Statically Indeterminate Structures

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Chapter 15 Statically Indeterminate Structure, 15.1 ADVANTAGES OF CONTINUOUS MEMBERS Continuity in prestressed concrete construction is advantageous in, respects. In statically indeterminate prestressed concrete structure, he following benefits are noteworthy: 1, The bending moments are more evenly distributed between centre of span and the supports of members. a reduction in the size of members results in lighter structures, . the ultimate load-carrying capacity is higher than in a statically determinate structure due to the phenomenon of redistribution ¢ moments. - continuity of the members in framed structures leads to increas stability, . continuous girders are formed by segmental construction using pr cast units connected by prestressed cables, . in continuous post-tensioned girders, the curved cables can be suit ably positioned to resist the span and support moments, a reduction in the number of anchorages in a continuous pres beam in comparison with a series of simply-supported beams. 01} one pair of post-tensioning anchorages and a single stressing opett tion can serve several members, and 8. in continuous prestressed structures, the deflections are compit® tively small as compared to simply-supported spans. ee Pw e a 15.2 EFFECT OF PRESTRESSING INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES rreactil® thes in viet When an indeterminate structure is prestressed, redundant will develop due to the redundancies exercising a restraint at Ports. While a statically determinate structure is free to defor Staticaly Indeterminate Structures 490 continuous structure cannot defor A ae Fold confi fa th law of cons (08 $" tions, which develop as a con: je ean rea fi sequence of prestressin, nate stTUELTOS result in secondary moments, The formaticn of tt ant reactions and secondary moments are examined with refer- | canietjwospan continuous beam, prestressed by a straight cable | gt a uniform eccentricity throughout the span as shown in 'm freely. However, the istent deformation, The Straight Tendon 2 TP ht x x f ® c (@) Deflected Profle Secondary Moment (@ Fig. 15:1 Redundant Reactions and Secondary ‘Moments in a Continuous P.S.C. Beam beam will defect. at t At the central suppor 5 (e), develops at the central Joctions are not possible Under the action of the prestressing force, P, the min Fig I hy ities hie Re ig. 15.1(b) if it is not restrai sient reaction R, as shown in Fig. 15.1(c), deve er ithe beam is restrained at B so that defler 500, Prostrossed Concrete Y fat this support. As a consequence of this redundant roq, downwards, secondary moments, as shown in Fig. 15.1(q), qo 4, 3 devel continuous beam ABC. , % The various disadvantages encountered in continuoy, conerete members are as follows: Pretty, 1. Loss of prestress due to friction is appreciable in lonp ga. reversed curves and considerable curvature, ably 2, secondary stresses due to prestressing, creep, shrinkage perature and settlements of supports may induce very ghd ‘eZ Unless they are controlled or provided for in the design, "6, 3, cables positioned to eater for secondary moments are no, Suitable to provide the required ultimate moment under a tem of loads, and 4, the computation of collapse or ultimate Toad is influenesy degree of redistribution of moments in the continuous structure thy ‘The problem of excessive frictional losses can be tackled by the curvature of the cables housed in members of variable depth ang. by temporarily overstressing the tendons from both ends. Stresses ty secondary moments can be eliminated by selecting suitable tendeae’ files which do not induce secondary moments. It is also possible gy vide for secondary stresses in the design. If under-reinforced sectiens, Used, the redistribution of moments will be more or less coma, resulting in higher collapse loads. These loads could be estimate, using the well-established plastic theory as applied to structural ga ‘members. 15.3 METHODS OF ACHIEVING CONTINUITY My Bee Biven 9! ey, Continuity in prestressed concrete construction is achieved by wit curved or straight cables which are continuous over several spansis shown in Fig. 15.2(a) and (b). It is also possible to develop continuiy between two precast beams by using cap cables as shown in Fig. 15.01 Alternatively, short, straight tendons may be used over the supporstt develop continuity between two precast prestressed beams as showtit Fig. 15.2(d). Based on the method of construction, continuous beams may be sified as fully continuous beams’ in which tendons are generally cat ous from one end to the other, and ‘partially continuous’ where en: is frst precast as a simple beam and the elements are assembled 0 a continuous member by using cap cables or short tendons over te ports. Regarding their suitability for applying them in a give" a several methods of developing continuity in prestressed cone struction have been critically examined by Lin’ and ‘Visvesvaray® Staticaly indetorminate Sy tr tWuctures —g04 Continuous Cably Straight Cable Straight Tendon (@) Fig. 15.2 Cable Lay-outs for Continuous Beams They have also outlined the types of tendons to be used for continuous stressed structures. 14 DEFINITIONS OF COMMON TERMS Petes commonly used in the study of continuous prestressed con- ‘temenbers is defined below. ncittty moment ‘The primary moment, is the apparent bending nt * 8 section in a statically indeterminate structure due to the i eptntiity of the tendons from the centroidal axis. Referring to Sibu be Primary moment at every cross-section of the two-span beam is - Pe, as itis a hogging moment. & x 502 Prestressed Concrete 4 Secondary moment (parasitic bending moment) Secong are additional moments induced at a section of a statjcgtt Mn ate structure due to the redundant reactions develoney”, dan quence of prestressing the structure. The variation of seeonq®® & us m prestressed by a styaitt” in a two-span continuous bea tendon is shown in Fig: 15.3. cen aight tt Primary Moment (P.M) Secondary Moment (S.M) sultant Thrust (Pressure Line) Fig. 15.3 Pressure Line in a Continuous Prestressed Beam _ Resultant moment The resultant moment at a section of an ites minate prestressed structure is the sum of the primary and s*" moments. RM.=(P.M.+8M) is Pressure or thrust line The pressure line is the locus of the nei compression at different sections of the structural membet Statically tndotormina from the controidal axi sort ax is obtainy eetnoment and the prestressing forey tne tt Ne ratio of the ia ine fr 9 E80-AN continuous em gt. The rah pa ppretress (CGS line) The locus tthe eonrs ape id ofthe jn structure is the li sin rong the the line of prestress or cen, of int od tine set ¢ cable or tendon profile A tend . poor ¢ tendon profile in whic! anit) is a ‘4 arytoss sections to the bending dite ely any loading ‘Eidly supported statically indeterminate sed PY. “a concordant profile, oe i don laid to such a profil i sing 0 ten Profile does not induce an; - sists and hence the secondary moments arcana) Te cording to Guyon, tendons in statically indeterminate structures, io coincide with the pressure or thrust line, do not induce second ise Ging moments in the structure, Re resultant thrust line in a two-span continuous beam, prestressed Mabolie cable with zero eccentricity at all the supports is shown in yay If the tendon profile is made to coincide with the resultant fie line, the redundant reactions are completely eliminated and the bt Teprfile may be corsidered as concordant, Svctues soa Drestress- Bravity of Line of Thrust Cable Profile nf Re 8, Ri Coneordont Coble 2 2 Me R=0 bw file Fig. 15.4 Line of Thrust and Concordant Cable Profile i i .don profile Transformation Profile A transformation profs any toon ne Consisting of straight lines between the rigid ai een fle “centricity at simple end supports. ‘A tendon follo' y 504 Prestressed Concrete will produce support reactions and uniform longitudinal comer, no bending moments. aby 45.5 METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF SECONDARY MOMENTS, In addition to the basic assumptions, such as the elastic beha, materials and linear strain distribution across the section, the! assumptions are generally made for the analysis of secondary ae in continuous prestressed concrete members: ny 1. The effect of change in the length of members due tothe me, ing force and external loading is negligible; and % 2. The cable friction is considered to be negligible so that i the stressing force is constant at all points of the cable, ‘i There are several methods for analysing statically indetering prestressed structures to compute the secondary moments tha dev from prestressing the structure. ‘The most commonly used methods are based on the principles f (a) three moment theorem, (b) consistent deformation, and (c) tendon reaction. The methods specified in (b) and (e) are also generally referred to ats flexibility influence coefficients method and the method of equivlet loads respectively. The merits and demerits of these methods and tt suitability for given cases are outlined with the help of examples. 15.5.1 Theorem of Three Moments The classical method of linear structural analysis, such as the tne" four moment theorem, can be conveniently used to analyse the sects! moments developed in a continuous prestressed concrete structut® this method, the free bending moment diagram to be considered due to the primary moment represented by the tendon profile, w! longitudinal axis of the member as the horizontal axis. The meth also handle members of variable eross-section along the lens! structure, Referring to Fig. 15.5, and considering the sagging ™™ Ba s caer, the general form of the three moment equation ti form, Lae yh E Le oe My te a 0 Thy MOT, Mant Mac t 7 Men Awe (aB-Be-"™> with a wi jz a. 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