M, R, and B Artforms

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Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music are three distinct periods in the history of

Western music. Each period is characterized by its unique style, form, and musical

language. Medieval music, which spans from the 6th to the 15th century, is primarily vocal

and religious in nature. It is characterized by monophonic melodies, plainchant, and

organum 1. Renaissance music, which emerged in the 15th century and lasted until the early

17th century, is characterized by polyphonic textures, imitative counterpoint, and a greater

emphasis on secular music 2. Baroque music, which emerged in the early 17th century and

lasted until the mid-18th century, is characterized by its ornate melodies, complex

harmonies, and elaborate instrumentation 2.

Music during these periods was often influenced by other art forms such as painting,

sculpture, literature, and architecture. For example, Renaissance music was influenced by

humanism and the revival of classical antiquity  2. Baroque music was influenced by the

grandeur of the Baroque art movement and the desire to create dramatic effects through

music 2. In addition to this, music was also influenced by historical events such as the

Reformation and Counter-Reformation 2.

In summary, Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music are three distinct periods in

Western music history that are characterized by their unique styles and musical languages.

These periods were often influenced by other art forms such as painting, sculpture,

literature, and architecture.

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