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Management is how businesses organize and direct workflow, operations, and employees to meet
company goals. Management can be defined as a process of getting the work or the task done that is
required for achieving the goals of an organisation in an efficient and effective manner. Process implies the
functions of the management. That is, planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling.

2. A business manager is a supervisor who leads and oversees an organization or a department's

employees and operations. They work to ensure the company remains productive, efficient and organized
at all times by implementing operational strategies, conducting performance reviews and overseeing all
day-to-day activities.

A Manager is a supervisor who controls and directs the personnel and activities of an organization or a

3. What Are the Different Types of Managers?

The four most common types of managers are top-level managers, middle managers, first-line managers,
and team leaders. These roles vary not only in their day-to-day responsibilities, but also in their broader
function in the organization and the types of employees they manage.

Top-Level Managers
Top-level managers are those who represent the highest level of executive management. Top-level
managers often have the word “chief” in their job titles, such as chief executive officer, chief financial
officer, and so on.

These managers help sustain the company’s growth and execute plans over the long term. They make
major business decisions — such as launching a new product or restructuring departments — with the
goal of seeing the company thrive, not just in the moment but into the future. Additional duties of top-
level managers might include facilitating strategic partnerships with other companies or deciding to take a
company public.

Middle Managers
Middle managers usually report to the top-level managers, yet they still have a lot of autonomy to make
decisions within their area or department of the company. These managers often have job titles that
include the word “director.” They may also be department heads.

Middle managers tend to function as points of contact between first-line managers and top-level
management, ensuring that the two groups maintain productive two-way communication. Middle
managers may help develop or implement plans to help top-level managers address obstacles or achieve
certain business goals. Additional core duties can include mentoring lower-level managers and helping
them prepare for career advancement.

First-Line Managers
This role represents an entry-level position for management professionals. First-line managers work
directly with non-management employees and project team members. Their overarching role is to
supervise employee productivity and hold employees accountable for achieving company goals.

Generally, first-line managers handle internal work only. In other words, they are not responsible for
larger-scale business decisions, like whether to take the company public, rebrand, or partner with another
business. However, the first-line manager’s core responsibilities can include communicating concerns to
middle managers, acting as liaisons for addressing employee needs.

Team Leaders
Team leaders are managers who specialize in a particular task, product, or project. Their role is to oversee
all the logistics of their assignment, which may include completing a project on time, onboarding new
employees, and assigning specific tasks to various team members.

Understanding Different Management Styles

In addition to there being different types of managers, there are also different management styles. No
matter which type of managerial work you take on, you may run into scenarios where some of the
following management approaches may prove advantageous.

Visionary managers can paint a picture of what the future could look like. They use skills such as
persuasion and charisma, as well as leading by example, to inspire their team members to pursue this
vision. This can be a highly effective leadership style when you’re a true authority in your field, or when
you’re facing a challenge that calls for a complete change in perspective, such as launching a brand-new
company or division. However, it can be less effective when employees require a high degree of guidance.

Participative leaders actively court feedback and try to involve their employees in the decision-making
process. While this approach can be an effective way to build employee buy-in and engagement, it may
also inadvertently cause employees to question the manager’s overall authority. Participative leadership
can be most useful in situations in which the manager needs to cultivate employee engagement, or where
leaders determine that multiple perspectives will help ensure the best outcome.

Managers using the coaching style focus on developing their team members, helping them hone the skills
they need to perform at an optimal level. It’s a great approach in company cultures that prize team
building and employee development, but it requires a lot of direct monitoring and regular feedback. The
coaching approach might be best in situations where managers are interested in not just completing a
project, but in helping individual employees hone their skills and progress in their careers as well.

Finally, there are the “take-charge” leaders who provide their employees with constant monitoring and
direction. This authoritative stance can be useful in situations that demand quick decision-making,
including during times of crisis. However, this style of management tends to have a negative impact on
employee morale over time. Authoritative management is often invoked in emergency situations, or when
a prompt and clear decision is necessary; however, it is usually not recommended as a long-term

The Skills of Effective Management

To succeed in any type of managerial role, certain skills are essential. Some of the core competencies for
the management profession include:

Leadership skills. Managers should be able to set a vision for their employees, inspire action, and hold
everyone accountable.
Problem-solving skills. Managers should be able to brainstorm creative and efficient solutions to obstacles
that may be abstract or complex.
Communication skills. Giving and receiving feedback, setting a vision, and offering reports to other
members of senior management or shareholders are all essential components of management.
Organizational skills. Good managers should be able to juggle multiple projects at once and ensure that
they do not let any details slip through the cracks.
Technology skills. Increasingly, computer literacy is necessary for managers at any level. Managers should
also understand the technical skills relevant to their field.

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