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1 Acid−Base Theories
Problems Worksheet

1. What is the difference between ionisation and dissociation?

2. Write an ionic equation for the following reactions:

a. Dilute nitric acid is added to a solution of potassium hydroxide

b. Dilute hydrochloric acid is poured over aluminium metal

c. Lithium carbonate is added to sulfuric acid

d. Gaseous hydrogen chloride is reacted with gaseous ammonia

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3. What is the major limitation of the Arrhenius theory of acids and bases?

4. Explain how the following reaction could be identified as an acid−base reaction under the
Brønsted−Lowry theory but not under the Arrhenius theory:

HCl(g) + NH3(g)  NH4Cl(s)

5. Identify the conjugate acid base pairs in the following reactions:

a. HNO3 + H2O  NO3− + H3O+

b. H2S + NH3  HS− + NH4+

c. HSO3− + OH−  SO32− + H2O

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6. Write the conjugate base for each of the following acids:

a. HCl


c. HSO4−

d. HCO3−

e. HF

Write the conjugate acid for each of the following bases:

f. NH3

g. HPO42−

h. ClO−

i. CO32−

j. S2−

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7. Some species can behave as both acids or bases; they can accept a proton or donate a proton. They are
said to be amphoteric. H2PO4− is an example of an amphoteric ion.
a. Write an equation showing H2PO4− behaving as an acid:

b. Write an equation showing H2PO4− behaving as a base:

c. Give an example of another amphoteric ion.

8. Sulfuric acid is a polyprotic acid with two hydrogens capable of ionising.

a. Write equations showing the first and second reactions of H2SO4 with water.

b. Even though sulfuric acid contains two hydrogen atoms capable of ionisation, a solution does not
contain two times as many hydrogen ions as a solution of HCl with the same concentration.
Explain why not.

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