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Grade: KS2 Subject: English Date:31/03/2021

Term 2- Revision Paper (Answer Key)

I. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below:

Covering an area of about 5,427,000 square miles, the Arctic Ocean is about the
size of Russia, and yet the smallest and shallowest of the world’s five major oceanic
divisions. It’s also one of the least explored, primarily because ice partly covers it
throughout the year. It’s surrounded by the land masses of Eurasia, North America,
Greenland and several islands, while an underwater ridge divides it into two basins,
which are further subdivided by ridges.

The Arctic Ocean’s surface temperature and salinity varies seasonally. Salt lowers
the freezing temperature of seawater to -2°C. Despite this, when the atmospheric
temperature drops in the Arctic, a thick layer of seawater begins to freeze. What
makes the oceans ‘ecology so intriguing is the amount of hidden life within- not just
in its depths but dispersed across every level of the water column. The mysterious
hidden life within the Arctic Ocean was the inspiration for the book ‘Deception
Point’ by Dan Brown. One of the most important aspects of its rich biodiversity is
the presence of micro-algae called phytoplankton, which form an essential
component of the food chain. These single-celled plants provide nourishment to
many marine animals. These phytoplankton get trapped in the salt-filled channels
during the formation of sea ice.

Sea ice is formed when loose ice crystals formed in supercooled water, merge to
form a thin layer over the sea water surface in a very calm ocean. As the
temperature continues to fall, the sea ice thickens. In the summer, the ice melts
and the surface cover (sea ice) reduces to about half of what it was. Climate change
is blamed for the increasing loss of ice throughout the Arctic Ocean, as well as the
melting of the Greenland ice sheet which in turn has endangered the animal life.

ridge – a long, narrow hilltop, mountain range or watershed
intrigue – arouse curiosity
thrive – to grow vigorously
1. What is compared to Russia and why? (1)
The Arctic Ocean is compared to Russia as it covers 5,427,000 square miles
which is about the size of Russia.

2. Why the Arctic Ocean is the least explored? (1)

The Arctic Ocean is least explored because it is partly covered with ice
throughout the year.

3. Write about the temperature variation of the Arctic Ocean. (2)

The Arctic Ocean’s surface temperature and salinity varies seasonally. Salt
lowers the freezing temperature of seawater to -2°C. Despite this, when the
atmospheric temperature drops in the Arctic, a thick layer of seawater begins
to freeze.

4. What is the most important aspect of Arctic biodiversity? How does it help the
marine animals? (2)
The most important aspect of Arctic Ocean’s rich biodiversity is the presence
of micro-algae called phytoplankton, which form an essential component of the
food chain. These single-celled plants help the marine animals by providing
nourishment to them.

5. What inspired Dan Brown to write his book? What is it called? (1)
The mysterious hidden life within the Arctic Ocean is what inspired the
author Dan Brown to write his book called ‘Deception Point’.

6. How is sea ice formed? What changes occur to the sea ice during summer? (2)
Sea ice is formed when loose ice crystals formed in supercooled water, merge
to form a thin layer over the sea water surface in a very calm ocean. As the
temperature continues to fall, the sea ice thickens. In the summer, the ice
melts and the surface cover (sea ice) reduces to about half of what it was.

7. Give synonym from the passage for: come together- merge (1)

8. Make notes from the above passage referring to the second and third
paragraph of ‘The Frozen Ocean’. (6)
Students will try it on their own as it is a part of their writing task

9. Write a summary in about 80-100 words referring to the second and third
paragraph of ‘The Frozen Ocean’. (6)
Students will try it on their own as it is a part of their writing task
II. Grammar:
A. Identify the figures of speech: (10)
1) He tripped, fell, banged his head and died. Climax
2) Her homework was completely unfinished. Oxymoron
3) He lost his wife, his children and his job. Anti-climax
4) Next Friday is never going to arrive. Hyperbole
5) The kid’s room is a disaster area. Metaphor
6) I’m sorry but I just can’t seem to wrap my head around it. Idiom
7) The contract is as solid as the ground we stand on. Simile
8) The cactus saluted those who drove past. Personification
9) Every person had a star, every star had a friend, and for every person carrying
a star, there was someone else. Repetition
10) The mooing of the cows was hard to miss. Onomatopoeia

B. Identify the sentences as Simple, Compound or Complex sentences: (3)

1. When uncle Samuel comes to town, we all have a good time. Complex sentence
2. She doesn’t study German on Monday. Simple sentence
3. She is famous, yet she is very humble. Compound sentence

C. Rewrite and punctuate the following sentences: (3)

1. She bought an apple an orange and a pear
She bought an apple, an orange and a pear.
2. Why doesnt she like the movie
Why doesn’t she like the movie?
3. I cant wait to see you perform said Jill
“I can’t wait to see you perform,” said Jill.

D. Rewrite and change the sentences to Indirect Speech: (2)

1. I said, “He is driving a car.”
I said that he was driving a car.

2. She said, “My mother isn’t very well.”

She said that her mother wasn’t very well.

E. Rewrite and change the sentences to Direct Speech: (2)

1. My father said he was cooking dinner.
My father said, “I am cooking dinner.”

2. She said that she was waiting for Michael.

She said, “I am waiting for Michael.”
III. Writing skills:
a) Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on success in the 12th board
examination. (12)

Content (4) ___ Punctuation (2) ____

Spellings (2) ___ Sentence structure (2) ____
Vocabulary (2) ___
(Students should attempt it on their own)

b) Write a story in about 120-150 words about a science fair experiment gone
wrong. (12)

Content (4) ___ Punctuation (2) ____

Spellings (2) ___ Sentence structure (2) ____
Vocabulary (2) ___
(Students should attempt it on their own)

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