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Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012

15F Benthic foraminfera on coral reefs

The FoRAM Index revisited: uses, challenges, and


Pamela Hallock

College of Marine Science, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, FL 33701 USA
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The FoRAM Index (FI) was proposed as a foraminiferal-based indicator to distinguish whether water
quality supports recruitment and proliferation of calcifying, photosynthesizing holobionts. The rationale for a
non-coral indicator was based on observations that adult coral colonies tolerate environmental conditions that
no longer support recruitment as revealed by failure of coral populations to recover after mortality events. The
FoRAM Index utilizes assemblages of foraminiferal shells in sediment samples. Where shells from small,
heterotrophic taxa overwhelmingly dominate (FI ~2), environmental conditions favor autotrophic and
heterotrophic organisms over calcifying symbioses. Shells of larger foraminifers that host algal symbionts raise
the FI; for example, when shells of larger taxa make up >25% of the foraminiferal assemblage, the FI will be >4.
Where 100% of the shells are those of larger taxa, FI = 10. Smaller taxa are further distinguished as “stress-
tolerant” or “other”. Prevalence of stress-tolerant taxa (FI <2) typically indicates high biological oxygen
demand, euryhaline conditions, or other stressors.
Although proposed for western Atlantic-Caribbean reefs, the FI has been used as a coastal water-quality
indicator in Puerto Rico, Florida, Brazil, Pacific Islands, Australia, and Greece. However, the FI may not be
useful in Indonesia where large Calcarinidae thrive in mesotrophic waters. Moreover, where larger foraminifers
have historically been major sediment producers, relict shells can be abundant where these taxa no longer live.
The recommended depth range for collection of samples for FI analysis is approximately 3-15 m as shallower
sediments may be too wave worked and deeper sediments tend to accumulate finer sediments including shells of
smaller heterotrophic foraminifers.

Key words: Foraminifera, Bioindicators, Water Quality, Algal Symbiosis, Coral Reefs.

Introduction resources (Hallock Muller 1996). These papers

Scientists, resource managers and the concerned emerged from observations that clear reef waters
public widely recognize that coral reefs and other tended to be characterized by high coral cover and by
coastal resources are being degraded worldwide. Even sediments dominated by the shells of larger
in areas where coastal and watershed management are foraminfers (Hallock 1988).
most effective, the inevitable impacts of ever- The earliest known report of pollution effects on
increasing human populations can result in declining reef-dwelling foraminifers was that of Hirshfield et al.
water quality. Beginning in the mid-1990s, environ- (1968) from Eniwetak Atoll, where smaller foramin-
mental management agencies accelerated the pursuit ifers replaced the larger taxa near the sewage outfall
to find applicable bioindicators to understand the from the marine laboratory. The observed response of
integrity for a variety of ecosystems (e.g., Jackson et reef-dwelling foraminifers to compromised water
al. 2000 and references therein). quality was consistent and contemporaneous with
The Foraminifera in Reef Assessment and application of foraminiferal assemblages in pollution
Monitoring (FoRAM) Index (Hallock et al. 2003) was studies in temperate coastal waters (e.g., Bandy et al.
developed in response to the U.S. Environmental 1965; Schafer 1973). The interest in utilizing
Protection Agency’s interest in the development of foraminifers in pollution studies increased greatly
bioindicators for coral reefs. The idea to use reef- following papers by Yanko et al. (1994) and Alve
dwelling foraminifers, with particular emphasis on (1995) that documented the broad applicability of
taxa hosting algal symbionts, was proposed at a foraminiferal assemblages in coastal environments. In
workshop exploring possible low-cost indicators of particular, Alve (1995) described a model progression
reef health that would have application in countries of responses of foraminiferal assemblages with
with strong human resources but limited technological increasing proximity to a point source of pollution.
Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012
15F Benthic foraminfera on coral reefs

The FoRAM Index was a natural extension of of Ammonia and of symbiont-bearing foraminifers are
previous research, with the added goal of developing inversely correlated.
a single metric index that could be used in reef The FoRAM Index enumerates foraminiferal taxa
environments. into three functional groups as defined by Hallock et
al. (2003), with terminology modified by Carnahan et
The FoRAM Index al. (2009). The FORAM Index is calculated as
The basic premise of the FORAM Index is that the follows:
assemblage of foraminiferal shells in sediments FI = (10 x Ps) + (Po) + (2 x Ph)
reflects water and sediment quality (Hallock et al. Where Ps = Ns/T, Po = No/T, Ph = Nh/T, and T = total
2003). Well flushed subtropical/tropical coastal and number of foraminiferal specimens counted, Ns =
shelf environments with limited flux of inorganic or number of specimens of large, algal symbiont-bearing
organic nutrients historically supported proliferation taxa, No = number of specimens of stress-tolerant taxa,
of hypercalcifying mixotrophs, notably reef-building Nh = number of specimens of other small,
corals. In such environments, the shells of larger heterotrophic foraminiferal taxa.
foraminifers typically made up a significant
proportion of the foraminiferal shells in the sediments Uses
and often dominated the total sediment composition. Since its introduction by Hallock et al. (2003), the
Where the input or residence time of nutrients was FoRAM index has been applied in reef environments
sufficient, the benthos instead was dominated by in Australia (e.g., Scheuth et al. 2008; Uthicke and
autotrophs, including micro- and macroalgae, and Nobes 2008; Uthicke et al. 2010, 2012), Florida
heterotrophs, along with weak- or non-calcifying (Ramirez 2008; Williams 2010), the Caribbean
mixotrophs such as sponges, soft corals, and (Velazquez et al. 2011; Oliver et al. in review), and
octocorals. The sediments in such environments Brazil (Barbosa et al. 2009). In Australia, the FI is
tended to have higher proportions of fragments of part of an ongoing large scale inshore reef monitoring
calcareous algae, molluscan shells, and bioeroded program (http://www.
coral (e.g., Lidz and Hallock 2000), while the how-the-reefs-managed/science-and-research/our-
foraminiferal assemblages were dominated by smaller monitoring-and-assess-ment-programs/reef-rescue-
heterotrophic species that proliferated on the marine-monitoring-program).
relatively abundant food (Hallock 1988). Moreover, applications have included non-reefal
In coastal environments where nutrient input or environments including subtropical estuaries
residence times allow excess of organic matter to (Carnahan et al. 2009; Narayan et al. 2010), and even
accumulate in sediments, water transparency is in the eastern Mediterranean (Koukousioura et al.
generally insufficient to support photosynthesis at 2011). In the latter case, Amphistegina spp. have
depths greater than a few meters. In such invaded oligotrophic coastal environments so that
environments, detritus and filter feeders may their decline in abundance with proximity to human
dominate the benthos, and the foraminiferal population densities can be used as first-order
assemblages generally lack larger foraminiferal shells. indicators of decline in water quality.
Instead, the assemblages have substantial percentages While diversity indices are widely used in water-
of stress-tolerant taxa, especially Ammonia spp. (e.g., quality studies (e.g., Borja et al. 2011), the FI was
Carnahan et al. 2009). Where eutrophication is developed in part because diversity indices can be
intermittent or generally does not induce hypoxia, easily misinterpreted when applied to foraminiferal
Elphidium spp. or other taxa that retain chloroplasts assemblages. Jorissen et al. (1995) explained that,
are often abundant (Renema 2006). Prior to human along a nutrification gradient from point source to
influence, coastal environments with abundant unimpacted conditions, the peak in diversity should
nutrient and organic-carbon resources were be where additional food sources increased both
commonly estuarine or mangrove habitats, where abundance and diversity of taxa over unimpacted
salinity fluctuations can be associated with food-limited assemblages, but where oxygen was still
intermittent hypoxia. Ammonia and a variety of readily available within the sediments. This diversity
agglutinated genera typically dominate the sediments peak is even more dramatic in subtropical and tropical
in euryhaline and euryoxic environments. Abundant waters where higher temperatures and therefore
food sources with intermittent hypoxia in consistently higher metabolic rates limit diversity and abundance
normal marine salinities are favorable environments of heterotrophic foraminiferal taxa in environments
for Ammonia spp., often with abudant bolivinids dominated by mixotrophic taxa hosting algal
rather than agglutinated taxa. Typically, abundances symbionts. There are at least 10-20 times more of the
Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012
15F Benthic foraminfera on coral reefs

smaller heterotrophic species than larger mixotrophic shells of smaller taxa tends to numerically overwhelm
species extant in mid- and low-latitude coastal and the increase in larger taxa when food sources are
shelf waters. Thus, species richness of foraminifers sufficient. Archaias angulatus, which can be abundant
tends to be much higher in waters where organic- even in heavily epiphytized seagrass (Hallock et al.
carbon sources are relatively abundant but not 1986; Fujuta and Hallock 1999), is extremely
sufficiently high as to create intermittent hypoxic sensitive to hypoxia and therefore will decline if
conditions. Sediments beneath nutrient-poor nutrient flux increases to that degree (Carnahan et al.
(oligotrophic) waters are typically characterized by 2009). Moreover, as Baker et al. (2009) demonstrated,
species that host algal symbionts, but because there archaiasine foraminifers are highly light dependent
are relatively few symbiont-bearing taxa, the overall and decline in abundance in reef habitats as water
species richness typically declines (Table 1). transparency declines. In such habitats, Amphistegina
However, as Renema (2006) have noted, diversity of and Heterostegina dominate the larger taxa at depths
only obligate symbiont-bearing foraminifers is a greater than about 10 m, though the smaller
useful indicator of increasing nutrient availability. foraminifers dominate the foraminiferal assemblage
overall (e.g., Ramirez 2008; Stephenson 2011).
Metric Oligotrophic Mesotrophic Eutrophic Hypertrophic
Residence Time in the Sediments
High Medium Low Very low
Transparency An issue of concern is sediments that have been
Low or historically dominated by larger foraminiferal shells,
Species Richness Medium High Medium
Total abundance Medium High Highest
Low or such that even where water quality is obviously in
absent decline, the sediments are still dominated by these
FoRAM Index High: >4 Low: ~1-3 <2 or none shells. This issue can be especially problematic in
beaches and in other high energy environments.
Table 1: Relative nutrient flux or organic carbon supply, There are several strategies to address this problem.
corresponding water transparency, and relative characteristics of The most obvious is to study the live assemblage
the foraminiferal assemblage with respect to species richness, rather than the dead or total assemblage of
abundance and the FoRAM Index. foraminiferal shells. There are numerous papers
arguing both sides of the live versus dead versus total
Challenges and Limitations assemblage of foraminifers in sediments. Murray and
The geographic and environmental range of Alve (1999), Martinez-Colon et al. (2009), among
applications of the FoRAM Index has been surprising, others, have discussed this controversy in some detail.
given that Hallock et al. (2003) cautioned that local or In reef-related environments above normal wave base,
regional modifications of the formula might be most foraminifers live in phytal or hard substrata, not
required. Moreover, there are environments where in wave-worked sediments. When the sediment is
specialized large taxa can dominate, such as undisturbed for sufficient periods, algal-bacterial
mangrove areas in the western Atlantic and Caribbean growth can stabilize sediments and provide food
that tend to be hypersaline more than hyposaline and sources, allowing foraminifers to colonize them (i.e.,
are home to Androsina lucasi (Levy 1991). days to a few weeks, or seasonally). Often, the living
Consistent with the original caution, Renema (2008, assemblage in sediments is low or dominated by fast-
2010) has noted that the Calcarinidae in Indonesia growing small taxa. Buzas et al. (2002) observed that
tend to increase with increased macroalgal cover. live assemblages in sediments are characterized by
However, Hohenegger (2006) observed that nearshore “pulsating patches” that, when sampled over space or
nutrient flux that induces growth of nutriphilic green time, provided a good representation of what lived in
algae such as Ulva may not be conducive to carbonate the sediments of the area, but any given sample
sand production, even by calcarinids. In the western simply represented what might be living at that spot at
Atlantic and Caribbean, chlorophyte-bearing that moment.
archaiasine taxa similarly thrive in inshore algal and According to Engle (2000, p. 3-1), “An ideal
seagrass habitats. The dinoflagellate-bearing Sorites indicator of the response of benthic organisms to
spp. also thrive on the seagrass, Thalassia testudinum, perturbations in the environment would not only
in the Western Atlantic and Caribbean (Hallock and quantify their present condition in ecosystems but
Peebles 1993 and references therein). However, Fujita would also integrate the effects of anthropogenic and
and Hallock (1999) found that Sorites is sensitive to natural stressors on the organisms over time.”
nutrification that results in heavy epiphyte loads on Hallock and others (2003) argued that this
Thalassia. Moreover, the proportional increase in
Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012
15F Benthic foraminfera on coral reefs

information is precisely what the total assemblage of carbon-14 dates indicate that individual grains may be
foraminiferal tests in the sediments can provide. a thousand years old or more (e.g., Resig 2004).
But what about shells that accumulated in the Muller (1976) used abundances and other
sediments before substantial anthropogenic influence population-dynamics parameters to estimate sediment
versus shells that have accumulated under production in coastal waters around O’ahu, Hawai’i,
anthropogenic influence? Addressing this dilemma USA. She estimated residence times of decades for
requires several considerations, including sediment Amphistegina spp., the dominant sediment producers
texture, degree of shell alteration and rates of shell in Hawaiian waters. This estimate is consistent with
accumulation in the sediments. observations in Hawai’i, Mauritius and elsewhere that
Hallock et al. (2003), Carnahan et al. (2009), and decline in coastal water quality is accompanied by
other studies compared the FoRAM Index with loss of carbonate sand beaches. Decadal residence
sediment texture, anticipating that coarser sediments times are also consistent with observations in the
would have consistently higher indices. Remarkably, eastern Mediterranean where production of shells by
in the data sets examined, sediment textures were not invasive Amphistegina have literally altered beach
correlated with the FoRAM Index for western composition and changed rocky beaches to sandy
Atlantic and Caribbean samples with median grain beaches (e.g., Streftaris and Zenetos 2006). Another
sizes in the medium- to coarse-sand range; very fine study that found fairly short residence times was
sands and muddy sediments, of course, tended to Crevison et al. (2006), who examined short sediment
accumulate small foraminiferal shells. Surprisingly, cores from the Florida reef tract. Interestingly, the
the coarsest sediments did not exhibit the highest high turnover rates of smaller taxa, combined with
indices. Hallock et al. (2003) recommended that bioturbation, resulted in seasonal differences in
sediment texture be evaluated when testing or foraminiferal assemblages more than 10 cm downcore.
applying the FoRAM Index, especially in regions The paradox of these estimates of rapid loss or
where it had not been used previously. replacement is that carbon-14 dates for larger
Fortunately for foraminiferal researchers, shells foraminifers in beach sediments often indicate that
tend to exhibit more physical degradation in sand- foraminiferal shells in the beach sands can be a 1000
dominated (or coarser sediment) environments, and years old or more (Resig 2004 and references therein).
often some dissolution or discoloration in quiet, However, foraminifers do not live on beaches, and
organic-rich environments. In either case, those shells beach sands are strongly influenced by physical
should not be included in counts for FoRAM Index abrasion and sorting, which tend to concentrate larger
assessments. On the other hand, combining FoRAM foraminiferal shells. Beach sands also can be
Index and taphonomic assessments, as reported by influenced by eroding paleoshoreline deposits (e.g.,
Barbosa et al. (2009), might elucidate changes Resig 2004). Thus, beach sand samples should not be
between pre-impact and post-impact assemblages. used in FoRAM Index assessments. Rather,
Carilli and Walsh (in press) approached the use of foraminiferal assemblages from reef flat and reef
larger foraminifers in the sediments by comparing sediments in the 3-15 m depth range appear to best
proportions of live versus dead shells of larger reflect the water quality under which they
foraminifers across a gradient of human impact in the accumulated.
Kirimati Islands of the Pacific. Even though live
larger foraminifers generally are much less abundant Assessment of Live Assemblages
in sediments than on more rigid substrata, Carilli and Sampling of live assemblages can provide the best
Walsh found that live specimens were significantly indication of existing water quality, if appropriate
more common in sediments collected at more pristine substrata are sampled and if time and resources are
sites than near human impact. available for the greater effort required. If
There is a long-standing paradox relating to the representatives of the live assemblage are to be
residence times of carbonate beach sands. Beach evaluated effectively, one must sample a range of
erosion has been dramatically observed in some areas substrata or a well-defined set of substrata such as
impacted by human activities (e.g., Hohenegger 2006 reef rubble (e.g., Hallock Muller 1996; Baker et al.
and references therein). Estimates of residence times 2009) or macroalgae (Koukousioura et al. 2011) and
of beaches and coastal sediments based on carbonate describe the limitations of methodology accordingly.
production by larger benthic foraminifers are As noted above, live assemblages in reef-sediment
generally consistent with the observed susceptibility samples might not indicate much other than
of such sediments to anthropogenic changes. At the hydrodynamic conditions immediately preceding
same time, residence times of shells as estimated from sampling. Days or weeks of low wave energy
Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012
15F Benthic foraminfera on coral reefs

provides fast-growing taxa the opportunity to bloom such as only identifying and counting specimens
as algal-bacterial mats grow and stabilize the based on three categories (symbiont-bearing, stress-
sediment. Conversely, high energy conditions can tolerant, and other), rather than routinely indentifying
transport live specimens from hard substrata into to genus, would substantially reduce assessment time.
sediments, regardless of whether they can live there. The FoRAM Index was designed for basic
Typically, live specimens in a reef-related sediment assessment and for monitoring on time intervals of
sample make up a relatively small percentage of the several years to detect environmental change. Results
total assemblage of foraminiferal shells present in that from FoRAM Index assessments or other
sample. Thus, assessing the live assemblage requires observations can reveal the need for more detailed
substantially more time and expertise in sampling, assessment strategies such as water and sediment-
sample fixation and staining, combined with roughly quality assessments, combined with, e.g., bioassay or
ten-fold more time required for sample picking, cellular biomarker studies of key biota. Such
assuming an average of 10% live among the strategies require more expertise, technology and
foraminiferal shells in a typical sediment sample, as financial resources. Because foraminifers are living at
indicated by staining. the benthic boundary and they tend to be abundant,
expanding their use in bioassay or cellular biomarker
Conclusions studies (e.g., Prazeres et al. 2011, 2012) is an
Strategies for using benthic foraminifers as important direction of ongoing and future research.
bioindicators in reef and associated coastal
environments depend upon a) goals of the project; b) Acknowledgement
personnel and facilities available for field collection The development of the FoRAM Index was supported
and sample processing and analyses; and c) funding by U.S. EPA-ORD-STAR-GAD-R825869. Funding
and time constraints for the project. The FoRAM from EPA-Region 4 including X7-964607-0 and
Index was originally proposed as an indicator of many other sources contributed to this research, as did
whether water quality in an area is likely to support the thesis research of many graduate students, most
significant net production of reefs or carbonate sands notably K. Donnelly, E. Carnahan, E. Cockey, A.
by marine calcifiers that host algal endosymbionts, Ramirez, C. Stephenson, and R. Williams.
specifically zooxanthellate corals and larger
foraminifers (Hallock et al. 2003). References
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modified for local conditions, has been shown to be Baker RD, Hallock P, Moses EF, Williams DE, Ramirez A (2009)
useful in studies of nutrient-impact gradients in Larger foraminifers of the Florida Reef Tract, USA: Distribution
habitats as diverse as the Great Barrier Reef of patterns on reef-rubble habitats. J Foramin Res 39:267-277.
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Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July 2012
15F Benthic foraminfera on coral reefs

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