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Advanced connections

1) When used as an adjective the word given is often used as particular
No more than 2 people can use this machine at a given time
Over a given period of time, there will be many fluctuations in the price of stocks
He is good at answering questions on any given subject

Verb phrase to be given to + Ving = to be

likely to, to have a tendency to
He is given to being late ( it means usually late)
He was given to getting drunk at parties

As preposition ‘’given’’ can often mean

considering, because of, in view of
Given the current state of the economy, it may not be a good idea to start a
Given that he is not fluent in english, he may not be suitable fot the job

Given as a noun is used in phrase that smth

is a given
if someone says smth is a given, it means it is a basic fact that most people
accept as true
he is a democrat, it’s given he will be supporting the democratic candidate

Advanced connections 1
You use granted or granted that at the beginning of a clause to say that something
is true, before you make a comment on it.
Granted that the firm has not broken the law, is the law what it should be?

Inasmuch as
1)becasue , given that
Inasmuch as you are their commanding officer, you are responsible for
the behaviour of these men. (becasue , given that)
2) to the extant that…
your english will improve only inasmuch as you practice ( to the degree that, to the
extant that)
I will help you inasmuch as i can ( to the maximum degree)

Let alone

Advanced connections 2
There are serious problems in our country. Nonetheless, we feel this is a
good time to return.

Advanced connections 3

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