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Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

Department of Computer Science

Practical- C (BCA 147-20)-SEMESTER 1

 All the questions are to be hand written.
 The students should write their full name, PRN, Semester, Year and Subject name in
clear handwriting on every page on full-scape paper.
 The last date of submission of answer sheets 18th Nov 2022. No
late submissions will be accepted.

1. Write a program to print Armstrong numbers from the range 1 to 1000.

2. Write a program to check vowels using switch case.
3. Write a program to reverse the digits using while loop( 1234->4321)
4. Write a program to pass to pass 3 numbers to a function and function should return average of
3 numbers.
5. Write a program to copy one file(.txt) into two files.
6. Write a program to count characters , words, lines from any text file.
7. Write a program to check if the string is palindrome.
8. Write a program to calculate factorial using recursion.
9. Write a program to display sum of all elements in the array.
10. Accept a no from the user and find out all divisors of the number

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