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Aqsa Nadeem

SAP ID: 20121


Supervisor: Mr. Raja Zohaib Ghafoor

The Report is submitted in the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelors of Project & Supply Chain Management at

Riphah School of Leadership - Riphah International University,

Al Mizan Campus, Peshawar Rd, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

September 2022
Riphah International University, Islamabad - Approval Sheet
Submission Of Graduation
Internship & Community Work Report

The following statement is to be signed by the candidates ‘supervisor (s), Dean/HOD and must
be received by the COE, prior to the dispatch of the thesis to the approved examiners.

Candidate’s Name: ____Aqsa Nadeem 20121 ______________________________________

Program Title: _______ Bachelors of Project & Supply Chain Management _______________

Faculty/Department: __ Faculty of Management Sciences______________________________

Org. Title: ____ Faculty of Management Sciences, Riphah School of Leadership______

I hereby certify that the above candidate’s work, including the report has been completed to my
satisfaction and that the report is in a format and of an editorial standard recognized by the faculty
department as appropriate for examination. The report has been checked through Turn tin
plagiarism (test report attached).

In-charge Industrial Liaison: ________________________

Date: ________________________
The undersigned certify that:

1. The applicant present at a pre-culmination course, an outline and amalgamation of significant

discoveries of the theory, and that the examination is of a standard and broaden proper for
accommodation as a postulation.

2. I have checked the up-and-comer's postulation and its degree, organization and publication
benchmarks are perceived by the personnel/division as a suitable.

3. The plagiarism checked has been performed. Report is attached.

Dean/Head of Faculty or Department: ________________________

Date: ________________________

I, Aqsa Nadeem, ensure that the examination work displayed in this report is to the

best of my own insight sources. I declare that this report is my original work,

gathered and utilized specially to fulfill the purposes and objectives of this degree,

and has not been previously submitted to any other university for a higher degree.

Furthermore, I declare that the information presented in this work has been

personally consulted.


Acceptance Certificate

Internship Report by

Aqsa Nadeem, SAP: 20121

The report submitted in partial fulfillments of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelors of Project & Supply Chain Management.

We accept this report as conforming to the required standard.

Name & Signature of:

In-charge, FMS-RSL: _________________________________________________

Vice Voice Panel Members: ____________________________________________

HOD/In-charge: _____________________________________________________

Dean: _____________________________________________________________

I would like to dedicate this Internship report to my parents for supporting me in

every stage of my life, and for always being there for me. They’ve made me who I

am today. They are the pillar that supports me no matter what, and push me forward

to greater things.

Moreover, I’d like to dedicate this report to my teachers, especially to Dr.

Muhammad Sarmad, Sir Shoaib Shafique, Sir Danial Hashmi and Ms. Rimsha

Iqbal, who guided, supported and encouraged me throughout my Internship period,

and otherwise.

Most importantly, I want to dedicate my work to Sir Raja Zohaib Ghafoor, my

supervisor who supported me and assisted me throughout the report process, and

was a tremendous help in preparing this report. He was there with me at every step

of the way, and helped me deal with several obstacles I encountered during my

Internship and while making this report.

Lastly, I dedicate this report to myself, for the time, efforts and hard work I have

spent on writing this report to the best of my abilities.


Firstly, I’d like to thank Allah SWT for blessing me with the health, wealth,
knowledge, insight and the opportunity to be able to do this report.

I would like to acknowledge my parents, my esteemed teachers for the skills that
they’ve taught me over the course of this degree, which helped me with both my
Internship, as well as my report.

I would like to thank Dr. Muhammad Sarmad, and Sir Shoaib Shafique, for the
constant guidance they provided me with and for giving me the opportunity to be the
Marketing Intern for FMS-RSL.

I wholeheartedly express gratitude to Ms. Rimsha Iqbal, for all her support. She
motivated & encouraged me to do better and not give up, despite countless obstacles
in my path. Her teachings in “Business Communication” facilitated me in preparing
the report. Her guidance has been extremely valuable to me in my professional &
personal life.

In addition, I’d like to acknowledge Sir Raja Zohaib Ghafoor for his immense
support, guidance, assistance and encouragement to me throughout the time he
taught me Marketing Management, which was very helpful in my Internship as well
as his support during the time of Internship and while preparing this report.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank Sir Syed Danial Hashmi, Sir
Muhammad Shafiq, Sir Muhamad Usman, Sir Nabeel Abid & Ms. Ambreen Sultan
for the support they extended to me during my Internship.
Table of Contents

1. Title Page.............................................................................................................

2. Dedication........... ................................................................................................

3. Acknowledgement...............................................................................................

4. Table of Contents ...........................................................................................i-iii

FMS-RSL - Internship Report

5. Executive Summary...........................................................................................4
6. Chapter 1 - Introduction..................................................................................5

1.1. Organization History................................................................................5

1.2. Mission of FMS-RSL...............................................................................6

1.3. Vision of FMS-RSL.................................................................................6

1.4. FMS-RSL Dean’s Message......................................................................8

1.5. FMS-RSL HOD’s Message..................................................................8-9

1.6. Core Values of FMS-RSL...................................................................9-10

1.7. Organizational Structure........................................................................11

7. Chapter 2 – SWOT Analysis..........................................................................12

2.1. Strengths................................................................................................13

2.2. Weaknesses............................................................................................14

2.3. Opportunities.........................................................................................15

2.4. Threats...................................................................................................16

8. Chapter 3 – Internship.......................................................................................
3.1. How I got the Internship.........................................................................17

3.2. Internship Offer Letter...........................................................................18

3.3. Week-wise Breakdown of Internship Tasks & Duties...............................

3.3.1. Week 1 (1st Sept to 7th Sept) ......................................................19

3.3.2. Week 2 (8th Sept to 14th Sept) ...................................................20

3.3.3. Week 3 (15th Sept to 21st Sept) ..................................................21

3.3.4. Week 4 (22nd Sept to 28th Sept) .................................................22

3.3.5. Week 5 (29th Sept to 5th Oct) .....................................................23

3.3.6. Week 6 (6th Oct to 12th Oct) .................................................24-25

3.3.7. Week 7 (13th Oct to 20th Oct) ....................................................26

3.3.8. Week 8-9 (21st Oct to 31st Oct) ............................................26-27

9. Chapter 4 – Conclusion, Recommendations & Learning...............................

4.1. Conclusion........................................................................................28-29

4.2. Recommendations.................................................................................29

4.3. Learnings...............................................................................................30

4.4. Certificate of Internship Completion......................................................31

4.5. References........................................................................................32-33
4.6. Appendix I........................................................................................34-36

The Managers Club – Community Work Report

10. Declaration of Authentication..............................................................................

11. Dedication...........................................................................................................i

12. Acknowledgement.............................................................................................ii

13. Executive Summary..........................................................................................iii

14. Community Work Report

1.1 Introduction to The Managers Club (TMC)........................................37

1.2 TMC Mission.....................................................................................38

1.3 TMC Vision.......................................................................................39

1.4 Hierarchy...........................................................................................40

1.5 How I joined The Managers Club & their Philanthropic Work...........41

1.6 Nature of Community Work..................................................................

1.6.1 Ramadan Drive 2022 ...............................................................41

1.6.2 Flood Relief Campaign by FMS-RSL 2022.............................42

1.7 Execution of Community Work in accordance with BS Project &

Supply Chain Management................................................................43

1.8 Impact of Community Work.........................................................43-44

1.9 Alignment with SDGs...................................................................44-45

1.10 My Learnings from Community Work..............................................46

1.11 Conclusion.........................................................................................46

1.12 Recommendations..............................................................................47
1.13 Certificate of Community Work Completion....................................48

1.14 References..........................................................................................49

1.15 Appendix II...................................................................................50-56

Faculty of Management Sciences – Riphah School of Leadership

Executive Summary:

I worked as a Digital Marketing Intern at FMS-RSL, under the supervision of Sir Shoaib Shafique.
My task was to create a digital presence of FMS-RSL on various social media platforms such as
Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.

I created all social media accounts for FMS-RSL. My main task was to create social media posts
that would focus on updates, announcements, upcoming events, achievements of FMS-RSL,
achievements of FMS-RSL students, competitions, seminars, sports matches, events, other extra-
curricular activities, etc.

I used a mix of tools during my internship, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Canva,
Openshot Video Editor to do all the design work. Mostly, I relied on Canva as it was very easy
and convenient to use. The editing options and flexibility on Canva was phenomenal.

Later on, I created a YouTube Channel for FMS-RSL after I shared my idea with HOD, Dr.
Muhammad Sarmad and he approved it. I created various content in video format for FMS-RSL.

Besides, creating digital posters and videos, I had to promote the social media accounts and posts
and ensure high outreach, which I did through my personal contacts such as my WhatsApp account
and through my social circle.

My learnings from this internship include better designing skills. Moreover, I feel I have learned
to multi-task in a better and efficient way and my time management skills have also improved. I
feel more knowledgeable about businesses and marketing after this internship.

Chapter 1

1.1: Organizational History

Our Management Sciences programs provide students with knowledge of business

management principles, to familiarize them with the basic functions of management at all levels,

to introduce students to contemporary issues in management, and to familiarize them with the

processes and systems available for the successful operation of any business. Graduates have a

wide variety of opportunities in administration, finance, marketing, supply chain management,

human resource management, project management, engineering management, healthcare

management, commerce and accounting. The courses cover a broad spectrum of managerial and

organizational functions that will benefit the student in any career in business/organizational


Today’s changing socio-business environment and increasing globalization have created an

international community demanding global management. In this context, the aim of FMS is to

provide students with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them begin their career

anywhere in the world and to ensure that they will have the education to meet their goals and

become leaders in their own field. To achieve this, the faculty provides students with a broad and

thorough knowledge of the main features of organization management and comprehensive analysis

of management theory and practices and promotes students understanding with applied innovative

learning and teaching practices. Students get familiar with both the theoretical background and the

practical techniques of Business Administration. In pursuit of the university mission, Faculty of

Management Sciences have a strong emphasis on character building based on Islamic ethical

values which distinguishes us from other institutions and makes Riphah unique.

1.2: Mission of FMS-RSL

"The Mission of FMS-RSL is to exhibit excellence in teaching and research for our

undergraduate and graduate students with emphasis on Islamic ethical values, integrity, social

responsibility and entrepreneurial spirit along with continuous learning. Faculty of Management

Sciences upholds its commitment to creating open and flexible environment for attracting and

retaining competent faculty and staff. Promoting and supporting faculty research, consultancy,

students’ field projects, industry liaison, community projects, entrepreneurial initiatives, Islamic

ethics training and workshops is our top priority."

1.3: Vision of FMS-RSL

"FMS-RSL aspires to be the leading northern region business school progressing in teaching

philosophy, research, solving industry problems and improving society’s well-being by producing

entrepreneurs and leaders having strong Islamic Ethical Values."

Figure No. 1 - FMS-RSL Mission & Vision Instagram Post – designed by Aqsa Nadeem

1.4: FMS-RSL Dean’s Message

On the behalf of students, faculty, and staff of

Management Sciences, I welcome you in Riphah International

University. Faculty of Management Sciences (FMS) is one of

the largest constituent parts of Riphah International University

in terms of the student body. It is the largest business school

of the region in terms of the graduate student body. We at

FMS, endeavor to teach life not livelihood and focus on

enabling our students for lifelong learning. We offer a wide

range of accredited and quality assured undergraduate and

Prof. Dr. Khurram Shahzad,
graduate programs on mornings, evenings, and weekends
which are cost-effective and student- center.

1.5: FMS-RSL HOD’s Message

We welcome your interest to discover the management

sciences’ education at Riphah School of Leadership (RSL),

Faculty of Management Sciences (FMS). The FMS-RSL is

known for its competitive academic programs, student-

centered learning and Islamic ethical values. We are

committed to support the future business leaders to achieve

their ambitions by providing the necessary competencies to

stand apart in modest market. This commitment is backed by Dr. Muhammad Sarmad,
most competent and renowned faculty members. Our HOD, FMS-RSL

progressive learning management systems (LMS) and outcome-based education (OBE)

curriculum strive to develop innovative capacity along with passion for lifelong learning. The

FMS-RSL academic programs and co-curricular activities inculcate among students a strong sense

of civic, professional and ethical responsibility. We are looking forward to your active learning


1.6: Core Values of FMS-RSL

Figure No. 2 – 6 Core Values of Riphah – retrieved from Riphah website.

1.6.1 Muhasabah – Accountability

One of the core values of FMS-RSL is taking accountability for your work, actions,
behaviors, habits, etc. and facing the consequences, if any. When you take accountability
for the work you do, you’re likely to be more focused and dedicated to what you’re doing.
Also, when you take accountability for your actions, you’re likely to make better decisions.

1.6.2 Ijtimaiyyah – Team Work

There’s great emphasis on being a team-player and working together as one, rather than
working individually. FMS RSL promotes this value by encouraging students to do group
projects as part of their course requirements, as well as in extra-curricular activities like
competitions, sports, humanitarian causes and much more.

1.6.3 Mushawarah – Consultation & Harmony

FMS gives great importance to the concept of consulting and working together as a single
unit for the success of the project or task at hand. Consultation sows the seeds of Harmony

among the group and society. This helps create a bond between them that cultivates peace,
happiness and unity.

1.6.4 Rahmah – Compassion

FMS encourages compassion in all the activities, tasks, duties, etc. carried out by students,
faculty, staff etc. Students are often involved in humanitarian causes and relief work to
help the less privileged communities. Faculty members support the students in these
activities. Not only that, they often show compassion to students during teaching and are
there for resolving students’ problems, whether they are related to personal, professional
or academic life.

1.6.5 Itqan – Pursuit of Excellence

Students at FMS-RSL are urged to excel in everything they do, whether it is in academics
or extra-curricular activities. Not only the students, but faculty members are also
encouraged and supported – they are encouraged to work on research projects and research
papers. They are given allowances for trainings workshops and seminars so their skills are
up to date. In addition to that, the faculty members often conduct seminars and workshops
to train others, so the whole community is benefitted and well-trained.

1.6.6 Al-Akhirah – Akhirah Oriented Decisions

FMS promotes the concept of Akhirah oriented decisions. Basically, it means that one must
make decisions based on how it’ll impact their Akhirah. Any decision that might have an
adverse effect on their Akhirah or on the Day of Judgement for them, should be avoided at
all cost. And one must make decisions that might have a positive impact on their Akhirah.

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1.7: Organizational Structure

Shared by:

Mr. Muhammad Shafiq, Head of Academics at FMS-RSL.

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Chapter 2
SWOT Analysis of FMS-RSL

• Offers Unique & Wide range of • Less Teachers compared to No. of
programs - e.g., Project students - excessive workload
Management • Students deferred by the ‘uniform’

• Qualified & Cooperative Teachers
• Some teachers ignore university policies
• Excellent Online Learning System & are not reprimanded for their actions
• Modern Technology/Tools used – • University has no direct contact or link
e.g., SAP, Moellim (Moodle) with top/international recruiters like
• Huge Campus with Lawn/Plants other universities.
• Zero to little promotion. People are not
• Societies & Events for Students
aware of the university
• Affordable Fees Structure • Doesn’t have latest IT resources for

• Get International Accreditations – • Govt Policies mandating to cut/remove
e.g., AACSB, WASC, ABET, etc. B. Com or M.Phil. programs from
• Open new campuses in different universities

cities • Taxation on Income

• Expand Current Campuses to • Political Unrest/Instability in Pakistan –
accommodate more batches/students e.g., PDM rallies in Rawalpindi
• Introduce new degree programs – • Poor quality of Internet and low
e.g., Artificial Intelligence, Business bandwidth speeds
Analysis, Product Management, • Fast evolving industries leading to
Data Science etc. previous degrees becoming redundant &
• Fast evolving Industries need for new ones

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In-depth SWOT Analysis:


• Riphah offers a Aamir unique and wide range of degree programs, for example, Project

Management,, M. Com, BBA-2year etc.

• It has a set of qualified, highly-trained teachers who are not only competent but very

cooperative and excellent teachers

• Riphah has an excellent online learning system, especially when you compare it with other

local and international universities. It has been managing online education relatively well

during the pandemic

• Modern technology and tools are used by Riphah for learning. For example, SAP/SAP

Fiori and Moellim (Moodle) are International web applications used by top universities

and organizations. These 2 websites/web apps are used to communicate with and provide

students with all relevant study material.

• Al-Mizan campus is quite an expansive campus with a lawn full of trees, plants and grass.

It offers students with good scenery and fresh air, allowing them to connect with nature

• The university organizes various events for the students, and has multiple societies/clubs

for students to join and get involved in extra-curricular activities.

• Riphah has relatively cheaper fees when compared to other local universities. It is one of

its USP (Unique selling points) for most students, who cannot afford other universities.

• ACCA Accreditation for BS-Accounting & Finance program students.


• The faculty strength is very low for Riphah. The ratio of students to teacher is very low. A

single teacher has to teach around 40 students on average.

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• And because Riphah has less teachers, a single teacher has to teach around 5 to 7 courses

(or classes). It leads to teachers feeling overburdened and overwhelmed by the excessive


• Many of the potential students and existing students do not like the ‘uniform’ policy of

Riphah. They wish they could wear casual / normal clothes to university

• While all of the teachers of Riphah are highly qualified and knowledgeable individuals,

there are a handful of teachers who bend the rules of university. They tend to ignore the

university policies and go about their own way of teaching, even if the students cannot

adjust to it. These teachers give lengthy assignments or do not help or cooperate with their

students. And the university management never takes any actions against such teachers.

This is possibly because they’re already short-staffed.

• Riphah doesn’t have a direct link or strong relationship with the recruiters in the top,

international companies / MNCs in Pakistan. It needs to be in contact with these recruiters

so the student body of Riphah can reap benefits from this relationship/partnership. These

MNCs only hire students that belong to the universities that they are partnered with. For

example, NUST has partnered with Nestle, RB [Reckitt Benckiser], Unilever, PepsiCo,

Coca Cola Inc, Proctor & Gamble, McKinsey & Company, Johnson & Johnson, Teradata,


• Riphah does not do enough marketing or promotion of its university. It needs to work on

promoting the university more so more students will be interested in it. Currently, only

people who are aware of Riphah International University are those who have relatives,

friends or acquaintances in Riphah. Anyone else might have never even heard of Riphah’s


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• Doesn’t have latest IT resources for students – The computers, monitor screens and PCs

available at Riphah International University are quite outdated and need to be replaced by

modern, high-performance ones. The projectors are excellent as they’re brand new but

other IT resources are re-used or old.


• Riphah could increase its ranking and its popularity among students by getting Accredited

by an International Accreditation Organization. For example, AACSB, WASC, ABET,

EQUIS, APHEA etc. Majority of the universities in Pakistan are not accredited

internationally, so this will be a huge bonus point for Riphah.

• Riphah can expand or grow its market by opening new campuses in different cities in

Pakistan. For example, it could open a campus in Bahawalpur, Sialkot, Multan or


• By expanding the current campuses, Riphah could have enough space to accommodate

more batches or students per semester/session. This will likely result in higher profits

• Introduce new degree programs such as Artificial Intelligence, Business Analysis, Product

Management, Business/Management Information Systems, Data Science, Automobile

Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics etc. These degree programs target globally emerging

fields and a select few universities in Pakistan offer these degree programs right now.

• The world is evolving rapidly due to the technological advancements, and this is reflected

by various industries as well, particularly in these industries: IT, Medicine, Business,

Automobile etc. This creates an opportunity for Riphah as it can cater to this newly-

emerging niche by developing courses and/or degree programs that are focused on these

new tools and knowledge.

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• HEC is currently working to remove B. Com, M. Com and MPhil degree programs from

universities. This would have an adverse impact on Riphah, as all the students who were

interested in Riphah due to these programs would have no reason to join. Riphah’s profits

would also suffer greatly, when these degrees are made redundant.

• If the government increases taxation on incomes of the education sector, then Riphah

would struggle a lot financially. They might have to increase their fee’s structure, which

will result in them losing their USP.

• Pakistan is a country with political unrest / instability. Such kind of political unrest is likely

to affect Riphah and its operations. For example, PDM rallies or other politics-inspired

rallies often result in roadblocks and students/teachers have to bear with traffic jams or

even road violence (burning of vehicles etc.) in some cases.

• Poor Quality of Internet and low Bandwidth speeds in Pakistan. This affects Riphah as the

current education mode is online based because of the pandemic. Many students are unable

to attend classes or unable to access or submit their assignments and quizzes on time

because of poor internet. This causes a lot of problem for the teachers and the management

who have to spend extra time resolving the issues of students with connectivity issues,

which make up around 57% of the student body.

• Due to constant technological advances, the industries/fields all over the world are evolving

rapidly, and this means that many of the courses and/or degree programs that Riphah

currently teaches could become redundant at any moment. Their demand could fall

drastically within a short time span. At the same time, this means that Riphah needs to

create courses and degree programs that cater to the new/current needs of the market and

evolved industries.

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Chapter 3
Internship Plan

3.1 : How I got the Internship

Sir Raja Zohaib Ghafoor shared a broadcast/announcement message on WhatsApp that FMS-
RSL was looking to hire Marketing Interns, for a stipend of 15,000 PKR. He encouraged me to
apply for this position because of my design skills and previous experience in Marketing for
NBEAC’s visit to FMS in March 2022. In addition to this, I had performed very well in Sir Raja
Zohaib Ghafoor’s course, Marketing Management.

I was selected for the position, after 2 rounds of interviews. The first interview was an individual
interview conducted by Sir Raja Zohaib Ghafoor. The second and last Interview was a Panel
Interview consisting of Sir Shoaib Shafique, & Dr. Hasan Zahid as the Interviewers. They asked
all 8 candidates different set of questions to assess their skills, abilities and aptitude for the

Sir Shoaib Shafique was assigned as my Internship supervisor. And I started my Internship under
his supervision on 1st September, 2022. The Internship period was 8-weeks, ending on 31st
October, 2022.

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3.2 : Offer Letter

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3.3 : Week-wise Break-down of Internship Tasks & Duties:
Below is the break-down of the various tasks, duties and responsibilities I was entrusted with
during my Marketing Internship with FMS-RSL, under the supervision of Mr. Shoaib Shafique,
and HOD of FMS-RSL, Dr. Muhammad Sarmad.

I was asked to assist Mr. Shoaib Shafique with the Digital Marketing of FMS-RSL. My main task
was creating relevant social media posts according to what was happening in the university.

After creating multiple variations of social media posts, I would get them approved by Sir Shoaib
Shafique and in some instances, from HOD of FMS, Dr. Muhammad Sarmad. After they would
approve the post, I would then post it across all social media platforms of FMS-RSL.

The content of the social media posts would focus on updates, announcements, upcoming events,
achievements of FMS-RSL, achievements of FMS-RSL students, competitions, seminars, sports
matches, events, other extra-curricular activities, etc.

I used a mix of tools during my internship, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Canva,
Openshot Video Editor to do all the design work. Mostly, I relied on Canva as it was very easy
and convenient to use. The editing options and flexibility on Canva was phenomenal.

3.3.1 Week 1: 1st September to 7th September

• Sir Shoaib Shafique briefed me about the various milestones that I had to achieve

during my Internship.

• One of the first tasks assigned to me was to draft a Digital Marketing Proposal

with KPIs that would be shared with Dean & HOD of FMS.

(Digital Marketing Proposal prepared by myself is attached in Appendix.)

• I created an official email for the social media platforms –

• I created accounts of FMS-RSL on various social media platforms, such as

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Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.

• I designed a post for “Dean’s Message” of FMS-RSL, Prof. Dr. Khurram Shahzad.

I got it approved by Sir Shoaib Shafique and then proceeded to upload it on all

social media platforms.

• I got to design a post for Pakistan Defense Day on 6th September.

3.3.2 Week 2: 8th September to 14th September

• For example, I shared the Fall 2022 Admission flyers prepared by the Marketing

Department and Admission Office.

• I updated the social media platforms with the images and videos of work done for

“Flood Relief Rehabilitation Initiative” (FFRI) by Riphah International University.

Each campus would contribute individually. And Al Mizan’s Campus Head for

FFRI was Mr. Syed Danial Hashmi of FMS-RSL. He was assisted in collecting

donations and organizing the whole FFRI campaign by the students of FMS-RSL.

• I uploaded pictures and videos of people donating for FRRI at the Donation Camp

and before going to the Friday prayer.

• I uploaded pictures and videos of the donated goods that were collected, packed

and then stacked for the flood affected individuals.

• I uploaded pictures of the truck that transported the donation bags, shoppers, boxes,

etc. to Charsadda, KPK.

• I uploaded on-site pictures of when the RSE volunteers reached Charsadda and

distributed the donation bags and boxes to flood affectees. The volunteers included,

Sr. Lecturer, Mr. Syed Danial Hashmi of FMS-RSL, students from FMS-RSL

and students from FMS-RSL’s signature student body, The Managers Club (TMC).

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• A Medical Camp was set up by FRRI in Charsadda, and I shared the pictures of this

camp on all social media platforms too.

• I shared poster of International Certificates Short Courses in Healthcare

Management, conducted by Sir Nabeel Abid. Promoted the poster among students

of FMS-RSL and outsiders.

• I shared poster of a 1-day Research Workshop on Citation, Referencing &

Plagiarism spearheaded by Ma’am Ambreen Sultan. And I promoted the poster

among students of FMS-RSL and outsiders.

• I also disseminated information about registration for these workshop(s) and short

courses, and answered any queries related to them.

3.3.3 Week 3: 15th September to 21st September

• I shared poster(s) of GSSC (Global Space Sustainability Challenge) competition

organized by Qatar University, which was an initiative spearheaded by Sir Sajjad


• I posted photos of the GSSC seminar conducted by GSSC organizers at Al Mizan

Campus. The Managers Club and its general body welcomed the guests.

• FMS-RSL started a Flood Relief Campaign in the 3rd week of September, 2022.

• The Flood Relief Campaign was headed by RSWD & Mr. Syed Danial Hashmi of

FMS-RSL, and volunteers from the student society of FMS-RSL, The Managers

Club (TMC).

• I posted pictures and videos of students collecting donations at the Donation Camp,

from the passengers at the road, before prayers and even from outsiders such as

family, relatives and friends.

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• I posted pictures and videos of students packing donation boxes and donation

packages with ration supplies, warm clothes, shoes, other necessary items, etc.

• I posted pictures and videos of students packing Hygiene Kits with sanitary pads,

toothbrushes, toothpaste, razers, cough syrup, anti-allergy, anti-bacterial medicine,

tide, etc.

• I posted pictures and videos of students packing Kid Goodies Bags with juices,

chocolates, cakes, candies, etc.

• I posted pictures & videos of students working together in harmony for a greater

cause, under the supervision of Sir Ashiq Ali and Sir Danial Hashmi.

• I posted pictures of Sir Danial Hashmi and students from FMS-RSL who went to

Bahrain, KPK to deliver the donation boxes, shoppers, etc. to flood affectees. And

there were pictures of them stopping at the Malakand Campus, Riphah International


3.3.4 Week 4: 22nd September to 28th September

• I felt like FMS-RSL needs a YouTube channel as well, where it can post its updates

in the form of videos. Hence, I created a YouTube channel for FMS-RSL.

• The link of the YouTube channel is:

• My first task was to upload introductory videos related to FMS, which included

1. History of FMS-RSL, Riphah International University

2. Dean’s Message, Prof. Dr. Khurram Shahzad’s Message (2022)

3. HOD’s Message, Dr. Muhammad Sarmad’s Message (2022)

• Then I created a video of FMS-RSL’s Highlights for Spring 2022, which included

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FMS-RSL’s Mission, Vision, Research Contributions, Faculty Profiles, etc., and

pictures of events such as seminars, conferences, competitions, sports (RSL Week),

industrial trips, workshops, etc.

• Then I uploaded a video titled “Meet the Dean of FMS-RSL, Prof. Dr. Khurram

Shahzad” on the YouTube Channel.

• I posted picture highlights of the Healthcare Management short courses conducted

by Sir Nabeel Abid. The post also included pictures of some of the participants

receiving their certificates from HOD of FMS-RSL, Dr. Muhammad Sarmad.

• Next, I uploaded The Managers Club’s Introduction Video on YouTube Channel

and posted the link to the video on FMS-RSL’s stories and even on my personal

WhatsApp account, to widen its outreach.

3.3.5 Week 5: 29th September to 5th October

• I created a video for the Flood Relief Campaign conducted by FMS-RSL. The

video included everything from the start till the end. For instance, the first half of

the video included pictures and clips of students collecting donations, packing

donation boxes, hygiene kits, kids goodie bags, etc. The second half of the video

included pictures and clips, of Sir Danial Hashmi along with the volunteers in

Bahrain, KPK, delivering and distributing donation packages and boxes to the flood

affectees. And a group photo of them on their return.

• This video was uploaded on both, Instagram and YouTube Channel. On Instagram,

it was posted as a reel.

• I promoted these videos on Instagram & Facebook stories of FMS-RSL social

media accounts. And I would also promote them on my personal WhatsApp account

by posting it on my story.

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• I shared Admissions posters prepared by the Marketing Department & Admission

Office for Fall 2022 Intake.

• I shared pictures of the Orientation Session conducted by FMS-RSL for new

students in the start of October.

• I also shared a highlights video of the Orientation Session of FMS-RSL new

admissions. The video was created by Mr. Nasir Waheed, student of FMS-RSL &

Photographer/Director Media of The Managers Club.

• I designed and uploaded some short videos and posts to welcome the students for

the upcoming Fall 2022 semester.

• I created polls on Instagram to ask students if they were excited for the new

semester to start. The purpose of this was to make the account interactive.

• I designed 2 goodbye/farewell posters with warm wishes for 2 permanent Faculty

Members, Sir Shoaib Shafique and Ma’am Ambreen Sultan, who were leaving to

FMS-RSL pursue their own paths.

3.3.6 Week 6: 6th October to 12th October

• I shared a poster for an Islamic Seminar organized by Ma’am Shadab Qazi, only

meant for girls.

• I designed and shared a poster for the Membership Recruitment Drive run by The

Managers Club.

• I designed a post which had the Mission & Vision of FMS-RSL side by side.

• I designed a post for HOD’s Message, Dr. Muhammad Sarmad. I got the design

approved by him before posting on the social media platforms.

• On YouTube Channel, I uploaded a video titled “Brief Overview of Faculty of

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Management Sciences” created by the Marketing Department of Riphah

International University. It was shared with me by Dr. Muhammad Sarmad, HOD-


• I shared Fee Notification and KuickPay guidelines on the social media platforms.

• I shared screenshots of important emails and announcements shared by the

Coordination Office, such as Fees Deadline.

• I designed a poster to congratulate and announce that 2 students of FMS-RSL, Ms.

Laraib Aimen and Ms. Maira Ilyas Khan secured the 3rd place in Seerat e Nabi

Competition held by PTV.

• I designed a poster to congratulate and announce that Mr. Mursleen Hashmi of

FMS-RSL secured the 3rd place in Seerat e Nabi Literary Competition at FJWU.

• I designed a poster to show FMS-RSL’s gratitude for Mr. Abdul Saboor Sultan for

participating in and representing FMS-RSL in Seerat e Nabi Naat Competition at


• I designed a Happy Teacher’s Day short-video on behalf of FMS-RSL for all


• I revised and updated the Faculty Profile video I created for the FMS-RSL

Highlights video. I posted it on both, Instagram and YouTube Channel.

• I designed and created a video for Teacher’s Day, commemorating the teachers of

FMS-RSL and included pictures of the surprise planned for FMS-RSL’s teachers

by Sir Danial Hashmi and students of The Managers Club.

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3.3.7 Week 7: 13th October to 20th October
• I designed a short video clip to congratulate Mr. Talha Ali Butt, Mr. Tayyab Taj &

Mr. Mansoor Ali Khan for securing 5th Position out of 200+ teams at App-a-

thon 2022 (App Prototype Development Competition) conducted by TiEU.

• I designed and shared a poster of Riphah International University’s high ranking as

a university in International rankings.

• I shared a poster of Hope Fund Initiative by FMS-RSL in collaboration with The

Managers Club.

• I designed a story to inform people what Hope Fund is, and how it operates. So that

their queries can be answered.

• I shared a poster of FMS-RSL’s Academic Partners which included big names like

Coursera, ACCA, James Cook University, Western Sydney University, etc.

• I shared a poster of FMS-RSL’s Industrial Partners which included big names like

Fauji Foundation, SECP, Mantech & Arc, Karakoram International, NIC, etc.

3.3.8 Week 8-9: 21st October to 31st October

• I shared the posters of Inter-faculty Sports for Girls & Boys, organized by Student

Services Department and Riphah Sports Society.

• I designed 6 different posts to show appreciation for 6 Young Scholars of FMS-

RSL, who have research publications in Impact Factor Journals. The list of

faculty members who are Young Scholars are Ms. Asma Gul, Mr. Irfan Mazari, Mr.

Muhammad Qaiser Shafi, Ms. Rimsha Iqbal, Mr. Shoaib Shafique, and Mr. Syed

Danial Hashmi.

• I created a 1-minute video for Young Scholars of FMS-RSL with same content.

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• I designed and shared a poster for a seminar titled “Entrepreneurship in Digital

Age” with the guest speaker being Azad Chaiwala, a serial entrepreneur.

• I shared a video of Azad Chaiwala announcing how he’s excited for visiting FMS-

RSL this coming week.

• I designed a short-video of FMS-RSL in Numbers, which basically includes the

total number of students enrolled in each program of FMS-RSL in a pie chart


• I shared pictures of a session hosted by Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce &

Industry (RCCI) in collaboration with Riphah International University on ISO


• I uploaded screenshots of email announcements shared by the Coordination Office

regarding any holiday and/or online classes due to political unrest in the Twin

Cities. The intention was to keep students updated about any and all updates.

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Chapter 4
Conclusion, Recommendations & Learnings

4.1 : Conclusion

My overall experience with FMS-RSL was very interesting. I got to learn a lot about the
department and university that I have studied in for the last 5 semesters. It was my first time
actually running social media accounts for an organization, and I learned a great deal. I learned to
apply all my theoretical knowledge of management, business, and marketing I learned in my
university courses to practical life and see the results of my efforts.

It was a trial-and-error experience for me. I wouldn’t get everything right at first try. It took me a
while to get hang of the things, but I’m grateful to it as it helped me improve my skills in both,
graphic designing and marketing. I am extremely grateful for the constant support and guidance I
received from my mentors, such as Dr. Muhammad Sarmad, Sir Shoaib Shafique and Sir
Danial Hashmi, and Ms. Rimsha Iqbal.

I got to enhance my design skills. Not only did I have to come up with interesting and unique ways
of presenting information in a way that would grab people’s attention and excite them. I had to
come up with unique designs for each new post and organize information in a way that fits in 1
poster, without information overload or without ruining the aesthetic of the design.

I improved my multi-tasking skills, as I had to manage not only multiple social media platforms
at once, catering to their different post resolutions, dimensions and requirements. In addition to
this, I had to manage my studies as well with the internship work. So, I had to smart and prioritize
my tasks and manage multiple things at once.

My organization and time management skills improved, as I had to keep a track of all the different
events or updates, I had to post, and make sure the content was posted in a timely manner. That
was extremely important, especially when I was managing my studies alongside my internship.

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I feel like I learned a lot about Project Management & Entrepreneurship from this internship.
I was given a brief specification by Sir Shoaib Shafique. And based on that, I had to start everything
from scratch. I created the accounts all by myself, I marketed and promoted them by my own
connections first, then through the help of teachers, Coordination Office, etc. I had to design
everything by myself, I had to come up with creative ideas for content and for engaging the

My interpersonal skills improved a lot. I had to communicate and coordinate with the HOD, and
various teachers and Administrative staff to find out about events, and other information, and then
use the information they provided me with, to design posts and videos. Not only that, I had to
communicate with students as well about the competitions they participated in, and to ask them
for pictures or clips. Moreover, I coordinated with various students, in case I had to give credits to
them, in the case of photographers, designers, videographers, video editors, etc.

4.2 : Recommendations

• The marketing of FMS-RSL was purely organic marketing. First done by me, using my

own contacts and then with the help of Faculty and Coordination Office. So, some

investment in the digital marketing of FMS-RSL would go a long way.

• Encourage students to participate in more extracurricular activities so there’s more to

update on social media.

• Take feedback from students about the approach used by the department. Social media can

be used to accomplish this task.

• Conduct more seminars and workshops.

• Organize more industrial trips and delegations for students of FMS-RSL to participate in.

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4.3 : My Learnings/Skills I Gained as an Internee of FMS-RSL:

• My interpersonal skills improved a lot and I got to learn to deal with diverse groups of


• Design skills improved ten-folds, because of the constant need to design mundane

information and content in a fascinating way so it grabs people’s attention and excites them.

• Improved my video editing skills due to the need to create videos for FMS-RSL’s YouTube


• I learned tackling multiple tasks and responsibilities at once. I feel that’s a very crucial

skill, especially in the workplace.

• Time Management was an important skill I improved on, as I had to make sure that the

posters were designed quickly and that the content was posted in a timely manner.

• In addition to all this, I had to manage my studies with my work. That proved a bit difficult

at first, but then I learned to manage it all quickly. This made me learn to manage multiple

tasks and my time as well.

• My organization skills became better as I had to figure out which post should be designed

first, and what content must be skipped or shortened to fit the small size of a social media

post. All the while, maintaining the design/aesthetic of the poster or video.

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4.4: Certificate of Internship Completion:

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4.5: References:

Dr. Muhammad Sarmad Mr. Shoaib Shafique

HOD, FMS-RSL Ex-Sr. Lecturer, FMS-RSL
+92 321 5127438 +92 336 5121211

Mr. Syed Danial Hashmi Ms. Rimsha Iqbal

Sr. Lecturer, FMS-RSL Jr. Lecturer, FMS-RSL
+92 324 5182999 +92 336 5448734

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Mr. Raja Zohaib Ghafoor Ms. Nabeel Abid
Lecturer, FMS-RSL Jr. Lecturer, FMS-RSL
+92 333 5935771 +92 313 5402537

Social Media Links:





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4.6: Appendix I

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Faculty Of Management Sciences, Riphah School Of Leadership

Riphah International University, 2022

Aqsa Nadeem

SAP ID: 20121


The Community Work Report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Bachelors of Project & Supply Chain Management at

Riphah School of Leadership - Riphah International University,

Al Mizan Campus, Peshawar Rd, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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I, Aqsa Nadeem, ensure that the examination work displayed in this report is to the

best of my own insight sources. I declare that this report is my original work,

gathered and utilized specially to fulfill the purposes and objectives of this degree,

and has not been previously submitted to any other university for a higher degree.

Furthermore, I declare that the information presented in this work has been

personally consulted.



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I would like to dedicate this Internship report to my parents for supporting me in

every stage of my life. Moreover, I’d like to dedicate this report to my teachers,

especially to Dr. Muhammad Sarmad, Sir Shoaib Shafique, Sir Danial Hashmi

and Ms. Rimsha Iqbal, who guided, supported and encouraged me throughout my

Internship period, and otherwise.

Most importantly, I want to dedicate my work to Sir Raja Zohaib Ghafoor, my

supervisor who supported me and assisted me throughout the report process, and

was a tremendous help in preparing this report. He was there with me at every step

of the way, and helped me deal with several obstacles I encountered during my

Internship and while making this report.

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Firstly, I’d like to thank Allah SWT for blessing me with the health, wealth,
knowledge, insight and the opportunity to be able to do this report.

I would like to acknowledge my parents, my esteemed teachers for the skills that
they’ve taught me over the course of this degree, which helped me with both my
Internship, as well as my report.

I would like to thank Dr. Muhammad Sarmad, and Sir Shoaib Shafique, for the
constant guidance they provided me with and for giving me the opportunity to be the
Marketing Intern for FMS-RSL.

I wholeheartedly express gratitude to Ms. Rimsha Iqbal, for all her support. She
motivated & encouraged me to do better and not give up, despite countless obstacles
in my path. Her teachings in “Business Communication” facilitated me in preparing
the report. Her guidance has been extremely valuable to me in my professional &
personal life.

In addition, I’d like to acknowledge Sir Raja Zohaib Ghafoor for his immense
support, guidance, assistance and encouragement to me throughout the time he
taught me Marketing Management, which was very helpful in my Internship as well
as his support during the time of Internship and while preparing this report.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank Sir Danial Hashmi, & Sir Ashiq Ali for
their hard work in organizing and managing the community work activities.

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Executive Summary
I worked with The Managers Club in 2 initiatives: Ramadan Drive 2022 and Flood Relief
Campaign 2022.

In Ramadan Drive 2022, I designed various posters and standees that were utilized to promote the
initiative and help gather donations for our operations. I also promoted these posters on my social
media accounts. And helped gather donations from my friends, relatives and family. In addition to
this, I also co-managed the daily Islamic seminar hosted by Sir Mattiullah Farooqui. I designed
posters for this.

In Flood Relief Campaign 2022, I helped collected cash and supplies donations at the Donation
Camp at Al Mizan Campus. I also lead the group of volunteers and guided and supported them in
their assigned tasks. I provided them with any necessary items they needed. I helped with the
counting of packages and packing them as well. I helped with budgeting and finances. I would
keep the cash donations and deposit them with Sir Danial.

I learned a lot from my experience, such as compassion, humility, humbleness, etc. I also learned
several skills like time management, budgeting, leadership, project management, organization,
planning, interpersonal skills etc.

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Community Work Report

1.1 Introduction of The Managers Club (TMC)

The Managers Club is the signature student society of FMS. The society provides students with

the opportunity to enhance their personal and professional selves. Society opens its memberships

at the start of every semester and office bearers of the managers club are selected in fall semester

every year. The Managers Club arranges different events (both co and extra-curricular activities)

independently and in association with other bodies. Besides that, different class projects and

activities are also arranged. Student week is organized every semester covering different sports

and co-curricular activities along with FMS Night. Different seminars are also conducted

throughout the year. Along with that, FMS conducts business plan competition every year. Every

year one industrial tour is arranged for students in which students learn by seeing how work is

actually done in industry.

1.2: The Managers Club’s Mission

“To cultivate a welcoming place that enhances the student experience through activities and
programs and serves as the center of campus life for students of FMS”.

The Managers Club strives to create an atmosphere that is:

1. Active
• For and by students through governance, employment, programs, and involvement
• Exciting and thought-provoking events
• Entertaining, fun and high energy environment

2. Safe
• Welcoming, friendly and respectful

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3. Inclusive
• Promote and practice diversity through a multitude of opportunities and programs
• Encourage friendships and networking
• Support all forms of open civil expression

4. Demonstrate Exemplary Public Governance

The Managers Club engage in activities that demonstrate and support internally
exemplary public governance.

5. Advance the Interests of Students

The Managers Club will build public support for and/or advance the interest of

6. Empower Students to Participate as Engaged Citizens

The Managers Club will facilitate student participation in the decision-making
processes that allow members to execute their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

7. Support Students in Meeting Their Personal Needs

The Managers Club will engage in activities that support students and members of
society in meeting their basic personal need for food, shelter, transportation, financial
security, and/or health and wellbeing

8. Support Students in Meeting Their Professional/Educational Aspirations

The Managers Club will engage in and facilitate activities that support students in
meeting their professional and/or educational aspirations.

9. Foster Campus Life

The Managers Club will bring together students and/or the broader community
around shared interests, ideas, and perspectives by hosting and supporting activities that
establish social cohesion amongst the membership, develop a sense of belonging to the
club, and/or provide for extracurricular learning opportunities.

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1.3: The Managers Club’s Vision
"The Managers Club" empower, envision and motivate the individuals to pursue their Skills

and abilities in the best possible way by practicing and operationalizing them under the

professional and experienced faculty staff.

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1.4: Hierarchy of The Managers Club


General President
Secretary (Female)

President President Arts,

President President Sr. Vice- Vice-President
Literature & Craft & Vice-President
Sports Social Work President (Female)
Debating Dramatics

Vice President Vice President Senior

Vice President Vice President Senior
Literature & Arts, Craft & Advisors to Directors
Sports Social Work Members
Debating Dramatics President

Director Strategy /
Director Security Director HR (Male & Director Graphics
Director Finance Director Social Media Director Event Mgmt Director Marketing Sponsorship & Director Media
(Male & Female) Female) Design

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1.5: How I joined The Managers Club and their Philanthropic Work
I joined The Managers Club as a regular member in my 3rd semester (Fall 2021), after filling
out their Membership Drive form, and appearing in an Interview with Sir Danial Hashmi & Ma’am
Mahwish, and its Core Committee. Then later on, I was a member of Strategy and Design Unit
when we organized Ramadan Drive 2022 in April 2022. And I was the Director Graphics Design
when The Managers Club organized Flood Relief Campaign by FMS-RSL in September 2022.

1.6: Nature of Community Work – Activities & Task Performed

1.6.1: Ramadan Drive 2022

• I designed 1 standee that wishes Ramadan Mubarak to all.
• I designed 1 standee that included the Donation Payment details for collection of
donations to provide rations, and food/dastar-khawan to give to the needy such as
orphanages, labors, etc. in the name of Allah.
• The standee was used to promote the Ramadan Drive 2022 of TMC. It was displayed
near the Coordination Office of FMS-RSL and outside other hot spots.
• I designed 1 social media poster with Donation Payment details for collection of
donations to provide ration, and food/dastar-khawan to give to the needy such as
orphanages, labors, etc. in the name of Allah.
• The poster I designed was shared on social media platforms, and in groups, where
people found out about the Ramadan Drive and donated their money.
• I visited each and every class with a group of volunteers to collect donations from
students and teachers.
• I helped the décor/arts team prepare Donation boxes for collection of donations.
• I designed a standee for a daily Seminar on Islamic Teachings by Sir Mattiullah
• I designed a social media poster for a daily Seminar on Islamic Teachings by Sir
Mattiullah Farooqui.
• I co-organized a daily Seminar on Islamic Teachings by Sir Mattiullah Farooqui, with
Ms. Laraib Aimen.

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1.6.2: Flood Relief Campaign by FMS-RSL 2022
• I designed posters that were used to raise awareness about the Flood Relief Campaign.
• I uploaded Statuses and stories on my personal social media accounts to raise awareness
and collect donations from my social circle.
• I spent 5-6 hours daily at the Donation Camp set up outside the Masjid in Al Mizan
• I greeted the people who would visit to donate, and collect donations from them.
• I informed people about what we were doing, how they could contribute and answered
their queries, if any.
• I suggested that we collect old books from people and then sell them in Raja Bazaar,
and the money generated can be used towards the donations and for purchasing supplies
for the donation boxes and packages.
• I guided and provided support to the volunteers about what needs to be done, and in
case they needed anything, I would get the necessary items for them.
• I kept a detailed record of what tasks were accomplished and what tasks remained.
• I kept an inventory count of what items we had on hand and what we might need to
• I updated the In-charges such as Sir Danial Hashmi and others in the group about what
tasks were completed in a day.
• I helped in sorting clothes and then making separate piles for a specific category. Then
we packed the clothes according to instructions given to us by our supervisors.
• I helped in making ration packs.
• I helped pack donation boxes and packages.
• I helped pack hygiene kits for flood affectees.
• I helped pack Kids Goodie Bags for the children stuck in flood areas.
• I handled all the supplies needed to pack boxes and packages, such as shoppers, tapes,
scissors, markers for labeling, etc.
• I helped in counting the total amount of donation boxes, packages we made.
• I helped in counting and organizing the total amount of hygiene kits and kids goodie
bags we made.
• Along with my peers, we packed the donation boxes, packages, hygiene kits and goodie

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bags in bigger boxes so they could be easily transported to the flood affected area in
• I kept a daily count of the donations we would receive and at the end of the day collect
them. Either I would hand them to Sir Danial Hashmi or Abdullah Fayyaz, President
of Social Work, The Managers Club.

1.7 : Execution of Community Work in accordance with BS Project & Supply

Chain Management

Community Work helped me practically apply the concepts, skills and techniques I learned
during my degree. For example, we were taught things like organization, planning, monitoring,
time management, conflict management, leadership, budgeting, resource management,
interpersonal skills, etc.

When I participated in various philanthropic work done by TMC either in the form of Ramadan
Drive 2022 or in the form of Flood Relief Campaign 2022, I got to apply these concepts, skills and
techniques in a practical way and see how which areas I exceled in and where I lacked. It was an
insightful experience, as I know what areas I need to work on so I can be a better version of myself.

Basically, my major is Project Management. And I learned a lot how to manage a project through
community work. To me, a project is a one-time endeavor that has a specific goal, and a fixed start
and end date. So, I treated Ramadan Drive 2022 & Flood Relief Campaign 2022 as “small scale
projects”. While I got to be part of one small unit in Ramadan Drive, I still did multi-task and got
to experience various roles in a “project”.

In my opinion, I got to truly experience the role of a Project Manager during Flood Relief
Campaign 2022 that was organized by FMS-RSL. For instance, I was leading and providing
support to the volunteers about what tasks need to be done, what is in progress and what’s already
accomplished. I would provide them with all the necessary items or supplies they needed to pack.
I was handling the budgeting of the supplies we required. I kept a Not only was I leading, but I
also got in and would do the handiwork with all other volunteers. I handled the finances, by
counting the cash donations received at Donation camp daily and then would keep them with me

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and finally hand over to Sir Danial Hashmi or Abdullah Fayyaz, President of Social Work, The
Managers Club.

Moreover, I learned to lead a group of people towards a certain task. I feel my leadership skills
improved greatly through this experience. Not only that, my interpersonal skills also benefitted. I
had to deal with diverse groups of people and handle any conflicts that arose during the work.

1.8: Impact of Community Work

• Provided ration for the month of Ramadan for 50+ families.
• Organized dastar-khawans for those who are in need, such as orphanages, laborers, etc.
• Donated gifts to orphanages so they don’t feel unwanted and unloved.
• Helped provide food for the flood affectees
• Helped with collecting donations for preparing donation packages
• The hygiene kits we prepared would help with several medical needs of multiple people
• The kids goodie bags would provide a light of hope for the small children devastated by
the floods.
• Provided warm clothing, and beddings for people in the cold harsh weather after the floods.
• Basic hygiene items like toothbrush, toothpaste, razer etc. were provided.
• Sanitary pads are essential for women
• Medicines, such as cough syrup, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal ointments were distributed that
would benefit the flood affectees, as chances of cold, fever, bacterial and fungal infections
are really high in flood areas.
• Clean Water was provided to people for drinking
• Tide was given to wash clothes, if need be.

1.9 Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Gender Equality
4. Sustainable Cities & Communities

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1.9.1: SDG 1 - No Poverty
The Managers Club collected donation to provide for the needy and flood-affected
individuals. This was to eradicate poverty from our community and to help those who are less
privileged than us. We’re constantly striving to improve the poverty situation in our community.

1.9.2: SDG 2 – Zero Hunger

The Managers Club collected donations to provide food ration boxes and dastar-khawan to
ensure nobody sleeps hungry at night. We distributed food ration boxes to 50+ families in
Ramadan alone. And we fed 250+ people in our dastar-khawans, all in the month of Ramadan.

We provided food rations boxes for 350+ families in Flood Relief Campaign. We distributed food
ration boxes to 100+ families in Charsadda, KPK, and 250+ families in Bahrain, KPK. These ration
boxes included 1 month worth of food supplies.

1.9.1: SDG 1 – Gender Equality

The Hygiene Kits prepared included hygiene items for both male and female. While there
was a debate going on in the country at the time that women in flood affected areas do not need
sanitary pads, and that food is more important. But we, at FMS & TMC, felt otherwise. We feel
that menstrual cycle of women is out of their control and that for them to feel like a decent human
being worthy of respect, they need sanitary pads as well. Not only is it bad for their health but also
injurious to their self-esteem.

When packing clothes, we provided equal number of clothes for both men and women. This was
to ensure no gender was left feeling unimportant.

1.9.1: SDG 4 – Sustainable Cities & Communities.

Our goal with Ramadan Drive & Flood Relief Campaign was to support our community,
and help our brothers and sisters in need.

We collected donations, and then provided them with basic necessities such as food supplies,
clothes, beddings, hygiene items, etc. And this was solely done for the benefit of the community.

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1.10 : My Learnings from Community Work
• Compassion for the ones who are not as privileged as us in the month of Ramadan and do
not have lavish lunches and dinners like us.
• Compassion for the ones who were affected by the floods and lost their homes,
belongings, family members, etc.
• Importance of clean water for drinking
• Importance of sanitary pads for women stuck in such situations
• Importance of food sustainability
• Importance of planning, organizing and fulfilling duties
• Time Management
• Leadership
• Project Management
• Loss of Ego and Entitlement – Humbling experience
• Compassion for my community and my fellow brothers and sisters.

1.11 : Conclusion
The key take-away for me from my work with The Managers Club and their philanthropic
activities was that I felt humbled and grateful for all that I’ve been blessed with. I realized how
privileged I am, and how I can use my position and resources to help those in need. I would love
to continue doing this work with The Managers Club and any other organization that is having a
positive impact on the society.

Not only that, I got to improve various skills of mine, like leadership, project management, time
management, organization, planning, budgeting etc. through my work with TMC’s philanthropic
activities. I learned how important it is to give back to the community, specially as an educated
and privileged student, and what my role is in the economy, and society.

Furthermore, as a Muslim, it is our duty to help our fellow brothers and sisters in need. That’s what
Islam promotes, and cherishes above all. Hence, I would like to be a better Muslim by engaging
in philanthropic activities.

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1.12 : Recommendations:
• Should provide food/ration to people throughout the year, not only in Ramadan.
• Should also provide medical assistance to people throughout the year, and not a one-time
• Include more students from FMS-RSL so they can engage in humanitarian work and
contribute positively in the community.
• Highlight the philanthropic work more, so it can lead to higher donation collections.
• Should help resolve people’s financial difficulties, such as medical bills, promote
education, or other problems.

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1.13 : Certificate of Community Work Completion

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1.14 : References:

Dr. Muhammad Sarmad Mr. Raja Zohaib Ghafoor

+92 321 5127438 +92 333 5935771

Mr. Syed Danial Hashmi Mr. Ashiq Ali

Sr. Lecturer, FMS-RSL Lecturer & CW-In charge, FMS-RSL
+92 324 5182999 +92 343 5461715

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1.15 : Appendix II

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