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Philippine Emirates Private School

Khalifa, City A, Abu Dhabi, UAE

NAME:________________________ Date:_____________
Year/Section:__________________ Score:__________

Final Exam TLE 7

Fourth Quarter
Multiple Choices
Direction: Read and Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. To measure the cleanliness of the seed lot, check its composition. Scope out a handful from a well-mixed
seed lot.
a. water treatment c. Visual inspection
b. Germination test d. Dish Method
2. It is the simplest and most practical way of testing seeds.
a. visual inspection c. water treatment
b. rag-doll method d. dish method
3. To produce healthy and high- quality vegetables, the garden should be in an area where there is plenty of
a. Drainage c. climate
b. sunlight d. size of the garden
4. It is a proper spacing of a seeds to provide normal development during its grow stage.
a. Rate of planting c. Distance
b. Depth d. number of seeds
5. It is the number of seeds sow per hill or mound.
a. Rate of planting c. Number of seeds
b. Depth d. Distance
6. This refers to the nearness of farm site to market.
a. Market assurance c. Transportation facilities
b. Climate d. Drainage
7. This methods of planting by which seeds are planted directly into the fields or plots, where they will grow
up to the time of harvesting.
a. Direct method c. indirect or planting method
b. Asexual method d. Transplanting method
8. Soak the seeds in tap water until all the seeds are thoroughly wet.
a. Visual inspection c. dish method
b. dish method d. water treatment
9. It refers to the atmospheric condition during a specific interval of time.
a. climate c. market assurance
b. Transportation Facilities d. water supply
10. This is the method where parts of plants commonly used are cuttings, stems, runners, or roots and tubers.
a. Direct method c. indirect or planting method
b. Asexual method d. Transplanting method
11. This is the most common method of applying water in the field in which water is applied in the surface
of the soil either in the furrows or by flooding.
a. irrigation c. surface irrigation
b. subsurface irrigation d. sprinkler irrigation
12. This weeds live more than two years. They require two or more seasons to produce both seeds and roots.
a. annual weeds c. weeds
b. biennial weeds d. Perennial weeds
13. This types of weeds which reproduce by seeds and complete their growth in one season
a. Biennial Weeds c. Perennial weeds
b. Annual weeds d. Annual weeds
14. These types of weeds need two seasons to complete their life cycle.
a. Annual weeds c. Perennial weeds
b. Perennial weeds d. Biennial weeds
15. Refer to the tillage of operation on the soil around rows or plots of planted crops.
a. Cultivation c. weeding
b. surface irrigation d. subsurface irrigation
16. Is the method in which controlled amount of water is supplied to plants at regular intervals for
a. surface irrigation c. weeding
b. irrigation d. subsurface irrigation
17. Water is applied in in the form of spray or artificial rain.
a. irrigation c. surface irrigation
b. subsurface irrigation d. sprinkler irrigation
18. This refers to the process, or ability of the soil, to remove water or liquid.
a. Drainage c. cultivation
b. transplanting d. seedling
19. This method consist of planting the seed first in seed holes or seedboxes to produce seedlings which then
are transplanted into the garden plots or field.
a. Direct method c. Indirect method
b. Asexual method d. cut off method
20. This is the method where parts of the plants commonly are cuttings, stems, runners or roots and tubers.
a. Direct method c. Indirect method
b. Asexual method d. cut off method
21. It is a mixture of excretion of soil bedding that accumulate in poultry houses, swine house, animals
stables and barns.
a. inorganic fertilizer c. compost
b. green manure d. animal manure
22. It is the number of seeds sown per hill or mound .
a. Rate planting c. depth
b. distance d. seeds count
23. This type of testing seeds the most reliable method of determining seed viability.
a. water treatment c. Visual inspection
b. Germination test d. testing method
24. Is a natural or artificial substance containing the chemical elements that improve growth and
productiveness of plants.
a. application of fertilizer c. Inorganic fertilizer
b. Organic fertilizer d. compost
25. It is important in fruit and seed production and also increases disease resistance.
a. green manure c. Phosphorus
b. Nitrogen d. Potassium
Test II- Matching Type
Direction: Match the column A to the column B.

1. tools used for cutting grass A. scythe

2. used for deep digging B. pickaxe
3. used to cut trees and shrubs C. bolo
4. used for pulverizing the soil D. rake
5. used for hauling trash and fertilizer E. crowbar
6. used in shifting the soil medium F. axe
7. used in leveling the topsoil G. shovel
8. used to cut cogon, talahib H. wheelbarrow
9. used for moving soil from one place to another I. heavy hoe
10. used to cultivate and uproot rootstocks J. sieve

Test III- Enumeration

Direction: Enumerate the following

Three major elements of complete inorganic fertilizer


Methods of applying Inorganic fertilizers


Types of Plant Pest

Three options for controlling pest in plants.

Goodluck!! Godbless…

Prepared by: Sir Ed 😊😊

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