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English Elect 2- Remedial Instruction in English

Learning Competencies
 Describe the characteristics of poor readers.
 Identify different levels of retardation.
 Create ways or methods for remediation/ remedial measures in

What are the Characteristics of Poor Readers?
1. Slow Learner
o Ability level with an IQ below 90
o Seldom reads on ability level.
o Generally, reads below grade level.
o Instruction needs to be adapted to his limited ability.
o The pace of instruction and teacher expectations must be realistic.
2. Reluctant Reader
o Can read but will not.
o The root of the reading difficulties is the mental attitude of the pupil.
o Solution to the reading problem begins with a change of attitude.
3. Disadvantaged Reader

o Potential often far exceeds performance.

o Generally, can learn and wants to learn.

English Elect 2- Remedial Instruction in English
o Lacks adequate oral language because of inadequate experience.
o Does not look upon reading as life- related.
o Often feels alienated from the larger social structure.
o Often is deficient in auditory attention.
o Needs to learn how to learn.
4. Retarded Reader
o Is usually of average or above average intelligence, although a retarded
reader could also be a slow learner.
o Does not read on ability level.
o May or may not be reading below grade level.
o May show blocks to learning, especially emotional or neurological, which
keep him from learning to read.

What are the Levels of Retardation?

1. General/ Simple Retardation
o A generally low level of reading ability as compared with mental age.
o Child lacks overall maturity in reading.
o Child has a low but relatively uniform reading profile and has no
unfortunate reactions to his poor reading.
o Can be identified by achievement tests and nonverbal instruments.

 Instruction suited to their level of advancement.
 A rigorously motivated reading program
 An opportunity to read a lot.
 Does not have to be referred to the reading clinic for an individual

2. Specific Retardation
o Those who are severely limited in one or more areas of reading but who
demonstrate that they have developed the general basic skills and abilities
well enough to be able to read in other areas.
English Elect 2- Remedial Instruction in English
o Located using reading tests that are more analytical than those used in
general diagnosis.
o Remedial work can be given by the classroom teacher.

 Remedial training on the skill and abilities where the child needs further

3. Limited Disability
o One who has serious deficiencies in basic reading skills and abilities
which impede his entire reading growth.
o Has acquired interfering habits or has failed to learn one or more essential

 Should be given remedial work in school reading center.
 Any decision must rest on a thorough case- study diagnosis.

4. Complex Disability
o Disabled children whose problems are more subtle and complicated.
o Always severely retarded in reading

 Needs careful individual clinical attention.
 Needs clinical diagnosis of his problem by the reading diagnostician
together with the services of other specialists.

How are Reading Difficulties Classified?

A. Deficiencies in basic reading comprehension abilities
1. Limited reading vocabulary
2. Inability to read by thought units.
3. Insufficient sentence use

English Elect 2- Remedial Instruction in English
4. Lack of the sense of paragraph organization
5. Failure to appreciate the author’s organization.

B. Faulty word identification which includes.

1. Failure to use context and other meaning clues.
2. Ineffective visual analysis of words
3. Limited knowledge of visual, structural, and phonetic elements
4. Lack of ability in auditory blending or visual synthesis
5. Over analytical
a. Analyzing known words.
b. Breaking words into too many parts
c. Using letter by letter or spelling attack.
6. Insufficient sight vocabulary
7. Excessive locational errors: initial, middle, or ending errors

C. Inappropriate directional habits

1. Orientation confusions with words
2. Transpositions among words
3. Faulty eye movements

D. Poor oral reading

1. Inappropriate eye- voice span
2. Lack of phrasing ability
3. Poor rate and timing
4. Emotionally tense oral reader

E. Limited in special comprehension abilities

1. Inability to isolate and retain information.
2. Poor reading to organize.
3. Ineffective reading to evaluate.
4. Insufficient ability in reading to interpret.
English Elect 2- Remedial Instruction in English
5. Limited proficiency in reading to appreciate.

F. Deficiencies in basic study skills

1. Inability to use aids in locating materials to be read.
2. Lack of efficiency in using basic reference material.
3. Inadequacies in using maps, graphs, tables, and other visual materials.
4. Limitations in techniques of organizing material read

G. Deficient in ability to adapt to needs of content fields.

1. Inappropriate application of comprehension abilities
2. Limited knowledge of specialized vocabulary
3. Insufficient concept development
4. Poor knowledge of symbols and abbreviations
5. Insufficient ability in the use of pictorial and tabular materials
6. Difficulties with organization
7. Inability to adjust rate to suit the purposes and the difficulty of material.

H. Deficiencies in rate of comprehension

1. Inability to adjust rate.
2. Insufficient sight vocabulary
3. Insufficient vocabulary knowledge and comprehension
4. Ineffectiveness in word recognition
5. Being an over- analytical reader
6. Insufficient use of context clues
7. Lack of phrasing
8. Using crutches
9. Unnecessary vocalization
10. Inappropriate purposes

Activities/Performance Tasks/ Insights

Please refer to the provided answer sheet.

English Elect 2- Remedial Instruction in English

Villamin, A. M. and Villamin, C. R. (1990). Remedial Reading A Handbook for
Teachers and Students. Quezon City. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
Ayao-Ao, S. H. (2015). Comprehensive LET Reviewer Based on the NCBTS
and TOS Specialization- English Book 1. Metro Manila. Lorimar
Publishing Inc.

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English Elect 2- Remedial Instruction in English


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