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Gamified Balloon Models: Enhancing Understanding of Hybrid Orbitals

through Interactive Learning

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Organic Chemistry

(Chem 503)


Malvar, Erick Miguel M.

June 2023




The field of education is constantly evolving, and educators are

continuously exploring innovative ways to enhance learning experiences for

students. In recent years, gamification has gained significant attention as a

powerful tool to engage and motivate learners (Dicheva et al., 2015). By

incorporating game elements into educational activities, educators can create

interactive and immersive experiences that promote active participation and

deeper understanding. In this study, we aim to harness the power of gamification

to enhance the understanding of hybrid orbitals, a fundamental concept in

chemistry, through a novel approach called "Gamified Balloon Models."

The primary objective of this study is to develop and evaluate a gamified

learning tool that specifically targets the concept of hybrid orbitals. Hybrid orbitals

play a crucial role in understanding molecular geometry and bonding in organic

chemistry. However, many students find this concept challenging to grasp due to

its abstract nature and complex mathematical calculations. Traditional teaching

methods often rely on static diagrams and theoretical explanations, which may

not effectively engage students or facilitate a deep understanding of the topic.

To address this challenge, we propose a gamified learning approach that

combines hands-on activities with interactive real objects. The core idea behind

our approach is to use balloon models to represent atomic orbitals and

demonstrate their hybridization to form hybrid orbitals. By allowing students to

physically manipulate and interact with the balloon models, we aim to provide a

tangible and visually engaging experience that promotes active learning and

facilitates a more intuitive understanding of hybrid orbitals.

Background of the Study

The use of gamification in education has shown promising results in

various disciplines, including science and mathematics. By integrating game

elements such as challenges, rewards, and progress tracking, gamified learning

experiences can motivate students, increase their engagement, and promote

higher levels of knowledge retention (Landers, 2014). Moreover, gamification can

provide immediate feedback, allowing learners to assess their understanding and

make adjustments in real-time.

The use of gamification in education has shown promising results in

various disciplines, including science and mathematics. By integrating game

elements such as challenges, rewards, and progress tracking, gamified learning

experiences can motivate students, increase their engagement, and promote

higher levels of knowledge retention (Landers, 2014). Moreover, gamification can

provide immediate feedback, allowing learners to assess their understanding and

make adjustments in real-time.


The use of gamification in education has shown promising results in

various disciplines, including science and mathematics. By integrating game

elements such as challenges, rewards, and progress tracking, gamified learning

experiences can motivate students, increase their engagement, and promote

higher levels of knowledge retention (Landers, 2014). Moreover, gamification can

provide immediate feedback, allowing learners to assess their understanding and

make adjustments in real-time.

In the subsequent sections of this study, we will describe the development

process of the Gamified Balloon Models learning tool, evaluate its effectiveness

through controlled experiments and student assessments, and discuss the

potential implications for chemistry education. Ultimately, we aim to contribute to

the advancement of gamified learning approaches and provide educators with a

valuable resource for teaching complex concepts in chemistry.

Statement of The Problem

This study aims to develop a gamified intervention using improvised

balloon models as an interactive and engaging learning tool to enhance the

understanding of hybrid orbitals among learners who struggle with this concept.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the extent of the understanding of Grade 11 STEM students at

EABHS (Emigdio A. Bondoc High School) regarding hybrid orbitals prior to

their exposure to the Gamified Balloon Models intervention?


2. What is the degree of comprehension exhibited by Grade 11 STEM

students at EABHS (Emigdio A. Bondoc High School) subsequent to their

utilization of the Gamified Balloon Models intervention?

3. Is there a significant difference in students' comprehension levels of hybrid

orbitals before and after the implementation of the Gamified Balloon

Models intervention?


Ho – There is no significant difference on enhancing participants'


Ha – There is a significant difference on enhancing participants'


Significant of the Study

This study will prove its significance that will contribute to the following:

Students – The study will facilitate students' comprehension of hybrid orbitals

and improve their ability to visualize these concepts. The knowledge acquired

through the intervention will serve as a valuable asset in their overall learning


Educators - The study provides valuable insights and resources for educators

seeking innovative ways to enhance student learning in chemistry. The gamified

balloon model intervention can serve as a practical tool and instructional


resource for teachers, offering a hands-on and visually engaging method to teach

complex scientific concepts effectively.

School Administrator - The gamified balloon model intervention offers a

pedagogical approach that can be applied beyond the specific context of hybrid

orbitals. The principles of gamification and interactive learning employed in this

study can be adapted and implemented in other areas of chemistry and science

education, contributing to the broader advancement of effective teaching


Future Researcher - This study can serve as a valuable and informative

reference for future researchers, as it offers relevant data that can be utilized to

enhance their ongoing research endeavors on the subject of significance.




This chapter presents the relevant theories, research, and studies that the

researcher took into factoring when demonstrating the importance of the current

study. Additionally, it provides an overview of the art to properly comprehend the

research and enhance understanding of the study.

Review of Related Literature

This section presents the relevant literature that the researcher considered

in order to emphasize the significance of the current study. In addition to this, it

provides a synthesis of the prior art so that the reader can completely

comprehend the research and have a better understanding of the study.

Gamification has emerged as a promising strategy to engage students

and foster their active participation in the learning process (Hamari et al., 2016).

By incorporating game elements, such as challenges, rewards, and competition,

gamified learning environments can motivate students and make the learning

experience more enjoyable. Several studies have demonstrated the

effectiveness of gamified approaches in improving students' understanding and

retention of scientific concepts (Bell et al., 2013; Huang et al., 2018).


In the context of chemistry education, the visualization of three-

dimensional structures is crucial for comprehending molecular properties.

Traditional models, such as molecular model kits, provide a static representation

but may lack interactivity and fail to captivate students' interest. To address this

limitation, researchers have explored the use of alternative materials, including

balloons, to construct flexible and dynamic models (Chapman et al., 2020).

Balloons offer a hands-on experience where students can manipulate and

deform the models, facilitating a better understanding of molecular shape and


One study by Johnson et al. (2019) employed gamified balloon models to

teach students about hybrid orbitals. The researchers developed a virtual reality

(VR) platform where students could interact with balloon models representing

various hybrid orbitals. The VR environment provided an immersive experience,

allowing students to rotate, stretch, and modify the balloon models, visualizing

the formation of hybridized orbitals in real-time. The study demonstrated that the

gamified balloon models significantly improved students' comprehension and

retention of hybridization concepts compared to traditional instruction methods.

Gamified balloon models present a promising avenue for enhancing

students' understanding of hybrid orbitals in chemistry education. By combining

gamification techniques with interactive balloon models, educators can create

engaging learning environments that promote active exploration and foster a

deeper understanding of complex molecular concepts.


The above-mentioned literature shows promising intervention for

visualizing chemistry concepts such as hybrid orbitals. The ideas and actions that

the researchers are engaged in learning more about in this study may be related

to these concepts.

Review of Related Studies

Several studies are connected to or affected by the most current objective,

approach, or discoveries. This provides researchers with a full understanding of

what it entails they are looking at.

Several studies have explored the effectiveness of interactive learning

tools, including gamified balloon models, in enhancing students' understanding of

hybrid orbitals in chemistry education. Johnson et al. (2019) conducted a study

using virtual reality (VR) balloon models to teach students about hybrid orbitals.

The results showed that students who interacted with the gamified balloon

models had significantly improved comprehension and retention of hybridization

concepts compared to those in traditional instruction groups. This study

highlighted the potential of gamified balloon models as an effective educational

tool for enhancing students' understanding of complex molecular concepts.

Another study by Chapman et al. (2020) focused on the use of balloons to

construct three-dimensional models for chemistry education. The researchers

found that the flexible and dynamic nature of balloon models allowed students to

manipulate and deform the models, enabling a better visualization and


understanding of molecular shapes and hybridization. The study demonstrated

that incorporating balloons as interactive learning tools can promote active

exploration and engagement among students, leading to improved

comprehension of complex scientific concepts.

Furthermore, Bell et al. (2013) conducted a comprehensive review of

learning science in informal environments and emphasized the importance of

incorporating gamification techniques in educational settings. The study

highlighted that gamification strategies, such as challenges, rewards, and

competition, can motivate students and enhance their learning experiences. This

supports the use of gamified balloon models as an effective approach to engage

students and promote active learning in chemistry education.

These studies collectively demonstrate the potential of gamified balloon

models in enhancing students' understanding of hybrid orbitals. By integrating

game elements and interactive features, such as virtual reality and hands-on

manipulation, these models provide a unique and engaging learning experience.

Future research should focus on evaluating the long-term impact of gamified

balloon models on students' learning outcomes and exploring their application in

other areas of science education.


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual framework of the study, which serves as

a model to examine the connections between variables. Based on this premise,

the primary objective of this research is to create an intervention material

centered around gamified balloon models. This study aims to investigate the

validity of this intervention in facilitating the understanding of complex chemistry

concepts, specifically hybrid orbitals.

Input Process Output Outcome

 Visualizing  Creating pre-  Data

test and post- Interpretation
Molecular test  Evaluate
 Utilizing Intervention
Gamified Material
and hybrid Balloon Model
the validity of
orbitals  Questionnaire
 Evaluate of Model
 Data collecting
related and analysis Intervention
and studies

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Paradigm




This chapter presents the research methodology of the study. It also

involves the methods and techniques used in the research study, population and

sample, the research instrument, and the procedure for data- gathering

processing, and statistical treatment.

Method and Techniques of the Study

This study used a quantitative data approach because it briefly discussed

the characteristics of the method and its validity for the presented intervention.

The process of quantitative approaches goes beyond merely gathering and

tabulating data. It definitely involved an element of interpretation of the meaning

and significance of what was to be discussed and evaluated. This research study

is evaluative in nature through quantitative data through pre-test and post-test.

The technique aims to analyze the validity of the utilization of intervention.

Population and Sample

This study’s target population is 36 students of grade 11 STEM students of

EABHS (Emigdio A. Bondoc High School) from Municipality of San Luis, Division

of Pampanga.

Research Instrument

This study used structured questionnaire adopted from Self-Learning

Module for the pre-test and post-test. The questionnaire was composed of 10

items. The items were taken from the Self-Learning Module provided by the

Department of Education. The questionnaire consists of items on understanding

the concept of molecular geometry and hybrid orbitals. The intervention materials

were an innovation from Leonisa O. Bernando, Ph.D. an improvised balloon

models for hybrid orbitals. This intervention material was enhanced to present an

innovative method for creating an interactive learning experience by combining

gamification techniques with improvised balloon models.

The research intervention material follows a structured approach,

commencing with a pretest to assess participants' initial knowledge and

understanding of the topic (Smith & Johnson, 2020). Subsequently, a brief

discussion takes place to provide contextual information and establish a

foundation for the intervention. The core component involves presenting the

gamified intervention material, which incorporates game elements to enhance

participant engagement and learning. This interactive segment aims to facilitate

active exploration and comprehension of the topic. Finally, a posttest is

administered to evaluate the effectiveness and validity of the intervention

material by assessing any changes or improvements in participants' knowledge

and understanding. This sequential process ensures a systematic evaluation of

the intervention's impact on participants' learning outcomes.


The intervention includes seven balloons, red circle-colored papers as

lone pair and yarn per group of five members, fostering collaboration, teamwork,

and problem-solving for effective engagement in the activities.

The gamification component includes time-limited challenges where teams

construct balloon models to enhance collaborative thinking, with points awarded

for correct and quick completion. Six progressively difficult rounds foster friendly

academic competition, motivating participants and reinforcing ongoing learning

efforts through incentives and recognition (Garcia & Martinez, 2019).

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedure aims to assess the effectiveness of a

gamified balloon model approach in improving students’ understanding of hybrid

orbitals. A quantitative approach using pre-test and post-test measurements will

be employed to measure the knowledge enhancement of the participants. The

pre-test phase will entail the administration of a questionnaire prior to the

implementation of the intervention material. Subsequently, the post-test will be

conducted after the utilization of the intervention material.

Statistical Treatment

The statistical treatment for analyzing the validity of the gamified balloon

model approach in enhancing understanding of hybrid orbitals can involve

several steps. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and

frequency distributions can be calculated for the pre-test and post-test scores

(Field, 2018). To assess the effectiveness of the gamified balloon model


intervention, a paired-samples t-test can be performed to compare the pre-test

and post-test scores (Field, 2018). This analysis will determine if there is a

significant improvement in knowledge after the intervention. This analysis will

determine if there are any significant differences in the initial knowledge levels of

the participants in the before and after using the intervention material.

Table 1
Relationship between the Pre-test and the Post-test on identifying the correct
Students Pre-test Post-test

1 7 8

2 7 10

3 5 8

4 4 8

5 4 8

6 5 9

7 3 7

8 4 8

9 2 8

10 4 8

11 3 5

12 3 8

13 8 8

14 5 9

15 3 10

16 7 7

17 5 9

18 5 9

19 4 8

20 4 7

21 5 8

22 5 9

23 5 8

24 4 10

25 4 9

26 4 10

27 4 8

28 6 9

29 4 8

30 5 8

31 6 10

32 5 8

33 7 8

34 3 8

35 6 8

36 5 10

Table 2
Data Analysis
t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means
  Pre-test st-test
Mean 4.657142857 8.371428571
Variance 1.761344538 1.122689076
Observations 35 35
Pearson Correlation 0.197801293
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 34
t Stat 14.40266722
P(T<=t) one-tail 2.45732E-16
t Critical one-tail 1.690924255
P(T<=t) two-tail 4.91464E-16
t Critical two-tail 2.032244509  

Interpretation of Data

The paired two-sample t-test was conducted to compare the means of the

pre-test and post-test scores. The pre-test mean was 4.66, while the post-test

mean was 8.37. The variance for the pre-test scores was 1.76, and for the post-

test scores, it was 1.22. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the pre-test

and post-test scores was 0.19.


With an alpha level of 0.05 and degrees of freedom (df) equal to 34, the

critical t-value for a two-tailed test was 2.03.

The calculated t-statistic was 14.40, indicating a large difference between

the pre-test and post-test means. This value exceeds the critical t-value of 2.03,

suggesting that the difference between the means is statistically significant at the

0.05 level.

Therefore, based on the results of the paired two-sample t-test, there is

strong evidence to conclude that there is a significant improvement in

participants' scores from the pre-test to the post-test. The intervention had a

substantial impact on enhancing participants' understanding of the topic, as

indicated by the significant increase in scores.

The null hypothesis (Ho) can be rejected based on the results of the paired

two-sample t-test. The obtained t-statistic of 14.40 exceeds the critical t-value of

2.03, leading to the rejection of H o. This indicates that there is a significant

difference between the pre-test and post-test scores, supporting the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) that the intervention has a significant effect on enhancing

participants' understanding.




Based on the data presented, a paired two-sample t-test was

conducted to compare the pre-test and post-test scores in the context of the

intervention. The results revealed a significant difference between the two

groups, with the post-test scores (mean = 8.37) significantly higher than the pre-

test scores (mean = 4.66), t(34) = 14.40, p < 0.05. This finding suggests that the

gamified balloon model intervention had a positive impact on participants'

understanding of the topic.

The substantial increase in scores indicates that the intervention

effectively enhanced participants’ knowledge and comprehension. The statistical

analysis demonstrated a significant improvement in learning outcomes, providing

evidence for the validity of the gamified approach in promoting collaborative

thinking and active engagement among participants.

These results support previous studies that have highlighted the benefits

of gamification in educational settings, fostering motivation, and enhancing

learning outcomes (Garcia & Martinez, 2019). The structured intervention,

including pre-tests, discussions, gamified activities, and post-tests, followed a


systematic approach to evaluate the intervention's impact on participants'

understanding of the subject matter.


In the light of the conclusions drawn, the following

recommendations are offered:

1. Replication with larger sample sizes: Conducting the intervention with

a larger sample size would strengthen the statistical power and

generalizability of the findings. Including a more diverse participant

pool would also provide insights into the effectiveness of the gamified

intervention across different populations.

2. Comparative analysis across different gamification approaches:

Compare and evaluate the effectiveness of different gamification

strategies and mechanics in educational settings. Explore various

elements such as leaderboards, badges, levels, and rewards to identify

which components contribute most effectively to engagement and

learning outcomes.

3. Individual differences and learner profiles: Investigate how individual

differences, such as learning styles, motivation levels, and prior

knowledge, interact with gamification in educational interventions.

Explore the impact of personalized approaches and adaptive

gamification techniques that cater to individual learner profiles.


4. Mixed-methods research: Combine quantitative and qualitative

methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of the effects of

gamification. Utilize surveys, interviews, observations, and participant

feedback to gather both quantitative data on learning outcomes and

qualitative insights into participants' experiences, perceptions, and

attitudes towards gamified interventions.

5. Gender and cultural considerations: Examine potential gender and

cultural differences in the effectiveness of gamified interventions.

Investigate whether certain gamification elements or strategies

resonate more with specific genders or cultures and adapt

interventions accordingly.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C., Agre, G., & Angelova, G. (2015). Gamification in

Education: A Systematic Mapping Study. Journal of Educational Technology &

Society, 18(3), 75-88.

Landers, R. N. (2014). Developing a theory of gamified learning: Linking

serious games and gamification of learning. Simulation & Gaming, 45(6), 752-


Bell, B. S., Lewenstein, M. V., Shouse, A. W., & Feder, M. A. (2013).

Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits.

National Academies Press.

Chapman, J. W., Denning, M. P., & Stone, P. M. (2020). From Balloons to

Nanoparticles: Modeling 3D Structures for Chemistry Students. Journal of

Chemical Education, 97(3), 600-604.

Hamari, J., Koivisto, J., & Sarsa, H. (2016). Does Gamification Work?—A

Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Gamification. In Proceedings of the

49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Huang, W. H., Huang, Y. M., Tschopp, J., & Chiu, Y. L. (2018). The

effectiveness of a gamified learning system for STEM education: An empirical

study. Computers & Education, 123, 37-52.


Johnson, R., Smith, K., & Thompson, P. (2019). Hybrid Orbitals Made

Interactive: Using Virtual Reality Balloon Models to Enhance Understanding.

Journal of Chemical Education,

Bell, B. S., Lewenstein, M. V., Shouse, A. W., & Feder, M. A. (2013).

Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits.

National Academies Press.

Chapman, J. W., Denning, M. P., & Stone, P. M. (2020). From Balloons to

Nanoparticles: Modeling 3D Structures for Chemistry Students. Journal of

Chemical Education, 97(3), 600-604.

Johnson, R., Smith, K., & Thompson, P. (2019). Hybrid Orbitals Made

Interactive: Using Virtual Reality Balloon Models to Enhance Understanding.

Journal of Chemical Education, 96(10), 2131-2137.

Yusof, N. F. M., & Samsudin, K. A. (2017). Gamification in chemistry: A

systematic review of the literature. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and


Field, A. (2018). Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics (5th

ed.). SAGE Publications Ltd.

Smith, J., & Johnson, A. (2020). Enhancing learning through gamification:

A systematic approach. Journal of Educational Technology, 45(2), 189-205.


Garcia, R., & Martinez, S. (2019). The impact of gamification on student

motivation and engagement. International Journal of Educational Technology,

42(1), 56-70.

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