Letter of Reccomendation Manju

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To whom it may concern,

Manju has been one of the few students who has made a profound impression on me. Her go-getter
attitude, her punctuality, and her willingness to go extra miles is praiseworthy. I remember times when
she will meet me after classes, and we will have spirited debates and reasonings on the study topics and
implications of the study. I would like to extend my highest recommendation to her.

Optometry program at NAMS is an intensive course where Manju was required to complete extensive
clinical postings from her 1st year of study, despite the demanding schedule, consisting of eight hours of
clinical and practical work each day, she has consistently demonstrated exceptional academic
performance, a strong desire to learn new things and an unwavering dedication to professional

Manju's enthusiasm for learning extends beyond academic curriculum. They consistently sought
opportunities to expand their knowledge base and refine their practical skills. She actively seeks out
opportunities to broaden her understanding of various eye conditions and their management. For
example, during our weekly presentations and meetings, Manju consistently brings in recent research
articles and case studies to share with the team, fostering a culture of continuous learning and staying
up to date with the latest advancements.

Manju's inquisitive nature and eagerness to learn new things have been truly inspiring. They possess a
unique ability to not only comprehend the theoretical aspects of their subjects but also understand their
practical applications. In one instance, Manju encountered a complex case of binocular vision disorder
(Duane’s Retraction Syndrome) during their clinical rotation. Despite the intricacies involved, Manju
diligently researched the case, applied their theoretical knowledge, consulted with their senior clinician,
and successfully formulated an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. This demonstrated their
exceptional analytical thinking and the ability to effectively apply their theoretical knowledge to real-
world scenarios.

Furthermore, her remarkable leadership skills have been evident throughout their academic journey, as
they take the initiative to organize study groups and academic programs, mentor peers, and collaborate
on research. For instance, during their community research project particularly in their 3 rd year, Manju
played a pivotal role in designing the study, collecting, and analyzing data, and presenting the findings.
Their exemplary leadership, attention to detail, and ability to work collaboratively were instrumental in
the project's success.

Manju is a progress seeking person who have demonstrated her ability in learning and implementing her
knowledge. I wish her the best for her future endeavor and give her my highest recommendation.

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