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Monkayo National High School

English 10- 2nd Quarter Exam

SY 2022-2023

Name: __________________________________ Grade& Section:____________ Date:____________

General Instruction: Read the items carefully and select the correct answer. Please read the sub-direction in each
segment of this test to be guided.

For items 1-12, write the letter of the answer on the space provided.

_____1. Which of the following does not describe ‘Research’?

A. It is the search for knowledge. C. It is a subjective approach to solve problems.
B. It is a pursuit of trust. D. It is a systematic method of finding solutions.
_____2. What is the general characteristic of bias?
A. It deletes some important details of the story. C. It presents to sides of the story.
B. It presents only one side of the story. D. Only few people are interviewed.
_____3. This refers to a carefully considered, planned process to influence multiple stakeholders to achieve
specified outcomes.
A. Advocacy B. Campaign C. Research D. Advertisement
_____4. Campaigning is an activity that always engages the public.
A. Yes. Because it aims to convince people.
B. Yes. Because the public serves as the strong support system.
C. No. The public does not help the campaign to push through.
D. No. One-on-one approach with the decision makers is still campaigning.

Read the situation below to answer questions 5-7.

Mr. Chua, the owner of Mayon Hotel, wants to show which among the many hotels in the city has the most
efficient service and best satisfaction rating from the customers. He asks someone to conduct a study about it and
88% of the people who participated in the survey was his employees.

_____5. What particular bias is shown?

A. Exaggerated Bias B. Omission C. Intentional D. Biased Sample
_____6. What particularly supports the kind of bias shown in item number 5?
A. Mr. Chua wants to show that his hotel is the most efficient among the many hotels in the city
B. Majority of the participants of the survey are from the hotel that Mr. Chua owns
C. Mayon hotel is owned by Mr. Chua, the initiator of the research
D. Mayon hotel is already the number one hotel in the city
____7. What must be done to eliminate bias in the situation presented in item number 5?
A. Mr. Chua should not get interested in identifying what is the best hotel in the city
B. Mr. Chua should not include Mayon Hotel in the study
C. Mayon Hotel employees must not dominate the number of the participants in the survey
D. Mr. Mayon should hire an intelligent researcher to conduct the study
___8. One research wants to focus on the academic performance of the students during and after the pandemic.
For it to be valid, what must be measured by the researcher?
A. The students’ level of comprehension C. The parents’ income
B. The students’ grades D. The number of modules answered by the students
____9. In relation to question 8, why is it necessary to ensure the validity of the instrument used in a study?
A. To ensure that results derived are accurate C. To avoid repetition of testing
B. To not violate the rule of research D. To make the solution easier and simpler
___10. How does advocacy relate to campaign?
I. Advocacy and campaign are two similar terms.
II. Campaign advances advocacy.
III. A campaign is a planned project to achieve the advocacy goals.
IV. Advocacy is the process of convincing the public to join the campaign
A. I & II B. II &III C. III&IV D. I & IV
___11. Mr. Arco, a retired teacher, has always been a believer of pursuing accessible education in all remote areas
in the country. As a way of making it more possible, he wants to run for a higher position in the country. What does
Mr. Arco hold?
A. A campaign B. An advocacy C. A Research Problem D. A Decision
___12. It is said that research is a process that involves different factors that need to be considered. Do you agree
with this statement?
A. Yes. Because in order to look for solution to problems, different areas must be covered including the
instruments, the participants, and the organization of results.
B. Yes. Because research doesn’t happen overnight; it takes months or years for the researcher to arrive at
the desired solution to a certain phenomenon.
C. No. Because if the researcher is sure about what he/she is doing, research can be accomplished
D. No. Because bias is the only factor that needs to be considered in research.
For items 13-15, provide the term that is described in each item. Please write an appropriate spelling.
_______________13. This is a logical and philosophical series of statements which intends to determine the degree
of truth of another statement.
_______________14. It is also used as a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional
_______________15. It provides support and reasons for why the reader should agree with the claim for
_______________16. It is used as a means of convincing an audience via the authority or credibility.
_______________17. It is an argumentative strategy that focuses on logical appeal using facts, figures, information
or analogies to support the premise that is being presented.

For items 18-21, read the passage below to answer:

COVID-19 as a pandemic experienced by all people around the globe has posed many effects not only in health
aspects but even in education in particular. Former DOH Secretary, Leonor Briones, divulged that only 46% of the
total student population in the Philippines thrived in their academics despite the very demanding and new set-up in
learning. The other 54% of the students experienced difficulties and have shown great struggle adjusting to the new
education mechanism. Moreover, this claim is reinforced by a testimony from random students who claimed that
distance learning caused them burn out and even anxiety.
___18. What argumentative strategies are used in the above passage?
A. Ethos, Logos B. Pathos, Logos C. Logos, Pathos D. Ethics, Ethos
___19. The word ‘divulged’ in sentence2 above means:
A. Said B. revealed C. mentioned D. emphasized
___20. The word ‘thrived’ in sentence 2 means:
A. succeeded B. survived C. failed D. adjusted
___21. What do the presented percentages in the passage suggest?
A. There are more students who struggled in their academics during the pandemic.
B. More students became better in their academics during the pandemic.
C. There was an unequal opportunity provided to the learners.
D. Philippine Education was a failure during the pandemic.
For items 22-27, write what argumentative strategy is used in each item:
____________22. If you feel that my knowledge on the matter is insufficient, at least respect my presence as a
human being.
___________23. Tacloban was put under State of Calamity due to the aftermath of the Typhoon (Tacloban
MDRRMC, 2020).
___________24. The result of the research provokes different reaction from the beneficiaries. This is because it
was presented that 88% of the 4Ps recipients was found out to be subject for cancellation of membership.
___________25. As a licensed therapist, I would like you to know that your body needs realignment and that you
need to undergo series of therapy sessions for your body to recover.
___________26. Utilizing these records from years ago, we can clearly conclude that the treasures found in this
area is really owned by the Indigenous People.
___________27. You’ll sure make a great speaker because you have good intentions and you speak from the heart.
___28. Why are argumentative strategies important if one wants to become an effective speaker?
A. These help to make someone appear smart.
B. These are good ways to convince people to believe in you.
C. These ensure that the argument is anchored on sources and strong feelings.
D. These suggest appropriate markers in expressing one’s point of view.
___29. Which sentence from the short passage on Covid-19 and Education above presents the Statement of the
A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4
For items 30-33, evaluate each sentence and write “True” if the statement is correct; write “False” if the
statement is incorrect.
___________30. Since opinion is evidence-based, a person’s opinion is always true.
___________31. Assertion is a person’s view point.
___________32. Opinions and assertions may be true.
___________33. Assertion is made often without evidence.

For items 34-36, read the paragraph below to answer:

The implementation of K+12 curriculum in the Philippines receives a variety of reaction from the Filipino teachers,
parents, and students. For some, this curriculum provides sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop
lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education. However, for some, this only causes lag in the lives
of the learners especially for those who wish to land a job by the age of 20.

___34. What characteristic of opinion is shown in the passage above?

A. As judgment B. As belief C. As evidence-based D. As Assertion
____35. How does the utilization of K+12 program in the passage above help shape the opinion of the writer?
A. It serves as the evidence C. It serves as the view point
B. It serves as the claim D. It serves as the source of argument
____36. The word ‘sufficient’ in Sentence 2 means:
A. longer B. lengthy C. right D. enough
____37. Dr. Generalao is the best doctor my mother has chosen for her major operation . What type of statement is
A. Opinion B. Assertion
____38. Steve Harvey is a better host than those who hosted during the recent Miss Universe pageant. What type of
statement is this?
A. Opinion B. assertion
____39. Monkayo is the cleanest municipality in the entire Davao de Oro. What type of statement is this?
A. Opinion B. Assertion
____40. “Vloggers or the influencers have seemed to overpower the mainstream celebrities”. Following the
formula for opinion statement, which is the topic in the claim above?
A. Vloggers or the Influencers C. the mainstream celebrities
B. Have seemed to overpower D. have seemed to overpower the mainstream celebrities

For items 41-44, evaluate what type of claim is described. Write only the letter of your answer from the choices

A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Value C. Claim of Policy

____41. This calls for the Problem-Solution technique.
____42. This argues that something should and should not be done.
____43. This type of claim asserts that a condition has existed, exists, or will exist.
____44. This claim expresses approval or disapproval about something.

Read the paragraph below to answer questions 45-47:

I was walking inside the vicinity of the campus when a chaotic scenario shocked me. I was supposed to
attend a Parents’ General Assembly but I suddenly feared that it will not push through because what I saw was
leading to a tragic incident. There were groups of students with sharp knives and other disastrous, sharp objects
that harassed a seemingly quiet group of students. The other group was helpless as these wild students attacked
them without me knowing the real reason. When I tried to ask what was happening, a student answered me while
trembling that a notorious group of students once again becomes active and their goal is to scare victims. I wish the
school takes action on this and that students should be banned from bringing dangerous objects inside the campus.
_____45. Who is the speaker in the passage?
A. A Parent B. A Teacher C. A student D. A Police officer
____46. Which of the words below can be associated to the phrase ‘chaotic scenario’?
A. surprise B. commotion C. party D. accident
____47. What claim is evident in the passage?
A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value D. None of the Above

For items 48-50, identify what type of claim is shown: Write the letter of your answer from the choices below:

A. Claim of Fact B. Claim of Value C. Claim of Policy

____48. Covid-19 challenged the medical facilities in the Philippines.
____49. No Lunch Break Policy Should be Practiced in All Agencies in the Philippines.
____50. Android phones are better than IPhones.

____51. Which of the following describes claim of fact best?

A. It presents existence of something. C. It compares topic to something that is believable.
B. It suggests a solution to a problem D. It evaluates desirable or undesirable aspect of a topic
____52. Which of the choices below best describes a discussion text?
A. It presents the side agreed upon by the writer C. It presents both sides of an argument
B. It presents the main argument D. It formulates a conclusion
____53. A discussion text usually begins with:
A. A question B. The Issue C. The arguments D. Stand of the writer
____54. In order to complete a discussion text, the writer has to:
A. Share an opinion C. Make a conclusion
B. Make a strong point D. Strengthen an argument through evidences

Read the paragraph below to answer questions 55-56:

Physical libraries were the primary sources of information of the students back in the days when technology
was not at its peak yet. One of its advantages is that students were encouraged to read through words
patiently. Moreover, it allowed the students to develop critical thinking through own analysis because
unlike the present times when google and other applications can interpret, translate, and summarize
different materials, there was nothing to do it for the students back then but themselves alone.

____55. What does the line ‘when technology was not at its peak yet’ mean?
A. When technology was not as accessible as nowadays.
B. When physical libraries are everywhere.
C. When students did not know how to use gadgets yet.
D. When there was no technology yet.
____56. How does the word ‘moreover’ function in the paragraph?
A. Linking verb B. connective C. Adverb D. language feature
____57. In the statement “K+12 program might cause tremendous effect to the pacing of the students’ career”, the
modal ‘might’ suggests:
A. possibility B. uncertainty C. necessity D. ability
____58. In the statement “This idea is acceptable however, the majority might not appreciate it”, the word
‘however’ is a connective showing?
A. Addition B. contrast C. emphasis D. consequence
____59. “The Prime Minister gives donation to the Philippines”. The word ‘gives’ is what type of verb?
A. action B. mental C. linking D. saying
60. What is the structure of a discussion text? Show your sequence in the space below. example: I,II,III
I. Arguments for and against and supporting evidence
II. A Statement of Issue
III. A recommendation or conclusion


1. C
2. B
3. A 31. FALSE
4. D 32. TRUE
5. D 33. TRUE
6. B 34. C
7. C 35. A
8. B 36. D
9. A 37. B
10. B 38. A
11. B 39. A
12. A 40. A
13. ARGUMENT 41. C
14. PATHOS 42. C
16. ETHOS 44. B
17. LOGOS 45. A
18. A 46. B
19. B 47. B
20. A 48. A
21. A 49. C
22. PATHOS 50. B
23. ETHOS 51. A
24. LOGOS 52. C
25. ETHOS 53. B
26. LOGOS 54. C
27. PATHOS 55. A
28. C 56. B
29. A 57. B
30. FALSE 58. B
59. A
60. II, I, III

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