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Quantum theory is a revolutionary advancement in physics and chemistry that emerged in the
early twentieth century. It is an elegant mathematical theory able to explain the counterintuitive
behavior of subatomic particles, most notably the phenomenon of entanglement In the late
twentieth century it was discovered that quantum theory applies not only to atoms and molecules,
but to bits and logic operations in a computer. This realization has brought about a revolution in
the science and technology of information processing, making possible kinds of computing and
communication hitherto unknown in the Information Age.
a bit of mathematical notation, including some concepts from linear algebra. A qubit (pronounced
“cue-bit” and short for quantum bit) is the physical carrier of quantum information. It is the
quantum version of a bit, and its quantum state can be written in terms of two levels, labeled |1>
and | 0> which can be represented in the “computational basis” by two-dimensional vectors

◦ Quantum information start’s from the ICIT industry

◦ electron magnetic intelligence they tell us describe little signal on an off based on
0 and 1 is basically Bit
◦ huge interaction between software, hardware and development in technologies
◦ Quantum theory was the next and biggest achievement after electromagnetism
◦ black by the radiation experiment
◦ phenomenon, structure state, dynamics, measurement observable the Quantum
theory these element

◦ Quantum computing a qubit or quantum bit is the basic unit of quantum information.
◦ Qubit is two state quantum mechanical system.
◦ Polarization of single proton has two state.
◦ A classical system, a bit would be have to be one state or other state.
◦ Quantum mechanics allow the qubit to be coherent superposition of both state
◦ Quantum mechanical analogue of classical bit
◦ |1> and |0> linear combination of both stage
◦ The two orthogonal X-axis state are ;
|+ > = | 0 > + | 1 > ÷ √2 ( | - >) = | 0 > - | 1 > ÷ √2
◦ The two orthogonal Y-axis state are ;
| R > = |0> + ∫|1> (|L> ÷ √2 = |0> - ∫ |1> ÷ √2

◦ Quantum superposition, quantum entanglement or no-cloning theorem

◦ framework of traditional computing
◦ review the recent result of quantum computation technology and open problems
◦ Qubits have two different property
◦ superposition state that qubit can hold both 0 and 1 state at same time
◦ applications of quantum computing
- Factorizing large numbers very rapidly (see Shor's algorithm)
- Simulating quantum-mechanical systems efficiently
- Military and intelligence information gathering
- Intensive computations in areas such as astronomy, physics, and chemistry
- Simulation of high computational models such as nuclear explosions and oil
discovery Movie special-effects processing

◦ quantum computing next remarkable technology trend is quantum computing

◦ advantage of quantum phenomena like superposition and quantum entanglement
◦ International trade has been the major driving force for metrology in recent years
◦ The new driving forces for metrological advances in the 21st Century come from
new technologies, as they have since the industrial revolution

◦ The latest global crisis caused by COVID-19 shows that scientists need a different tool to model a single
protein and deactivate it. Another example of an exponential rise in complex problems can be energy
◦ Quantum computers can be used to encounter the limitations of complex problems by using the physics
of quantum mechanics
◦ Classical computing is a convenient tool for performing sequential operations and storing information.
◦ Classical computing is a convenient tool for performing sequential operations and storing information.
◦ Quantum computing seems to be a suitable candidate in solving nonlinear problems as it has nonlinear
properties of nature. quantum computers are not suitable for all kinds of computation
◦ unique features of quantum computing, obstacles to achieve AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) can be
◦ Neuromorphic cognitive models, adaptive machine learning, or reasoning under uncertainty are some
fundamental challenges of today’s AI. Quantum AI is one of the most likely solutions for next-generation

◦ A quantum computer thus has the theoretical capability of simulating any finite physical system and
may even hold the key to creating an artificially intelligent computer
◦ The quantum computers power to perform calculations across a multitude of parallel universes gives it
the ability to quickly perform tasks that classical computers will never be able to practically achieve.
◦ The field of quantum computing is growing rapidly as many of today's leading computing groups,
universities, colleges, and all the leading IT vendors are researching the topic.
◦ The current challenge is not to build a full quantum computer right away; instead to move away from
the experiments in which we merely observe quantum phenomena to experiments in which we can control
these phenomena. Systems in which information obeys the laws of quantum mechanics could far exceed
the performance of any conventional computer
◦ this mind-boggling level of computing power has enormous commercial, industrial, and scientific
applications, but there are some significant technological and conceptual issue to resolve first.

First we must remind ourselves of ‘bits’. A bit is the smallest unit of classical
information and can be in one of two states (we call these states 0 and 1). We can
make a bit from anything that has two states; old computer scientists used to store bits
by punching holes in card, a hole represented a 1 and the absence of a hole
represented a 0. Newer technology such as compact disks (CDs) stored bits using tiny
dents in the metal surface of the disk, where a variation in the surface represented a 1
and a constant surface represented a 0. Quantum mechanics is a more accurate model
of the world that emerged in the early 20th century. One of the many results of this
new model was that the most basic unit of information was not the bit but instead the
quantum bit, or qubit. More interestingly, it turned out that this new unit of
information could be useful for computations and communications, and since then
there has been an effort to create a physical qubit
Sneha narayane
Jayesh pabati
Sunny pal
Vikas pal

● Theoretical background
The Quantum information start’s from the IC IT industry there was some devices for
instance smartphones and laptops, all these are the consequence IT industry and it industry there
was computing and information theories and form there we know how to performs and
computing tasks and before that there was electron magnetic intelligence they tell us how to
describe little signal on an off and base on that we could represents zero and one that is basically
bit and from bit we know how to compose computing and information processing and base on
that over to and 80 years last decides we have huge interaction between software and hardware
we could achieve computing and information technologies and we arrived now this IT Industry.
Physics to industry through this theoretical frame work and there was also a huge development in
the technologies. Quantum theory was the next and biggest achievement after electromagnetism.
So we have quantum theory there was black by the radiation which was experiment, but there
was classical theories trying to explain that phenomenon but all failed. So that was the need of
new physical theory the out came is quantum theory. Quantum theory can explain the
phenomena and structure state dynamics measurement observable the quantum theory these
● Introduction
Qubits are binary bit is the basic unit of information in classic or traditional computing a
qubit or quantum bit is basic unit of information in quantum computing quantum computing is
driving new discoveries in healthcare energy environmental system smart material and beyond.
A qubit or quantum bit is the quantum mechanical analogue of classical bit. In classical
computing the information is encoded in bits, where each bit can have the value of zero or one.
In quantum computing the information is encoded in qubits. A qubits is two basis level of
quantum system where the two basis qubit state are usually written as |1> and |0>. a qubit can be
state |1>, |0> or unlike a classical bit in a linear combination of both state. The name this
phenomenon is superposition.
Single- qubit computational basis state. The two orthogonal Z-axis state of qubit are define as,
- |1>
- |0>
When we talk about qubit basis state we impicity refer to the Z-axis state as the
computational basis state
The two orthogonal X-axis state are
|+ > = | 0 > + | 1 > ÷ √2 ( | - >) = | 0 > - | 1 > ÷ √2

The two orthogonal Y-axis state are

| R > = |0> + ∫|1> (|L> ÷ √2 = |0> - ∫ |1> ÷ √2

The basis states are located at opposite points on the Bloch sphere representation of the
state of a single Qubit.

● Literature survey

The power of quantum computing technologies is based on the fundamentals of quantum

mechanics, such as quantum superposition, quantum entanglement, or the no-cloning
theorem. Since these phenomena have no classical analogue, similar results cannot be
achieved within the framework of traditional computing. The experimental insights of
quantum computing technologies have already been demonstrated, and several studies are in
progress. Here we review the most recent results of quantum computation technology and
address the open problems of the field.
Qubits have two different property that is different than whole concept of classical
computing. Entanglement is a property of qubit. That allow to dependent of each other that
change in state of one qubite can result and immediate change in others. More then other
state during computation. Superposition state that qubits can hold both 0 and 1 state at same

The most important quantum computing types of applications that are currently known
and starting to evolve are as follows:

- Cryptography - perfectly secure communication

Searching, especially algorithmic searching (for example, see the work using Grover's
- Factorizing large numbers very rapidly (see Shor's algorithm)
- Simulating quantum-mechanical systems efficiently
- Military and intelligence information gathering
- Intensive computations in areas such as astronomy, physics, and chemistry
- Simulation of high computational models such as nuclear explosions and oil discovery
Movie special-effects processing
- These are the current applications; others will evolve as the technology develops and
expands. What is not clear is the potential for business applications. Business operating
systems must be developed and used for quantum computing to become a reality. Grid
computing is making significant headway for using combined computational power.
- It is possible that quantum computing could inherit those types of applications in the future.
- There is also the possibility of grid-type networks that use quantum computers (which give
almost incomprehensible computing power). At this time, it appears that scientific and
intensive computational models will lead the way as the first applications.

● current trend

Quantum Computing Next remarkable technology trend is quantum computing, which

is a form of computing that takes advantage of quantum phenomena like superposition and
quantum entanglement.
The forces driving metrology needs have taken us from the development of the cubit 5000
years ago to the qubit of today
International trade has been the major driving force for metrology in recent years
The new driving forces for metrological advances in the 21st Century come from new
technologies, as they have since the industrial revolution

● future scope

As technology advances, the problems encountered are getting more complex.

Quantum computing offers a solution for complex problems like protein modeling. The
latest global crisis caused by COVID-19 shows that scientists need a different tool to model
a single protein and deactivate it. Another example of an exponential rise in complex
problems can be energy usage.
As the human population increases and consumption rate increases exponentially, more
complex problems like optimization of sources are arising. Quantum computers can be used
to encounter the limitations of complex problems by using the physics of quantum
Classical computing is a convenient tool for performing sequential operations and
storing information. However, it is difficult to find solutions to chaotic problems since it is
modeled on the basis of linear mathematics.
Quantum computing seems to be a suitable candidate in solving nonlinear problems as it
has nonlinear properties of nature. That being said, quantum computers are not suitable for
all kinds of computation.
Although AI has made rapid progress over the past decade, it has not yet overcome
technological limitations. With the unique features of quantum computing, obstacles to
achieve AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) can be eliminated. Quantum computing can be
used for the rapid training of machine learning models and to create optimized algorithms.
An optimized and stable AI provided by quantum computing can complete years of analysis
in a short time and lead to advances in technology. Neuromorphic cognitive models,
adaptive machine learning, or reasoning under uncertainty are some fundamental challenges
of today’s AI. Quantum AI is one of the most likely solutions for next-generation AI.
● Conclusion
A quantum computer thus has the theoretical capability of simulating any finite physical
system and may even hold the key to creating an artificially intelligent computer.
The quantum computers power to perform calculations across a multitude of parallel universes
gives it the ability to quickly perform tasks that classical computers will never be able to
practically achieve.
For now at least, the world of cryptography is safe because the quantum computer is proving
to be vary difficult to implement. The very thing that makes them powerful, their reliance on
quantum mechanics, also makes them extremely fragile.
The field of quantum computing is growing rapidly as many of today's leading computing
groups, universities, colleges, and all the leading IT vendors are researching the topic. This pace
is expected to increase as more research is turned into practical applications. Although practical
machines lie years in the future, this formerly fanciful idea is gaining plausibility.
The current challenge is not to build a full quantum computer right away; instead to move
away from the experiments in which we merely observe quantum phenomena to experiments in
which we can control these phenomena. Systems in which information obeys the laws of
quantum mechanics could far exceed the performance of any conventional computer. Therein
lies the opportunity and the reward. No one can predict when we will build the first quantum
computer; it could be this year, perhaps in the next 10 years, or centuries from now. Obviously,
this mind-boggling level of computing power has enormous commercial, industrial, and
scientific applications, but there are some significant technological and conceptual issue to
resolve first.
● Acknowledgment
If you read anything about quantum computers, you are bound to come across the term
‘qubit’. Every big development within creating quantum computers seems to revolve
around adding more qubits, making them more stable and less ‘noisy’. But what does this

First we must remind ourselves of ‘bits’. A bit is the smallest unit of classical
information and can be in one of two states (we call these states 0 and 1). We can make a
bit from anything that has two states; old computer scientists used to store bits by punching
holes in card, a hole represented a 1 and the absence of a hole represented a 0. Newer
technology such as compact disks (CDs) stored bits using tiny dents in the metal surface of
the disk, where a variation in the surface represented a 1 and a constant surface represented
a 0.

Quantum mechanics is a more accurate model of the world that emerged in the early
20 century. One of the many results of this new model was that the most basic unit of
information was not the bit but instead the quantum bit, or qubit. More interestingly, it
turned out that this new unit of information could be useful for computations and
communications, and since then there has been an effort to create a physical qubit.

● references

Microsoft PowerPoint - HGS_Brazil_110503.ppt (

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