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1. What is international management?

International Management is the management of business operations for an organization that conducts
business in more than one country. Or IM is the process of doing business more than a one country.
Before doing of International Business we should know about that country business Rule and regulation,
Culture, Currency so that we take an appropriate decision.

2. Explain each functions of IM?

International Management is similar to domestic management but with some variable environments
they are as follow

a. Planning: in this stage we plan weather Export, doing joint venture or corporation agreement
manager must monitor environments and base on these point should make decision such as:
Politics, Currency, compotators, Government pressure and facilities that they provide.
b. Organizing: I.M must be organized and adapt different: Employee, Customer and supplier. Also
focus on 3 stages 1. Pre international 2. International division 3. Global structure stages
c. Staffing: success of a org is depending on hiring right person for right position we should
carefully select someone.
d. Directing: Directing IB is very difficult so Managers must supervise, motivate, lead and maintain
communications with their employees.
e. Controlling: Managers must control their departmental employees and operations to ensure
that organizational goals are achieved.

3. What is culture and past culture?

Culture is the 'way of life' of groups of people, meaning the way they do things. Different
groups may have different cultures. In term of believes, food, cloths language etc.
Culture passed is the process whereby language, believes, altitudes and value are passed on
from one generation to the next in a community.

4. What is culture diversity and its benefits?

It’s all about accepting verity of society base on race, gender, religion, and disability status, age and etc.
benefits are increase productivity, Fast problem solving, improve innovation and great decision making,

5. What is workforce diversity and its benefits?

Workforce diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization that work
together to get a common goal. Some benefits are as follow: Variety of different perspectives, Increased
creativity, Higher innovation, Faster problem-solving, Better decision making, Increased profits and etc.

6. Explain challenges of workfares diversity in the workplace and its successful recommended
When you have a diverse workforce, communication between team members can become term of communication, understanding, gender, religion, culture and many more so as a
manger we should create polices in a such way that org shouldn’t face any problem in future. Today's
organizations taking these actions to promote workforce diversity like: Acknowledge Differences, give
them training, Provide Mentors and etc.

7. Explain merger and Acquisition in details?

Merger is the process of joining 2 separate companies. Ex. Cola + Pepsi = Pepsi Cola

Acquisition When a higher shareholder buys the Low shareholder company. EX. Gov + Kabul Bank =
New Kabul Bank

8. What is MNC in detail and it advantage and disadvantage?

An MNC is a company that establish in home country but also work in some other countries.

Advantages: Employment generation, increase in payment, increase in living standards, end of

monopoly and improve of managerial standers.

Disadvantages: Danger for Domestic Industries, Return of Profits, No Benefit to Poor People, Danger to
Independence, Disrespect of the National Interests of the Host Country

9. Explain global trade and regional competitiveness in details?

Global trade is the exchange of goods or services between countries and is made up of the total
imports and exports of each participating nation.
Regional Competitiveness regional is the ability of some region to compete with one another in
some way, both within and between nations, to grow and prosper in economic terms. Ex. Cola
and Pepsi.

10. Explain culture and its difference in culture?

Culture is the 'way of life' of groups of people with different things in term of believes, food,
cloths language etc. Different in culture can be Food, Music, politeness, Ethics and etc.
Note: Test and the culture of the people are changing every day so company base on the
change they should bring changes in Product and Service.

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