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Study of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Abundance in Freshwater

Meryl Joy Cadano, Jesca Garcia, Charlene Mae Alejandro ,Melody Cuilan, Angela Camingan, Maricar Pasigian


Phytoplankton and Zooplankton are microscopic organisms that inhibit freshwater ecosystems. These organisms
play a crucial role in the food chain, serving as a food source for larger organisms. This study aimed to observe
and compare the abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton in freshwater sample. To achieve this objective,
water samples were collected in a pond and analyzed using a microscope. Results showed that phytoplankton
was more abundant than zooplankton in the freshwater sample. The study provides valuable insights into the
ecological dynamics of freshwater environments.

Keywords: Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Freshwater Ecosystems, Food Chain, Abundance, Water Samples, Microscope,
Ecological Dynamics.

Freshwater ecosystems are vital components of our environment, supporting diverse life forms, from
microorganisms to larger aquatic species.
Phytoplankton and zooplankton are important microorganisms that play a crucial role in the ecology of
freshwater systems. Phytoplankton are photosynthetic microorganisms, while zooplankton are heterotrophic
microorganisms. Both of these microorganisms are important food sources for larger aquatic animals. The
abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton in freshwater systems can have a significant impact on the overall
health of the ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to study the abundance of these microorganisms in freshwater
On this journal the objective of this study is to observe and compare the abundance of Phytoplankton
and Zooplankton in a freshwater.


In order to collect a water sample from the pond, we used a small net or mesh. We made sure to collect
water from just below the surface to capture both phytoplankton and zooplankton. After we had carefully
poured the collected water into a clear container or sample jar, we let the water settle for a short while to allow
any larger debris to sink to the bottom. Once the water had settled, we used a pipette or dropper to take a small
sample of the water from the middle part of the container and placed it in the sample on a microscope slide. We
then placed a coverslip over the water sample on the slide and used the microscope to observe the sample under
low magnification first. We looked for tiny, greenish particles suspended in the water, which were likely
phytoplankton. Gradually, we increased the magnification to get a clearer view of the phytoplankton and
observed their shapes, sizes, and any distinctive features.

To observe the zooplankton, we prepared another slide with a fresh sample from the container, as we
had done for the phytoplankton. Observing the sample under low magnitude again, we looked for tiny moving
organisms, which were likely zooplankton. We then increased the magnification to observe the zooplankton
more closely and tried to identify different types based on their movements and structures. By following these
steps, we were able to collect and observe both phytoplankton and zooplankton in the water sample from the

Lastly, we were able to estimate the abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton in a water sample by
using a magnifying glass. This allowed us to observe not only what was visible on microscope slides, but the
entire sample. We meticulously noted our observations, including the types of phytoplankton and zooplankton
we identified, as well as any differences we observed between them.
After collecting our data, We considered various factors that could potentially influence the abundance of
phytoplankton and zooplankton in freshwater environments, such as nutrient levels, temperature, and sunlight
exposure. By taking these factors into account, we were able to gain a better understanding of the conditions
that promote the growth and proliferation of these organisms in aquatic ecosystems.

Results and Discussion

The study revealed a diverse phytoplankton community, including diatoms, green algae, and
cyanobacteria. Zooplankton populations consisted of rotifers, copepods, and cladocerans.
Phytoplankton are microscopic organisms that float in aquatic environments and play a crucial role in
the aquatic food chain. Three common types of phytoplankton are Chlamydomonas, Ankistrodesmus sp., and
Closterium sp. Each species has specific nutrient requirements, temperature and sunlight exposure preferences
that allow them to thrive.
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a unicellular
green alga that occurs in freshwater
environments. It has a spherical or oval shape
and is typically 5-10 micrometers in diameter
and it is a green algae that requires a moderate
level of nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus,
and trace elements to grow. They prefer
temperatures ranging from 15 to 25 degrees
Celsius and require moderate to high levels of
sunlight exposure to carry out photosynthesis.
Chlamydomonas is highly adaptable and can
survive in a wide range of environmental
Ankistrodesmus falcatus Is another type of
freshwater phytoplankton. It is a green alga that
is elongated and spindle-shaped. Ankistrodesmus
sp. Is usually around 10-100 micrometers in
length and has two flagella that it uses for
movement and It is a genus of green algae that
also requires a moderate level of nutrients
including nitrogen and phosphorus to grow. They
prefer temperatures ranging from 20 to 30
degrees Celsius and require moderate to high
levels of sunlight exposure to carry out
photosynthesis. Ankistrodesmus sp. Is
commonly found in freshwater environments and
can tolerate a wide range of salinity levels.
Closterium acerosum. Is a freshwater diatom that
is found in a variety of aquatic environments,
including streams, ponds, and lakes. It has a
unique crescent or sickle shape and is typically
100-200 micrometers in length and It is a genus
of green algae that requires a higher level of
nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, and
silica to grow. They prefer temperatures ranging
from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius and require
moderate to high levels of sunlight exposure to
carry out photosynthesis. Closterium sp. Is
commonly found in freshwater environments and
can form large blooms under favorable

Zooplankton are a crucial component of freshwater ecosystems. They are an important food source for
many aquatic organisms, including fish, and play a vital role in nutrient cycling. Plicatilis and Bicuspidatus are
two common genera of zooplankton that we found.


Plicatilis, also known as the "wheel
animalcules," are characterized by their
cylindrical body shape and a crown of cilia
(hair-like projections) that they use for
locomotion and to create a current that draws in
food particles. They are small in size, typically
measuring less than IMM in length, and are
transparent or translucent in appearance.
Plicatilis has been found to have high
levels of proteins and thrives in warm water
temperatures ranging between 20-30C.
Bicuspidatus on the other
hand, are small crustaceans that belong to
Copepoda. They are named for their single eye,
which we located in the middle of their head.
Bicuspidatus are also small in sized measuring
less than 2mm in length, and have a streamlined
body shape that allows them to move through
the water efficiently. They have a pair of
antennae that they use for sensing their
environment and locating food. Cyclops has
been found to have high levels of lip
and prefers cooler water temperatures ranging
between 10-20C.

Studying phytoplankton and zooplankton in freshwater environments such as ponds can provide
valuable insights into the health and productivity of these ecosystems. By observing and comparing
the abundance of phytoplankton in a freshwater sample, we can gain a better understanding of the
nutrient dynamics and ecological processes.


A documentation during the experiment

This image shows the collecting of water in the


This image shows the specimen used in

This image shows the tools used for the

This image shows the students searching for

phytoplankton and zooplankton

This image show the zooplankton that the

student saw but failed to identify.

This image shows the zooplankton that the

students failed to identify.
This image shows Aphanizomenon is a
cyanobacteria genus that is commonly found in
freshwater phytoplankton assemblages. In
nutrient-rich lakes it can form dense blooms.

This image shows Pediastrum is a genus that

belongs to the phylum of green algae, the

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