Questions 2022

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He believed that other people who

CIVIL LAW I (2022) wanted to meet him in person were actively trying
to harm him by exposing him to the virus.  

In early 2022, Razna filed a petition for declaration

1. Noel is the son of spouses Marie and Benedict.
of nullity of her marriage with Junsi on the ground
Benedict has passed away. For Noel’s 7th birthday,
of psychological incapacity under Article 36 of the
his paternal grandparents offered to organize and
Family Code, citing his atypical behavior. She
pay for his birthday party. In coordination with
presented the testimony of a doctor, who
Marie, the grandparents booked the party
proved that Junsi was suffering from psychotic
venue, signed the contracts with the caterer and
paranoia due to intense stress, which accounted
the entertainers, finalized the guest list, and paid
for his belief in things that are not real.  
all amounts due. Marie promised to them to bring
Noel to the party.  
Should Razna’s petition be granted? Explain
briefly. (5 points)  
A week before the scheduled birthday party, Marie
decided that she would not bring Noel to the
party, and that she would instead take him on an
out-of-town trip on the day of the party. Marie
3. Before they married in 2000, Nonoy and Daday
could not forget that her parents-in-law initially
signed a marriage settlement wherein they agreed
opposed Benedict’s marriage to her because she
that their property relations as husband and wife
was a former burlesque dancer. 
would be governed by the conjugal partnership of
gains. While the marriage was subsisting, they
Marie did not notify the grandparents of her plan
acquired a parcel of land using conjugal funds. The
to skip the birthday party. During the party, the
Register of Deeds issued a transfer certificate of
grandparents kept trying to get in touch with her
title over the said land in the name of “Nonoy,
but she ignored all their calls. The grandparents
married to Daday”. 
and the guests who went to the party were
very dismayed that Noel was not present. When
Nonoy sold the parcel of land to Barby without
the grandparents asked Marie why she did not
Daday’s consent. Daday was not aware of the sale
bring Noel to the party, she simply replied, “I am
and did not sign the contract of sale. A year after
his mother, and I decide where he goes!” To which,
Nonoy and Barby signed the contract of sale,
Noel’s grandmother retorted, “Anak mo lang s’ya!
Daday died. When the children of Nonoy and
Hindi  mo s’ya pag-aari!” 
Daday learned about the sale to Barby, they
questioned its validity since Daday had
The grandparents seek your advice on whether
not consented to the sale. Nonoy’s position is that
there is legal basis to hold Marie liable for the
Daday’s consent was not required because the
damages that they have suffered as a result of her
property was registered in his name. 
Is the sale to Barby valid? Explain briefly. (5
What is your advice? Explain briefly. (5 points) 

4. In 2013, Agaton, then 70 years old, executed a

2. Razna and Junsi got married in 2015 and were
will wherein he bequeathed his entire estate to his
blessed with two children, Zarah and Mica. In
acknowledged illegitimate son Karl.  Agaton
2020, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
entrusted the original copy of the 2013 will to Karl.
entire family had to spend 24 hours together every
In 2014, Karl joined a group of mercenaries to fight
day in their small house. Razna observed that
in Crimea alongside the Russians. After
although Junsi continued to work from home to
Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Karl did not return
support the family, he began to exhibit paranoia,
to the Philippines and was never heard of.  Five
and constantly kept making sure that they always
years later, in 2019, Agaton executed a codicil
washed their hands and rubbed them with alcohol
which provided the following: “Because of the
ten times before eating. Junsi also always wore a
death of Karl, I revoke my 2013 will. I hereby
face mask, face shield and hazmat in the house,
recognize Gian as my  other illegitimate son, and
except when he was alone in the room.  Junsi
hereby bequeath to him my entire estate.” Agaton
began sleeping separately from Razna and their
died in 2020.  
within ten days from deposit. Brenda deposited
During the probate of Agaton’s 2019 codicil, Karl the purchase price and Evelyn acknowledged
appeared in court, presented the 2013 will, receipt thereof. 
contested the validity of its revocation, opposed
the probate of the 2019 codicil, and sought the Before the delivery of the sneakers, Evelyn
probate of the 2013 will. Both the 2013 will and received an offer from Rosela to buy the same
2019 codicil were immaculate as to form.  sneakers for Php 35,000.00. Evelyn candidly tells
Brenda that she is selling the sneakers at a higher
(a) Did the 2019 codicil revoke the 2013 will? price to another buyer, and sends this text
Explain briefly. message to Brenda: “Sizt, may iba pala akong
(b) Distribute the estate of Agaton. Explain buyer na mas malaki yung offer, sorry! Balik ko
briefly. (5 points)   nalang bayad mo, keri?” Evelyn claims that since
the sneakers have not yet been delivered to
Brenda, she can still withdraw the offer. 

5. Joey was the legitimate son of Ron and May. Is Evelyn’s contention tenable? Explain briefly. (5
Joey died intestate and was survived by his wife points) 
Kathy and their two legitimate children, Luis and
Clarisse. Several months after Joey died, Ron also
died intestate. Ron was survived by his wife May, 8. In 2017, Alma orally sold a parcel of
daughter Mercy (full-sibling of Joey), and the unregistered land to the spouses Ray and Shane
children of Joey (Luis and Clarisse).   for Php 500,000.00. Upon receipt of the initial
payment of Php 350,000.00, Alma delivered
Distribute the estate of Ron. Explain briefly. (5 possession of the land to the spouses. Shortly
points)  thereafter, Alma died.  In order to formalize the
sale, Ray and Shane convinced Josie, one of
Alma’s children, to sign a notarized deed of
6. Jungkook, who owns a building, leases the same confirmation of sale. In consideration thereof,
to Gel with the following terms: (i) the lease is for Josie received Php 150,000.00 representing the
a period of ten years; (ii) the yearly  rental is Php balance of the purchase price. On the strength of
1,200,000.00 payable within the first ten days of the notarized confirmation of sale, the spouses
the current year; and (iii) in case of breach of any were able to transfer the tax declaration of the
of the provisions of the lease, Gel is liable to pay  property in their names. Later, Josie died. 
Jungkook five monthly rentals and attorney’s fees.
Five years into the lease, Gel sends a notice to In 2020, the surviving children of Alma discovered
terminate the lease and offers to pay five monthly the oral sale of the land to Ray and Shane. They
rentals. Despite Jungkook’s objections, Gel vacates demanded the return of the property on the
the premises. Jungkook sues Gel for the following grounds: (i) the oral contract of sale is
rentals due for the remaining five years of the void because it does not appear in a public
lease. Gel takes the position that her liability instrument;  and (ii) assuming the sale is not void,
should only be limited to five monthly rentals and it is unenforceable under the Statute of Frauds. 
attorney’s fees.  Ray and Shane insisted that the sale of the land to
them was both valid and enforceable.  
(a) Is there a penalty clause in the lease
agreement? Explain briefly. Are the contentions of the heirs of Alma tenable?
(b) As between Jungkook and Gel, who is correct? Explain briefly. (5 points) 
Explain briefly.  (5 points)  

9. Aida, for the consideration of Php 5,000,000.00,

sold her parcel of land to Lorna, as evidenced by a
7. Brenda saw the online advertisement of Evelyn, notarized Deed of Sale. Lorna, however, failed to
who sells limited edition sneakers. Through an deliver the amount in full, paying only Php
exchange of text messages, Evelyn and Brenda 500,000.00 as down payment. Because of the
agreed that: (i) Evelyn will sell to Brenda a pair of nonpayment of the balance, Aida simply sold the
brand-new sneakers for Php 25,000.00; (ii) Brenda same parcel of land to Fe with the intention of
will deposit the purchase price in Evelyn’s bank returning to Lorna the Php 500,000.00 down
account; and (iii) Evelyn will deliver the sneakers payment.  
Gio sued Takbo Co. and Kotse Corp. for damages.
Who among Aida, Lorna, and Fe owns the The court ruled that Kotse Corp. is solidarily liable
property? Explain briefly. (5 points)  for damages with Takbo Co. for being one of the
principal movers of the event due to its
10. Laica and Jessica, who are best friends, are
both engaged in moneylending at predatory Is the court correct? Explain briefly. (5 points)  
interest rates. Running out of funds, Laica borrows
Php 2,000,000.00 from Jessica for two months at a
monthly interest rate of 10%. Jessica releases the
borrowed amount after Laica signs a promissory 13. Eka, a Filipina, and Du-guil, a Korean, married
note. Laica then relends to Monica the borrowed in the Philippines. Thereafter, they moved to
amount of Php 2,000,000.00 for two months, at an Seoul, South Korea. While there, Du-guil began to
interest rate of 30%.  After two months, Laica fails ignore Eka. He was always out with his friends and
to pay Jessica, prompting Jessica to file a collection usually came home drunk. When Eka could not
suit against the former, for the Php 2,000,000.00 take their marital situation anymore, she asked for
principal and 10% interest per month pursuant to a divorce. Du-guil agreed on the condition that Eka
their agreement. Laica counters that the monthly would be the one to file for divorce, and that the
interest rate of 10% is exorbitant and should be ground should be “no fault”, meaning, neither of
reduced to the legal rate of interest at 6% per them is at fault or neither would be accused of any
annum.  wrongdoing. After the divorce, Eka went back to
the Philippines and filed a case to have the
Which between the positions of Laica and Jessica is judgment of divorce recognized. The Regional Trial
tenable? Explain briefly. (5 points)  Court (RTC) denied Eka’s petition because she
alone filed for divorce, in violation of the
second paragraph of Article 26 of the Family Code.
According to the RTC, Article 26 requires that
11. Leon is the owner of a condominium unit either the foreign spouse alone initiates the filing
located directly above the condominium unit of the divorce or, at the very least, Eka and Du-guil
owned by Anj. In 2014, Leon undertook should have filed for divorce jointly.  
renovations in his unit’s bathroom, which caused
water to leak from his bathroom down to Anj’s Is the RTC correct? Explain briefly. (5 points) 
unit, and caused extensive damage to Anj’s
belongings. As Anj had obtained
property insurance on her unit and its contents 14. During Remy’s pregnancy, her father Gavin
from Proverbial Insurance Co. (PIC), Anj was  able executed a will bequeathing his rest house in
to recover the value of the damage in September Calatagan, Batangas to Remy’s unborn child. While
2016.   Gavin and Remy, who was then seven months
pregnant, were on their way to Calatagan, they
In October 2022, PIC, as subrogee of Anj, sued figured in a car accident on December 1, 2021
Leon to recover the insurance proceeds it paid to which resulted in the instantaneous death of
Anj. Leon interposed prescription to dismiss the Gavin and the premature delivery of Remy on the
suit of PIC. PIC counters that the payment of the same day. At 8:30 a.m. on December 3, 2021, the
insurance proceeds in 2016 created, by way of newborn baby died.  
legal subrogation, a 10-year period within which to
file the suit against Leon. Is the devise in favor of the baby valid? Explain
briefly. (5 points) 
Is PIC correct? Explain briefly. (5 points)  

15. Miguel, who died single and childless, was

12. Gio, single, joined a marathon organized by survived by his two legitimate brothers Romy and
Takbo Co. For lack of alternative routes, the Rolly, and his nephews Arno and  Pabs, the
marathon course included a public road which was legitimate sons of his predeceased legitimate
not blocked-off from vehicles. Takbo Co. solicited brother Edgar. Before his death, Miguel executed a
the sponsorship of Kotse Corp. for added one-page notarial will, inclusive of an attestation
financial support. Gio was hit by a jeepney driven clause and a notarial acknowledgment, with only
by JD on the public road and died. The parents of one testamentary disposition bequeathing his
entire estate to Romy and Rolly. The will was not Makati City. Thea decided to sell her share, an
paginated and was attested by four witnesses: undivided 200-sq. m. portion of the property, to
Uno, Dos, Tres, and Quatro. It was the eve of Alyssa, a Filipino nurse who has been living in
Quatro’s 17th birthday when the will was executed. Canada for the last ten years. Alyssa, without the
The will was written in the Ilocano dialect which knowledge of Sophia and Vanessa, built a modest
Miguel knew and understood, but the witnesses house on the 200-sq. m. portion abutting the road
did not. Miguel and the witnesses signed at the and leased it to Stell for Php 15,000.00 per month. 
end of the testamentary disposition. The
attestation was also written in the Ilocano dialect (a) Could Thea legally transfer her share of the
which, when translated to the English language, property to Alyssa without the consent of Vanessa
reads as follows: “This will of Miguel was written in and Sophia? Explain briefly. 
ONE page. We, the attesting witnesses, signed at (b) Can Vanessa and Sophia respectively legally
the end of the will and at the bottom of this demand from Alyssa a one third share in the
attestation in the presence of Miguel and of each rentals? Explain briefly. (5 points) 
of us.”  

Each of the four witnesses signed below the

attestation clause. Because none of the witnesses 3. With the intent to develop a subdivision, Oliver
knew and understood the Ilocano dialect, the bought a parcel of land adjacent to a subdivision
attestation was interpreted to them by Miguel’s owned by Phil. Oliver’s land had no direct access to
lawyer who was present to notarize the will. the highway, as it was blocked by a kamote
plantation owned by Josh. Phil’s subdivision, on
(a) Does the fact that the will was written in a the other hand, already had a direct access to
dialect known only to Miguel invalidate the will? the highway. To facilitate the release of the license
What about the absence of the marginal from the Department of Human Settlements and
signatures of the testator and the witnesses? Urban Development, Oliver presented a contract
Explain briefly.   to sell between him and Josh over the kamote
plantation, on the representation that he
(b) May the will nonetheless be admitted to would construct an access road thereon.  
probate? Explain briefly.  (5 points) Pending approval of the license, Oliver sought the
consent of Phil to connect the road that would be
built by him with the main road of Phil’s

CIVIL LAW II (2022) subdivision. Phil allowed him to do this pending

their negotiation on the compensation to be paid. 
With the eventual grant of the license, Oliver
began the development of his subdivision. To
protect the right of way over Phil’s subdivision,
1. Pepe and Pilar are adjoining lot owners. Oliver was able to cause an annotation of adverse
Suppose Pepe’s lot is titled and without his claim on Phil’s property. 
knowledge, it was encroached upon by Pilar However, when Oliver’s subdivision was already
whose lot is untitled but who honestly believed completed, and with the adverse claim annotated,
that the encroached portion, where she built a Oliver believed that he no longer needed to buy
small bungalow house, is still within her property. the kamote plantation and accordingly rescinded
(a) Is Pilar a builder in good faith? Discuss Pepe’s the contract to sell with Josh. 
right as against Pilar.  Explain briefly.  When Oliver and Phil failed to arrive at an
(b) Suppose it is Pilar’s lot that is titled and Pepe’s agreement on the consideration for the easement,
lot is untitled, would Pilar be a builder in good Phil built a wall blocking the road constructed by
faith? Discuss Pepe’s right as against Pilar. Oliver that connected Oliver’s subdivision with his.
Explain briefly. (5 points)  Oliver filed a complaint seeking the establishment
of an easement of right of way through Phil’s
subdivision which Oliver claimed to be the most
adequate and convenient access to the highway.
2. Thea, Vanessa, and Sophia are siblings who are On the other hand, Phil filed a petition to have the
co-owners of a 600-sq. m. parcel of land covered adverse claim cancelled. 
by TCT No. 12345 situated along Bangkal Road,
(a) Is Oliver entitled to a right of way through Phil’s construction of a hospital building was started in
subdivision? Explain briefly.  the following year. 

(b) Is there basis to have the adverse claim However, for reasons unknown, only the
cancelled? Explain briefly. (5 points)  foundation of the hospital building has, to this day,
been completed.  
4. The spouses Santos are the registered owners of
Lot 2 located in Umaga Subdivision, Caramoan, Do the spouses Tan have valid grounds to revoke
Camarines Sur, covered by TCT No. 1369. Lot 2, the donation? Explain briefly.  (5 points) 
which has been occupied by the spouses Santos
for about 11 years, has a one-storey residential
house which was already erected thereon when 6. Being an overseas worker, Salvador issued to
Lot 2 was purchased by them from the spouses Ronaldo a duly notarized Special Power of
Cruz in 2005. At the time of the acquisition of Lot Attorney (SPA) authorizing the latter to enter into
2, the adjoining lot, Lot 1, which was also owned a contract of lease over Salvador's property
by the spouses Cruz, was an idle land without any covered by TCT No. 122433 for a period of three
improvements. Lot 1 remained empty until the years with SISI Corp. Salvador entrusted to
spouses Cruz started the construction of a two- Ronaldo the owner's duplicate of the TCT in case
storey residential house thereon in 2018.  SISI Corp. needed to verify the same.  
The house constructed on Lot 1 being taller than Hearing rumors that the subject property was sold,
the spouses Santos’ one-storey residential house, Salvador went to the Register of Deeds and was
the spouses Cruz’s two-storey residential house shocked to find out that TCT No. 122433 had been
obstructed the light, air, and view of the spouses cancelled and TCT No. 334388 had been issued in
Santos’ residential house. The spouses Santos Eduardo’s name. To vindicate his property rights,
bemoaned how, prior to the construction on Lot 1, Salvador filed a complaint for cancellation of title
they received enough bright and natural light from and reconveyance.  Salvador was able to prove
their windows. The construction rendered their that he was out of the country when the
house dark such that they are unable to do their purported sale was executed.  
normal activities in their house without switching
on their lights.   On the other hand, Eduardo claims to be an
innocent purchase for value, stating that he paid
Have the spouses Santos acquired an easement of the fair market value to Ronaldo and that he relied
light and view with respect to Lot 1 owned by the on the fact that Ronaldo presented the original
spouses Cruz? Explain briefly. (5 points)   owner’s duplicate of Salvador’s TCT. He likewise
inspected the property and determined that
Salvador was indeed the owner.  
5. In 2014, a wealthy young couple, the spouses
Tan, moved by the spirit of generosity and love for If you were the judge, decide. Explain briefly. (5
their hometown in Siquijor, decided to donate a points) 
one-hectare lot in favor of the province of Siquijor.
The Deed of Donation pertinently provides: 
7. Atoy is one of the five children of Jawo. Jawo
“The herein DONORS hereby voluntarily and freely was the registered owner of a four-hectare parcel
give, transfer and convey, by  way of unconditional of land in Sta. Cruz, Laguna covered by TCT No.
donation, unto said DONEE, all of the rights, title 77347. When Jawo died, the owner’s duplicate of
and interest  which the aforesaid DONORS have or the TCT was kept by Jawo’s daughter, Akiko
which pertain to them and which they (sister of Atoy), who resided in the said property.
owned exclusively in the above-described real Wanting to have the said four-hectare property
property over a one hectare portion of the same, registered under his name, Atoy got in touch with
solely for hospital site only and for no other Franz who had special connections with the
purpose, where a provincial  government hospital Register of Deeds of Sta. Cruz, Laguna. TCT No.
shall be constructed.”  77347 was then cancelled and TCT No. 84660 was
The donation was recorded in the Registry of issued in Atoy’s name on January 29, 2013.  Atoy
Deeds, and a certificate of title to the property was immediately mortgaged the property to the Rural
transferred to the province of Siquijor. In Bank of Sta. Cruz (RBSC).  Upon default and after
accordance with the Deed of Donation, the being declared the winning bidder in the
extrajudicial foreclosure sale, RBSC consolidated
ownership with the issuance of TCT No. 94477 in taxes,  together with the sketch and subdivision
its name.   plan; (iv) a Land Registration Authority  (LRA)
Report which states that the survey and
How will Akiko and the other heirs of Jawo be able subdivision plans and the technical  description of
to successfully argue that RBSC is not an innocent the property may be used as a basis for inscription
purchaser for value? Explain briefly. (5 points)  of the technical  description of the reconstituted
property; (v) a microfilm copy of the plans and 
technical description on file with the LRA; and (vi)
8. How does the New Civil Code distinguish the Extrajudicial Settlement of  Estate executed
between immovable & movable properties? among them. 
Explain briefly and give two examples for each. (5
points)  The public prosecutor, duly deputized by the Office
of the Solicitor General (OSG), prays for the denial
of the petition, and argues that the foregoing
9. This case involves two competing titles: TCT No.  documents are insufficient for reconstitution of
23456 in the name of Flor and TCT No. 65432 in TCT No. 49933. 
the name of de Luna. Flor’s title was derived from
Rodrigo. Rodrigo’s title was originally obtained Should the petition for reconstitution be granted?
through a judicial confirmation of title in 1950 Explain briefly. (5 points) 
based on a survey plan approved in 1931. On the
other hand, de Luna derived her TCT No. 65432
from Diaz who obtained an original title through 11. Ely borrows Php 2,000,000.00 from Mia and
judicial confirmation of title at a much later date, mortgages a parcel of land to secure the loan. The
in 1970, on the basis of a survey plan approved in mortgage provides for a 5% monthly interest, a
1921. It turned out that Flor’s TCT No. 23456, five-year maturity period, a default provision in
although titled prior in time, was based on a case of non-payment of interest or principal, and
survey plan that was marred with an extrajudicial foreclosure provision. On the
numerous blatant, obvious and serious defects, to fourth year, Ely fails to pay interest for three
the point that the trial court found it consecutive months. After sending a demand
dubious, irregularly approved and was therefore letter, Mia declares Ely in default and
fake.   extrajudicially forecloses the mortgage. Mia is the
highest bidder in the foreclosure sale, and
(a) Discuss the principle of “qui prior est tempore, consolidates ownership upon the lapse of the
potior est jure” in the torrens system of land redemption period.  

(b) As between Flor and de Luna, whose title Can Ely have the foreclosure annulled and recover
should be declared valid and whose title should be the property? Explain briefly. (5 points)
voided? Explain briefly.  (5 points) 

12. Luz is the owner of a parcel of land consisting

10. In 2008, a fire razed the Register of Deeds of of 500 square meters located in San Miguel,
San Fernando, Pampanga (RD).  Several titles on Bulacan and covered by TCT No. R-248016. Luz
file were burned. Long before the fire, Tito, Vic, agreed to sell to Minda the land for Php
and Joey had been living in a 350-sq. m. lot 500,000.00, payable in ten monthly installments,
covered by TCT No. 49933, which they inherited with the first installment payable upon execution
from their parents. The original of TCT No. 49933 of the contract to sell, to which Minda acceded.
on file with the RD was among the titles which They also agreed that the title to the land shall
were burned. To effect the partition agreed among only transfer to Minda upon full payment of the
them, the siblings filed a verified petition for consideration, and that any and all taxes, fees, and
reconstitution of the TCT before your court.   expenses incidental to the sale will be paid by
To support the petition, the siblings presented: (i) Minda.  
a notarized affidavit of loss duly  recorded and
registered with the RD; (ii) a photocopy of TCT No. Draft a notarized contract to sell between Luz and
49933; (iii) real  property tax declarations and Minda. (5 points)
receipts to evidence payment of real property
trial court’s decision was rendered with grave
abuse of discretion because the private
complainant's testimony clearly established that
Pedro had carnal  knowledge of her through force
and without her consent. In his comment, Pedro 
sought to dismiss the petition on the ground of
violation of his right against double jeopardy.  

POLITICAL LAW & As the CA, how would you rule on the petition?
Explain briefly. (5 points) 
(WITH RELATED TAX 3. A city ordinance was passed providing for the
removal, at the owner’s expense, of: (i) all outdoor
PRINCIPLES) (2022) advertising materials displayed or exposed to the
public in designated regulated areas such as
residential zones, bridges, and along main city
1. A police officer saw Harvey urinating in public. A
streets; and (ii) billboards of substandard
local ordinance imposes a Php 500.00 fine for
materials, or which obstruct road signs and traffic
urinating in public. The police officer shouted at
signals. Failure to comply with said ordinance
Harvey: “That is  against the law!” Harvey
authorizes the mayor, assisted by the police, to
sarcastically answered: “No, this is against the
implement the removal of the non-compliant
wall!” Then and there, the police officer arrested
materials. ABC Ad Agency, owner of the billboards
him and brought him to the police station.  At the
removed by the city, filed a complaint because,
police station, Harvey was frisked and was found in
considering the nature of its business, the removal
possession of an unlicensed .38 caliber revolver
of its billboards amounted to taking of private
loaded with five live ammunitions. He was
property without just compensation.  
subsequently charged with Qualified Illegal
Possession of Firearms. When the prosecution
Will the complaint prosper? Explain briefly. (5
offered in evidence the unlicensed firearm and
ammunition, the defense objected on the ground
that the pieces of evidence are products of an
4. As a reaction to China’s occupation of the
illegal search and seizure. The prosecution
Spratly Islands, a rally was organized by various
contended that the pieces of evidence were
civil society aggrupations at a vacant private lot.
lawfully seized after a valid warrantless search
Before the event could even start, the police
incidental to a lawful arrest.  
ordered the organizers not to proceed with the
program because of security reasons and the fact
Was the search and seizure valid? Explain briefly.
that the group did not have a mayor’s permit.
(5 points) 
When the organizers still proceeded with the rally,
the police dispersed the crowd and arrested the
leaders of the group.
2. Pedro was the accused in a rape case. During
(a) Did the actions of the police constitute a
the trial, the private complainant testified that on
violation of the group’s constitutional right to
the night of the incident, she was walking home
peacefully assemble? Explain briefly.  
when Pedro, who was her neighbor, suddenly
(b) Would your answer be the same if the rally was
grabbed her and brought her to his house. There,
held at a freedom park?  Explain briefly.  
Pedro forcibly had carnal knowledge of her. After
(5 points) 
the prosecution rested its case, Pedro testified that
the sexual intercourse between him and the
private complainant was consensual. Eventually,
5. The K-12 Law was passed with the objective to
the trial court acquitted Pedro on reasonable
enhance the Philippine educational system by
doubt and found that the element of force was not
strengthening its curriculum and adding two years
of high school. Parents of students in a science
high school sought to have the law
The People filed a Rule 65 petition for certiorari
declared unconstitutional citing the equal
with the Court of Appeals (CA), alleging that the
protection clause of the Constitution. As well, the
parents averred that the law should not apply to exemptions from payment of filing fees. LBP assails
their children because the latter belong to a the OCA Memorandum, arguing that
distinct class, being gifted and advanced for their the exemption found in the law is within the
age, with the capability to learn better and faster plenary power of Congress to enact legislation.
compared to other high school students.   Moreover, the law was approved by the President.
Thus, LBP argues that the act of the OCA violates
Is the contention of the parents tenable? Explain the principle of separation of powers.  
briefly. (5 points) 
Is LBP correct? Explain briefly. (5 points) 

6. President Hidalgo, who wanted the Philippines 9. During a press conference, President Acosta
to be part of the International Criminal Court once explained that the Executive Department can
again, signed the Philippines' ratification of the temporarily take over the operation of any
Rome Statute.  A copy of the treaty, along with the privately owned public utility or business affected
ratification, was sent to the Senate for with public interest to address the shortage of
its concurrence. Senator Dalisay filed a proposed hospital beds occasioned by the COVID-19
“Resolution” for the Senate to concur with the pandemic. She invokes Article XII, Section 17 of the
Philippines’ ratification. The proposed “Resolution” 1987 Philippine Constitution, which provides that:
was read three times on three separate days. “In times of national emergency, when the public
Three days before the third reading, printed copies interest so requires, the State may, during the 
of the proposed “Resolution” in its final form were emergency and under reasonable terms prescribed
distributed to all the Senators. The Senators then by it, temporarily take over or  direct the operation
unanimously approved the “Resolution”, and the of any privately owned public utility or business
Senate expressed its concurrence with the treaty’s affected with  public interest.” 
ratification. A civil society group filed a petition
before the Supreme Court questioning the validity Is President Acosta correct? Explain briefly. (5
of the Senate’s concurrence on the ground that points) 
the “Resolution” was void because only a “bill”
becomes a law.  
10. Lemuel was born in 1988 to a Filipino mother
Rule on the petition. Explain briefly. (5 points)  and an American father, as shown in his birth
certificate. His parents, however, were not married
to each other.  Subsequently, his father petitioned
7. After Martial Law was declared over Mindanao, for him, as a result of which Lemuel received
police officers arrested Jose Maria without any a certificate of American citizenship and an
warrant while shopping for groceries at a American passport. In 2022, Lemuel filed a
supermarket in Mindanao. Jose Maria questioned certificate of candidacy to run as Representative of
the validity of the arrest as he had no pending the lone district of Batanes.  Ayla, a Filipino citizen
case and was not committing any crime at the time and resident of Batanes, filed a petition for
of his arrest. The police officers countered that the disqualification with the Commission on Elections
declaration of Martial Law suspended the privilege alleging that Lemuel is ineligible to run for public
of the writ of habeas corpus, and as a result, they office in the Philippines as Lemuel is an American
could effect warrantless arrests.   citizen. 

Is the contention of the police officers correct? Is Ayla correct? Explain briefly. (5 points) 
Explain briefly. (5 points) 

11. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

8. A law was passed exempting the Land Bank of directed higher education institutions to remove
the Philippines (LBP) from the payment of filing materials “that contain pervasive ideologies of
fees in collection cases on loans granted by LBP to Communist Terrorist Groups” from their libraries.
its borrowers.  The Office of the Court According to the CHED, the materials need to be
Administrator (OCA) of the Supreme Court issued removed because these would radicalize students
a Memorandum requiring all courts to continue to against the government.  
collect filing fees in collection cases filed by LBP,
stating that only the Supreme Court can decide on
Is the CHED directive a violation of the institutions’ capital, land, buildings, and equipment to PMC.
academic freedom? Explain briefly. (5 points)  PMC’s charter also authorized it, acting through its
Board of Trustees: to acquire property; to
enter into contracts; to mortgage, encumber,
lease, sell, convey, or dispose of its  properties;
12. The Congress passed a law prohibiting the sale and to do other acts necessary to accomplish its
and distribution of alcoholic drinks within 100 purposes and objectives.  
meters from religious and educational institutions.
A city enacted an ordinance increasing the Among the properties of PMC are five lands and
coverage of the prohibition to 150 meters from buildings located in Quezon City.  The Quezon City
any religious and educational institution.   assessor issued notices of assessment for real
property taxes (RPT) against PMC’s properties that
Is the city ordinance valid? Explain briefly. (5 are being leased to private concessionaires.
points)  According to the city assessor, PMC’s properties
leased to private entities are subject to
RPT because these properties are not being
exclusively used for charitable purposes.  PMC, on
13. Pursuant to a law ordering the fixing of “just the other hand, claims that, as a government
and reasonable standards, classifications, instrumentality imbued with corporate powers, it
regulations, practices, or services to be furnished, is exempt from RPT.  
observed and imposed by operators of public
utility vehicles,” the Land Transportation Franchise (a) Is PMC liable for the assessed RPT over the
and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) promulgated and leased properties? Explain briefly.  
published a regulation that “no car beyond six (b) Supposing PMC is correct that it is not liable for
years shall be operated as a taxi.” Taxi operators RPT, may the city assessor assess the lessees for
assailed the validity of the regulation contending the RPT due on PMC’s leased properties? Explain
that procedural due process was violated because briefly.  (5 points)
position papers were not asked of them and no
notice was given to them prior to the issuance of
the regulation.  

Were the taxi operators denied procedural due

process? Explain briefly. (5 points) 

14. A foreign commercial ship was spotted by the

Philippine Coast Guard dumping garbage and toxic
waste 20 nautical miles from Nasugbu, Batangas,
the nearest coastline of the Philippines. The
officers of the ship were arrested and charged in
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Batangas for
violation of environmental laws of the Philippines.
The officers of the ship filed a motion to dismiss
the case on the ground that Philippine courts do
not have territorial jurisdiction over the case since
the vessel was sailing outside the territorial sea of
the Philippines when the arrest was made.  

Is the ground to dismiss correct? Explain briefly. (5


15. Philippine Medical Center (PMC) is a

government hospital created by law to provide
healthcare to the general public, especially the less
fortunate. To enable PMC to perform its mandate,
the national government provided the initial
prostitution but also with a child subjected to
other sexual abuse.

2. Moe, Curly, and Larry were drinking and singing

inside a karaoke bar when suddenly, Buboy
entered the bar and without warning, immediately
CRIMINAL LAW shot all three of them using a caliber .45 pistol.
Thereafter, Buboy ran out of the bar to escape.
Moe, Curly, and Larry died instantly due to
(2022) gunshot wounds in their heads and bodies. With
the help of eyewitnesses, Buboy was arrested.
After the inquest, the prosecutor charged Buboy
with three counts of Homicide.
1. Police officer John ran after Randy who had just
Do you agree with the charge of Homicide against
killed Willy in John’s presence. John fired at Randy
Buboy? Explain briefly. (5 points)
in an attempt to stop him in his tracks. In response,
Randy fired back at John, hitting him. John was
seriously wounded but survived due to timely
3. Michael was driving along the highway when he
medical assistance. Randy was then charged with
executed a prohibited U-Turn. Dyords, a police
Frustrated Homicide. During the trial, Randy
officer, accosted Michael for the traffic violation. A
claimed self-defense.
verbal argument ensued between them. Dyords
suddenly drew his service firearm and pointed it at
Is Randy’s claim of self-defense tenable? Explain
Michael. Dyords ordered Michael to alight from his
car, which the latter obeyed. Dyords then
handcuffed Michael and pinned his head and body
Answer: YES. Sec. 5 (b) of RA 7610 or the
against the pavement until he could no longer
Anti-Child Abuse Law punishes a person
breathe. Michael died. Charged with Homicide,
who, through coercion,
Dyords interposed the exempting circumstance of
intimidation, or influence, engages in sexual
the accident as a defense.
intercourse or lascivious conduct not only with a
child exploited in
If you were the judge, how would you resolve
prostitution but also with a child subjected to
Dyords’ defense? Explain briefly. (5 points)
other sexual abuse.
In the instant case, the former beauty queen who
was then 16 years old was clearly influenced into
having sexual
4. Bernardo, a mayoralty candidate of Osram City,
intercourse with ex-bf when the latter misled her
wanted to eliminate Yori, his political opponent.
into doing what he wanted. She was likewise
Yori announced his intention to run for mayor of
coerced by her ex-bf
the same city. A month before the filing of
to have sex with him even after she had repeatedly
candidacy, Bernardo and Benjamin met at a hotel
said no.
and discussed their plan to kill Yori on the day
Answer: YES. Sec. 5 (b) of RA 7610 or the
when he would file his certificate of candidacy.
Anti-Child Abuse Law punishes a person
Based on their agreement, Bernardo would
who, through coercion,
provide the guns and the money, while Benjamin
intimidation, or influence, engages in sexual
would provide the personnel to cordon off all
intercourse or lascivious conduct not only with a
roads leading to the COMELEC’s local office.
child exploited in
prostitution but also with a child subjected to
On the day of the execution of the plan, however,
other sexual abuse.
Benjamin flew to Manila to avoid being involved in
Answer: YES. Sec. 5 (b) of RA 7610 or the
the planned killing of Yori. Bernardo, determined
Anti-Child Abuse Law punishes a person
to kill Yori, convened his own armed group and
who, through coercion,
laid out a new plan to kill Yori, and in accordance
intimidation, or influence, engages in sexual
with it, his armed group patrolled all the roads
intercourse or lascivious conduct not only with a
leading to the COMELEC’s local office. Bernardo
child exploited in
remained in his house and monitored the
execution of the plan from there. As soon as Yori
and his supporters passed by the main road at firearm he used, a baby Armalite, was verified to
around 2:00 p.m., Bernardo’s armed group opened be without any license. During the interrogation,
fire at them. Yori was unharmed as he was inside a Jhudas admitted that Pontio, the rival mayoralty
bulletproof vehicle, but ten of his supporters were candidate of Jesusa, paid him Php 1,000,000.00 to
killed. Bernardo, the members of his armed group, assassinate Jesusa. Due to Jhudas’ admission,
and Benjamin were later charged with ten counts coupled with the sworn statement of an
of Murder for the death of Yori’s supporters and eyewitness, the prosecutor filed two Informations,
one count of Attempted Murder of Yori. one for Murder and one for Illegal Possession of
Firearm, against both Jhudas and Pontio.
Discuss the criminal liability for the crimes charged
against each of the following: (i) Bernardo, (ii) the Do you agree with the prosecutor’s charges
members of Bernardo’s armed group, and (iii) against Jhudas and Pontio? Explain briefly. (5
Benjamin. Explain briefly. (5 points) points)

5. A police officer responded to a disturbance call 8. Jenny obtained fire insurance from YG Insurance
at around 1:30 p.m. in an apartment in Quezon Co. (YG). In payment of the policy, she issued a
City. Upon his arrival, the police officer postdated check payable to cash in the amount of
encountered Sisa stabbing her 1-year-old child Php 15,000.00 which was handed to Lisa, YG’s
with a kitchen knife. The police officer grabbed sales agent. Lisa did not remit the check to YG.
Sisa and the latter threw the knife on the floor. Instead, Lisa deposited it in her husband’s bank
Sisa was immediately taken into custody. Despite account, but the check was dishonored for having
suffering multiple stab wounds on her back, the been drawn from a closed account.
child survived. During the trial, Sisa insisted that
she can only be held liable for Attempted Parricide What crime, if any, was committed by Lisa and, if
because she voluntarily desisted when she threw there was any, what is its prescribed penalty?
down the knife. Explain briefly. (5 points)

Is Sisa’s contention tenable? Explain briefly. (5

9. Madame X, with the promise of money, and
without the use of force, intimidation, or threat,
6. Anna and Barbara, while working inside their enticed Zia, a 15-year-old, to engage in oral sex by
sari-sari store, saw Javier and Jorge robbing an allowing Madame X to lick Zia’s vagina. Zia
elderly woman of her purse and brutally beating consented because she needed the money.
her to death. Anna and Barbara immediately ran
outside and, when they tried to help the elderly What crime, if any, was committed by Madame X?
woman, Javier and Jorge stabbed both of them. Explain briefly. (5 Points)
Thereafter, Javier and Jorge ran away with the
elderly woman’s purse. Anna suffered one stab
wound which punctured her lung, but she survived 10. During the 2022 national elections, Bern
due to timely medical assistance. Barbara, posted on her Facebook page a statement that
however, died as a result of nine stab wounds, one Alfredo, an incumbent mayor vying for re-election,
of which pierced through her spleen. has a pending corruption case with the
Sandiganbayan for pocketing Php 20,000,000.00 of
If you were the prosecutor, what crime/s would public funds under his custody.
you file against Javier and Jorge for: (i) the death of
the elderly woman, (ii) the death of Barbara, and Czarina, Bern’s friend, saw the post and
(iii) the injuries sustained by Anna? Explain briefly. commented online, stating: “Bhie, true yan.
(5 points) Alfredo is so corrupt. Marami ding binabahay yan.
Sugarol pa!” Donnabel, also Bern’s friend, reacted
to Bern’s post by clicking the “like” button.
7. Jesusa, a mayoralty candidate of the Another person, Justine, who is a stranger to Bern
Municipality of Jaen, Nueva Ecija during the 2019 and her friends, but who claims to be a crusader
local elections, was ambushed and gunned down for good governance, came across the said post.
by Jhudas, a gun for hire. Jhudas was arrested at a Finding it relevant to her advocacy and crusade,
COMELEC checkpoint just after the incident. The
Justine shared the link to Bern’s post on her During the trial of Raul for the crime of Illegal
Twitter account. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, police officer
Pepe, the sole witness for the prosecution,
Who among Bern, Czarina, Donnabel, and Justine, testified as narrated above. After which, the
if any, are liable for the crime of Cyberlibel? prosecution rested its case. The defense did not
Explain briefly. (5 points) present any evidence.

If you were the judge, would you convict or acquit

11. On May 15, 2013 at around 300 a.m., Lucy, Raul for the crime charged? Explain briefly. (5
Mary, and Raphael were on board a passenger points)
jeepney, with Raphael behind the wheel. They
were traversing the highway on the southbound
lane. 13. Joben, a school principal, called high school
students Paula and Gina, both 15 years old, to the
Meanwhile, a Virgen Bus, driven by Kiko, was faculty room regarding the sexual text message
traveling along the northbound lane. Kiko overtook circulating around campus which made reference
the vehicle in front of him, which caused him to to Joben’s daughter. In front of teachers and some
occupy the opposite lane where the jeepney was students, Joben shouted at Paula and Gina, asking
on. With the Virgen Bus traveling at a high speed, them who sent the said text message. Joben also
Raphael tried to avoid the collision but failed. The threatened to sue them and said: “Siguro nainggit
bus hit the jeepney which resulted in Raphael’s kayo sa anak ko kasi maganda sya, matalino at
death, serious physical injuries to Lucy and Mary, mayaman. Sabihin nyo kasi sa mga magulang nyo
and extensive damage to the jeepney amounting magsumikap sila para maging mayaman din kayo.
to Php 500,000.00. Di yung tatamad-tamad.” Joben then raised her
middle finger in front of Paula and Gina, saying
The public prosecutor filed two Informations “Mga burikat (whore)!”
charging Kiko for two separate offenses: (i)
Reckless Imprudence resulting in Serious Physical Later that day, Paula and Gina narrated the
Injuries for the injuries suffered by the passengers; incident to their parents and said that they were
and (ii) Reckless Imprudence resulting in Homicide ashamed of going back to school.
and Damage to Property for Raphael’s death and
the damage to the jeepney. Is Joben guilty of violating Section 10(a) of
Republic Act No. 7610 for other acts of child
Is the public prosecutor correct? Explain briefly. (5 abuse? Explain briefly. (5 points)

14. On February 25, 2019, Bob approached Edward

12. Sometime in 2011, while police officers were to borrow Php 100,000.00 purportedly to settle
conducting a foot patrol in connection with the some obligations, promising that he would pay the
report of rampant illegal activities in the area, loan using a postdated check. Convinced by Bob's
police officer Pepe saw Raul inside a small shanty promises of repayment with interest, and because
holding a disposable syringe. Being a police officer of their closeness
for almost 15 years and having previously made as former classmates in high school, Edward
more than ten arrests involving possession of drug agreed to lend the said amount. As payment, Bob
paraphernalia, Pepe entered through the open made, drew, issued in favor of, and delivered to
door of Raul’s shanty and arrested him. Inside the Edward in the latter's residence at No. 112 Maria
shanty, 23 more pieces of disposable syringes and Orosa St., Ermita, Manila, CBC Savings Bank Check
empty ampules were seized from Raul. Pepe No. 32710 postdated August 25, 2019 in the
immediately marked the seized items, took amount of Php 105,000.00. When the check was
photographs thereof, and conducted an inventory presented for payment on its due date in CBC
in the presence of Raul, a barangay kagawad, a Savings Bank Quezon City Branch, it was
representative from the Department of Justice dishonored due to: “Drawn Against Insufficient
(DOJ), and a media practitioner. The seized items Funds” (DAIF).
were turned over to the evidence custodian, who
kept them in a sealed container in the police On January 22, 2020, Edward sent a demand letter
station. to Bob to pay the face value of the check, but said
demand, although received by Bob, was not
heeded. Hence, the check remained unpaid, with private cars on demand to their destination, and
no arrangement for its payment. matches them with nearby available “driver-
partners.” The destination is only made known to
Draft the appropriate Information, complete with the driver partners when the users have boarded
caption and title, charging Bob for violation of the vehicle. Kotse Corp. has an accreditation
Batas Pambansa Blg. 22. (5 points) process for its driver-partners who are required to
submit bio-data, professional driver’s license, and
negative drug test results, as well as pass an exam
on road safety. After accreditation, the driver-
15. In 2003, the Province of Davao del Sur partners are free to choose their own work hours
purchased two vehicles for the use of the but Kotse Corp. requires them to complete at least
Governor and Vice Governor, respectively. The a total of 40 hours per week, or else the driver’s
purchase requests, which were all signed by Luis as share in the fare will be reduced. The fare is
then Governor of the province, requested for the determined by the application software depending
acquisition of one unit of Ford Ranger XLT 4x4 and on distance, time, and the demand for rides. The
one unit of Toyota Hilux 4x4. The procurement of fare is paid by the user or passenger through the
the subject vehicles did not undergo competitive application and Kotse Corp. remits the driver’s
public bidding as it was effected through direct share of 75% of the fare every two weeks. Kotse
Corp. keeps 25% as its commission. The driver-
purchase. The mode of procurement was
partners are evaluated by the users or passengers
approved by the members of the Bids and Awards
through a five-star rating system. Driver-partners
Committee (BAC) of the province. The two vehicles who consistently have an average rating of two
were delivered to the provincial government, and stars or below may be removed from Kotse Corp.’s
after inspection and acceptance by the concerned roster of driver-partners. The driver partners use
officials, payments were issued to the suppliers. their own vehicles, pay for fuel, and secure their
own vehicle insurance.
Subsequently, a complaint was filed by a
concerned citizen before the Office of the
Is there an employer-employee relationship
Ombudsman-Mindanao (OMB) claiming that the
between Kotse Corp. and its driver-partners?
purchase of the provincial government violated
Explain briefly. (5 points)
the procurement law. The OMB, after due
investigation, verified that the provincial
government did not comply with the required
procedure of the procurement law. Based on this
2. Krys is a daily-paid factory worker who is
finding, the OMB filed with the Sandiganbayan an
required to render eight hours of work per day.
Information against Luis and the members of the
Two days ago, he rendered only seven hours of
BAC for violation of Section 3(e)
work as he arrived late in the morning. Yesterday,
of Republic Act No. 3019.
Krys worked for nine hours as he was required to
assist in the processing of perishable goods. His
The Sandiganbayan found Luis and the members of
supervisor, Rudy, told Krys that he would not get
the BAC guilty on the sole reason that violation of
any overtime pay as his work for nine hours
the procurement law constitutes evident bad faith
yesterday was meant to offset the one-hour
and manifest partiality on the part of the accused.
shortfall in his work the day before.
Is the Sandiganbayan correct? Explain briefly. (5
(a) Is Rudy correct? Explain briefly.
(b) Assuming Krys is entitled to overtime pay, how
much will he get as overtime pay if his daily wage
is Php 640.00? Explain briefly. (5 points)

LABOR LAW (2022)

3. Cristina, a new hire of Sterling Corporation
(Sterling), was made to join the Sterling
Corporation Employees Union (SCEU) in
1. Kotse Corp. operates a mobile phone
compliance with the union shop provision in the
application “Kotse PH” that allows users to book
collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between
SCEU and Sterling. At the request of SCEU, Sterling among others, directing and supervising rank-and-
started deducting union dues from Cristina’s salary file employees. Leo and Dan are required to ensure
and remitting the same to SCEU pursuant to the that such employees obey company rules and
CBA provisions. Cristina protested, claiming that regulations and recommend to the company’s
she had not authorized the deduction in writing. Human Resources Department any required
disciplinary action against erring employees. There
Is Cristina’s claim valid? Explain briefly. (5 points) is only one union representing rank-and-file

May Leo and Dan join the union? Explain briefly. (5

4. Due to Bitoy’s repeated unwanted sexual points)
advances towards his co-worker Diego, Diego went
to the Personnel Manager to report Bitoy’s
behavior. The Personnel Manager started a
disciplinary action case against Bitoy. In his 7. Two legitimate labor organizations (Union Jack
written explanation, Bitoy denied the allegation of and Union Jill) are competing to become the first
sexual advances. He also pointed out that sexual sole and exclusive bargaining agent (SEBA) in
harassment only pertains to a superior- Maharlika Company. The unions agree to a
subordinate relationship, where the perpetrator is consent election without involving the Bureau of
the superior and the victim is the subordinate. Labor Relations (BLR). Union Jack garners an
Since Diego is not his subordinate, as they are co- overwhelming majority of the valid votes cast
workers with the same rank, Bitoy cannot be during the consent election. Negotiation for a
subject to disciplinary action. collective bargaining agreement (CBA)
commences, and while this is ongoing, a third
Is Bitoy’s contention correct? Explain briefly. (5 union, Union Jumble, files with the BLR a petition
points) for certification election seeking certification as
the SEBA in Maharlika Company. Union Jack
opposes the petition, arguing that no petition for
5. Marino, a seafarer, was engaged as an oiler on certification election can be filed within one year
board Searena Corporation’s oil tanker vessel. from the consent election, and during the CBA
After ten consecutive contracts, with each contract negotiation.
having a duration of eight months and the last one
ending in December 2021, Marino decided it was Is Union Jack correct? Explain briefly. (5 points)
time to enjoy his hard-earned money and
disembarked from the vessel upon the expiration
of his employment contract. In April 2022, he felt
excruciating pain in his groin. He went to a doctor 8. Julian was hired by Index Agency, a licensed
and was diagnosed with an acute hernia. The manpower and recruitment corporation, which
doctor also determined that the hernia was caused had a Service Agreement with Kainan Resto, a fast-
by repeated heavy lifting because of his work as an food restaurant, for the provision of ancillary and
oiler. As a result, Marino filed a case against support services. Index Agency assigned Julian to
Searena Corporation before the Labor Arbiter, work at Kainan Resto as a cashier and counter
claiming total and permanent disability under the clerk, whose duties involved taking customer
POEA Standard Employment Contract. Searena orders, receiving payments, preparing food orders,
Corporation raised in its position paper that and serving food to customers. Julian was accused
Marino is barred from filing the case as he did not of short-changing a customer during one
raise any complaints during the term of his transaction. He was immediately dismissed from
employment, and within three days from his service by the manager of Kainan Resto. Julian
arrival in the country after his last employment. filed a complaint for illegal dismissal against Index
Agency and Kainan Resto. In its defense, Kainan
If you were the Labor Arbiter, rule on Searena Resto argued that Julian was not its employee but
Corporation’s defense. Explain briefly. (5 points) that of Index Agency, given that Index Agency, is a
licensed manpower and recruitment corporation.

Is Kainan Resto correct? Explain briefly. (5 points)

6. Sonic Build Corp. employed Leo and Dan in its
cement factory and assigned them the tasks of,
9. Sigaw Corp., a media entity, produces television years from date of resignation or separation from
shows. To streamline its processes, it created a the company. Violation of this stipulation shall
database of camera crew and sound engineers make you liable for liquidated damages in the
whom it usually engages for its television shows. amount of Php 5,000,000.00.” Trixie was able to
Sigaw Corp. pays them only “talent fees” each time successfully produce the vaccine and for which AZ
they are engaged for a show. Afte several years of Corp. paid her Php 50,000,000.00. Thereafter,
this set-up, the camera crew and sound engineers Trixie resigned from AZ Corp. and returned to her
filed a complaint for regularization against Sigaw work in the academe. AZ Corp. filed a complaint
Corp. before the Labor Arbiter. On the other hand, for damages in the amount of Php 5,000,000.00
Sigaw Corp., claims that they are not regular against Trixie for violation of the above stipulation
employees but independent contractors or talents in her contract.
because they are engaged and paid for their
specific technical skills. If you were the judge, rule on the validity of the
stipulation. Explain briefly. (5 points)
Rule on the complaint. Explain briefly. (5 points)

12. Discuss and differentiate between the

procedural requirements in termination of
QUESTION 9 employment for (i) just and (ii) authorized causes.
10. As Human Resources Manager of a five-star Explain briefly. (5 points)
hotel, you were told in confidence by several
fearful employees in the housekeeping
department that Joy, the head of housekeeping,
was a harsh disciplinarian who would pinch the
ears of her staff or rap their heads to drill
instructions on the proper way to clean and tidy up
the hotel rooms. One day, the assistant
housekeeper urgently called you to the supply
room of the hotel, where you found housekeeping
staff Erika and Patricia slumped on the floor with
bloody faces. The assistant housekeeper reported
that she saw Joy beat up Erika and Patricia with a
mop for allegedly stealing complimentary toiletries
for guests. Erika and Patricia was hospitalized for a
couple of days due to the injuries they sustained.

(a) Can Joy be placed on preventive suspension

pending administrative investigation? If so, for
what maximum period? Explain briefly.

(b) If Joy is placed on preventive suspension, is she

entitled to receive her wages and other benefits
during the period? Explain briefly. (5 points)

11. Trixie is a scientist/researcher in the academe,

specializing in vaccine research, particularly
messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology. At
the start of the pandemic in 2020, Trixie was hired
by AZ Corp. to help formulate and produce a
vaccine against COVID-19. The employment
contract provides: “You shall not work for
whatsoever capacity, either as an employee,
agent, or consultant with any person, anywhere in
the Philippines, whose business is in direct and
indirect competition with the company during the 1. Samson Manufacturing, Inc. insured its own
period of this contract and for a period of ten (10) goods with Delilah Insurance for Php 2,000,000.00.
The same goods were insured by Alibaba Shipping board to prevent herself and her child from being
Co. with Assured Corp. for the same amount thrown out of the exit, but because the step board
pursuant to its contract of carriage with Samson was wet, her left foot slipped and was
Manufacturing, Inc. Both policies warranted that crushed between the step board and the coconut
no other insurance exists, and in case another tree which halted the jeepney’s backward motion.
insurance does exist, such would not void either As a result, Queenie’s leg was badly injured and
policy, but in no case should the claim exceed the had to be amputated. 
total amount of Php 2,000,000.00 at the time of
loss.   Queenie then sued Emil and Amor for breach of
contract of carriage. Emil and Amor countered that
Is this a case of double insurance? Explain briefly. the injuries Queenie sustained were due to her
(5 points)  own fault since Amor had instructed everyone not
to panic, but Queenie nevertheless tried to
disembark which caused her foot to be crushed. 
2. Muviel obtained a life insurance policy from X
Insurance Corp. Muviel underwent a medical If you were the judge, would you hold Emil and
examination and was certified as qualified to be Amor solidarily liable? Explain briefly. (5 points) 
insured. Unknown to X Insurance Corp., Muviel
had a mild stroke some years earlier. The
insurance policy expressly provided that
any misrepresentation in the questionnaire filled 5. FLIP Co. is engaged in a nationalized activity
up by Muviel for the issuance of the policy would requiring at least 60% Filipino ownership. Its
render the policy null, void and of no effect.  outstanding capital stock consists of 1,000,000
shares broken down into 400,000 non-voting
(a) If Muviel dies within the two-year period from preferred shares and 600,000 voting common
the time of issuance of the policy, will the shares out of which 20,000 are treasury shares.  
beneficiaries of Muviel be entitled to claim the
proceeds of the life insurance policy? Explain How many shares of the corporation must be
briefly.  owned by Filipinos? Explain briefly. (5 points) 

(b) Should Muviel die after the two-year period,

will your answer be the same?  Explain briefly. (5
points)  6. Yoongi, a director of BTS Corp. PH, bought
substantial shares of its major supplier, Hybe, Inc.
When Hybe, Inc.’s contracts were taken up by the
3. Kotse Corp. is an entity that provides pre- BTS Corp.  PH Board, Yoongi not only voted for
arranged transportation services for a fee using an their approval but influenced other directors to do
online-enabled platform technology that connects so. Later, the Hybe, Inc. contracts turned out to be
passengers with drivers using their own vehicles.   disadvantageous to BTS Corp. PH and caused it
substantial losses.  
(a) Is Kotse Corp. a common carrier? Explain
briefly.   Discuss the action/s that may be pursued against
Yoongi under the Revised Corporation Code.
(b) Are the drivers engaged in common carrier Explain briefly. (5 points) 
service? Explain briefly. (5 points) 

7. LOKO Co., using a fraudulent scheme, was able

to sell its shares to investors. The sale proceeds
4. At around 4:00 p.m. of December 25, 2020, were then secretly diverted by LOKO Co. to its
Christmas Day, Queenie and her child, Paeng, wholly owned subsidiaries. Later, LOKO Co.
boarded a jeepney being operated by Emil and became insolvent and was placed under
driven by Amor. Queenie was made to sit on an receivership. On behalf of the investor-
empty beer case at the edge of the rear stockholders, the receiver demanded the
entrance/exit of the jeepney with her sleeping inspection of the books and records of LOKO Co.’s
child on her lap. When they reached an uphill subsidiaries. 
incline on the road, the jeepney slid backwards.
Queenie pushed both her feet against the step
(a) Can LOKO Co.’s stockholders exercise, through promoted its products in the same publications
the receiver, their right of inspection of the books where Zui Cheneris had advertised  “CHENAPS”;
and records of LOKO Co.’s subsidiaries? (iii) despite its knowledge of prior use by Zui
Explain briefly.   Cheneris of  “CHENAPS”, Nutty Pharma had
(b) Is this a case of intra-corporate dispute? fraudulently appropriated the “CHENAPSE” mark 
Explain briefly.  (5 points)  by registering the same with the IPO; and, (iv) as
the prior user, Zui Cheneris is the  owner of
“CHENAPS” and the continued use by Nutty
8. EXIT Corp., no longer wanting to continue with Pharma of “CHENAPSE” will cause it grave and
its business, transferred to Entra, Inc. under an irreparable damage. Thus, Zui Cheneris prayed for
Asset Purchase Agreement all its properties and the cancellation of the trademark registration of
assets including goodwill. A creditor of EXIT Corp. Nutty Pharma’s “CHENAPSE”.  
demanded from Entra, Inc. the payment of
EXIT Corp.’s debt for the reason that the (a) As the RTC judge, will you enjoin Zui Cheneris
transaction amounted to a merger and, from further using the mark “CHENAPS”? Explain
therefore, the surviving corporation, Entra, Inc., briefly.  
must assume the debts of the
absorbed corporation, EXIT Corp.  (b) Is Zui Cheneris’ prayer for cancellation of Nutty
Pharma’s trademark registration tenable? Explain
Is the creditor’s demand tenable? Explain briefly. briefly.  (5 points) 
(5 points) 

10. Bank teller Loris submitted a Suspicious

9. Zui Cheneris Corp. is a pharmaceutical company Transaction Report (STR) on Marychelle, a
operating in the Philippines since 1999. One of its politically exposed person (PEP), who, when asked
products is a drug called carbamazepine under the about her deposit of Php 2,000,000.00 in cash,
brand name “CHENAPS”, which is an winked and replied “Sikreto teh”. The Anti-
anticonvulsant used to control all types of seizure Money Laundering Council did not find probable
disorders of varied causes like epilepsy.  cause which could support the belief that
Marychelle had committed an unlawful activity or
Nutty Pharma, also a pharmaceutical company in was otherwise involved in money laundering.
the Philippines, sells citicoline under the mark Marychelle now wants to sue the bank and Loris
“CHENAPSE”, which is indicated for the treatment for allegedly discriminating against her.  
of cerebrovascular disease or stroke. “CHENAPSE”
was registered as a trademark by Nutty Pharma Discuss whether or not Loris and the bank are
with the Intellectual Property Office of the liable. (5 points) 
Philippines (IPO) on September 24, 2017.  

On November 29, 2017, Nutty Pharma filed with

the Regional Trial Court (RTC) a Complaint against 11. Kauff Corp. had suffered tremendous losses as
Zui Cheneris for Injunction, Trademark a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the
Infringement, Damages and Destruction with resulting economic slump. From a calculation of its
Prayer for Temporary Restraining Order and/or assets and liabilities, Kauff Corp. was technically
Preliminary Injunction, alleging that Zui Cheneris’ insolvent but management believed that it had the
“CHENAPS” is confusingly similar to its registered chance to survive if its rights to mineral properties
trademark “CHENAPSE” and the resulting could be exploited. Kauff Corp. has the rights to
likelihood of confusion is dangerous because the several parcels of land containing nickel deposits.
marks cover medical drugs intended for different Nickel prices had gone up in the world market and
types of illnesses.  nickel was in short supply. 

Zui Cheneris, in its Answer, countered that: (i) it The creditors of Kauff Corp. are set to file suits for
has been  selling carbamazepine under the brand collection with application for writs of
name “CHENAPS” since 2004; (ii) it was  impossible attachment. 
for Nutty Pharma not to have known the existence
of “CHENAPS” before the latter's registration of As the counsel for Kauff Corp., what legal action
“CHENAPSE” because Nutty Pharma had  would you take to avert the suits and stave off
insolvency and liquidation? Explain briefly. (5 1. Lebron, a Makati resident, obtained a Php
points)  350,000.00 loan from a bank secured by a real
estate mortgage (REM) over his lot located in
Quezon City with an assessed value of Php
500,000.00. Lebron failed to pay despite written
12. In a Facebook livestream, an author offered his demands. The bank intends to file an action for
books online for sale by asking interested viewers judicial foreclosure of the REM.
to type in “Mine” in the chatbox. A set of his books
was sold to a social media influencer who later Where should the action for judicial foreclosure of
turned out to be a “joy reserver.” A “joy reserver” the REM be filed and in which court? Explain
refers to an online buyer who enthusiastically briefly. (5 points)
shows interest in an item, but will not actually buy
it. The author made a screenshot of the social
media influencer’s “Mine” message as proof of the 2. Asya, Inc. sued Kobe, a resident of Bukidnon. To
acceptance of the offer.  serve summons, the sheriff waited in the lobby of
Makati Hotel (MH), where Kobe stays whenever he
Does the screenshot of the message prove the is in Manila. The sheriff failed to serve the
perfection of the sale contract? Explain briefly. (5 summons because Kobe left the hotel for an
points) emergency. Hours later, the sheriff asked the front
desk about Kobe’s whereabouts and his room
number. The hotel refused to disclose on grounds
of confidentiality. The sheriff tried again the next
day, but Kobe was in a conference until midnight.
So, the following day, the sheriff left the summons
and a copy of the complaint with MH's chief
security officer (CSO), even as the CSO refused
because Kobe had already checked out by then.
The sheriff thereafter filed his return, stating the
dates, times and places of his attempts, the name
of the CSO, and the fact that the complaint was
served with the summons. When Kobe did not file
an Answer, Asya, Inc. moved to declare him in

Was there a valid substituted service of summons?

Explain briefly. (5 points)

3. Ten days after service of summons, defendant

Kay filed a motion to dismiss the complaint for
collection of sum of money against her on the
ground of improper service of summons, on the
basis of which the court did not acquire
jurisdiction over her person.

If you were the judge, how would you rule? Explain

briefly. (5 points)

4. Attorney Woo, the newly-hired lawyer of a law

firm, booked Samurai Express, a duly accredited
courier service within the National Capital Judicial
REMEDIAL LAW I (2022) Region, to serve a copy of a motion for
reconsideration to Attorney Han, counsel for the
adverse party, whose office is in the City of Manila.
Attorney Han moved to deny the motion for failure
to contain a written explanation as to why the to an ordinary civil action seeking the protection
motion was not served personally. and enforcement of ownership rights of such legal
heir vested by the law of succession? Explain
(a) Was the motion for reconsideration properly briefly. (5 points)
served? Explain briefly.
(b) What shall be considered as proof of service of
this motion? Explain briefly. (5 points) 8. Namjoon, a Korean national, and Regine, a
Filipina, were married in Makati City on February
14, 2012. Unfortunately, their relationship shortly
5. Jimuel filed against his wife Jewel a petition for turned sour and ended with a divorce by mutual
the declaration of nullity of their marriage, alleging agreement in South Korea. The local court in Korea
as ground therefor Jewel’s psychological incapacity granted the divorce. Wanting to marry her new
under Article 36 of the Family Code. The court boyfriend Taehyung, Regine filed a petition for
denied the petition for insufficiency of the recognition of the foreign decree of divorce in the
evidence presented at the trial. Much later, Jimuel Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu where she
again filed a petition against Jewel for the resides.
declaration of nullity of their marriage. This time,
the basis Jimuel’s petition was the absence of a The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) opposed
marriage license at the time their marriage was the petition contending that the proper remedy is
celebrated. Upon Jewel's motion, the court a special proceeding for cancellation or correction
dismissed the petition on the ground of res of entries in the civil registry under Rule 108 of the
judicata by virtue of the judgment in the first suit. Rules of Court, which can only be filed in the RTC
of Makati where the marriage was celebrated and
Was the denial of the petition on the ground of res recorded in the Civil Registry of Makati.
judicata proper? Explain briefly. (5 points)
Is the OSG’s contention tenable? Explain briefly. (5

6. Isol, Inc. supplies rotisserie chicken products to

the grocery section of shopping malls. It conducts
kitchen operations in a refurbished house located 9. Notting Hill Corp. filed an action for forcible
in Palanan, a residential neighborhood. Rona, a entry against the ten occupants of a parcel of land
resident of Palanan, filed an action against Isol, Inc. it owns. After the summary proceedings, the
to enjoin the operations of its kitchen on the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) rendered judgment
ground that it emits intolerable odors and violates against the ten defendants. The defendants filed a
laws on waste disposal. In the same action, Rona notice of appeal, but failed to file a supersedeas
also seeks to have Isol, Inc.’s business permit bond to stay the judgment to vacate. Upon Notting
revoked because an industrial facility is not Hill Corp.’s motion, the MTC issued a writ of
allowed by law to be located in a residential execution. When Hugh, the sheriff, was
neighborhood and Isol, Inc. failed to comply with implementing the writ of execution, he discovered
sanitary inspection and other procedural and that the land was occupied by a number of families
health requirements. In the complaint Rona filed, who all claimed that they were legitimate lessees
she likewise prayed for the issuance of a writ of of the ten defendants. Julia, one of the lessees,
preliminary injunction (WPI) to stop the kitchen pleaded with Hugh, beseeching: “I’m just a lessee,
operations during the pendency of the case. Isol, standing in front of a sheriff, asking him to let me
Inc., in its verified answer, strongly opposed the stay in my home.”
prayer for WPI considering the huge financial
disaster that it will suffer if the writ were to be May Hugh implement the writ of execution against
issued, especially in light of the possibility that the the lessees? Explain briefly. (5 points)
suit could continue to be pending for more than a

Based on the foregoing, may the WPI prayed for 10. An Information for Murder was filed against
already be issued? Explain briefly. (5 points) the accused Demo and Onyok. It reads:

7. Is a prior determination of the status as a legal “That on or about the 9th day of March 2008, in
heir in a separate special proceeding a prerequisite the City of Las Piñas, Philippines and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the compromise as an admission of guilt. Ricky’s
abovenamed accused, conspiring and counsel objected.
confederating together and both of them mutually
helping and aiding each other, without justifiable If you were the judge, how would you rule on the
motive, with intent to kill and with treachery and objection? Explain briefly. (5 points)
abuse of superior strength, did then and there
knowingly, unlawfully and feloniously attack,
assault and use personal violence upon one Angel 14. Klaus was drinking in front of his rented
Rosario, by then and there repeatedly hitting and apartment when he suddenly heard a gunshot
beating his head with a baseball bat, thereby which came from inside the apartment owned by
inflicting upon the latter mortal injury which Luther. Klaus then saw Igor, a neighbor, going
caused his death. Contrary to law.” down the stairs and leaving the scene holding a
gun. Klaus also witnessed Luther fall from the
The accused filed a motion to quash on the ground stairs with blood oozing from his chest. Vanya,
that the Information does not conform Luther’s daughter, also rushed to Luther when he
substantially to the prescribed form. fell.

Is the accused correct? Explain briefly. (5 points) During Igor’s trial for Murder, Vanya testified and
presented a flash drive containing the closed-
circuit television (CCTV) footages of the scene. Said
footages showed a man appearing to be Igor,
armed with a gun, proceeding up the stairs and
11. Cain was indicted under an Information entering Luther’s apartment. In the video, the
charging him with the crime of Murder. He was same man was seen hastily leaving the premises.
caught by the police in flagrante delicto as the Vanya further testified that she was the one who
incident happened in a public place with many transferred to the flash drive the video footages
witnesses present. Videos of the incident were from the barangay-owned CCTV that was located
also posted online which the judge was able to outside their apartment.
When the footages were played in court and an
During his arraignment, Cain pleaded guilty to the enlarged screenshot was presented, Vanya
crime charged. The Regional Trial Court (RTC) identified the shooter as Igor. The defense
accepted the plea because it was made voluntarily objected on the ground that Vanya was not the
and with full understanding of the consequences. recorder of the video footages.
The RTC directed the prosecution to present
evidence to prove Cain’s guilt. However, the Are the CCTV footages admissible as electronic
prosecution failed to present any evidence during evidence? Explain briefly. (5 points)
the scheduled hearings. The RTC then ruled and
found Cain guilty beyond reasonable doubt based
solely on his plea of guilt.
15. In a case for Estafa, the prosecution offered
Was Cain’s conviction proper? Explain briefly. (5 the photocopy of the acknowledgment receipt
points) signed by the accused showing personal receipt of
the sum of money from the private complainant to
prove the amount of damage. Accused objected to
12. Enumerate and describe three warrants that the offer of the photocopy on the sole ground that
may be issued by the courts pursuant to the Rule it is a mere reproduction of the original in violation
on Cybercrime Warrants. (5 points) of the original document rule. The court overruled

13. Ricky, while driving his Maserati, smashes into

the Toyota Vios of Dante. Immediately after the REMEDIAL LAW II
incident, Ricky offers to pay the value of the
Toyota Vios. 6 of 6 Dante still sued Ricky criminally
for Reckless Imprudence because of Ricky’s
wayward and speedy driving. During trial, Dante
was called as witness to testify on Ricky’s offer to
the accused’s objection and admitted in evidence Did Gail take the correct of mode of appeal?
the photocopy of the acknowledgment receipt. Explain briefly. (5 points)
4. The Regional Trial Court (RTC) rendered a
Did the court err in admitting the photocopy? decision against Kat. She received a copy of the
Explain briefly. (5 points) decision on December 26, 2021. Kat’s counsel filed
with the Supreme Court a petition for review
on certiorari  under Rule 45 by registered mail on
January 10, 2022. The petition was dismissed for
failure to pay the docket fees within the
reglementary period. Kat’s counsel challenged the
dismissal arguing that: (i) the intention was to pay
1. Assume that you received an adverse decision the docket fees after the same is assessed upon
and filed a motion for reconsideration which was the court’s receipt of the petition by registered
denied. mail; and (ii) the dismissal of the petition
effectively rendered nugatory a party’s statutory
Give the reglementary periods for filing the right to appeal by registered mail under the rules.
following: Kat’s counsel also added that she did not want to
(a) Notice of Appeal to the Court of Appeals include cash money in the mail.
(b) Petition for Certiorari  under Rule 65
(c) Petition for Review to the Court of Appeals Is Kat’s counsel correct? Explain briefly. (5 points)
under Rule 42
(d) Petition for Review on Certiorari to the
Supreme Court under Rule 45
(e) Petition for Certiorari under Rule 64 5. In December of 2021, Matibag Realty Corp. and
Kasangga Construction Co. submitted their
construction dispute to arbitration before the
2. Fides filed a case before the Regional Trial Court Construction Industry Arbitration Commission
(RTC) questioning the authority of the local (CIAC). In March 2022, the CIAC arbitral tribunal
government unit (LGU) to assess real property rendered an award in favor of Kasangga
taxes (RPT) on a certain property she owns. She Construction Co.
also prayed for a writ of preliminary injunction
(WPI) to restrain the LGU from collecting the RPT. What is Matibag Realty Corp.’s remedy? Explain
The LGU moved to dismiss Fides’ case arguing that briefly. (5 points)
since the matter involves RPT, her remedy was to
file an appeal to the Local Board of Assessment
Appeals. 6. Nysa was defrauded by Jackie resulting in
damages to the former. Nysa filed a civil suit
(a) Is the LGU correct? Explain briefly before the Regional Trial Court (RTC). The RTC
dismissed her complaint. Within four years from
(b) If the RTC issues an order denying the Nysa’s discovery of the dismissal of her complaint,
application for a WPI, and thereafter denies Fides’ she filed, through her counsel, a petition for
subsequent motion for reconsideration, what is annulment of judgment under Rule 47 of the Rules
her remedy? Explain briefly. (5 points) of Court before the Court of Appeals (CA) on the
ground of fraud.

3. Gail filed a forcible entry complaint against Should the CA give due course to Nysa’s petition?
Marianina before the Metropolitan Trial Court Explain briefly. (5 points)
(MeTC). The MeTC ruled in favor of Marianina. Gail
appealed the MeTC decision to the Regional Trial
Court (RTC). The RTC denied Gail’s appeal and
sustained the MeTC. Gail then filed a notice of 7. Alex, Bobbie, and Gabbie were charged with the
appeal with the RTC indicating that it is appealing crime of Murder. Finding them to have acted in
the RTC’s decision to the Court of Appeals (CA). In conspiracy, the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
her notice of appeal, Gail also requested the RTC convicted them of Homicide. Only Bobbie
to transmit the records of the case to the CA. appealed the conviction with the Court of Appeals
(CA). Consequently, an entry of judgment was
issued as against Alex and Gabbie.
Subsequently, the CA modified Bobbie’s conviction Aggrieved, Miggy and Laida filed before the
from Homicide to Murder. In the same judgment, Supreme Court the following: (i) a Rule 65 petition
the CA likewise modified Alex and Gabbie’s for certiorari assailing the OMB’s decision finding
conviction from Homicide to Murder. them administratively liable for grave misconduct;
and (ii) a Rule 45 petition for review
Upon learning of the CA’s decision, Alex and on certiorari  assailing the OMB’s resolution finding
Gabbie confronted Bobbie, saying: “Bakit ka pa ba probable cause against them.
nag-appeal? Tumaas tuloy ang sentensya namin.
Nadamay pa kami!” Bobbie snapped back: “Bakit Were the remedies availed of by Miggy and Laida
parang galit kayo? Pero bakit kasalanan ko? proper? Explain briefly. (5 points)
Parang kasalanan ko?”

Was the CA correct in modifying the judgment as 10. After due proceedings, the Bureau of Internal
to Alex and Gabbie? Explain briefly. (5 points) Revenue (BIR) issued a Final Notice and
Assessment with Final Letter of Demand assessing
Kotse Corp. for deficiency income taxes covering
calendar year 2021, which Kotse Corp. duly
8. Mayor Dalupan, who was notorious for being protested. A month after receipt of the protest,
involved in rigged public biddings, was convicted the Commissioner of Internal Revenue issued a
by the Sandiganbayan, in the exercise of its notice of garnishment against Kotse Corp.’s
original jurisdiction, for violation of Section 3 (e) of deposit accounts in GENZ Bank.
Republic Act No. 3019, or the Anti-Graft and
Corrupt Practices Act. Seeking to overturn his If you were counsel for Kotse Corp., what advice
conviction, Mayor Dalupan filed a Rule 65 petition would you give to secure an injunction against the
for certiorari  before the Supreme Court on the notice of garnishment? Explain briefly. (5 points)
59th day from notice of the assailed
Sandiganbayan ruling.

Is the remedy availed of by MayorDalupan 11. You are the counsel for Boni and Klyde, who
correct? Explain briefly. (5 points) are accused as co-conspirators in a Murder case.
During arraignment, they both pleaded not guilty.
In the course of the trial, Klyde confessed to you
that it was actually Boni who committed the
9. Police officers Miggy and Laida were involved in Murder and that he merely helped Boni dispose of
an alleged buy-bust operation against Mr. the body. Klyde tells you that he wants to plead
Magtalas, a suspected drug dealer. Mr. Magtalas guilty and directs you to inform the prosecution
maintained his innocence, asserting that the drugs and the judge that he wants to testify against Boni
were merely planted. He further claimed that he as a state witness.
was unjustifiably beaten up by the police officers.
Mr. Magtalas filed before 5 of 5 the Office of the Can you continue to represent Boni, or Klyde, or
Deputy Ombudsman for Military and Other Law both? Explain briefly. (5 points)
Enforcement Officers (OMB-MOLEO) a criminal
complaint for planting evidence which is
punishable under Section 29 of the Dangerous
Drugs Act (R.A. No. 9165). Mr. Magtalas also filed 12. Identify five duties of a lawyer as stated in the
an administrative complaint for grave misconduct Lawyer’s Oath. (5 points)
against Miggy and Laida in light of the
unwarranted physical assault against him.

The Office of the Ombudsman (OMB) rendered a

decision holding Miggy and Laida administratively
liable for grave misconduct and accordingly
imposed the penalty of dismissal from service. A
few weeks later, the OMB issued a separate
resolution finding probable cause against them for
violation of Section 29 of R.A. No. 9165.

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