Anglais Énoncé - BAC Série A2 (SchoolExam)

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***** Matière : Anglais

Travaux dirigés Animé par : YEDEDJI Modeste

La langue anglaise est considérée, de nos jours, comme celle de la mondialisation
par excellence. C’est pourquoi elle prend de plus en plus le dessus sur les autres
langues en Afrique. Ici, tu auras à réagir par rapport à la montée fulgurante de cette
langue, même dans les pays dits francophones.

Text: English on the Rise In Africa.

1- Today, 26 countries in Sub-Saharan use English either as an official language
exclusively (like Nigeria and Ghana) or as an official language alongside another
African language (like in Kenya or South Africa). Several of those countries are
traditionally Francophone nations (like Cameroon and Seychelles). However,
English is used for communicative purposes in some 53 countries in Africa.
2- Only nine percent of the global population is native English speakers, but almost
one third of the population speaks English. Some countries have more than one
official language. Africa currently has at least 2,400 languages. Many of these
languages are local, tribal languages with limited utility beyond their local
region. Of these estimated languages, only 50 have more than 500,000 speakers
and only 10 have more than one million speakers. Key regional Sub-Saharan
African languages include Afrikaans and Xhosa in the South; Fulani; Yoruba;
Hausa and Igbo in the West; Amharic and Oromo in the East; and Kiswahili in
the East.
3- While researcher continue to emphasize the increasing role of English in Africa.
It is also notable that French is on the decline. While the decline of the French
language can be seen throughout the Francophone world, the most striking
examples are found in Africa: ‘’South of the Sahara’’, countries which formerly
had large French- speaking populations are making the switch to English due to
its relevance in Southern Africa, as well as internationally. English, meanwhile,
is becoming the most important Western language in Africa. It has been argued
that in two decades, French may not be spoken in Africa at all.
4- English is used as a medium of education in many African countries, from
primary school up to the tertiary level. In the former French colonies of Ivory
Coast, Mali and Senegal, English is the first compulsory foreign language taught.
While courses at tertiary institutions have, in many countries, been taught in
English for some time, countries are now recognizing the value of introducing
English language learning in the early primary years.
5- Francophone countries seeking economic development of

6- ten turn to English as a means to engage foreign markets. In order to attract
foreign investments, develop international trade opportunities and create
tourism campaigns, countries in Africa often see English as

an essential tool. As African economies look to increase their commodity

exports, the security of millions of African farmers depends on the negotiation
and marketing skillsincluding their command of English-possessed by the
leaders and exporters who represent them.
Patrick plonski, African Studies Association Annual
Conference, November 23, 2013 Baltimore, Maryland.

Tâche :
Item1 :Say whether these statements are ‘’right’’ or ‘’wrong’’.
1- Nigeria and Ghana use English as official language alongside another African
2- Only fifteen African languages have more than 500,000 speakers.
3- Many Francophone countries in Africa are more and more adopting English
as official language.
4- In Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal, English is taught as optional foreign
5- English is considered to be the key to boost business in the African continent.

Item2: Answer the following questions on the text.

1- What proportion of the world’s population has English language as mother
2- How many local languages are spoken in South Saharan Africa?
3- What could be the future of French in Africa in twenty years?
4- Why do some Francophone countries seeking economic development adopt
English? (give only two reasons).

Item 3: Find in the text words meaning the same or almost the
same as:
1- At this time (paragraph 2)
2- Accentuate (paragraph 3)
3- Unavoidable (paragraph 4)
4- Overseas (paragraph 5)
5- Instrument (paragraph 5)

Item4: Translate into French

From: ‘’Francophone countries seeking......................Down to: who represent
them’’ (paragraph 5)

Item5: Make the best from the brackets. Do not copy the sentences.
1- Maxwell has recently come from England .He can speak (some-any-no -a lot
of) local language
2- Young people don’t often read (much -many -a lot of-a lot,) English books.
3- Only (few -a few-little,-a little) students are interested in English.
4- Is there ( a lot of ,-much-many-a few) hope for French language to invade
the whole continent?

Item6: Rephrase these sentences using the prompts given

1- ‘’English will be the most respectable language in the world in the next
Predicted John Adam
John Adam predicted…………………………………………………..
2- Go where you want, people will speak English to you.
No matter..................................................................................................
3- If you don’t speak English nowadays; you will be seen as an illiterate.
Unless .......................................................................................................
4- Just as Karim went to New York he started speaking English fluently.
No sooner ..................................................................................................
5- Janet doesn’t speak Yoruba, she doesn’t speak Hausa either
Janet speaks neither....................................................................................

II- La Production d’un texte de type particulier

Contexte :
Pour parler couramment l’Anglais, certains apprenants des pays
francophones, avec l’aide de leurs enseignants prennent l’initiative de créer des
clubs d’Anglais. Ainsi, le club d’anglais du CS DANSON a eu à organiser la « journée
de langue Anglaise » au sein du collège. En tant que représentant des élèves, tu
es invité(e) à présenter un discours sur l’importance de cette langue Anglaise
Critères d’évaluation
Tu montreras ta compétence à présenter un discours en
anglais Consigne :
Writing: Your School English Club has organised the ‘’English speaker’s day ‘in the
school. You are invited to make a speech about the importance of English


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