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- love of wisdom
- comes from two Greek words: philos
(love) and sophia (wisdom) .

- people who engage in philosophy
Ancient Greek Philosophers

1.Phytagoras (570 BCE to 495 BCE)

-A mathematician and scientist, he was credited
with formulating the phytagorean theorem.

2.Heraclitus (535 BCE to 475 BCE)

- He proposed that everything that exists based
on higher order or plan which he called logos.
3.Democritus (460 BCE to 370 BCE)
-He devoted himself to the study of the causes of natural

4.Diogenes of Sinope (412 BCE to 323 BCE)

-He was a known advocate of living and virtuous life.

5.Epicurus (341 BCE to 270 BCE)

- He believed that philosophy could enable man to live a life
of happiness.
Epicureanism- school of philosophy which believes that
wisdom and simple living will result in a life free of fear and pain
6.Socrates (470 BCE to 399 BCE)
-He was considered the foremost philosopher of ancient times
and had a great contribution to the field of ethics.
Socratic Method- a means of examining a topic by devising a
series of questions that let the learner examine and analyze his
knowledge and views regarding his topic.

7.Plato (427 BCE to 347 BCE)

- A student of Socrates
Theory of forms- which proposes that everything that exists
based on idea or template that can only be perceived in mind;
the nonphysical ideas are eternal and unchanging.
Dialectic- a method of inquiry where two opposing ideas
are discussed in an attempt to arrive at new knowledge
Academy- an institution of higher learning which was the
first of its kind in the Western World.

7.Aristotle (384 BCE to 322 BCE)

-He attended the Academy, and was a prominent
student of Plato.
Deductive Reasoning- the proves by which specific
statements are analyzed to reached a conclusion or
Why is there need to philosophize ?

1.(Greek) Plato traced man’s need to philosophize to HIS

SENSE OF WONDER- What? Where? Why? How?
2.(French) Rene Descartes traced man’s need to
philosophize to DOUBT.
3.(Swiss-German) Karl Jaspers traced man’s need to
philosophize because of EXPERIENCE also called LIMIT
4.Socrates: The need to philosophize is driven by LOVE
How do we characterize the study of philosophy?

A. A way of analyzing frameworks

a. Internal Questions
b. External Questions

B. An examination of a particular area of knowledge

C. A distinct area of knowledge with its own goals, concerns

and ways of doing things.
Branches of Philosophy

1. Aesthetics- deals with the beauty and what make

things “beautiful”
2. Logic- branch of philosophy which deals with correct
3. Epistemology- discusses the nature of knowledge and
4. Ethics- is the branch with deals with moral questions and
5. Political Philosophy- studies governments and deals with
questions of justice, power, and rights and obligations of
6.Metaphysics- is a branch of philosophy which deals with
questions regarding reality and existence.

7.Philosophy of the human person- is an area in

philosophy that understands the human person from a
philosophical perspective.
Difference between holistic and partial thinking

Holistic Thinking refers to a perspective that considers

large-scale patterns in system. It requires and
individual to have an open mindset and an ability to get
the general sense or impression regarding a situation.

Partial Thinking focuses on specific aspects of a

situation. It is an important component of analytical
How does one engage in reflection ?

1. Reflection requires a person to be willing to examine

one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions and learn more
about one’s life and experiences.

2. Reflecting on situations, activities and decisions

enables a person to gain insights that will help in
effective decision-making.
What are the practical uses of philosophy in our lives ?

1.Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical

analysis and interpretation of concepts, definitions,
arguments, and problems.

2.Philosophy also improves problem-solving and decision


3. Wisdom
4. A philosopher is a good communicator who can clearly
and adequately present his or her ideas.

5. Knowledge of Philosophy can contribute to self-


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