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Acca paper f1 mcqs

1. Which of the following is NOT a primary function of management?

A) Planning B) Controlling C) Training D) Organizing
2. In a SWOT analysis, what does the "S" stand for?
A) Strategies B) Strengths C) Solutions D) Situations
3. What is the primary purpose of financial reporting?
A) To maximize profits B) To provide information to stakeholders C) To minimize taxes D)
To reduce expenses
4. Which financial statement shows a company's financial position at a specific point in time?
A) Income statement B) Statement of cash flows C) Balance sheet D) Statement of
retained earnings
5. What term is used to describe the process of identifying and managing potential risks to
an organization?
A) Risk aversion B) Risk analysis C) Risk mitigation D) Risk assessment
6. Which of the following is an external stakeholder of a company?
A) Shareholders B) Employees C) Customers D) Suppliers
7. Which ethical principle emphasizes honesty and truthfulness in all business dealings?
A) Integrity B) Confidentiality C) Fairness D) Objectivity
8. What type of organizational structure has a clear hierarchy with multiple layers of
A) Flat structure B) Matrix structure C) Hierarchical structure D) Network structure
9. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of effective leadership?
A) Autocratic decision-making B) Vision and direction C) Empathy and understanding D)
Communication skills
10.In the context of marketing, what does the "4 Ps" stand for?
A) Product, price, promotion, place B) Profit, people, production, placement C) Public
relations, product, price, place D) Planning, positioning, pricing, promotion
11.What is the purpose of a break-even analysis?
A) To determine when a company should declare bankruptcy B) To identify the point at
which total revenue equals total costs C) To assess the profitability of a new product D) To
calculate the return on investment (ROI)
12.Which type of budget includes all expected revenues and expenses for a specific period?
A) Operating budget B) Capital budget C) Cash budget D) Zero-based budget
13.What financial ratio measures a company's ability to meet its short-term financial
A) Return on investment (ROI) B) Debt-to-equity ratio C) Current ratio D) Price-earnings
14.In the context of supply chain management, what does "lead time" refer to?
A) The time it takes for a product to reach the end consumer B) The time it takes to
manufacture a product C) The time it takes to place an order with a supplier D) The time it
takes for a product to become obsolete
15.Which quality management approach focuses on continuous improvement and customer
A) Six Sigma B) Total Quality Management (TQM) C) Lean management D) Just-in-Time
16.What is the primary objective of cost accounting?
A) To maximize profit B) To determine the selling price of a product C) To control and
reduce costs D) To prepare financial statements
17.Which of the following is a component of the marketing mix related to communication
with customers?
A) Product B) Price C) Promotion D) Place
18.What type of market structure is characterized by many sellers offering differentiated
A) Monopoly B) Oligopoly C) Monopolistic competition D) Perfect competition
19.Which financial statement reports the company's revenues, expenses, and net income or
loss over a specific period?
A) Balance sheet B) Statement of cash flows C) Income statement D) Statement of
changes in equity
20.What is the purpose of benchmarking in business management?
A) To set unrealistic performance targets B) To compare a company's performance with
industry standards or best practices C) To reduce competition in the marketplace D) To
increase the cost of production
21.Which of the following is a key element of effective corporate governance?
A) Lack of transparency B) Weak internal controls C) Independence of the board of
directors D) Excessive executive compensation
22.In the context of the product life cycle, what stage involves rapid growth in sales and
increasing competition?
A) Introduction B) Growth C) Maturity D) Decline
23.What is the purpose of a Gantt chart in project management?
A) To allocate resources to tasks B) To track progress and timelines C) To estimate project
costs D) To assess project risks
24.What is the primary focus of environmental sustainability in business?
A) Maximizing short-term profits B) Reducing waste and conserving resources C) Meeting
regulatory requirements D) Expanding market share
25.Which of the following is NOT a component of the marketing environment?
A) Customers B) Competitors C) Culture D) Cash flow
26.What type of innovation involves making incremental improvements to existing products
or processes?
A) Radical innovation B) Disruptive innovation C) Sustaining innovation D) Blue ocean
27.Which ethical principle requires treating all individuals fairly and equitably in the
A) Honesty B) Confidentiality C) Fairness D) Accountability
28.What is the primary role of a company's mission statement?
A) To outline specific financial goals B) To communicate the company's purpose and
values C) To provide a detailed plan for daily operations D) To attract potential investors
29.In the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR), what does "triple bottom line" refer
A) Three different types of financial statements B) The three main objectives of a business
C) A framework that evaluates a company's performance in terms of economic, social, and
environmental factors D) A financial metric used to assess profitability
30.Which of the following is a characteristic of a command economy?
A) Private ownership of businesses B) Government control over production and
distribution C) Free-market competition D) Consumer sovereignty
31.What is the primary goal of supply chain management?
A) Maximizing profit B) Minimizing costs C) Meeting customer demand efficiently D)
Expanding market share
32.Which of the following is an advantage of decentralization in organizational structure?
A) Faster decision-making B) Centralized control C) Reduced communication D) Lower
employee motivation
33.What term is used to describe the process of identifying, selecting, and managing projects
that align with an organization's strategic goals?
A) Project evaluation B) Portfolio management C) Resource allocation D) Risk assessment
34.Which type of organizational culture encourages risk-taking and innovation?
A) Hierarchical culture B) Clan culture C) Adhocracy culture D) Market culture
35.What is the primary purpose of a marketing plan?
A) To create a detailed budget for advertising campaigns B) To outline the company's
financial goals C) To provide a roadmap for achieving marketing objectives D) To assess
the competitive landscape
36.Which of the following is NOT a key factor in the PESTEL analysis framework?
A) Political factors B) Economic factors C) Social factors D) Technological factors
37.What is the main responsibility of a company's finance department?
A) Marketing and promotion B) Human resources management C) Financial reporting and
management D) Sales and distribution
38.What type of motivation theory suggests that individuals are driven by a hierarchy of
needs, starting with physiological needs and progressing to self-actualization?
A) Expectancy theory B) Maslow's hierarchy of needs C) Equity theory D) Goal-setting
39.Which financial statement provides information about a company's cash inflows and
outflows from its operating, investing, and financing activities?
A) Balance sheet B) Income statement C) Statement of cash flows D) Statement of
changes in equity
40.What is the primary goal of inventory management?
A) To minimize production costs B) To maximize sales revenue C) To ensure product
availability while minimizing carrying costs D) To reduce product quality
41.In which market structure do a few large firms dominate the industry?
A) Monopoly B) Perfect competition C) Oligopoly D) Monopolistic competition
42.Which of the following is NOT a component of the marketing mix related to product
A) Price B) Promotion C) Place D) Product
43.In management accounting, what is the primary focus of cost-volume-profit (CVP)
A) Analyzing past financial performance B) Planning for future product development C)
Understanding the relationship between costs, sales volume, and profit D) Evaluating the
effectiveness of marketing campaigns
44.What is the primary role of ethics in business?
A) To maximize profits B) To ensure compliance with all laws and regulations C) To guide
decision-making based on moral principles D) To eliminate competition in the marketplace
45.In project management, what is a "critical path"?
A) The most challenging part of a project B) The sequence of tasks that determines the
project's minimum duration C) A list of urgent tasks to be completed first D) A diagram
representing project tasks and dependencies
46.Which financial ratio measures a company's ability to generate profit from its assets?
A) Current ratio B) Return on assets (ROA) C) Debt-to-equity ratio D) Price-earnings ratio
47.What type of risk management strategy involves transferring risk to another party, such as
through insurance?
A) Risk avoidance B) Risk mitigation C) Risk sharing D) Risk acceptance
48.In management, what does the acronym SMART stand for in the context of setting
A) Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound B) Strategic, meaningful,
accountable, reliable, timely C) Simple, manageable, accurate, reasonable, timely D)
Significant, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based
49.What is the primary purpose of a job description in human resource management?
A) To list the names of employees in the organization B) To outline the tasks and
responsibilities of a specific job position C) To assess employee performance D) To
determine employee salaries
50.Which of the following is a characteristic of a market economy?
A) Centralized planning by the government B) Limited consumer choice C) Private
ownership of businesses and resources D) Equality of income distribution

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