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Next, I’m going to discuss why you have a crush on sb.

As you know, Crushes

often happen when we meet someone who possesses manners that we feel we lack.
Crushes are largely driven by fantasy and projection. When we have a crush on someone, our
emotions can be intense and irrational as we project our hopes and dreams onto another
person. Here are some reasons why you like sb. Firstly, I will mention the proximity.
For example, when you are in the class, you suddenly take an attention to a
classmate, maybe a girl or a boy. From day to day, You often meet him or her. This
person is there almost literally everywhere you look because of your imagination. When you
least expect it, you’ll see or hear something that reminds you of this person, or maybe you can't
get out him/her face out of your head.

Small rains lay great dust. As time goes on, you start to realize your feelings
toward this person, and you hopefully have been getting closer to another. Thus,
People tend to be attracted by someone whom they meet more often. Secondly, I
will talk about the similarity. Supposed you and this person have same interests in
movies, sports, music… and you want to share your hobbies with him or her
because you and this person have many things in common. As time goes by, You
have a crush on this person and want him or her to realize your feelings toward

Thirdly, as you know, reciprocity is one of elements having an influence on your

love story. Supposed you are a hard-working student, when you have a crush on sb,
this person must be better than you in order to assist you in many things and
always understands your feelings, because Birds of a feather flock together. Also,
As you are mature, you will need a life partner having enough abilities to
overcome many difficulties with you. Thus, Reciprocity is a natural rule in love.

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