Job+Shadowing+Day Reflection Student+Name Grade CMRNPS

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Student Name:


Job Shadowing Details:

a) Host Professional's Name and Profession: _____________________________
b) Date and Duration of Job Shadowing: _____________________________
c) Location of Job Shadowing: _____________________________

Description of the Work Environment:

Describe the workplace atmosphere, culture, and any significant aspects of the environment that
influenced your experience.

Job Shadowing Experience:

a) Tasks and Activities:
Describe the tasks and activities you observed during the job shadowing. What were some key
responsibilities and duties of the host professional?

b) Skills and Qualities:

Identify the skills and qualities demonstrated by the host professional that are essential for success
in their profession.

c) Highlights and Challenges:

Share any specific moments or aspects of the job shadowing that stood out as highlights or
challenges for you. Explain why they were noteworthy.

Career Insights and Learnings:

a) Career Field and Industry:
Reflect on your observations and interactions to gain insights into the career field and industry you
explored. What did you learn about the profession as a whole?

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b) Personal Interests and Fit:
Consider how the job shadowing experience aligned with your personal interests, strengths, and
aspirations. Did it confirm or influence your thoughts about pursuing a career in this field?

Takeaways and Next Steps:

a) Key Learnings:
Summarize the most significant things you learned from the job shadowing experience. What new
knowledge, skills, or perspectives did you gain?

b) Next Steps:
Reflect on how this experience will impact your future career decisions and steps. Are there any
specific actions you plan to take based on your job shadowing insights?

Share any feedback or suggestions for improvement regarding the job shadowing experience.

Thank you for taking the time to reflect on your job shadowing experience. This reflection
will help you consolidate your learning and guide your future career exploration.

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