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A.Read the words on the left then circle B. I can match the words with the
the words with the SAME MEANING and SAME MEANING
cross out its OPPOSITE word.

Soft fluppy hard

1. small wise
Mad happy angry 2. pretty quiet
3. silent tiny
Small big tiny 4. smart beautiful
5. hot quick
Huge little big 6. fast warm
7. tidy large
Fast quick slow
8. big clean
Silent quiet loud 9. happy mad
10.angry pretty
Clean tidy dirty 11. soft fluppy

Beautiful ugly pretty

Hot cold warm

C. I can match the picture with correct words

1. clean-tidy

2. big-huge

3. hot-warm

4. small-tiny

5. soft-fluppy

6. angry-mad

7. beautiful-pretty
Language Part 2

A. Circle the letter of the correct OPPOSITE WORDS for each picture.

1. A. full B. empty

A. full B. empty

2. A. happy B. sad

A. happy. B. sad

3. A. young. B. old

A. young. B. old

4. A. short B. long

A. short B. long

A. hot B. cold

A. hot B. cold

B.I can circle the words with OPPOSITE MEANINGS

big-small hard-soft tall-short hot-cold

happy-glad fat-thin old-young wise-smart

short-long silent-quiet fast-slow pretty-beautiful

many-few sweet-sour small-tiny up-down

near-far sick-ill
C.I can check the pair of the SAME MEANING words and cross out
the pair of OPPOSITE words

light-heavy happy-glad smooth-rough good-bad

up-above early-late noisy-quiet sick-ill

D. I can underline the correct sentence for each picture

The birds are on the tree.

The birds are near the pond.

The hat is big.

2. The pig is big.

3. The fish are in the pond.

The ducks are in the pond.

4. The cow is in a barn.

The horse is in the barn.

5. The boy is watering the plant.

The boy is gardening.

6. The girl is gardening

The girl is watering the plant

E. I can check the TELLING SENTENCE and cross out the
_____________ 1. The sun is out. _______6. It is becoming dark.

______2. It is a sunny day. _______7. Shall we get inside

the house?

______3. Can you see the dark clouds? _______8. We can play inside
the house.

______4. Is it going to rain?

______5. It might rain.

F. I can underline the ASKING SENTENCE and circle the TELLING


Odryan has a fish bowl.

What is in his fish bowl?

I see fishes in the fish bowl.

How many fishes are there?

There is one fish in the fish bowl.

Matthew has a pet.

The pet is in a cage.

What is in the cage?

Is it a bird?

The pet in the cage is a bird.

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