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Purposive Communication

Submitted by:
Sotto, Juliana O.
Austria, Julliana Mikaella
Resuello, Melchor F.
Resuello, Mark Laurrence F.
Cadman, Shine T.
Batac, Mikaella Faith O.
Abrique, Arnilo O.
Sanchez, Christian V.
Dela Cruz, Nhel Patrick A.
Albis, Jean Reyner

Submitted to:
Ms. Hazel Kyle M Dulay
Reaching their Dreams.

First Person Point of view:
Belle (Chap. 1 - 3, 6, & 8)
Psalm (Chap. 4 - 5)
Third Person Point of view (Chap. 7)

Belle- The protagonist, also the antagonist (man vs. self conflict)
Joey and Saint- client of Belle
Psalm- Client of Belle and Parker
Parker- Psychologist, who helps Belle and Psalm

Belle’s house
Office in the health centre
National School
Chapter 1

Being a counselor is the one that made me who I am. It is my passion, that's why I chose
this path of becoming a navigator of someone's life. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across
the morning sky, and I smiled knowing today was going to be a good day, surrounded by
beautiful and colourful flowers in the front yard of my house in a little suburb. My name is
Belle Johnson, your life’s navigator. I am in my 6th year of service in the health centre. It is
my first job after graduating in 1994 from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines with
a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. I believe the quote "This too shall pass" because it helps
me a lot in handling every situation that has come into my life. I always start my day by
reading my favourite book entitled "A Gentle Reminder Book" by Bianca Sparacino, because
it lends me a hand to execute my job very well as a counselor with a cup of a cold and
strong shot of iced coffee. These two things always made my morning calm and ready for a
long and tiring day ahead of me. Then after that, it was about time to get ready and prepare
to go to my office in the barangay health center. Entering my office is one of my favorite
things to do because aside from its welcoming, calm, and cozy cream wall and light around
with a cream table on the right side of the door and a pastel lavender couch on the left side
of it that can help my patient or client to relax while in the session. It is indeed another day
that I will be able to showcase my passion to lead my patients to a track where they belong,
a track that'll untick. With a cream table on the right side of the door and a pastel lavender
couch on the left side of it. These four corners hear all the problems and advice that I give
and hear from my client. This room is the place where they can be themselves and cry all
their pain because no one will judge them because I know I am the only one who can share
all the problems that they are carrying for a long time because they are afraid to be judged
and misunderstood by society. I always say to them this quote from Bianca Sparacino,
Seeds Planted in Concrete “At the end of the day, you are ultimately the curator of your life.
So, when you wake up each morning – take your life back. Take your life back from
anything that feeds negativity within it, take your life back from the things that do not grow
you, or move you. Make a pact with yourself to simply take control of who you will have the
ability to be, and what you will have the ability to do when you start to harness for yourself
all of the energy you used to put into nourishing a life that never felt like it was truly yours.
Take your life back and grow it into something that inspires you to rise with conviction and
passion. Take your life back and grow it into something that you are proud of.” It helps me
to pass all the problems that I am facing in life. Because it made me realise many things
that I just need to listen to what I am saying because the people around me will just judge
and tear the confidence that I have in life.

Chapter 2

On the second day of September in the year 2000, there was a scheduled counseling
session between me, and two students named Saint and Joey. Both of them are in the final
stage of their senior years and they have to choose a course before graduation, but the
problem is… they don’t know what course they should take in college. I told them the things
that they must consider. First, if possible, they have to identify their passion, and what they
love doing with little effort, which gives them joy and happiness. Because in school, they
can still identify their favourite subjects, sport or club, or other school activities that make
them come alive. If they follow their passion, it will point the way to their future career.
Saint and Joey may not suddenly realised that they don’t have to rush everything, but I
know that this was the time when their journey to finding themselves begins. The first and
only thing they have to do is to consider themselves that’s why I told them that “It doesn’t
matter how long it takes to end up in a decision as long as both of you are willing to commit
to your chosen tracks and as far as you see yourselves doing it for a long time it’s fine to
take your time.” Saint said that “having the pressure from my nature isn’t giving me the
time that I must have” then joey said “even though I would like to put myself first in my
priorities, the expectations from my peers are the ones who’s not giving me the peace and
time that I deserve” hearing those phrases from them gives me the glimpse of my past. And
my response was “You guys are much greater than the pressures that were given by those
people who don’t know you very well” because everyone must develop the ability to refuse
peer pressure. Even though it might be difficult, if you know yourself better, you can always
succeed. Learn to recognize your true self when you are under peer pressure and make an
effort to do so. Be self-assured, disengage, and develop the ability to repress actions that
might be harmful to your well-being. It’s also nice to have at least one other peer you can
confide in and speak to, as they might steer you away from unfavourable peers. After a long
day of counseling sessions with Joey and Saint, I'm glad to know that they told me that both
of them are aspirants to be in the profession of counseling. After all, I felt that I'd
accomplished my job, and my passion but I forgot that I still have this last client of the day
and his name is Psalm. After I took my break Psalm suddenly entered my office and I can't
paint how terrified he looked. I let him sit down on the chair and I said, "This is your safe
space and no matter what we'll be talking about today is confidential and no one will know
it" he responded, "I'm glad to hear that, I've been clinging to hear those kinds of words
these past few months". The counseling session between us has begun and because he looks
so terrified, I will be using the process of relationship building, it doesn't need to be fast if
we attain our goal. Then I took the opportunity to get to know him so I asked, what made
you decide to go here?" and then Psalm answered " I have so many issues right now but the
root of it is the financials, financial problems and I am a psychology student, and I can't
apply my knowledge on myself. I can't do what I'm supposed to do and that's what burdens
me" I froze for a minute after hearing those words. It felt like it was biting then I said to
myself" Am I talking to myself?". At that moment I wasn't able to do my job very well, that's
why I cut the session and suddenly went home and rescheduled my counseling session with
Psalm. I looked at my mirror and asked myself "Why am I affected by his problems?" It feels
like I am a broken compass. I can't figure out why this is happening to me, all the directions
that I am receiving right now are leading me down the wrong path and I do not know where
to go. But little did I know there were the darkest days of my life in the past that I was
forced to forget the problem is the same with Psalm, and I am seeing my old self in him.
Ever since then, I have dreamt of being a psychologist but because of a lack of monetary
assistance and shortage I wasn't able to reach my dreams, because of it I came to the point
where I wished to vanish from this world, I attempted to vanish. These experiences always
feel like they happened an hour ago. I am a navigator of others' life, but I can't untie and
navigate on my own. It hurts that my past is still haunting me, I can't move forward in it.
Will I always be a prisoner of my past?

Chapter 3

Being the passionate counselor that I am today isn’t just a façade, it’s just that I still can’t
stop thinking over the past. Even though I help others how to cope with their problems I
still didn’t even know how to handle my problems. How about me? As a counselor, I must
supposed to master how to handle heavy situations but now that I am the one who’s in
need, I don’t even know what to do for myself. Is this normal for a counselor like me to
happen? As I doubt and question myself I remembered the time when I said to Joey and
Saint that “It doesn’t matter how long it takes to end up in a decision as long as both of you
are willing to commit to your chosen tracks and as far as you see yourselves doing it for a
long time it’s fine to take your time.” All of the words that came out from my mouth don’t
match with me, it contradicts my perception of it. All I have to do right now is to eat my
words because I feel ashamed. Here I am at the lowest point in my life where I can’t see the
bigger picture of exquisite things. It doesn’t make sense if I’ve acquired knowledge on how
to resolve problems if I can’t apply those pieces of knowledge to myself. Some people don’t
know that even if we are working in this profession, we still need to find a person with
whom we can share the problem that we are facing. Because we are still having a problem.
We need someone to give us advice and be at our side that can help us to solve it. Having
Psalm as my client is a big problem for me because I know it is against the oath that I made
when I became licensed in psychology. Because I need to separate myself from my client, I
cannot compare myself even if we have the same situation. Since, I did what I think is right.
I asked for help from my professor and advisor Dr. Parker because I know he is the one who
I am right to advise a psalm to like me. Because when I suffer like him Dr. Parker is the one
who helps me to solve and gives me advice. It can also help me to avoid losing my licence,
which I have worked hard for years. Before transferring Psalm to Dr. Parker, I made sure
that all the things that I have that have a connection to the psalm are handed to Dr. Parker. I
chose this because I know I’m not the person that is fit for the problem that he is facing.
“Instead, love them without attachment. Love the lessons they taught you. Wish them well
every single time you think about them. Miss them, but do not ache for them to come back.
If the people in your life left because they were not ready to value you, love you, or be there
for you, do not wish for them back, do not ask for them to be more than they can be at the
moment. I wish for them to figure themselves out. I wish for them to grow. They are on
their journey — a journey you are not a part of. And that is okay. You have to learn that that
is okay.” I don’t want to lose them both. I don’t want to advise that I cannot even apply and
solve it. I just wish I could give Psalm to a person that can understand him more and give a
piece of advice that he needs. Advice that I am more realistic and not just a word that just
belches out of my mouth. Because of the advice and lessons that Dr. Parker gave me the
dream to be a psychologist like him.

Chapter 4
I was surprised by Ms. Belle’s reaction. She didn’t show any emotion on her face during our
session, and I was left wondering why she suddenly ended it. I couldn’t help but consider
different possibilities. “Was it because of what I said?” or perhaps my behaviour during the
session gave her reason to worry. Before I left for home, Ms. Belle sent me a text informing
me that she would transfer me to Dr. Parker. This only added to my confusion about what
was happening and why. As soon as I hear that Ms. Belle transfers my session with her to
Dr. Park, I start to think about what I did to make her transfer me to another Doctor so to
clear my mind and stop overthinking. The next morning, I went to see Dr. Belle so that I
could know her reason because I am afraid that I cannot be open again to share my
struggle, she makes me feel the comfort that I need in sharing my lowest point in life.When
I arrived at the hospital, I noticed some people going in and out of Ms. Belle's office. I
mustered up the courage to approach them and asked, "Good morning, may I ask why you
are packing up?" The man carrying the stuff replied, "Ah, Ms. Belle will be a substitute
teacher at a state university." "Thank you, sir," I said. After I walked away to find Dr. Parker's
office. "Excuse me, can you tell me where Dr. Parker's office is?" I asked the person I saw in
the hallway. "Hello, I am Dr. Parker. May I know why you are looking for me?" he answered.
"Good morning, Dr. Parker. I am Psalm, the client that Ms. Belle transferred to you," I
informed him. "Ah, you're Psalm. Okay, follow me so that we can start our session and get to
know each other," said Dr. Parker. Upon our arrival in his office, I start to look around and
as I look, I see some similarities of his office to ms. Belle, “take a sit and make yourself
comfortable” as he point the chair across of his table” all your session with Ms. Belle is with
me so I know some of your struggle because I already started to read your paper”(wala ako
maisip na opening ni parker) he started” so how are you after your session with ms belle?
Are there some things that you learn from her?” I know this is the start of our session and
he is starting to analyse me’’ it gives me a little comfort but I am still struggling” I
answered, “What struggle?” “I start to doubt and question myself because why can't I
answer all my problems on my own? in reality, data is what heals, not what is healed, so for
me, maybe I shouldn't continue being a psychologist” I share to him “Even you are a
Psychologies there will be time that you will struggle to give a solution on your own
problem and there are some that even they have licence they are still asking for help.” he
started “Because there is no one who can avoid having this type of problem in life there will
be time you will question and doubt yourself because it is part of life but just remember
there are way to overcome it and make sure you are superior than your doubt and question
because if it is vice versa you will lose your confidences and yourself.” As the weeks passed,
I found myself growing more at ease with Dr. Parker's presence. Gradually, my initial
hesitation to open up to him began to dissipate, and I discovered that it was easier than I
had anticipated to share my thoughts and feelings with him. I realised that there were
many things that I could benefit from discussing with him, my personal struggles and my
future goals. In time, I came to appreciate the valuable insights that Dr. Parker had to offer,
and our conversations became an integral part of my journey towards self-discovery and
Chapter 5
I woke up because of my cell phone alarm, I quickly grabbed it and turned off the alarm
when I saw the time and immediately got up. “What? It's 9 am already??” I’m going to be
late for my internship!!” I shouted. I quickly went to the bathroom and took a shower. While
brushing my teeth, I remembered the days when we had sessions with Dr. Parker. I am
deeply grateful to him because of his advice and words. I am currently assigned to teach at
a prestigious school for psychology in town. While on my way, I played classical music to
help ease my stress from the traffic. I felt every note coming out from the speakers of my
car. It was like flowing through my body and giving me energy. In the midst of my listening,
I noticed two children. They were wearing white uniforms that made me think they were
psychology students. I did not pay much attention to them at first as I was already late for
work. But I noticed the logo patch of the students, they are from the school where I was
assigned to teach. And I can see that these kids are in a hurry too. I decided to talk to these
kids while in traffic. I immediately rolled down my cat window and stopped playing the
music. “Why are you still here on the street? You might be late.” I asked. One of the kids
wearing glasses answered, “We don’t have transportation, Sir. We've been here since
earlier.” “Yes, Sir. Maybe other jeeps took a different route because of the traffic.” another
one added. So as not to make them too suspicious of me, I introduced myself, “By the way
I’m Psalm, I noticed the logo patch on your uniforms. Are you students of the national
school for psychology?” “Yes, Sir.” they both replied. “I’m heading there myself, if you don’t
mind. I can give you a ride. You can also take down my plate number and send it to your
parents before we leave.” I added. “Just hurry up because that cars in front of us keeping
moving forward.” They quickly took a picture of my plate number and got into my car.
“Thank you so much, Sir!” said the young man with glasses. “We haven’t introduced
ourselves yet. I’m Saint, and this is Joy. We're both second-year college students.” Saint
added. I noticed that Saint was outgoing, while Joey was quiet and hard to read. I started
the engine of my car and drove off. “Finally, I made it, but I hope we can make it on time, so
we won’t be late.” I said. They told me to be there by 10am and the students as well. “Why
are you going to our school, Sir??” Joey asked. I stared at Joey because he hasn’t spoken
since earlier, and suddenly he’s asking me this. I didn’t answer right away because it
seemed like he wanted to say something or like the way Ms. Belle looked before she left.”

After my university class, I went straight to the hospital for my duty. As the door opened, I
saw the person I had been looking for in the last few years. "Is that Ms. Belle?" I asked
myself. "Excuse me," I called out to the person. She looked at me and said, "Hi Ms. Belle, I
wish you still remembered me." I continued, "I am Psalm, your client from before you
transferred to the university." "Oh, Psalm! How are you?" she asked, scanning me with
pride. "With the help of Dr. Parker and you, I'm doing okay now. I'm doing an internship for
my PhD here while working part-time at the university," I replied. Our conversation
continued until my attending resident, Dr. Parker, called me. "Good morning, Dr. Parker," I
greeted him. "It's nice that the two of you have already met and talked," he said. "Sorry, Ms.
Belle, I need to go because I need to start my rounds. See you around," I said as I bid my
goodbye. "Goodbye, Psalm. See you around," she replied.

Chapter 6

I met Psalm again. As I watched him walking, I was drawn into a deep reflection of our last
session together. It was a moment that I will never forget, as it was filled with so many
emotions and revelations. I remember being caught off guard by the things that he said and
the way that he looked at me with his expressive eyes. At the time, I felt overwhelmed by
my own emotions and realized that I may not have been fully prepared to handle a case like
his. Despite this realisation, I still feel that I made the right decision by recommending him
to Dr. Parker. I could sense that if we continued that session, it may have hindered his
progress and prevented him from reaching the path he is walking now, fulfilling his dreams
and aspirations. It was a difficult choice to make, but I trusted my instincts and knew that it
was for the best. In the time that followed, I found myself with a newfound appreciation for
the importance of taking care of oneself. I recognized that I needed to prioritise my own
well-being and take the time to recenter myself. Through this process, I was able to pursue
a master's degree and focus on my personal growth and development. Now, I find myself
standing here in this prestigious school for psychology, eager to acquire my licence and
certificate as a psychologist. It's an exciting time for me as I embark on a new chapter in my
life, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. I am grateful for the experiences
that have led me to this moment and am excited to see where this journey will take me.

Chapter 7
In the midst of Belle's thoughts, two men approached her. "Ms. Belle!?" one of them shouted
excitedly, and Belle immediately looked towards the voice. She saw the two men she had
advised before about their course selections. "Joey!!! Saint!!!" she shouted, and they both
hugged her at the same time. "I missed you both. How are you guys?" she asked. Joey broke
away from the hug and proudly showed Belle his name tag. "I'm already a Psychology
student, Ms. Belle. I'm already in my 4th year, and so is Saint!" he said. Belle didn't know
how to respond to what he said, because she was feeling mixed emotions. She hugged the
two of them again, not expecting this, and saw the joy in their eyes for the path they had
chosen. Especially Joey, because he rarely speaks or shows emotions. "Not only have you
grown up, but so much has changed in you, and I am so proud!" Their conversation was cut
short when they heard a shout. "Mr. Joey and Mr. Saint," Belle looked towards the direction
of the voice and saw that it was Psalm. "Do you know these children?" she asked. "Do you
know each other, Ms. Belle?" Saint asked. "Yes," she replied at the same time as Psalm. She
held onto her arm and looked down slightly because of embarrassment, while the two
children were staring at them. "They're my students, Ms. Belle, and they're here for
training," Psalm said. "Oh, I see," Belle replied.
Chapter 8

We were chatting about the session we had just finished, the four of us, when a Nurse called
me up to the director's office. "See you later guys," I said before leaving, hoping to join them
again soon. "Good luck to you, Saint and Joey! Sir Psalm is a great professor," I added,
emphasising his name. The two of them laughed, and Psalm smiled. I smiled too and went
upstairs, feeling a sense of fulfilment. As I climbed, I couldn't help but think about the
impact we had on the people we touched during the session. It was amazing to see them
take steps towards fulfilling their dreams, and it warms my heart to know that we played a
part in their journey. I hope to see the three of them again soon, catch up on their progress,
and maybe all of us are psychologists.

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