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Multiple Intelligences

Types of intelligences
● Linguistic
● Logical-Mathematical
● Bodily-Kinesthetic
● Spatial-Visual
● Musical
● Interpersonal
● Intrapersonal
Our test
● I have a diary
● I love scary amusement park rides ● I am a good liar
● I enjoy creating stories ● I find physical games easy and
● People rely on me for support and advice. enjoyable
● I find graphs, charts and diagrams easy to ● I understand my own feelings well.
understand ● I don’t use my fingers to count
● I enjoy singing ● I feel bad when I see people cry
● I like to think a lot about problems before acting and I cannot help.
● I find mental math easy ● I doodle when I am concentrating
● I am a social and outgoing person ● I see clear images when I close my
● I love reading eyes
● I play a sport or dance ● I can play a musical instrument
● I often have a song in my head ● I am happy being alone

24 questions, 3 for each type of intelligence. Subjects had to

mark the sentences that they felt applied to them the most.
Our target
● Psychology students
● Sixty students were interviewed.
● No distinction was made regarding gender or age.
● “What kind of intelligence could be the most common among
psychology students?”
● The most common type of
intelligence among
psychology students was
● The second most common was
● Tied for the third place
were Musical,
Bodily-Kinsethetic and
● The least common was
● Psychology students are more likely to have a good
interpersonal intelligence. This makes sense, since their
job relies on interacting with other people,
understanding their problems and helping them.
● On the other hand, psychology students are less likely to
have a good intrapersonal intelligence, suggesting that
while they understand human behavior clearly, they have a
generally poor understanding of themselves.

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