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Conditional Sentences

1. Zero Conditional = cause and effect, something sure to happen (an event is
followed by another event),general facts

S+ simple present + if + S + Simple present

e.g Humans die if they don’t eat.

2. First Conditional = possibility in the future

S+ will + verb 1 + if + S + simple present

e.g She will get shocked if she hears the truth

3. Second Conditional = a situaton that is unlikely to happen in the present time

and future, to wish and imagine only.(the opposite of the present
reality/untrue)/Impossibility of the present and future

S+ would + verb 1 + if + S + simple past (verb 2)

Note : in grammar there isn’t “was”. The ”was” becomes “were”

I would buy you a fancy sports car if I won a lottery.

I would shave my head if I were a boy.

4. Third Conditional (3rd) = It is used to wish that you can change the past
(which is of course impossible), or to show regret about the past. (The
opposite of the PAST reality)/impossibility of the past

S+ would + have + verb3 + if + S + had + verb 3 (past perfect)

Example :
The teacher wouldn’t have punished you if you had done the homework.

Grandpa wouldn’t have died because of heart attack if you hadn’t told him
about your parents’ divorce.
Third conditional is often mixed with second conditional sentences, which
means the action was in the past but the consequences are in the present

Example :
If mom had raised me in the USA ( 3rd = action in the past), I would be able
to speak English fluently now. (2nd= consequency in the present)

If you hadn’t stolen that diamond ring last night, the police wouldn’t be here
right now.

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