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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Zamboanga Del Norte

City of Dipolog
Barangay Galas



1:30 P.M.

The 8th Regular Session of the Barangay Council of Galas was called to order by the
Chairman, Hon. Elmer B. Vallecer.

The opening prayer was led by SK Chairwoman Ma. Kate Ivory M. Cuenca, followed
by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem.

Roll call followed after the opening prayer.

Hon. Elmer B. Vallecer Presiding Officer/Punong Barangay
Hon. Artemio B. Timonan Member/Kagawad
Hon. Merel Z. Osorio Member/Kagawad
Hon. Maria Merlita A. Duaso Member/Kagawad
Hon. Florentina C. Martinez Member/Kagawad
Hon. Juanito Z. Enderez Member/Kagawad
Hon. Ma. Kate Ivory M. Cuenca SK Chairwoman
Mr. Nico Glenn L. So Barangay Secretary

Hon. Eutiquio L. Carpitanos Member/Kagawad
Hon. Juvinal Z. Bustaliñ o Member/Kagawad

Since only two members were absent during the session, the Chairman declared the
session in quorum. The Order of Business was read by the Secretary after the roll call as

1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Roll Call
4. Privilege Hour
5. Reading and consideration of the previous minutes
6. Reading of communications, petitions, messages, etc…
6.1. Forwarded letter from the Office of the DILG, Dipolog City.
6.2. Letter from the residents of Sitio Paraiso, Galas.
7. Report of Standing / Special Committee
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
10. Unassigned Business
11. Adjournment

Hearing no insertions to the Order of Business, Hon. Timonan moved for its adoption
and duly seconded by Hon. Duaso. Hearing no objections to the contrary, the Chairman
declared the motion approved.

Since there were visitors during the session in the person of Ms. Joviemae Q. Tampon
and Ms. Maria Redencion Chua., Hon. Duaso moved for the suspension of the rules to
accommodate their concerns and was duly seconded by Hon. Enderez. Hearing no
objections to the contrary, the Chairman declared the motion approved.

The body catered the barangay nurse in the person of Ms. Joviemae Q. Tampon. Upon
the given time to Ms. Tampon, She expressed to the body the needs for the preparation of
the COVID-19 vaccination site in the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination for the seniors and
indigents of our barangay. She added, that they were instructed to coordinate with the
Barangay and it is a must to provide a vaccination site considering the number of residents
in Barangay Galas. The Barangay Captain stated that every materials needed in our
barangay for the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination is a must to prepare so that there will be
no shortage of supplies for our community during the said vaccination especially that our
Barangay has the highest population in our city. Ms. Tampon added that there is still no
fixed schedule for the vaccination and expressed that in the time of the said vaccination,
health workers from Barangays Sta. Filomena, Olingan and Sta. Isabel will help to assist our
Barangay. Suggestions from the body was involved wherein the barangay captain also
suggested to use the current Barangay Isolation Unit currently located in Galas National
High School as Covid-19 Vaccination Site and transfer those people being quarantined in
Tubod Integrated School. The body was inform that due to the surge rise of Covid-19 cases
in the province the 14 days quarantine in the Barangay Isolation Unit was being
implemented again by the city government. Ms. Tampon suggested to the body that in our
COVID-19 vaccination site it is highly encourage providing strict guide pathways of the
step-by-step process of the Covid-19 vaccination. Further discussions regarding the subject
matter was involve by the body.

Hearing no other concerns to discussed, Hon. Osorio moved for the resumption of the
rules and duly seconded by Hon. Duaso. Hearing no objections to the contrary, the
Chairman declared the motion approve.

In item number 4, Privilege Hour, Hon. Duaso, SK Chairwoman and Hon. Timonan
manifested to reserve their concerns in the Unassigned Business.

In item number 5, Hon. Duaso moved for the adoption and approval of the minutes of
the 7th Regular Session on April 5, 2021 and was unanimously seconded by the body.
Hearing no corrections and comments to the previous minutes, the Chairman declared it
approved and adopted.

In item number 6, the body first treated the forwarded letter from the Office of the
DILG, Dipolog City under item number 6.1. Wherein the subject is regarding the
implementation of safety measures in the operation of Talipapas (Satellite Markets) during
the COVID-19 pandemic. The Barangay Captain suggested that strict monitoring of the
safety measures in TALIPAPAs should be implement again because of the easiness of some
of the people in our community. SK Chairwoman mentioned that way back when we were
on an GCQ, putting an Entrance and Exit Gate in the TALIPAPAs (Satellite Markets) and
Temperature monitoring upon entry have helped to lower the cases that time, maybe then
they will implement it again pursuant to the latest Memorandum sent by the DILG.

Letter from the residents of Sitio Paraiso, Galas under item number 6.2 was the last
letter treated by the body. It was about the scarcity of clean water supply to the said Sitio.
Discussion regarding the said matter was involve by the body.

Hon. Enderez moved and passed a resolution requesting the Dipolog City Water
District (DCWD) to provide the water pipeline needed for the availability of clean
water supply for the Sitio Paraiso, Galas residents whom is experiencing scarcity of

clean water supply and duly seconded by Hon. Duaso and Hon. Osorio. Hearing no
objections to the contrary, the Chairman declared the resolution approve.

Since there were no items number: 7. Report of Standing/Special Committee, 8.

Unfinished Business and 9. New Business, the Chairman proceeded to item number 10.
Unassigned business.

In this time, the body first catered the reservation of Hon. Duaso during the Privilege
Hour. Her concern was about the assigned Sitios who lacks officers. Together with Hon.
Osorio as the assigned Barangay Kagawad of the Sitios of North and South Curvada, Galas.
They would like to ask permission from the Punong Barangay, Hon. Elmer B. Vallecer that
on May 22, 2021 they will set an election of new set of officers of the said Sitios, following
the protocols imposed by our IATF then after that by per purok. Hon. Duaso added that this
is a must to do in case a problem would arise in the said Sitio and concerns like
infrastructure and other matters, there will be a leader that can assist. She also added and
urge the body that whenever a meeting will be held the Punong Barangay must be inform
so that he will know and can participate.

The reservation of SK Chairwoman during the Privilege Hour was the second
reservation catered by the body. She presented a project design for a VAWC Desk
Assistance Room considering that every year during evaluation of the VAWC they asked for
these materials to give good service for the women and children victims of violence and
abuse. The SK Chairman presented a proposed plan of layout of the VAWC Desk Assistance
Room. Discussions from the body was involved wherein the Punong Barangay, suggested to
set the location of this VAWC Desk Assistance Room in the rooftop of the Barangay Hall,
Galas. SK Chairwoman also mentioned that she and Hon. Bustalino have been planning to
present a proposal for Peace and Order that will be presented the next session. Her next
concern was informing the body regarding the new advisory of the City Government
“Dipolog Bubble”, she explained that they need to understand what is the new setup of our
City in case they will be asked by residents what a bubble setup is. She further explained
that this is different from a lockdown because most businesses remain operational;
however, tighter restrictions are in place to control mobility for a given period. The Punong
Barangay advised to put back the checkpoint between the boundary in Tubod, Galas and

SK Chairwoman Ma. Kate Ivory M. Cuenca moved and passed a resolution allocating
the amount of one hundred fifty thousand pesos (PHP 150,000.00) for the purpose of
Covid-19 Vaccination Site and unanimously seconded by the body. Hearing no objections
to the contrary, the Chairman declared the resolution approve.

The body catered the reservation of Hon. Timonan. His concern was informing the
body regarding the election of his sitio assigned. Wherein, he informed the body that he
conducted elections already in his assigned sitio.

Hon. Timonan moved and passed a resolution requesting the City Mayor, Hon.
Darel Dexter T. Uy in continuing the road concreting from Vidal residence going to
Abitona residence and duly seconded by Hon. Duaso. Hearing no objections to the
contrary, the Chairman declared the resolution approve.

Hon. Enderez moved and passed a resolution allocating the amount of seven
thousand and five hundred pesos (PHP 7,500.00) to defray the expenses (meals and
snacks) to the Covid-19 Vaccination Team on April 13, 2021 and duly seconded by
Hon. Osorio. Hearing no objections to the contrary, the Chairman declared the resolution

Hon. Osorio moved and passed a resolution allocating the amount of fifty
thousand pesos (php 50,000.00) to defray the expenses (meals and snacks) to the
Covid-19 vaccination team and duly seconded by Hon. Enderez and Hon. Martinez.
Hearing no objections to the contrary, the Chairman declared the resolution approve.

Hon. Osorio moved and passed a resolution allocating the amount of one hundred
forty five thousand and five hundred pesos (php 145,500.00) for the repair and
maintenance of the mini-dumptruck and duly seconded by Hon. Duaso. Hearing no
objections to the contrary, the Chairman declared the resolution approve.

Finally, the 8th Regular Session was declared adjourned by the Chairman at 3:30 P.M.
through the motion of Hon. Duaso and was duly seconded by Hon. Enderez. The closing
prayer was led by SK Chairwoman Ma. Kate Ivory M. Cuenca.

I hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing minutes of the 8 th Regular

Session of the Barangay Council of Galas held at Barangay Session Hall on April 19, 2021 at
1:30 P.M.

Prepared by:

Barangay Secretary

Attested by:

Punong Barangay

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