes may have a number of companions traveling with them. Most companions would be susceptible to Althaa's curse, but itis up to you and your game as to ifthe Five Gods Pythor would prefer to stay with the Ulros. "| am trying, at least, to keep my days of chasing lonely woman behind me. Besides, it doesnt ook lke there's much action on that island | doubt you need the God of Battle with youl” Ifthe players convince him to go, he may not tun into a goose. The following morning he may be out hunting - run a Wilderness chase sequence fiom the DMG p254 to escape from him after the players meet Nereus. Kyrah may accompany the heroes to the island. If Kyrah is transformed into a goose alongside the party, she may reveal at the end that she could transform herself back into her usual form at any time, but was simply enjoying being a goose alongside the heroes! Key LocaTIons ‘Tue Dock [At the northern end of the island there is an old disused dock ‘where ships can land. Around this dock are a number of clearly abandoned boats. Some are barely held to the dock by clearly fraying rope. There is not space for the Urtros to approach, though one of the smaller rowboats would be able todock. ‘THE TOWN, ‘The small town mostly comprises of ruined stone buildings. Clearly no one has inhabited the buildings for some time. A ‘number of wild animals however clearly use the buildings for shelter Amongst the animals is a particularly large number of geese. An investigation of the houses (DC 12 Investigation check) will reveal some items of clothing that appear to be more recent ‘The wild animals on the island can be whatever animal you want. For my own gare | used geese due to their relevance to 4G, though if desired you can change the animals tobe pigs, boats, ons and/or wolves inline withthe original story of Citce from Homer's Odyssey. Ifyou do 50, you may consider having Althaia's be a Medusa, or her human guise be her true form instead ofthe ‘Megoosa’ reveal. THE OLD TEMPLE ‘This temple stands a short distance from the town. Itis the ‘most intact building on the island, and also the largest, though itis also clearly in a state of disrepair. Inside, blankets and cloths are hung over gaps and cracks in the walls. When the players approach, there is a beautiful woman. singing while working with a large loom sitting outside of the front ofthe temple. As with the town, there are a number of animals, mostly geese, wandering around. If approached, the ‘woman welcomes the heroes tothe island and enquires as to their names. ll "Hail, strangers! | am Althaia. What brings you to ry fair isle?” —_——————————— Althaia explains that she has lived alone on this island for a umber of years, and rarely receives guests. She is happy to receive vistors, and goes on to invite them toa feast. She tells them that they are free to explore the island if they so desire and that the feast will be ready in an hour, if they ‘would like to attend If questioned, she will explain that she is ‘quite lonely and would enjoy the company. A DC15 Insight check will reveal that she is being truthful and appears somewhat melancholy. EXPLORING THE ISLAND Althaia will go to continue preparing the dinner, which she tells the heroes is roast pig, from the many that inhabit the island [fasked she states that she does not eat the geese, for her own reasons. ‘There are a number of large pigs, geese and goats on the {sland that can be hunted to stock up the Ultras food supplies or to be used as sacrifcices. Ifthe heroes explore, they find number of strange items. Scsttered around the island are bundles of clothes (DC 12 Perception check) as well as some scimitars and assorted utensils and tools. ADC 15 History check will identify these as fairly standard sailors’ gear. I the heroes choose to investigate the temple, they must sneak past Althaia, who is regularly moving between the kitchen and dining areas. Her passive Perception is 15, and she is eager to engage the heroes in conversation, asking them about their adventures and their travels. She is perturbed if they tell her they are standing against the Titans, telling them that Lutheria is a cruel and powerful mistress. ‘She does not dare hope that Lutheria could ever be defeated. ‘The temple is mostly bare, and there are a number of spare rooms, Althaiss room contains a few trinkets, including some toys that her father made for her when she was a girl In a corner a full body mirror stands though itis covered by a dark shroud thats dusty, having clearly not been moved in ‘The room also contains a locked dresser. Althaia holds the key but it can be opened by a successful DCIS thieves tools, check. It contains a tiara and necklace that are worth 200 GP each, as well asa locket containing a small painting of a young man and woman and another key. The locket belogned to Althaiss father and depicts him and her mother when they were young, though they bear little resemblence to the illusory glamour Althaia is currently using. She will become distraught if she realises the locket is missing, The key opens a cupboard in the temple basement, which contains a golden symbol of Lutheria worth 1,000 GP. ‘The clothes in one room conta the Kraken. Ifthe Lost One is present, they can identify this as the prized amulet ofthe captain of the ship on which they travelled to Thylea There isa staircase going to the temple basement. Ifthe heroes head down here, the basement has clearly not been centered for some time, and appears to be ransacked, with furniture tosted around and seratched The lock on the basement door has clearly been broken for some time. A C15 Investigation or Thieves Tools reveals that the door looks like it was smashed dowa from the inside by something trying to get out. The cupboard requires a key but can be opened by a DC18 Thieves Tools check If Althaia is asked about the basement or amulet she tries to obfuscate and change the subject, asking why the heroes were there ‘a bronze amulet depicting THE FEAST Ifthe heroes arrive for the feast, they can eat and be merry to their heart's content. Circe has a large stockpile of wine that she will keep serving, and she is genuinely happy to have the company. She may (at DM's discretion) fir with any of the PCs that displayed kindness towards her. Once the feast is over, the heroes all become very drowsy and Circe will lead them to some rooms she has prepared. ly "will you stay the night? You all seern very nice people..and I am rather lonely. just one more day? Will you swear to me? That you will stay just until tomorrow at least?" —_.w» If the heroes attempt an Insight check, a roll of 12 or higher reveals she seems somewhat sad and a bit desperate for company, but her request is genuine. In the morning, the heroes wake up and feel massively confused. The world around them shrinks and enlarges, the ‘walls around them spin. Read the following text out to the players: | Still atf-asleep, you reel in confusion. The world is spinning and grotesquely distorted, You need to get out. You need air. You feel trapped, contained You tear at the clothes you slept in and stumble ‘outside. It seerns to take forever but you manage to find the way out. As you fll into the fresh ar, the confusion lessens slightly, but does not abate. You feel as though you are once again possessed by one of Luther's madnesses. You can almost hear the titan laughing. You stumble onwards, before eventually collapsing, closing your eyes tight against the spinning world. V——_—_————————————P By the time the confusion ends, the heroes are all outside in the island's hills, a distance from the temple. As they come to, the world looks strangely big Ifthey try to talk, all that comes out is a strange gutteral sound Looking at themselves, they realise that they have been transofmred into geese! ‘Their clothes and items are nowhere to be found. ive each player the statblock for the Cursed Goose found in the Appendix. Loosey Goosey ‘The Cursed Goose given in the Appendix does not havea listed flight speed, This is due to the heroes' inexperience with their new forms. Ifyou want, Siren heroes inthis form can be given flight speed of 50 ft to represent their knowledge of winged flight ‘As an additional optional rule, you can rola 146 on each hero's turn in combat On 2 6 they perform a random action| as the goose mind takes over LIVING THE GoosE LIFE What the players do now is up to them. ‘The heroes are able to talk to and understand one another, Dut are unable to communicate to any ereature that is not a Goose or Cursed Goose. Normal geese however are not particulary intelligent. Most geese’ thoughts revolve around setting food and scaring away any non-geese. ‘The most likely destinations are to return to the temple, or return to the docks. ‘As the heroes travel through the hills, they will be approached by a number of other geese, some of which are particularly large and purposeful (3 Cursed Goose and 6 Goose) The largest one will stutteringly introduce itself as Captain Nereus. He explains that he and some of his crew washed up here almost a month ago after their ship was destroyed in a great storm, He is regularly interrupted by breaking into honks which the other geese copy. Itis clear they are struggling to retain their memories and individuality. [Nereus says that 5 ofthe geese with him are also members of the crew- only the First Mate Adrastus and the Cook, Polykarpus, retain some of themseles the two other cursed agcesc) The other three crewmembers are Fadras, Ophelos, and Alphaius, all of whom are seemingly now just animals. Nereus does not know ifthe other three geese were once people or not; they just started following him. [Nereus begs the heroes to save him before he too becomes an animal With enough of them, potentially they could find a way to kill Althaia - surely that would break the curse? A DCIS History check will cast doubt on this alter all the stories, killing a medusa does not normally restore ite victims. IFKyrah is present she can tell the heroes this. Epic PatHs: THE Lost CREW Ifthe Lost One is present, these geese are the remains of the crew with whom they travelled to Thylea. Fel fee to change the names to be more fiting to your Lost One's backstory. There may be additional crew in the prison on Yonder that were ‘saved! by apassing ship belonging to the Order of Sydon. RETURNING TO THE TOWN Ifthe heroes travel back to the town, they will notice a sailboat has moored up to the dock alongside their rowboat. ‘There are voices coming from a house. Inside are a group of bandits talking. There are a number of bandits equal to the ‘number of heroes, lh The bandits are discussing and grumbling about the job they have been hired for - cutting the head off of a cursed monster for "some ralaka in Mytros". They mention that they are waiting for their boss to scout out the temple. Ifhe's not back ina few minutes they need to head up the hill —_—_—_—_—_———————————— BANDITS ‘The bandits are unhappy, superstitous and afraid. Their boss buliee them into taking the job fora big client, They have heard that ths island is cursed by Lutheria and are uncomfortable staying here long, they take sufficient damage, believe the Bandit Captain is dead, or enough of them are frightened, they will flee tothe boat and leave RETURNING TO THE TEMPLE Ifthe heroes head to the temple, Aithaia is sitting in hallway crying Ifthe heroes approach, a DC10 perception check will hear her lamenting that even supposed heroes, as nice as they were to her, have left without word. She wonders, aloud why everyone always abandons here, and what itis she does that makes everyone leave, If Althaia sees the heroes, she will cry out that she doesn't understand how the geese keep getting in and try to shoo them out with a broom, She is too absorbed in her selEpity to notice any but the most overt attempts to make her realise that the geese are sentient. Shortly after the heroes arrive in the temple, one Bandit Captain and two Bandits sneak in tothe temple. Use the stats from the Monster Manual as normal, but with the following change: * ‘The Bandit Captain has a bloodstone spell gem with one Dispel Magic spell stored. In addition, he has a scroll case clearly hanging from his belt. This contains a note, described in the Note from Trellus box: (il, Note FROM TRELLUS Tellus isa Priest of Lutherian Mytros (See M20, 9105, inthe Odyssey of the Dragonlords campaign book “There is a monster hidden beneath the temple on the Forlom Isle, though it may be disguising itself. Use the stone to strip away its illusions and bring me its head. its power will be very useful in the ‘coming war. Lutheria will reward you well Ifone of your men is cursed, the Goddess said that calming the creature's locks may lft it. | hope you have a farmer in your crev. Trells, Priest of the Queen of Hypnos —eee—_—eeee Unless the heroes are actively searching, the sneaking bandits will only need to beat their passive Perception of 12 ‘The Bandit Captain will frst attempt to sneak within 30f. of Althaia and then slide the Bloodstone across the floor to ‘where she is siting. ADC 13 Perception check will allow the heroes to notice this. His two companions will hang back. with their crossbows ready. Ifhe is noticed, he immediately throws the bloadstone at Althaia. When the bloodstone gets near to Althaia, the Dispel Magic ‘will activate, dropping Althaid's illusion, Read the following text out to the players: ala MEGoosA Athaia's beautiful facade drops away as, in her place, you see a young woman who, instead of hair, has a head full of hissing goose heads. The geese immediately start honking and Althaia screams. —_—s—X—Xs— ‘The bandits will then rush forwards to attack Aithaia. Ifshe hhas not already been alerted to their presence by the heroes, she is surprised forthe frst round of combat, and therefore cant move or take an action and cant take a Reaction until that turn ends. In addition, the bandit eaptain’s first attack against Althaia will automatically be a critial hit as she panies. + Althai's stat block is included in the Appendix to this adventure, however she has neither her longbaw or shortsword to hand when the bandits attack. Her shortsword is on a nearby table and her longbow and quiver are on a hook in the temple entrance where the bandits entered. + The bandit captain seeks to kill and decapitate Alth per the instructions given to him by Trellus. + The bandits will ignore the heroes unless they are attacked, and then their first instinct will be to shove the aeese away to focus on Althaia As with the bandits in the town, the two bandits in the temple will fee if they are sufficiently frightened or ifthey believe their leader is dead. The captain however will only flee ifhe is alone and significantly wounded ‘After 1d4¥3 rounds, the bandits from the town will arrive unless they have already been chased off or defeated. ABANDONED If the heroes already chased off the bandit in the town or the bandits in thee temple fle 3 or more rounds before their captain, they will already have left in the boat before he gets there. In this event, when the heroes later arrive atthe docks, whoever was left behind may be in the process of attempting to steal the heroes' rowboat Ifthe bandits are defeated before killing Althaia, Nereus and his goose crew may try to finish the job out of desperation. He may be convinced to give the heroes some time to figure it out with a DCIS persuasion check, but he cannot be convinced to give up altogether unless he is transformed back to human, If Althaia survives, she will be relieved but also clearly upset. She will not attempt to search any bodies and will instead retreat to her room. She will however now be more curious about the geese and open to attempts to prove their intelligence. If Althaia is shown the Note from Trellus, she becomes, upset as she realises that she is the mentioned monster, though she does not understand that the curse is turning people to geese unless the heroes convince her. LIFTING THE CURSE ‘There are two ways to lift the curse. If Althaia is killed the curse fades over time. Over the next few days, there is an increasing chance that a cursed person ‘will change back to human form (at the end of each long rest, roll a 1d8, adding on the number of days since Althaia was slain. On an & they revert to their true form) In addition, Nereus and his crew do not revert, having been in their goose form for too long {Asis hinted in the note from Tellus, ifthe heroes manage ‘to calm the geese on Althai's head, anyone transformed in the last month will revert to their original form, This can be carried out asa skill challenge, alternatively performing three of the following actions may ealm the geese: ‘+ ADCI3 Animal Handling check to soothe the geese + ADC13 Persuasion check to calm the geese (requires ability to speak Goose) + ADC15 Intimidation check to make the geese respect the hero + Casting the sleep spell on the geese Bringing the geese a sandwich (Althaia has both jam and, bread in her pantry) + Giving the geese a personal item (such as Nereus! Kraken amulet) ‘The geese are cranky, greedy and aggressive. They clearly stretch for any food, and are territorial to other creatures. When the curse is lifted, the heroes and Nereus’ crew revert to normal They are dressed in whatever clothes they slept in, minus a shirt or wo. The rest oftheir items are still in their rooms. I Athaia survived, she is shocked to see them back. She is upset as ehe finally realises what has been happening to her visitors, and apologises profusely, begging forgiveness. She will also, ifasked, explain her backstory, as noted in the Background section, Althaia tells the heroes that she knows she has no right to ‘sk, but begs to join them on their journey. She finally understands why people have been ‘abandoning’ her, and swishes to leave this island that holds nothing but painful ‘memories. In addition, she would like to join them on their quest, both to atone forthe suffering she has inadvertentiy inflicted on others, and to possibly gain revenge on Lutheria forthe cruel joke’ she has played She will give the heroes the items from her ‘dresser and the basement cupboard, and will take her locket, ongbow and shortsword. EPILOGUE If Althaia joins the heroes on the Urtros, she will participate in their adventures where she ean, though is not much of a fighter, preferring to use her longbow or illusion magic. ‘She will wish to join the heroes if they travel to Hypnos, aiding them against Lutheria. Though Lutheria is immune to Althaias' Goosely Gaze, Althaia will give any heroes that can hear her advantage to recover from Lutheria's Madness ability In addition, Althaia has advantage on Investigation checks to determine illusions. [Nereus and his crew if saved, will also request to join the heroes on the Ultros. All of them ean fill in as sailors, and [Nereus provides +2 to any Wisdom (Navigation) checks if he is allowed to man or assist atthe helm. CuLT oF THE Many TENTACLED Gop Nereus and his crew are worshippers ofthe Kraken as the god of the sea If they encounter They may drop thei tasks to praise and hail the monster. The Kraken itself does not understand why mortal creatures are reacting with praise Instead of fear, and does n any action the kraken takes a5 advine message (eg. ifthe kraken simply eaves, he will proclaim how it has deigred to let the ship live due to their faith) are about them. Nereus will take Ifthe heroes later return to the island, they may have found that the geese have taken over and attack any trespassers Image credit: @TealSather BACKGROUND ‘The daughter of a middling Mytrosian merchant, Athaia was a student at the Academy, particularly adept as a student of illusion magic and a junior initiate in the Order of the Enlightened Dawn. As part of his business interests, her father relocated them to the island of Acaea, There she met and fll in love with Kyros, a poor farmer boy. However, Trellus, the leader of the local cult of Lutheria on the island, sought Althaia for himself. He was not about to let the beautiful object of his desires be stolen by some unworthy poor farmer's boy. He made three advances. The frst wo, Althaia politely rebuffed The third time, Trelus went all out. He announced to the {own agora that they were to be married, he compared her beauty to Lutheria, he declared that she should be his. Althaia swiflly once again rejected him, publically shouting that she would rather be with one of Kyros’ geese than with Trellus. Enraged, Trellus entreated Lutheria, telling of how Althaia had been compared to her, how she said she would rather lay with geese than with the Titan's loyal servant. Lutheria, amused by this, cursed Althaia. She declared that: p nian = yaaa "ifthe gid likes geese so much, then she can be with them forever. For daring to compare herself to my radiance, Only if she meets someone that can control the geese will the curse be lifted” ee.,_o—o—X—X—S When Althaia awoke the next morning, it was to a great clamour, a great shrieking and honking. She found that her hair had turned into long-necked geese, and they were pecking and fighting. When her father became frightened Althaia ran to see Kyros. As she ran through the agora, the townspeople in the street warded her off and threw rocks to keep her away. Kyros took her in, straining to understand He retrieved a headwrap that belonged to his mother to hide the geese. That night, they lay together forthe first time. The following morning however, lthaia awoke to find him gone. ‘Try as she might, she could not find him. When she returned home, her father had also disappeared. Distraught, Althaia ran into the street where Trellus and his men found her. Taking her to the temple, Trellus demanded that she be his and only his, and that this was just punishment from the titans for defying their loyal servants. When she again refused, he locked her below the temple. She never saw Trellus or his men again. By the time Althaia freed herself from the basement, the temple was seemingly deserted When she went into the town, there was noone there, and the docked boats were all gone. She has been on the island ever since. She believes that she has been abandoned by everyone that she ever laved. and has become ‘accustomed to living alone. She has learnt to hunt and to sev, and has taught herself the magic she uses, Every time since then, when a person has arrived on the {sland they have disappeared within a day. Every time, Althaia dares to hope that they will nt also leave her, but they always do, often leaving behind clothes and items. She hhas tried many different techniques to convince people to stay, and over time has learnt to glamour herself, to appear as, a beautiful maiden. TRELLUS “Though Althaia does not know this, Trells and his men were also transformed by her gaze, which Lutheria found particularly amusing, Trellis was however saved by his sister Septia who used her magic to restore him before they lft the island for Mytros. ‘Asa foreshadowing, if Septia is killed in Mytros, you could have Trellus revert ta his goose state, ‘A few months ago a group of sailors washed up on the island. ‘They were rough, and rude, but they were the only company she had met in months, They declared themselves lords of the island and Althaia the captain's prize, They said they would stay here for months. Althaia was torn between hating them and wishing that they would not leave. However, by the next day, even they had vanished. APPENDIX ALTHAIA ‘Medium monstrosity, unaligned ‘Armor Class 15 (natural armour) Hit Points 100 (1768 + 24) Speed 30 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (40) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (42) Skills Arcana +6, Perception +4 ‘Senses passive Perception 14 Languages Common Gtalenge 7 (2300 X°) Goosely Gaze. When a creature locks eyes with the gooses on Althaia’s head, itis slowly tvansformed into a Cursed Goose. The next time the creature awakens from a long rest, it transforms. Ifthe curse on Althaia has been lifted, replace this ability wth the Goosely Gaze (Cured) ability Goosely Gaze (Cured) When a creature that can see the fare BoA ead sass turin 30 fsbo Ean force it to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw if she isnt incapacitated and can see the creature. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is subject to the effects of the spell Polymorph, and is. transformed into a Goose. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to transform and is Restrained as the curse takes hold. The Restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming polymorphed on a failure or ending the effect on a success, The transforrnation lasts until the creature is freed by the Greater Restoration spell or other magic. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start ofits turn If the creature does so, it can't see Althaia until the start ofits next ‘tur, when it can avert its eyes again Ifthe creature looks at Althaia in the meantime, it must immediately rmake the save. Usedto it Aithaia is immune to the effects of the Cursed Goose Honk action. Spelcasting. Althaia isa 3rd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Inteligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks. She has the following spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, rage hand, minor illusion 1st level (4 slots): color spray, disguise self, mage 2nd level (2 slots): mirror image, phantasmal force Actions ‘Shortsword Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: X (146 + 2) piercing damage. Longbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 150/600 ft, one target. Hit: X (148 + 2) piercing damage. Gaggle, When choosing this action, rll randomly on a d16-and choose frorn the actions below, Angry Peck (1-4) Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach $ ft, one creature, Hit: X (144 + 2) piercing damage plus X (246) thunder damage Loud Honk (5) loud thunderous honk s emitted by cone of the goose heads, Each creature in a 15f radius originating from the Megoosa rust make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 446 thunder damage fon a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Sticky Beak (6) A goose head lashes out at a melee target, attempting to steal 3 hand-held item at random. Target must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw or have the iter stolen by the goose Quacking Quarrel (7) Two of the gagele’s heads honk ari cee ot Peeler rN GH happens. Gaggle of Gaggies (8) One of the geese heads winds up the others by honking loudly. The conjure animals spell is cast, spawning 4 angry CR 1/8 geese. Angry Honk (9) One creature within 5ft. must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the end of Althaia's next turn Sleepy Geese (10) \'s time for a nap. One of the gaggle casts sleep at 3rd level centered on itself Cursep GOosE ‘Small fiend, chaotic neutral ‘Armor Class 10 HitPoints 22 (3410 + 6) Speed 30f, swim 30ft STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (40) 12 (#1) 12 (41) 10 (0) 12(41) 4(-3) Condition ierunites frightened Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Goose, understands any languages it did prior to being transformed but cannot speak Challenge 1/2 (7707 XP) Keen sight and smell The goose has advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight or smell honk. Ifthe cursed goose moves at leats 20 feet straight torward a target and uses its honk attack aganist that target on the same turn, the target has disadvantage on the Wisdom saving throw to avoid becoming frightened. Pack Tactics, The cursed goose has advantage on an attack rol against a creature if atleast one of the oose's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated, Actions Beak Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach Sft, fone target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage Sticky Beak The cursed goose attempts to steal a hand-held or obvious item (such as a potion on a belt). Target must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or have the item stolen by the goose Honk The cursed goose honks at one creature within 30Ft This target must succeed on aDC 15 \Wisdorn saving throw or become frightened GoosE Small fiend, chaotic neutral ‘Anror Class 10 Hit Points 10 Speed 30f, swim 30ft fly SOF STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 7(-2) 10 (+0) 131) 2¢4) 1261) 4(3) Condition Immurities frightened Senses passive Perception 13, Languages Goose lerge 1/8 (25 XP) Keen sight and smell. The goose has advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight or smell Pack Tactics. The goose has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the goose’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the lly isn't incapacitated. Actions Beak Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft, cone target. Hit 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage Sticky Beak The goose attempts to steal a hand-held fr obvious item (such as a potion on a belt). Target must make DC 10 Strength saving throw or have the iter stolen by the goose Inttled Goose Game by Houschouse Image credi ; wy ge — Tet , - eS vith ex 4 Cr ae rs Pe * ‘ Po eG * Cy eee x k eA td 6 . Pa df Bea ‘ Pers a ae cn ar auntie cd g Ps Pe ee es ; ee en \ ae aes © \ eeatsoncr” e * Pe: a eG oo Perce)

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