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Advertising is a text that has a specific function to share and give information, call for public’s
attention to and make something known. This is especially about a product or service that you want
to sell or promote. It is a message designed to promote or sell a product, a service, or an idea.
Advertisement reaches people through varied types of mass communication.
Characteristics of advertisement
A good advertisement stimulates viewers and leaves lasting impression. It also enables them to go in for
the product. An effective advertisment must also be persuasive. It should make people believe in what
they see, hear and read, the change their behavior to use or buy the product or service.
1. Catchy
A good advertisement catches the attention of the readers and tempts them to know everything
about the products.
2. Brief
There should be no ambiguity. Message should be clear, easy and simple to understand.
3. Perfect
Advertisers should give complete information about the product, the place of approach with name,
address and telephone number etc.
Aspect of Advertisement
As a good advertisement, it should have complete information. It also attracts target markets interest to
use or buy the product. We can use 5H+W question to check the information.
 What
What is your product?
 Where
Where can people buy or order your product or service?
 When
When is your product available?
 Why
Why do people need your product?
 Who
Who is your target market?
 How
How will you advertise/ promote your product?

Here is an example of advertisement.

This is an example of an advertisement that gives a special price with 50% discount. Many people love
to get discount, so it uses a discount to attract target market interest. It also has a limited time to get the
special price, so it will stimulate people to order as soon as possible. It doesn’t mention the location of
the place, because it is online. For further information, the customers or clients can open the web.
 A good advertisement should be attractive, persuasive, time-efficient, and can attract many people.
 Generally, the purpose of all advertising is the same. It is to attract interest, desire, and action of the
target people.
 In order to attract as many people, an advertisement should be eye-catching. Make your advertisement
attractive with showing off the special characteristic of your product.
ADVERTISEMENT Independent - Self confident – Humble Page 1
For question number 1 to 3, read the following advertisement.
1. Where can we enjoy the ice cream? We can enjoy it at ....
A. Coates Center C. ASR
B. C.New office D.Center
2. The target market of the advertisement is ....
A. all age C. old people
B. C. children D. teenagers
3. When is the ice cream available? It is available ....
A. Sunday, October 30 at 3 – 4p.m
B. Tuesday, October 30 at 3 – 4p.m
C. Sunday, October 3 at 3 – 4p.m
D. Tuesday, October 3 at 3 – 4p.m
The following advertisement is for question number 4 to 6.
4. The people should buy the jeans because ....
A. it is cheap
B. it has good color
C. it is comfortable and fit
D. it has good shop
5. Where can we get the product?
We can get it ....
A. in the shop
B. in the Details
C. in the supermarket
D. if the factory outlet
6. The target market is ....
A. all people
B. women D.children
This is for question number 7 to10

7. When is the event held? It is held on ....

A.Sunday, November 20 C.Saturday, November 20
B.Sunday, November 19 D. Saturday, November 19
8. The purpose of this event is ....
A. to help children from illiterate help hunger people for better life
C. to help kids and homeless people for better life D. to help children go to school.
9. Where is the event? It is at ....
A. Hibiscus building C. 213 Frangipani street
B. Riverside Community Center D. It doesn’t mention the place
10. How does this event attract target market? It attracts the target market by ....
A. giving interesting pictures of book C.telling the purpose of event is helping people or charity
B. attract target market attention with discount D.inviting some communities
Read this advertisement to answer questions 11 and 12
11. The text is about ....
ADVERTISEMENT Independent - Self confident – Humble Page 2
A. Kartini’s Day. C. Kebaya.
B.Bintang Department Store. D.Discount sale
12. The items on sale are ....
A.Kebaya, surjan, and stagen. C.Kebaya, surjan, and bintang.
B. Surjan, bintang, and stagen. D. Kebaya, stagen, and bintang.

The following advertisement is for questions 6 to 8.

13. The study focus at the English course above is ....
A.listening B.reading C.speaking D.writing

14. The following statements from the advertisement are true, except ....
A. You will learn how to be a qualified teacher.
B. You will have cashback warranty.
C. You will have the best methods and fun activities in learning English.
D. You can watch movies and discuss with other students.

15. The word ‘fun’ is similar in meaning to ….

A. enjoyable
B. funny
C. well-known
D. weird

This advertisement is for questions number 9 and 10.

16. The product is for ....

A. people with oily skin.
B. people with smooth skin.
C. people with sensitive skin.
D. people with dry skin.

17. People want to use this lotion because ....

A. they want to have smooth skin
B. they want to have sensitive skin
C. they want to have SPF 30
D. they want to have aging skin

The following advertisement is to answer question 21 to 23.

18. From the advertisement,

we know that the shop opens for … every day.
A.8 hours B.9 hours C.10 hours D.12 hours
19. From the advertisement, the shop does not sell .…
A.Cup Cakes C.Ice Creams
B.Chocolate D.Pizza
20. The best slogan for the advertisement is ….
A. Sweets apparel for sweet girls
B. The sweetness you will never forget
C. More spicy and more delicious
D. The comfy brings you sweet dreams all night.

The following advertisement is to answer question 24 to 27.

21. What does the shop sell?

The shop sells ….
ADVERTISEMENT Independent - Self confident – Humble Page 3
A.Clothing C. Home Appliances
B.Grocery D. Souvenirs
22. When does the clearance sale end?
The clearance sale ends on ….
A.April 20, 2015 C. May 20, 2015
B.April 22, 2015 D. May 22, 2015
23. Based on the advertisement,
you can get more discounts by ….
A. Shipping for about 5 kg
B. Purchasing more than one million
C. Purchasing summer collection
D. Registering an account to the website
24. When can you get the 75% special discount?
You can get the special discount for ....
A. every day from 4/22 to 5/22 2015
B. every day on summer 2015
C. weekends on summer 2015
D. Sunday to Thursday during summer 2015

The following advertisement is to answer question 28 to 30.

25. The brand of product advertised is ….
A. See More
B. Youth Apparel
C. Summer sunglasses
D. Quipper Mall

26. What makes the product special?

The product is special because ….
A. It fits Indonesia youth apparel
B. It is summer collection
C. It is expensive
D. It is a top brand

27. The advertisement is still missing for some important information.

The best information to add is ….
A.The brief description about the youth apparel C.Name of the model in the advertisement
B.The history of the brand See More D.The more detailed information about where the shop is

ADVERTISEMENT Independent - Self confident – Humble Page 4
Listen to the advertisement carefully before answering the questions number 1 and 2.
1. The advertisement is about ….
A. midnight delivery pizza C.midnight sale
B. kitchen decoration D.appetizing taste
2. The purpose of the advertisement is ….
A. to inform people about the phone number C. to persuade people to change their kitchen
B. to persuade people to wake up in midnight D. to persuade people to buy the pizza

Listen carefully to the following advertisement to answer question 3 and 4.

3. We know that the first speaker suffers from ....
A. Cold B.Headache C.Toothache D. Stomachache
4. From the advert, we know that Clonolax should be taken ….
A. Twice a day B. Twice in two days C. Three times a day D. Three times in two days

The following conversation is to answer question 5 and 6.

5. From the dialogue, we know that she got the advertisement from .…
A.a weekly newspaper B.television C. a Business magazine D.a flyer
6. What the second speaker suggest to the first speaker? She suggested the first speaker ….
A. to buy a new apartment move to a new place
B. to take a look to the new apartment D. to rent a place near the office

The following conversation is to answer question 7 to 10.

7. The woman is making an advertisement for ….
A.selling a sedan B.looking for a new car C.promoting her newspaper D.selling a van
8. How much does she want to sell it?The woman wants to sell her product for ….
A.90 billion rupiahs B.100 billion rupiahs C.90 million rupiah D. 100 million rupiahs
9. Where is it going to advertise? Her friend is going to put the advertisement in …. media advertising board
B. a commercial column of daily newspaper D. a business magazine

The following conversation is to answer question 7 to 10.

Seller : I am going to sell my old car. Could you help me to promote it?
Marketing : Which car? Your sedan?
Seller : No, it is not that one. It is my van.
Marketing : Oh, I see. Give me a brief description about your van then.
Seller : The color is white, it is issued in 1999. Overall, it is in good condition.
Marketing : how about the price?
Seller : I want to sell it for 100 million rupiahs.
Marketing : okay. I will put the advertisement in commercial column of daily newspaper.
Seller : really? Thank you.
10. The best suitable advertisement to put in the commercial column is ….


ADVERTISEMENT Independent - Self confident – Humble Page 5

· The structure is ( Struktur ):
1. Title (Judul)
2. Body/content (badan atau isi)
3. Contact person such as phone number, website,
email or address. ( Nomor telephon yang bisa
dihubungi atau alamat. )
· The language features are:
1. Simple present tense
2. Imperative
3. Simple
4. Short
5. Attractive
6. Persuasive
7. Using slogan

ADVERTISEMENT Independent - Self confident – Humble Page 6

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