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“Win Win LNA! New record!” My friends cheered at auditorium as we landed our turn.

Pleased with our

progress, I gazed down at my worn-out feet. The sweltering blisters, numbing bandage and draining late
night practices did not seem so bad after all. The auditorium erupted in cheers as our team landed our
turn perfectly, setting a new record. My feet were worn out from the sweltering blisters, numbing ice-
baths, and draining late-night practices, but it was all worth it when we realized we had just won the
PABSON Dance Competition.

We had been preparing for months, pushing ourselves to the limit with the challenging choreography.
The day after our practices was always brutal, with my arms and legs aching and barely able to walk
around the house. But it was all for this day, and our hard work had paid off. We were now set to
represent our school in the national dance competition.

The morning of the competition, my team and I entered the auditorium for rehearsal. As the stage was
being set, I could feel the tension in the air. We quickly headed to the trial room and practiced our
routine twice. As the time edged closer, I could feel my tension rising. Looking at the other participants
in the green room, I couldn't help but feel nervous as they all looked so talented. However, I was
determined to stay focused. I could see my parents and friends in the audience, wishing me luck from
their seats. The stage was beautifully decorated, and the crowd was growing. I was desperately trying to
remember every step of the routine as our turn approached closer. I felt both anxious and confident as
my heart raced.

Taking a back and happy, I wondered why our teacher expected so little from us just because we were
not qualified for audition last year. The other school seemed content and, gracing the stage with their
simpler movements. For the stage was same, our song was classical and decent and situation were in
our favor me along with my pals headed towards the stage crossing the finger. Our performance was
spectacular, roars and claps left no apprehension and we danced flawlessly and of course big applauded
to the audiences: friends and family.

Initially, we were devastated. We had come so close to winning the title but ended up in second place.
Yet as our team spent time together reflecting upon the results, we gradually realized that the true
value we had gained was not only the prospect of winning the title but also the time we had spent
together exploring our shared passion. I chatted with the winning team and even befriended a few of
them who offered us encouragement and advice. I congratulated the opponent team, celebrating the
thrill of their first dancing competition and reminding myself to never stop trying new things.
Dance has opened my eyes to the world and allowed me to explore my passions. Through this
experience, I have been able to gain knowledge, build relationships and create memories that I will
cherish for a lifetime. I am proud of my team and the efforts we have put in to make this competition a
success. As I continue to grow and learn, I am determined to take the lessons that I have gained from
this competition to the next level. I am excited to see what the future holds and the impact that I will
have on the dance community.

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