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Kindergarten Lesson Example

Collection #1
Text: Old Bear’s Surprise Painting
Standard(s): Objective(s):
**Focus Standard: RL.7.1 With guidance and Students will be able to:
support, retell a familiar text; identify beginning, ● Retell a familiar story
middle, and end in a text heard or read. ● Identify beginning, middle and end of a story
read aloud to them
Support Standard: RL 5.1 With guidance and support,
ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and I can retell a familiar story.
how questions about a text. I can identify the beginning, middle, and end of a

Vocabulary: Guiding Questions:

fairy tale **Tell me about the story. (beginning, middle, end)
beginning **What did you notice?
middle **How did things change from the beginning to the
end end?
retell **How do you know ___ happened at the (beginning,
middle, end)?
Who was in this story?
Where did the story take place?
What was the big problem in this story? How did they
solve the problem?

● Three Little Pigs or a familiar story
● Sticky notes in three different colors (example- green=beginning, middle=yellow, end=pink)
● Blank Chart Paper
● Graphic organizer

Lesson Sequence:
1. Show Three Little Pigs Video or a familiar story that has a clear beginning, middle and end.
2. After video ask students:
○ Tell me about the video.
○ What did you notice happening in the video?
3. Jot students’ ideas on three different color sticky notes as they tell about the video, based on when
the events happened in the video. (Example: green=beginning; yellow=middle; pink=end)
4. Randomly place sticky notes on a blank piece of chart paper as you write them.
5. Lead a discussion about the sticky notes. (Ask guiding questions to get students to notice why
events are on different colors of stickies.)
○ What do you notice? (different color sticky notes)
○ What do all the (green, yellow, red) sticky notes have in common?
6. The teacher will then group the sticky notes by color and discuss retelling the video identifying
what happened at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end.
7. Then, the teacher will read Old Bear’s Surprise Painting and have the students think about what
happened at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the text.
8. During reading, ask guiding questions to have conversation around the standards and use
structures to give opportunities for students to talk to one another.
9. After reading, ask the students to think about what happened at the beginning, in the middle, and
at the end of the story.
10. Give students three colored sticky notes (example green=beginning, yellow=middle, and
11. Have the students draw/write three details from the story that happened in the beginning, in the
middle, and at the end and then place them in order on this graphic organizer.
12. Students leave their work at the table.
13. Teacher leads the class in a carousel feedback to notice what the whole class did.
14. The teacher calls students back to the carpet and reviews the feedback/noticings. Give the
students an opportunity to act out fairy tale text from beginning to end, and closes the lesson
referring back to the standard/I can statement.

Make an anecdotal record of students that may need to have more practice in small group or
workstations with this standard. Graphic organizers may be collected as a data point for instructional

Additional Texts:
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Reading A-Z level E),
The Tortoise and the Hare (Reading A-Z level F)

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