Annoying Habits

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Annoying habits


Annoying habits 1
Annoying habits 2
quit smoking - кидати палити
unfair - нечесно

my reward [n] - prize винагорода

 what you went through = go through [exp] - what you struggled with, what you
suffered through. проходити момент

 Put it out! [phv] - Extinguish it! Stop it from burning! - вийми це

 Cut it out! [phv] - Quit it! Stop doing it! - досить

Annoying habits 3
 a flaw [n] - a bad habit - недолік

 knuckle-cracking [n] - making noise with the knuckles of your hands 

 over-pronounce [v] - saying word too clearly

 snort when she laughs [exp] - make a noise with her nose and throat when she

 chew [v] - eat жувати

 endearing [adj] - cute, attractive милий

 the gloves come off [exp] - be prepared to fight

Annoying habits 4
Annoying habits 5

Annoying habits 6
Annoying habits 7
slurp - slurping

1. What flaw does each friend have ? Which flaw do you think in the most
annoying? Why?
(Chandler, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, Ross)

2. Do you think any of their flaws are endearing? Why?

3. What flaws or bad habits do (or did) you have? Have you ever tried to stop
doing them?

4. What is your husband's or wife's flaw? Your best friend's flaw? Your
boyfriend's or girlfriend's flaw?

5. Chandler is smoking in cafe. Is that possible in your country? In what

public places can you smoke and not smoke in your country?

Annoying habits 8
6. Have you ever tried to help someone quit smoking? Were you successful?

Directions: 1) Read the conversation and choose the word or expression that you
think is best. 2) Listen again and check your answers.

Oh, I_______(1)  believe you! You_____(2)  been so good for three years!

1---  am not   don't   haven't   won't   can't 
2---  are   do   have   will   can 

Okay, so this time I_______  quit!

---  am not   don't   haven't   won't   shouldn't 

All right! I_____  putting it out.

---  am   are   do   have   can 

Oh, hey,______  do that! Cut it out!

---  aren't   don't   haven't   won't   can't 

I accept all those flaws. Why_______  you accept me for this?

---  aren't   don't   haven't   can't   shouldn't 

Oh, you do, _______ you?

---  am   are   do   have   can 

I _______ really get back to work.

---  am   do   have   might   should 

Yeah, because otherwise someone______  get what they actually ordered.

---  is   does   has   might   should 


Annoying habits 9
Directions: Write sentences about the video clip using the words given. You can
change the word form or add words, but you cannot change the word
order. Use present tense.

Sentence 1
Monica / want / know / what / Chandler / do

Sentence 2
everybody / disgusted / because / Chandler / smoke -

Sentence 3
Chandler / not / smoke / three / year

Sentence 4

Annoying habits 10
everyone / convince / Chandler / put / cigarette / out

Sentence 5
next / day / Chandler / light / other / cigarette / cafe

Sentence 6
Chandler / friend / want / him / stop / smoke

Sentence 7
Chandler / point / out / all / friend / flaw

Sentence 8
Chandler / think / it / unfair / because / he / accept / their / flaws / but / they / not / accept
/ flaw

Sentence 9
other / friend / start / argue / each / other / about / flaw

Sentence 10
Chandler / happy / walk / away / and / continue / smoke

Monica wants to know what Chandler is doing.
Everybody is disgusted because Chandler is smoking.
Chandler hasn't smoked for three years.
Everyone convinces Chandler to put out his cigarette.

Annoying habits 11
Everyone convinces Chandler to put his cigarette out.
The next day, Chandler lights (up) another cigarette [in/at] the cafe.

Chandler's friends want him to stop smoking.

Chandler points out all (of) his friends' flaws.
Chandler thinks (that) it is unfair because he accepts their flaws, but they don't
accept his flaw.
The other friends start [to argue/arguing] with each other about their flaws.
Chandler happily walks away(,) and (he) continues [smoking/to smoke].


1. Do you prefer a fast-paced lifestyle or a slower, more relaxed one? Why?

2. How can individuals and communities foster a sense of belonging and support for
one another?

3. What are some effective strategies for boosting our self-esteem and building

4. Share an accomplishment that you are proud of. How did it make you feel and what
did you learn from it?

5. How do you think traveling and experiencing new cultures can broaden our

6. In your opinion, what are some effective ways to promote environmental


7. Share an example of an engaging book, movie, or activity that captured your

interest. What made it so engaging for you?

8. Can you recall a time when you faced a challenging situation? How did you handle
it and what did you learn from it?

9. What types of activities or experiences do you find stimulating and why?

10. Have you ever encountered a captivating story or performance? Describe what
made it so captivating to you.

11. In what ways do you believe technology will inevitably shape our future?

Annoying habits 12
12. Describe a demanding task or project you have undertaken. How did you manage
the demands and what did you gain from it?

Annoying habits 13

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