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SOCIOLOGY Is the systematic study o social behavior

and human groups.

It focuses primarily on the influence of social

relationships upon people’s attitudes and
behavior and on how societies are
established and changed
Sociology’s subject matter is diverse.

• Ranging from crime to religion.

• From family to the state.

• From the division of race and

social class to the shared
beliefs of a common culture.

• From social stability to radical change in

whole society.
➢ Refers to differences among
the individual on the bases of
social characteristics and qualities. Class Ability
➢ Can create discrimination
among individuals on the basis of Race Culture
their social characteristics. Sex

➢ Create a lot of problems: Ex. High status versus the

inequality, inferiority complex and poor or homeless people.
other social problems.
What is the purpose of ✓ To understand how the cultural and social
structures shapes human action and thought; and
SOCIOLOGY conversely, how human action and thought shape
cultural and social structure.
✓ To study at all levels of human thought and
Study in order to activity, from the individual and personal level to
classify, quantify, global level.
identify and perform
functions that are ✓ The ultimate purpose of Sociology is to formulate
anthropological in a discipline of thought and methodology that
their construct in leads to objective, comprehensive, effective,
observing societies honest and critical thinking when observing and
in the whole describing human thought, interaction, systems,
structures and action.
Dynamic of Culture in the Goals of Anthropology and Sociology

Is dynamic and thus complex.

Fluid rather than static Human communicate

– which means that and express the
culture changes all cultural system in a
the time, in subtle variety of ways, it can
and tangible ways. be hard to pinpoint
exactly that cultural
dynamics are at play.
Study of humans and
the way they live. Studies the ways of group of people
interact w/ each other and how their
behavior is influenced by social structures
❖ Examines culture more at categories (rage, gender, sexuality and
the micro level of the institutions.
individual w/c the
anthropologists generally Both study human Sociology on the other hand, tends to
takes as example of the behavior but... look at the bigger picture, often
larger culture. studying institutions (educational,
❖ Hones in on the cultural political, religious), organizations,
specifies of a given
political movement and the power
group or community.
relation of different groups w/ each
Pioneers of Sociology
➢ Father of Sociology.
➢ He coined the term sociology in 1838 to
refer the scientific study of society.
✓ He believed that every society goes
three stages of development.

(The Course of Positive Philosophy)

Religious, Methaphysical , Scientific

Auguste Comte “The Law of Three Stages”

(1798 – 1857)
➢ According to him, reliance on superstition and
speculation characterizes the religious and
methaphysical stages and neither is adequate
for understanding society.
➢ What is indeed he acquired, is scientific
knowledge about the physical facts.
➢ He envisioned a science of society with two
branches: statics – the study of the
organizations that allows the society to endure
and dynamics – the study of the process by
societies change.
Auguste Comte Comte believed that sociologists would develop a
(1798 – 1857) scientific knowledge of society and would guide
society in a peaceful, orderly evaluation.
Pioneers of Sociology
➢The first woman sociologist who agreed with
➢She thought it is useful to translate Comte’s idea
in English for wider accessibility.
➢Found Comte’s works (6 volumes)
“Overloaded with words” and she finally
pruned it to just two volumes.

The result is
Martineau's version considerably more
Harriet Martineau to be translated lucid and forceful
(1802 – 1876) back into French. than the original.
➢Studied British and US Societies and suggested
that societal progress could be achieved by
expanding scientific knowledge in general and by
eliminating slavery and gender equality in particular.
➢Society in America (1837) where she criticized that
state of women’s education during her time and
How to Observe Morals and Manners (1938) where
she focuses on observing locals on their own terms
and emphasizes the need to accept cultural
relativism of others.
Two sociological works that ere considered
Harriet Martineau
significant contributions to the emerging field
(1802 – 1876) of sociology.
Pioneers of Sociology
➢And Englishman, he had a different view of how
society works.
Can be compared to a living organism. Each
part of an animal – its heart, lungs, brain and
so – on had its own function to perform, yet all
parts are interdependent.

A change in one part affects all others.

Contributes to the survival and

health of the animals as a whole
Herbert Spencer
(1820 – 1903)
➢Similarity, each part of the society performs its own
function and contributes to the survival and stability of
the whole.
The family, religion, government and industry area all
seen as part of the one “organism” – society.
If left alone, corrects its own problems, it tends
naturally towards health and stability.
➢Social Problems works themselves out through the process of
natural selection called Survival of the Fittest.

• The rich, powerful or otherwise successful people – the “fittest” – have been
selected by nature to be what they are.
• The poor, weak or otherwise unsuccessful individuals – the “unfit” – have been
doomed by nature as failure.
• If government interferes w/ this natural process by helping the unfit the society will
suffer because the efforts of its successful people will be wasted.
Pioneers of Sociology
Wrote the Communist Manifesto – which has been
recognized as one of the worlds most influential
It represents an analytic approach to the class
struggle – He observed the underlying conflict,
exploitation and the seeds of revolution.
According to him, Spencer’s stable, interdependent
society was a myth.

Why??? – Because according to his claims, the

Karl Marx primary features of society are not stability and
(1818 – 1883) interdependence but conflict and competition.
He saw every society, past and present as marked by
social conflict.
The primary feature of society is Class Conflict.

The struggle between capitalists who

own the mean of productions and the
proletariat who do not

Are inevitably
locked in conflict.

Karl Marx The laborers, far from becoming naturally unfit, are
destined to overthrow the capitalists and establish a
(1818 – 1883)
classless society – where everyone will work
according to ability and receive according to need.
He did not believed as did Spencer, that the
differences between laborer and capitalist are
determined by natural selection.

He is the proponent of Marxism.

- a worldview and method of societal
analysis that focuses on class relations and
societal conflict.

Karl Marx
(1818 – 1883)
Pioneers of Sociology
He pioneered the systematic application of
scientific methods to sociology.
He published the first truly sociological
research entitled Suicide in 1987.
He not only used systematic
observation, but he also The first classic
argued that sociologists sociological study
should consider only what and pioneered
they could observe and modern social
should look at “social facts research – not based
Emile Durkheim as things.” on speculation
(1858 – 1917)
He made a research plan and collected a large mass of
statistical data on suicide in various European Countries.
They should not look, he said, to the “notions”
of people in order to explain society.
People’s subjective experiences should not be
a concern of sociologists.
He also wrote The Division of Labor in Society

An advance sociological thought

where he discussed the social
order in the society.

He believed that crime is an act that “offends

Emile Durkheim strong and defined states of the collective
(1858 – 1917)
conscience” though he viewed crime as a
normal social fact.
Pioneers of Sociology
Believed that sociologists must go beyond
what people do, beyond what can be observed
He argued that individuals always interpret the
meaning of their own behavior and act
according to these interpretations.
Therefore, Sociologists must find out how people feel or
what they think about their own behavior.
To do this, according to Weber, sociologists should
adopt a method he called Verstehan
Max Weber
(1864 - 1920) emphatic understanding of their subjects, sociologists
They should test his understanding could obtain an “interpret understanding” of the
through careful observation. meanings of particular behavior.
Also wrote a Bureaucratic Model
also known as Legal Rational
According to him the characteristics of
bureaucracy include specialized roles,
recruitment based on merit, uniform principles of
placement, careerism with systematic salary
structure, hierarchy, responsibility and
Max Weber accountability, subjection of official conduct to
(1864 - 1920) strict rules of discipline and control, supremacy of
abstract rules, impersonal authority and political
neutrality (Thio 2000).
Pioneers of Sociology
Development of Sociology in the Philippines

1952 The Philippine Sociological Society

was founded to further develop and
enhance Sociology in the Philippines.
Primary mission is to represent, promote and advance the
intellectual and sociological interests of its members.

It is non - stock, non - profit professional association

registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Its members come from a range of disciplines whose
professional careers have a fundamental connection to
Is that branch of

It deals extensively
What is
the social sciences with the analysis of
POLITICAL that studies the political systems, the
SCIENCE state, politics, and theoretical and
government. practical applications
to politics, and the
Aristotle, defined examination of
political science as political behavior.
the study of the state.
Is not a standalone field and it intersects many
other branches like sociology, economics, history,
anthropology, public policy among others.
Is vast and experts have divided the field of
political science into five sub – disciplines Scope of
Political Science
Political theory, public administration,
comparative politics, international relations,
and public law.
The study of the matters concerning
the allocation and distribution as well as
the transfer of power is one of the main
preoccupations of political scientists. The study of the
Multifaceted and multi-layered factors at work elections across the
that contribute to good or bad governance. world.

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