Writing Task2 4.09.2023

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Body 1-Brain plasticity, early learning, long lasting

Body 2- contribution on cultural diversity awareness

Learning foreign language is a controversial topic all over the World which is crucial for child
development. There are two side: is it beneficial to learn a language at primary school or
secondary school? As the researchers find different approaches, conversations last between
the people. However, the advantages of learning a foreign language at primary school
outweigh the disadvantages. It will be discussed its advantages along the article.

To begin with, the earlier you start learning, the more knowledge you can acquire, and that
knowledge will become permanent as a result of brain plasticity. Brain plasticity provide to
the brain take information from the environment quickly and conveniently. Researches
conducted by psychologist illustrates that brain plasticity reduce as you age. Well, babies and
children can learn more quickly and permanently than elders. Therefore, for permanent
language acquasation, learning a different language at early age is benefical for children.

Addition to brain plasticity, early learning of foreign language contribute cultural diversity.
Children can be more aware about different culture by learning a foreign language. Since,
language is a biggest abstract form of a culture. As children learn regarding different culture’s
life, habits, norms, and practises, they become more respectful other majority and minority
groups. Acquasition of prosocial behavior like respecting different cultures at early age is
effective over the lifespan. In addition, it is essential a society for living in peace and
In conclusion, learning a foreign language at primary school has more advantages than
disadvantages such as brain plasticity and cultural diversity. Therefore, these are essential for
permanent language acquasation. I agree that learning a different language at early age critic
and precious strategy for child’s life long learning.

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