Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Introduction to the Field of Community Psychology

Self-Made Quiz 2
1. Name this US President who championed the recommendation in reducing the number of

mental hospitals and trained more mental health professionals.

 President John F. Kennedy

2. Enumerate the factors that led to the deinstitutionalization policy.

 A result of the development of anti-psychotic medication

 The belief that mental hospitals were very cruel that time and their inhumane


3. Enumerate the social and political events that happened in the 1960s.

 The Civil Rights Movement

 Feminist Movement

 Gay Rights Movement

 Vietnam War

 Environmental Movement

 The community mental health Movement

4. True or False. Prevention is better than Cure.

 True

5. Name this project that was founded by Emory Cowen.

 The Primary Mental Health Project

6. Discuss the goal of the Primary Mental Health Project.

 To identify children in primary grades and provide help through school year from

the paraprofessional child associates.

7. Who initially developed the community lodge project?

 George Fairweather

8. Discuss the goal of the community lodge project.

 To provide an alternative to traditional psychiatric care by preparing groups of

hospitalized mental patients in a shared housing environment for simultaneous

release into the community.

9. Which among the following division of the APA was established during the first decade

after the Swampscott conference?

a. Division 03

b. Division 27 (Answer)

c. Division 38

10. Name this conference that happened during the first decade after Swampscott conference.

 Austin Conference

11. By 1975, how many program trainings in the community psychology or community

mental health?

a. 141 Program Trainings (Answer)

b. 28 Program Trainings

c. 200 Program Trainings

12. Enumerate the important publications during the first decade.

 Ecological Perspective

 Journal of Community Psychology

 American Journal of Community Psychology, and etc.

13. True or False. The late 1970s and early 1980s were considered as the heyday of

Community Psychology.
 True

14. What is the officially changed name of the Community Psychology’s Association?

 The Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA)

15. When did the biennial conference on community research and action happened?

 1987

16. Which among the group is incorrect?

a. Emory Cowen is to Prevention

b. Julian Rappaport is to Destruction (Answer)

c. Ed Tricket & James Kelly are to Ecological Perspective

17. Enumerate the emphasis during the 3rd decade.

 Prevention

 Dealing with Social Problems

 Empowerment

18. Discuss what is participatory approach to research.

 Participatory approach is characterized by the active participation of community

members in planning, implementation, and evaluation of research.

19. True or False. Internalization happened on the 3rd decade.

 False

20. True or False. More attention on mixed methods happened on the 5th decade to the


 True

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