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The I-TUTOR’s Group


Baldesco, Ronnie

Buena, Jorie

Buitizon, Cyrus Kim

Calongcagong, Jianel

Cesar, Mark Angelo

Dagdagan, Harry Glein

Lamberte, Rainvon

Llapitan, Kelly

Santiago, Elsan

Tomamak, Jeremy

Prof. Mark Andrew Almazar

June 14, 2023


I. Executive Summary 3
II. Organizational Background 4
Company Profile 4
Business Goals 5
Business Objectives 6
Mission and Vision 7
Values Statement 7
III. Company Products and Services 8
Product/Service Strategy 8
Production Process Design 10
IV. Marketing Strategy 13
Proposed Target Market 13
Promotion Strategy 14
Price Strategy 18
V. Business Analysis 19
SWOT Analysis 19
PESTEL Analysis 20
VI. Management Team 22
Roles 22
Organizational Chart 24
VII. Financial Statements 25
Form of Ownership 25
Start-up Capital / Capital Contribution 25
General and Administrative Expenses 27
Operating Expenses 28
Sales Projections 30
Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income 31
VIII. Appendices 32
IX. Bibliography 54

I. Executive Summary


Address: Crescent Park Residences, 5th Ave, Manila, 1016 Metro Manila

Contact #: 09663395698 (Mobile No.)


I-TUTOR is an inclusive online education platform that offers personalized tutoring

and academic support for user of all ages and individuals seeking to explore new

subjects or skills. With a user-friendly virtual classroom, qualified tutors provide

tailored one-on-one sessions in various subjects, ensuring a customized learning

experience. The platform also provides supplementary resources like video lessons,

interactive quizzes, and study materials to enhance the learning process. I-TUTOR

strives to make education accessible and engaging by carefully selecting tutors,

utilizing advanced technology, and implementing progress tracking systems. The target

audience includes motivated learners who value personalized attention and support,

such as middle to upper-middle-class families, and individuals who are comfortable

with technology and willing to invest in high-quality tutoring services.

To ensure I-TUTOR's success, strategic advertising will utilize social media platforms

and engaging video ads, along with a comprehensive brochure. Digital marketing

strategies like pay-per-click, search engine optimization, and mobile-optimized email

campaigns will be implemented. Capital will primarily come from each people in the

company and will be used to produce and buy required components for the business to

run which includes software development, maintenance, and other expenses such as

rent, security, and others.

II. Organizational Background

Company Profile

• Company Name: I-TUTOR

The proponents believe that a company name must describe what the company provides

to their valued customers at first glance. A memorable name that will represent our

company in the industry. After mulling over the potential names for the business, the

business proponents settled with I-TUTOR as the official name. The I-TUTOR

describes how our company can provide quality education especially tutorial online for

people who want to learn new things in the comfort of their home.

• Logo

• Tagline: You name it, we’ll teach it!

The statement “You name it, we’ll teach it” suggests a broad and all-encompassing

approach to education and tutoring. In order to inspire potential user with confidence

and assurance, the term declares that neither the organization nor the person using it

has any restrictions on what can be taught. conveys the organization’s capability to offer

thorough online tutoring across a range of topics or disciplines.

• Location: Crescent Park Residences, 5th Ave, Manila, 1016 Metro Manila

The proponents choose to establish the company’s main office in the Crescent Park

Residences around Metro Manila. The location offers a large pool of skilled labor and

a well-developed infrastructure, including modern office spaces, internet or data centers

and reliable transportation networks.

Business Goals

• Academic Improvement

Encouraging users advancement and producing quantifiable results is another crucial

objective. Online tutors attempt to assist users in significantly raising their academic

performance, such as by getting better grades, exam results, or learning difficult

subjects. This objective frequently includes monitoring and evaluating user’s


• Delivering High-Quality Tutoring Services

The main goal of the company is to provide user with high-quality education. This

entails offering thorough and efficient tutoring services that assist user in meeting their

academic performance goals and learning objective.

• Expand Reach and Impact

As an online tutoring firm expands, one goal would be to do so by providing services

to a broader population. To do this, it may be necessary to draw in more users, diversify

the subjects or courses provided, or reach out to new markets or geographic regions.

• Flexibility and Convenience

Online tutoring provides both tutors and users with flexibility and convenience. One

goal of the company is to offer a flexible timetable that meets the demands of the users

and enables them to access tutoring sessions from any location and at any time. This

could assist in lowering barriers to education and expanding tutoring availability.

Business Objectives

• High Success Rates

Aiding users in their success is a major objective of an online tutor. The tutor may

choose to focus on raising user’s test results, grades, or general academic performance.

Tutors can establish an outstanding reputation and draw in additional users by putting

a strong emphasis on user’s growth and obtaining high success rates.

• Building a Solid Reputation

The success of an online tutor business depends on the development of a solid

reputation. Establishing the tutors as a reliable and trustworthy source of knowledge in

their field is the objective. Positive endorsements from clients, reviews, and word-of-

mouth referrals can enhance a tutor’s standing and draw in new users.

• Leveraging Technology and Innovation

Since online tutoring mainly relies on technology, one objective would be to take

advantage of new developments and creative teaching approaches. To improve the

online tutoring experience and effectively engage users, this may entail employing

interactive learning platform, combining multimedia resources, or utilizing new tools

and software.


To become the premier provider of personalized, technology-enabled tutoring service

in the Philippines, serving users of all ages and backgrounds with a dedication to

excellence, innovation, and social impact.


Our mission is to provide high-quality online tutoring services that empower

individuals to learn, grow, and reach their full potential, while also creating job

opportunities for qualified teachers and tutors in the virtual world. Together, we aim to

foster skill development, enhance learning outcomes, and enable personal and

professional growth for all.

Values Statement

We embrace innovation and constantly seek new and better ways to serve our

customers, improve our processes, and drive growth. We encourage creativity,

collaboration, and a continuous learning mindset. We value the diverse skills,

experiences, and perspectives of our team members. We set high standards for ourselves

and continuously raise the bar to deliver superior quality, performance, and value to our


III. Company Product and Services

Product / Service Strategy

The I-Tutor App is designed to revolutionize the way users access educational resources

and connect with qualified educators. With a range of distinctive features and attributes,

we provide a comprehensive and personalized learning experience for our customers.

• Product or service features and attributes

The software aims to connect users and qualified educators through a comprehensive

directory of experienced tutors specializing in various subjects. The platform allows

users to conveniently access tutor profiles containing information about their

credentials, expertise, and teaching styles. Providing a wide range of options enables

users to decide to select a tutor that best meets their academic needs.

The software provides diverse academic subjects, such as math, science, language, arts,

and others, to meet users' diverse academic needs and interests. Our institution offers

supplementary resources to facilitate holistic academic growth, including study skills,

test-taking strategies, and essay-writing guides. The software is designed to

accommodate the need for flexibility in education by providing support for online

learning environments. Providing flexible access to high-quality education, irrespective

of geographical location or time constraints, is a significant advantage.

The use of interactive learning tools has become increasingly popular in recent years as

a means of enhancing the educational experience. These tools provide users with a more

engaging and immersive learning experience, allowing them to actively participate in

the learning process. Users can better understand the subject matter and retain

information more effectively by incorporating interactive elements such as multimedia


The software’s incorporation of interactive whiteboards facilitates real-time

collaboration and engagement between tutors and users during online sessions,

enhancing the learning experience. Integrating in-app messaging and video

conferencing facilitates effective communication, leading to streamlined feedback

exchange and customized instruction.

The purpose of our software is to offer an interface that is easy to use, enabling users

and tutors to manage their schedules and availability effectively. The optimization of

scheduling and coordination of tutoring sessions is achieved through the app, resulting

in a streamlined process and reduced conflicts. The secure and convenient payment

system ensures a hassle-free transaction experience for users and tutors.

• Customer Benefits

The I-Tutor App provides users with a means of accessing high-quality tutoring services

and support from qualified tutors in a convenient and accessible manner. Promoting

academic growth through interactive learning experiences is convenient for users,

regardless of location or schedule constraints.

Experienced tutors with a strong passion for their respective subjects provide personalized

attention and support to users on the platform. Implementing an individualized approach in

education impacts the learning experience, resulting in enhanced personal performance and

improved comprehension.

The software’s provision of flexibility and choice empowers users to select their preferred time,

thereby accommodating their unique circumstances and learning styles.

The software’s streamlined scheduling and payment management system simplifies the process

of scheduling tutoring sessions, resulting in time and effort savings for both users and tutors.

Implementing an integrated payment system provides a secure and convenient means of

conducting transactions, eliminating the need for cash or other inconvenient payment methods.

Production Process Design

The I-Tutor App's production process is characterized by a rigorous approach to

planning and execution aimed at delivering a user-friendly and high-quality platform.

The I-Tutor App's production process is characterized by a rigorous approach to

planning and execution aimed at delivering a user-friendly and high-quality platform.

• Raw Materials

The software codebase, consisting of programming languages, frameworks, and

libraries necessary for app development, is the primary raw material for the app. The

app's functionality depends on third-party APIs and databases, which facilitate key

features like messaging, video conferencing, and payment processing. Below are the

required materials to create the I-TUTOR app:





Android SDK

Swift UI

Programming Language


Java Script






Learning Materials

• Unit Production Cost

The unit production costs include software development, infrastructure (servers,

hosting services), and ongoing maintenance and updates. Additional developers' and

designers' salaries contribute to the development cost, ensuring that a dedicated and

talented team is responsible for delivering a robust and user-friendly application.

ensuring the delivery of a robust and user-friendly app by a dedicated and talented


Item Name Value

Raw Material Cost Php 80,000.00

Software Development
Infrastructure Php 60,000.00
Additional Labor Cost Php 220,000.00
Licensing Fees Php 6,953.92
Third Party Software Php 20,000.00
Production Cost Php 386,953.92

• Production Schedule

The meticulous planning and execution of the production schedule follow a structured

development timeline. A system's optimal performance, security, and seamless user

experience can be ensured through regular updates and maintenance.

Month# Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10







IV. Marketing Strategy

Proposed Target Market

Our proposed target market comprises motivated individuals of all ages nationwide

who value personalized attention and are comfortable with technology, seeking high-

quality online tutoring services to achieve significant improvement.


• Age range: People of all ages

• Gender: No specific gender preference.

• Location: Nationwide

• Income: Middle to upper-middle-class families who can afford to pay for online

tutoring services.

• Education: People who require additional help with their goals such as students.


• Motivations: People who are motivated to improve their academic performance and

achieve their goals.

• Interests: People who have a passion for learning and self-improvement.

• Attitudes: People who value personalized attention and support to help them succeed

in their goals.

• Lifestyle: People with busy schedules need flexible tutoring session options.


• People who are comfortable with technology and have access to the internet.

• People who are willing to pay for high-quality tutoring services.

• People who are eager to commit to regular tutoring sessions to see improvement in

their studies.

Promotion Strategy

I-TUTOR can market its services through a number of different methods, but our

promotion will heavily focus on the virtual world as people tend to depend on the

internet nowadays, but we will still use conventional advertising as well.

• Social media

In promoting our brand and service in social media, we choose Facebook. The reason

for that is because Facebook has millions of users and promoting a business or service

on that platform is easy. Also, many businesses and organizations have been using

Facebook to promote their products and services. Facebook has a great algorithm and

boost system that can help our brand and service to reach users via sponsored

advertisements and posts. The following are some screenshots of the Facebook page

we’ve made:

Screenshot #1

Screenshot #2

• Video Advertisement
Our created advertisement is a 45-second video advertisement that discusses the

benefits that I-TUTOR can offer upon availing it. The advertisement also stated that all

kinds of people can avail our service and use the platform to improve their skills and

potential. Below is a still from the actual video:


• Brochure
The brochure that we’ve made for our service is a trifold brochure. We made the design

of the brochure unique with regard to the color of the logo. The brochure includes

information about the platform, service, and the brand itself. It also includes benefits

that I-TUTOR can offer as well as contact and a QR Code that will redirect users to the

Facebook page. Below is the overall design of the brochure.

• Pay-Per-Click and Search Engine Optimization

PPC or Pay-per-click is a digital advertising approach in which the advertiser incurs a

cost for every instance of their advertisement being clicked (WordStream, 2023) while

SEO or search engine optimization refers to the practice of enhancing your website to

boost its prominence on search engines like Google, Microsoft Bing, and other similar

platforms when individuals search for specific keywords or phrases (Search Engine

Land, 2023).We can take advantage of what search engines can do by doing PPC

advertisement and SEO. Pay-per-click ads can be an effective way to promote I-

TUTOR and reach potential customers online. With that being said, the advertisement

must be regularly monitored and optimized to guarantee the advertising' efficacy. On

the other hand, the SEO can help recommend our service using keywords that are being

searched by users. In this case, we utilize Google and Bing as our medium for the

advertisement as the majority of the users use this search engines in a daily basis.

• Email Marketing

Email marketing is a marketing strategy aimed at notifying customers on your email

list about the latest products, exclusive discounts, and other valuable services

(Mailchimp, n.d.). Using email system like Gmail, we can send commercial messages

to a group of people to promote our brand and service to them. One of its main

advantages is that it is cost effective as it can allow our brand to reach many users. To

make this strategy effective, we will make the mails and messages optimized for mobile

phones as it is usually the platform that people use to access their emails. The emails

where we will send the mails will be based on the demographics or our target market

to increase likelihood of engagement to potential customers.

Price Strategy

For the I-TUTOR to attract more potential customers is to offer various pricing

packages that cater to different budgets and needs, such as pay-as-you-go, subscription

plans, or fee per session payment. In that way, potential customers can choose or select

what suits them the best and to what they are comfortable with. Also, I-TUTOR will

offer free trial sessions which can be an efficient strategy to attract potential customers

who are unsure about paying for online tutoring services. Free trial sessions can help

potential customers to develop trust by delivering a taste of the benefits and value of I-

TUTOR can provide. When a free trial is finished, we will then ask the users for their

feedback to improve the platform and its pricing and use some of them as a first-hand

witness of what I-TUTOR can do so that more people will trust the brand. It is a way

of reassuring potential customers that they are getting value for their money.

V. Business Analysis

SWOT Analysis


• Wide range of topics, subjects, and learning support services.

• Flexibility in terms of online based tutoring.

• Convenient and accessible way for users to access high-quality tutoring and


• Ability to reach a broader range of users across the Philippines through the

online tutoring.

• Availability of qualified and experienced tutors in the country.


• Limited market reach in areas with limited internet connectivity.

• Dependence on technology which may be subject to technical issues and system


• Limited ability to provide hands-on or experience learning particularly in

subjects that require physical interaction of equipment.


• Growing demand for online tutoring services in the Philippines.

• Potential partnership with schools and universities for supplemental education


• Expansion into other Southeast Asian Markets with similar demand for online

tutoring services.

• Development of additional services such as test preparation and language

tutoring to cater to a broader range of user needs.


• Intense competition from established online tutoring platforms and local


• Fluctuations in demand for tutoring services due to economic conditions or

changes in education policies.

• Potential security risk associated with online tutoring, such as hacking or

phishing attacks.

PESTEL Analysis

Political Factors

• Tax policies have an impact on the company will make regarding employment,

saving money, investing, and organizing the business activities.

• Regulations governing the rights and obligations of employers and employees

in the workplace.

• Fair and equitable compensation for workers based on factors such as skill level,

and job requirements.

Economical Factors

• Understanding the concept of interest and demand should be vital in running a


• The current condition and performance of a nation's economic system.

• The costs associated with various utilities and services, including electricity, and

other expenses.

Social Factors

• Social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube can

significantly impact the business, as they provide avenues for promotion,

advertisement, and engagement.

• Individuals' personal preferences and activities they find enjoyable or engaging.

• The way people live and interact with others, including their habits, behaviors,

and social dynamics.

Technological Factors

• Internet connection can affect the connectivity between the customers and

employees, potentially impacting the delivery of services.

• The system needs to be updated and maintained to ensure optimal performance

and functionality.

• Advances and innovation in technology that introduce new ideas, products, or


Environmental Factors

• Location and geography can influence the specific needs of various customers.

• Environmental factors and sustainable practices can be important in minimizing

the ecological footprint.

Legal Factors

• Laws and regulations protecting the confidentiality and security of personal


• Legal rights granted to creators and owners of learning materials and

multimedia content to protect their exclusive rights to those creations.

VI. Description of the Management Team

Management Team Members / Roles

• Jianel Calongcagong (Managing Director)

Responsible for overseeing the overall operations, setting strategic goals, and making

important decisions to drive the organization's success.

• Mark Angelo Cesar (Managing Director)

Also responsible for overseeing the overall operations, setting strategic goals, and

making important decisions to drive the organization's success.

• Harry Glein Dagdagan (Customer Support Manager)

Responsible for overseeing and leading a team of customer service representatives,

ensuring excellent customer satisfaction by managing inquiries, resolving issues, and

maintaining effective communication between the company and its customers.

• Harry Glein Dagdagan (Chief Human Resource Officer)

Strategizes the organization's human resource’s function including employee

development, performance management, and ensuring compliance with employment

laws and regulations.

• Ronnie Baldesco (Curriculum Developer)

He is responsible in designing and creating educational content, including lesson plans,

worksheets, assessments, and multimedia resources, to support the online tutoring


• Cyrus Kim Buitizon (Sales and Marketing Director)

Leads and manages the sales and marketing efforts of a company, developing strategies

to drive revenue growth and enhance brand visibility in the market.

• Elsan Santiago (Quality Assurance Analyst)

He is responsible in reviewing instructional materials, curriculum content, and tutoring

sessions to ensure they meet desired standards. He is also responsible in conducting

assessments and implement quality enhancement strategies.

• Jorie Buena (Data Analytics Manager)

This role is responsible for collecting and analyzing data related to user performance,

tutor effectiveness, and business metrics. This role also provides insights and make

data-driven recommendations to improve the tutoring program and optimize business


• Kelly Llapitan (Technical Support Specialist)

He addresses technical issues related to the online tutoring platform, video conferencing

software, or other technical tools. He ensures a smooth online learning experience for

tutors and users.

• Rainvon Lamberte (Main Programmer)

The main programmer is responsible for designing and programming the software

platform and ensuring the system's functionality and performance.

• Jeremy Tomamak (Main Developer)

This role work closely with Programmer and curriculum developers to design effective

and engaging learning experiences. He can also apply instructional design principles

and incorporate multimedia elements.

Organization Chart

VII. Financial Statements

Form of Ownership

• Partnership

I-TUTOR is a partnership that brings together a group of passionate individuals

committed to delivering exceptional tutoring services. As partners, we combine our

diverse skills, resources, and expertise to provide service in a wide range of subjects.

Operating under a shared vision, we collaborate closely to set goals, make joint

decisions, and collectively manage the business, ensuring that users receive the highest

quality of tutoring service.

In partnership, each partner shares in the ownership, profits, and liabilities of the

business (American Express, 2020). We operate under a mutually agreed partnership

agreement that outlines our roles, responsibilities, and financial contributions. This

collaborative model enables us to adapt quickly to changing educational landscapes,

respond to user demands, and continuously improve our services. At I-TUTOR, our

shared commitment to excellence drives us to make a positive impact in the field of

technology and empower users to achieve their goals.

Start-up / Capital Contributions

• Internal Sources

Internal sources refer to the funds or resources that an organization generates from

within its own operations. These sources are derived from the company's own activities

and assets.

Internal Sources
Proponent’s start-up capital
Jianel Calongcagong Php 2,300,000
Mark Angelo Cesar Php 1,500,000
Jeremy Tomamak Php 800,000
Cyrus Kim Buitizon Php 700,000
Kelly Llapitan Php 600,000
Harry Glein Dagadagan Php 500,000
Rainvon Lamberte Php 400,000
Jorie Buena Php 300,000
Ronnie Baldesco Php 300,000
Elsan Santiago Php 300,000
Sold Assets Php 150,000
Debt Collection Php 150,000
Total Php 8,000,000

• External Sources

External sources refer to the funds or resources that an organization obtains from

outside parties or entities. These sources provide additional capital or assets to the

company and are not generated internally.

External Sources
Non-institutional sources Php 3,000,000
Bank loan Php 4,000,000
Total Php 7,000,000

General and Administrative Expenses

• Year 2023

Item name Value

Raw materials ₱ 80,000

Rent ₱ 35,000

Utilities ₱ 15,696

Electricity ₱ 4,235

Water ₱ 1,463

Internet ₱ 7,499

Phone lines ₱ 2,499

Marketing and ₱ 15,000


Office Supplies ₱ 350,000

Repair and ₱ 15,000


Total Expenses ₱ 786,946

Operating Expenses

Jan Feb March April May June

Rent ₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000

Utilities ₱ 15,696 ₱ 13,567 ₱ 14,934 ₱ 17,213 ₱ 21,367 ₱ 20,878

Salaries and ₱156, 750 ₱ 156, 750 ₱ 156, 750 ₱ 156, 750 ₱ 156, 750 ₱ 156, 750

Employee ₱ 16,500 ₱ 16,500 ₱ 16,500 ₱ 16,500 ₱ 16,500 ₱ 16,500


Marketing ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000


Office ₱ 350,000
Supplies and

Repair and ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 10,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000


Total ₱ 603,946 ₱ 251,817 ₱ 253,184 ₱ 255,463 ₱ 259,617 ₱ 259, 128


July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000 ₱ 35,000

₱ 19,210 ₱ 18,719 ₱ 19,437 ₱ 17,998 ₱ 21,630 ₱ 24,282

₱ 156, 750 ₱ 156, 750 ₱ 156, 750 ₱ 156, 750 ₱ 156, 750 ₱ 156, 750

₱ 16,500 ₱ 16,500 ₱ 16,500 ₱ 16,500 ₱ 16,500 ₱ 143,000

₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000

₱ 10,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 10,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 15,000 ₱ 20,000

₱ 257, 460 ₱ 256, 969 ₱ 257, 687 ₱ 256, 248 ₱ 259, 880 ₱ 394, 032

Sales Projections

Service Service Service Service Service

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

January ₱ 13,200 ₱ 190,320 ₱ 399,000 ₱ 639,360 ₱ 911,400

February ₱ 27,600 ₱ 213,360 ₱ 405,600 ₱ 647,520 ₱ 906,000

March ₱ 41,040 ₱ 226,800 ₱ 440,640 ₱ 692,640 ₱ 954,720

April ₱ 69,600 ₱ 247,680 ₱ 460,320 ₱ 715,200 ₱ 979,680

May ₱ 60,012 ₱ 250,920 ₱ 466,320 ₱ 718,320 ₱ 1,004,880

June ₱ 83,520 ₱ 259,200 ₱ 468,000 ₱ 705,600 ₱ 991,440

July ₱ 84,000 ₱ 228,000 ₱ 517,080 ₱ 748,200 ₱ 1,036,200

August ₱ 98,240 ₱ 275,880 ₱ 529,920 ₱ 781,440 ₱ 1,021,440

September ₱ 122,040 ₱ 325,080 ₱ 538,560 ₱ 804,600 ₱ 1,060,200

October ₱ 142,800 ₱ 327,360 ₱ 534,480 ₱ 800,400 ₱ 1,044,000

November ₱ 151,800 ₱ 353,280 ₱ 571,200 ₱ 800,880 ₱ 1,125,720

December ₱ 162,720 ₱ 351,360 ₱ 574,560 ₱ 852,480 ₱ 1,116,000

Total Sales ₱ 1,056,572 ₱ 3,249,240 ₱ 5,905,680 ₱ 8,906,640 ₱ 12,151,680

Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the Year Ending 2023


Total Sales ₱ 1,056,572

Total Expenses

Rent ₱ 35,000

Utilities (Electricity, Water, Internet, ₱ 24,282

Phone lines)

Employee Benefits ₱ 143,000

Salary and Wages ₱ 156,750

Marketing and Advertising ₱ 15,000

Repair and Maintenance ₱ 20,000

Total Operating Expenses ₱ 394, 032

Operating Income ₱ 662,540

Income Tax Expense ₱ 132,508 (20%)

Net Income ₱ 530,032

Comprehensive Income ₱ 530,032

VIII. Appendices

Curriculum Vitae


Managing Director

94 A. Mabini, Santa Lucia, Novaliches, Quezon City



Managing director I-Tutor, driving strategic planning, business development, financial

management, team leadership, and innovative technological implementation for

growth and success in the educational technology industry.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)


• Setting clear goals and vision for I-Tutor's growth.

• Identifying opportunities and expanding the platform's reach.

• Leveraging educational technology for informed decision-making.

• Verbal and written communication skills


• Jocelyn A. Cesar

AJMC Office Support Services




Admin Staff

AJMC Office Support Services | October 2022 – Present

• Write and distribute emails, correspondence memos, letters, faxes, and forms.

• Assist in the preparation of regularly scheduled reports.

• Develop and maintain a filing system.

• Update and maintain office policies and procedures.


Rex Book Store | January 2020 - January 2020

• Prepare presentations with raw designs to customers.

• Create models, drawings, and illustrations by hand or electronically.


Managing Director

24 Chico St. Brgy. Capri Novaliches, Quezon City



Managing Director of I-TUTOR, driving innovation in educational technology

through visionary leadership, strategic partnerships, and software solutions.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)

Secondary: Novaliches High School (2015-2021)


• Can work under pressure.

• Great in managing time and schedule.

• Leadership skills that can help the company progress.

• Verbal and written communication skills

• Analyzing problems to make wise decisions.


• Helen V. Calongcagong


• Sian Marlou D. Arceo



1st Year Representative

League of Innovative Students of Technology | 2021 – 2022

• Advocate for the needs and concerns of first-year students.

• Serve as a link between students and the school’s administration.

• Participate in student government or council meetings.

• Contribute to the decision-making process.


Chief Human Resources Officer

Customer Support Manager

Lot 8 Blk 11 Amabelle Homes, Llano Caloocan City



Customer Support and CHRO of I-Tutor, handling inquiries, technical issues, and

concerns from students, users and tutors, provides assistance to ensure a positive

experience for all stakeholders.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)


• Active Listener

• Ability to analyze customer issues, identify root causes, and find appropriate


• Examining problems to make smart choices.

• Time-Management skills


• Mary Grace A. Dagdagan



• No Experience yet


Curriculum Developer

9C Carmelite St. Bo. San Lazaro Tala, Caloocan City



I Tutor’s Curriculum developers design and create educational content, including lesson

plans, worksheets, assessments, and multimedia resources, to support the online

tutoring program.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)

Secondary: Aringit National High School


• Knowledge in Computer software such as Microsoft Word, and Excel.

• Able to prioritize work and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

• Able to interact and communicate well, analytical, and problem-solving skills.


• Dina D. Vilbar



Credit Management Officer

Aiqon Unicorp Incorporated | 2018 - 2019

• Assess and analyze credit applications to determine creditworthiness.

• Provide guidance to customers on credit options and terms.

TeleCollector for Auto loan

Quest marketing and Integrated services Inc. | 2019-2020

• Contact delinquent auto loan customers via telephone to collect outstanding


• Identify and escalate high-risk or difficult collection cases to management.

TelecCollector for Credit Cards

Receivers and Liquidators Inc. | February 2021 – July 2021

• Contact delinquent credit card customers via telephone to collect overdue


• Maintain thorough and precise records of collection activities and account



Technical Support Specialist

4166 S. Feliciano St., Ugong Valenzuela City



I-Tutor’s technical support specialist interacts with customers or end users to

comprehend their technological problems and offers solutions.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)


• Adaptability

• Ability to analyze customer issues, identify root causes, and find appropriate


• Verbal and written communication


• Chiney F. Llapitan



• No Experience yet


Main Developer

Phase 10 B Package 5 Bagong Silang Caloocan City



To secure a challenging position as a Main Developer where I can utilize my technical

expertise and innovative thinking to drive the development of the organization.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)

Secondary: Dr Carlos S Lanting College (Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime, 2018-2020)


• Capability to work in a team environment.

• Ability to stay updated with the latest technologies to adapt to changing

industry trends.


• Juvilyn Tomamak



• No Experience yet


Data Analytics Manager

5235. Sulok St., Ugong Valenzuela City



Data Analytics Manager for I-tutor involves collecting data from sources. Analyzing

the data and identifying problems. It also includes data exploration through the use of

descriptive statistics, and data visualization.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)

Secondary: Quezon Central Institute (2015-2021)


• Analyzing the problem and finding the way to solve it.

• Good at Communication skills.

• Can easily adapt in any Environment.


• Buena, Emilliana R.


• No experience yet


Quality Assurance Analyst

#24 Lualhati St. Manotok Subd. Baesa Quezon City



Quality Assurance Analyst of I-TUTOR. Work closely with software developers and

project managers to design test strategies, test cases, and test scripts to ensure the

program's functionality, performance, and usability.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)


• Excellent knowledge of creating software.

• Wise decision maker.

• Knowledge of database systems and SQL queries.


• Elmer T. Santiago



• Database Analyst

Novaliches, Quezon City | 2020-2022

• Implemented and maintained to ensure data integrity, security, and


• Database performance is monitored, faults are identified and resolved, and

database structures and indexes are optimized for greater efficiency.


Sales and Marketing Director

4 Jasmin St. Brgy. Capri Novaliches, Quezon City



A track record of developing and successfully implementing all-encompassing sales

and marketing strategies across a variety of industries. Adept at fostering long-lasting

relationships with customers and maximizing ROI by utilizing data-driven insights.

Possess a passion for using successful sales and marketing methods to drive corporate

success as well as great leadership abilities.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)

Secondary: Doña Rosario High School (2016-2021)


• Can work under pressure.

• Know how to handle time.

• Can execute tasks on time.

• Analyzing problems to make wise decisions.


• Ma. Paula F. Buitizon



• No experience yet


Main Programmer

Blk 8 Lot 5 Franville V Subd. Kalusugan St. Caloocan City



As a passionate and driven person who wants to be a main programmer, I'm excited to

use my strong background in programming and my desire to keep learning to help a

dynamic development team.


Tertiary: STI College Novaliches (BSIT, 2021-Present)


• Proficiency in multiple programming languages such as Python, Java, C++,

JavaScript, or Ruby.

• Enthusiasm for staying updated with the latest programming trends, tools, and

technologies to enhance skills and drive innovation.


• Edgardo O. Lamberte



• No experience yet

• Survey and Questionnaires


• Conversation Screenshots

• Short Meeting

• Researching

IX. Bibliography


American Express (2020, January 20) What is a Partnership Business? Retrieved June

12, 2023, from


Search Engine Land. (2023, February 8). What Is SEO - Search Engine Optimization?

Retrieved June 10, 2023, from

Mailchimp (n.d.) What is Email Marketing? Definition and Advantages | Mailchimp.

Mailchimp. Retrieved June 10, 2023, from


WordStream (2023, June 2) What Is PPC? Learn the Basics of Pay-Per-Click Marketing

WordStream. Retrieved June 10, 2023, from


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