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Unit 2 Test Standard | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 08 Usłyszysz pięć wypowiedzi. Do każdej wypowiedzi 1–5 dopasuj zdanie A–F. Jedno zdanie
zostało podane dodatkowo.
A This person doesn’t buy expensive clothes.
B This person thinks carefully what to do with money.
C This person buys sweets and fast food.
D This person gets pocket money for helping at home.
E This person gets money when he does well in school tests.
F This person doesn’t like the idea of getting pocket money for helping at home.

1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___

___ / 5

2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo.
borrow complaint earn free get lend offer special
0 How much money do you earn for walking our neighbour’s dog?
1 When you buy three books, you _______________ a discount.
2 There’s something wrong with my dessert. I’d like to make a/an _______________.
3 Log onto our website and get more than 100 ebooks _______________ of charge.
4 Special _______________ only today – buy two games and get one for free!
5 Do you want to buy this jacket? I can _______________ you some money.
___ / 5

3 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź a, b lub c.

1 I hardly ever pay ___ card. I usually have notes in my wallet.
a by b in c with
2 You should keep a ___ for everything you buy.
a discount b receipt c price
3 There’s a cash machine nearby, so ___ some money out.
a earn b win c take
4 I spend too much money ___ fast food.
a on b for c in
___ / 4

4 Zakreśl właściwą opcję.
1 There isn’t many / any milk in the fridge, so we need to buy some.
2 Do you buy many / lot of books online?
3 I haven’t got much / many time left. Hurry up!
4 I’ve got many / some money, so I can give you a few pounds.
5 There’s a lot of / any pizza left. Would you like another piece?
___ / 5

Impulse 1 A2/A2+ Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2021 Photocopiable 1

5 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź a, b lub c.
1 My shoes are as expensive ___ your trainers.
a as b than c so
2 Jenny chooses vegetables ___ than me.
a more careful b more carefully c carefully
3 The new shopping centre is ___ shop in the city.
a the bigger b the biggest c bigger
4 Drinking green tea is ___ than drinking coffee.
a more health b health c healthier
___ / 4

6 Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Możesz dodać inne
0 If you want to work here, you have to speak English fluently (speak / English / fluent).
1 There are _______________ (too / egg) in the basket – put some of them on the table.
2 I can’t ask my parents for more money. That’s not _______________ (go / work).
3 This toy shop _______________ (be / good) – let’s buy presents here.
4 I love this website because you can create _______________ (logo / quick) and without any problems.
5 _______________ (lot / child) get pocket money every week.
___ / 5

7 Przeczytaj teksty A–D i e-mail Alexa. Uzupełnij luki 1–5 w e-mailu w języku polskim, zgodnie z treścią
tekstów A–D.
A I dream of buying a new phone, but I don’t get any pocket money. What can I do? I could take my
neighbours’ dog for a walk or clean their car, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea. I could also sell some of my
things – I have a lot of books, some clothes and a few video games. What do you think? Any other ideas
to share?

B Work for teens!

Are you into computer games? Can you speak English fluently? Are you at least 16 years old?
If your answer is YES, then you are the person we are looking for! Join our international team and become
You can play the newest games, have fun and earn some money at the same time! You can get a starting rate
of £5 per hour and you can work from home!
Contact us at

C If you enjoy reading and want to earn some money, our buy-and-sell site is for you!
Log on to our website, sell your old books and maybe buy some, too.
It takes just a few minutes to register and start selling. You can also earn discounts when you sell more
than five books, so then the prices of the books you decide to buy are lower!

D What about joining online groups? There are a few of them where you can sell your old things, like video
games, books, sports equipment – almost everything in fact! It is really simple – you put up a photo of your
object (remember to write the price!) and wait for somebody who wants to buy it. Oh, it’s important
to choose a group in your city – you meet with the buyer and you get the cash very quickly!
What do you say?

Impulse 1 A2/A2+ Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2021 Photocopiable 2

Jak wiesz, ostatnio intensywnie myślę, jak 0 zarobić pieniądze, żeby kupić nowy telefon, ponieważ
1 _______________. Myślałem o wyprowadzaniu psa sąsiadów lub czyszczeniu ich samochodu, ale nie wiem,
czy to taki dobry pomysł. Myślałem o znalezieniu pracy, jako 2 _______________. Mógłbym zarobić nawet pięć
funtów za godzinę! Jedynym minusem jest to, że nie mówię 3 _______________. Znalazłem też reklamę strony,
gdzie można sprzedawać i kupować stare książki. Mogę 4 _______________ jeśli sprzedam więcej niż pięć
książek, ale to chyba nie ma sensu, skoro nie chcę tam nic kupić? Za radą Chrisa szukam też grup w Internecie.
Wstawienie 5 _______________ i _______________ moich starych rzeczy to tylko chwila. A plusem tych
lokalnych grup jest to, że mogę spotkać się z kupującym i szybko dostać gotówkę! Co o tym myślisz?
___ / 5

8 Zakreśl właściwą opcję.
Ann: I want to buy a new phone, but I don’t have enough money. Do you think I should earn some
extra money?
Bob: That’s a 1 great / bad idea. 2 What / Which about trying to wash some cars for cash?
Ann: That’s not going to 3 work / do. There are almost no cars in my neighbourhood.
Bob: 4 You should / Why don’t you ask if you can do some extra jobs at home?
Ann: Thanks, 5 I am / I’ll try that.
___ / 5

9 Razem z przyjaciółmi organizujesz przyjęcie-niespodziankę dla Waszej koleżanki. Twoi przyjaciele chcą
zorganizować imprezę w bardzo modnej i drogiej restauracji. Masz wątpliwości, czy jest to dobry pomysł.
Napisz e-mail do kolegi ze Szkocji, w którym:
– opiszesz propozycję swoich przyjaciół,
– wyjaśnisz, dlaczego masz wątpliwości co do tego pomysłu,
– napiszesz, jakie alternatywne rozwiązania widzisz,
– poprosisz kolegę o radę.

Użyj 100–150 słów, nie wliczając w to wyrazów już podanych.

Hi, Logan,
What’s up? I’m writing because …
Bye for now,
___ / 12

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 50

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