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Content Standards The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; and
demonstrates interest in reading to meet various needs.
Performance Standard The learner listens critically to news reports and other radio broadcasts and expresses ideas accurately in oral and in
written forms; demonstrates confidence in the use of the language to meet everyday needs; and reads independently
and gets relevant information from various text types.
Most Essential Enabling/ Content Day/Date Learning Packet
Learning Pre- Learner’s LM Teachers TEXTBOOK
Competencies (MELC) requisites Materials/Mod Pages/Modules Manual
Infer the meaning of N/A Unfamili Week 6- PIVOT 4-A Read pages 14- Page Joy in English
unfamiliar words ar Words November 2- 3RS Worksheet 19 pages 19-20; 48-49
using text clues Using 6, 2020 Lesson 6

Lesson 6- Cause and EffectDate: _______________________

Name: __________________________________
Subject: English Problem-Solution
Grade 5 - Section:____________

I. Introduction
Complete each compound sentence to show cause-and-effect relationship. Write your
answers in the space provided.

1. People should buy less_______________________________________________________.

2. Japan has no swimmable beaches___________________________________________.
3. Artificial beaches are safe____________________________________________________.
4. Earthquakes are more powerful than erosion__________________________________.
5. Go for natural organic food __________________________________________________.

Complete each compound sentence to show problem-solution relationship. Write your answers
on the space provided.

1. Ronnel has no money________________________________________________________.

2. The thief stole her laptop_____________________________________________________.
3. There are no available vehicles going to his work______________________________.
4. Hospitals are now saturated by COVID-19 patients_____________________________.
5. Many Filipinos lose their jobs due to pandemic_________________________________.

II. Let’s Read and Understand

Read the short passage and answer the questions.

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Math Homework
Joe forgot to do his math homework last night. When it was time to pass it in, he had to tell
and chat his teacher . Joe’s teacher made him to pass it on the next day for his assessment.
1. What was the effect of Joe not doing his homework?
2. What did Joe’s teacher make him to do the next day?

III. Let’s Put It Into Writing

Rewrite the generalization about sentences . Write it in a cursive form.
Cause-and-effect shows clear relationship between ideas showing the cause why a
certain thing happens and an effect of the identified cause. Meanwhile, problem-solution
portrays a relationship of ideas in a sentence where one idea poses a problem and provides
possible solution to it.

IV. Additional Activities

Connect the cause in Column A with its effect in Column B to show cause-and-effect relationship. Write
the letter of the correct answer on the square provided.


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1. _____Enough hour of sleep is important A. so you passed the test

2. _____You reviewed well B. but only few participated

3. _____Barangay Ibabang Iyam had C. so Ana goes to bed at 8:00 a

clean up drive campaign in the

4. _____Mother told me to be always positive D. but problems keep coming

5. _____Many people didn’t have work during E. so they asked help from their
the lockdown families and friends.

V. Assessment

Which of the following compound sentences show cause-and-effect ?

Write / if the sentence shows cause-and-effect and X if it shows problem-solution. Write your
answers in the space provided.
________1. On that night, I opened my bedroom window wide so I could watch the
twinkling of the stars.
________2. The students failed their exams so they took remedial classes.
________3. Take the first learning module or leave it if you are not interested.
________4. The doors of the aircraft closed automatically and some passengers got
locked out.
________ 5. The family experienced hunger during community quarantine so the head of the
family decided to ask for alms in the street.

Prepared by:

Leyden C. Vecinal
English Teacher

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