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TES T 36

1. - 50. sorula rda, cümle de boş bırakılan

yerler e uygun düşen sözcü k ya da ifadeyi
bulun uz.

6. Due to its rapid growt h in the last two

1. Wate r evapo rates from the ocean s, forms
decades, Shan ghai has becom e one of the
cloud s in our atmos phere, and - return s as
world 's - clties , exert ing influe nce over
ralnd rops, whlch is know n as the water
flnanc e, comm erce, fashio n, and cultur e.
cycle .
A) deserted B) extinct
A) attentively B) barely
C) leading D) reckless
C) ultimately D) superfıcially
E) ultimate
E) approximately

7. Estim ates sugge st that dysle xia, one of

2. A joint Japanese-Peruvian archa eolog ical sever al types of leami ng disab ilities , - in 6
missl on has - the remai ns of a woma n who o/oto 17% of the schoo l-age popul ation
they bellev e was killed as a sacrlf ice, almos t depen ding on how it is defıned.
3,000 years ago in Peru.
A) rejects B) magnifıes
A) assumed B) installed D) yields
D) objected C) attends
C) decayed E) occurs
E) unearthed

8. As a form of popu lar music , rap music fırst

3. Natlo nal Geog raphic , - called the National
devel oped in the mid 1970s in New York
Geog raphi c Magazine, Is an offıcial joum al
City, and soon in other urban areas, -
which publis hed its fırst issue in 1888.
amon g Africa n Amer ican teena gers.
A) relatively B) formerfy
A) deliberately B) sparsely
C) punct ually D) clearfy
C) ruthlessly O) primaıily
E) extensively
E) selflessly

4. Capa ble of seatin g 50.000 - , the 9. The mode m art of interi or desig n as we now
Colos seum was used for gladia torial think of it - durin g the ltalian Renaissance,
conte sts and public spect acles such as when lsabe lla d ' Este, March iones s of
anima l hunts and execu tions. Mantu a, comm ission ed the Grotta in 1496.

B) ruins A) withdrew B) emerged

A) bystanders
ors O) spectators C) struggled ·o) revised
C) surviv
E) owners E) merge d

5. The oldes t of the Seven Wond ers of the 1O. Altho ugh Parki nson 's disea se is -
Ancie nt World , the Great Pyram id of Glza is regar ded as a move ment disord er, an
believ ed to have been ---- over a 14-20-year lncre ased intere st has been direct ed to its
perio d. non-m otor symp toms in the last few years.

A) selected B) regarded A) traditionally 8) vertically

C) constructed O) diminished C) incidentally O) deliberately
E) contıibuted E) blankly

11. Tea ısa beverage prepared by •··· bolllng 16. Televlslon has retalned an amblguous status
water over dry processed tea leaves. as an educatlonal technology since its -
adoptlon by the general publlc in the 1950s
A) gathering B) flowing and 1960s.
C) collapsing D) detecting
E) pouring A) widespread B) abundant
C) severe D) scarce
E) competent

12. The German-American physicist Albert 17. Latin is a member of the ltalic languages,
Einstein --- more than any other scientist to and the Latin alphabet Is - on the Old ltallc
the 20th-century vislon of physical reality. alphabet, whlch is, in turn, derived from the
Greek alphabet.
A) assigned B) introduced
C) conveyed D) contributed A) embarked B) based
E) referred C) relied O) bet
E) abstained

13. The - of cinema in the 1890s was a highly 18. The Kyoto Protocol Is an internatlonal
signifıcantadvancement in recording agreement to --- greenhouse gas emissions
technology; however, photography has by establishing reduction targets for
always been more popular. participating nations.

A) advantage B) advent A) accomplish B) perspire

C) width D) strain C) reduce D) exhale
E) quest E) approve

14. Brazil is the largest country in South 19. Video Game addiction is a form of
America, occupying almost half of the psychological addiction composed of a(n)
continent and --- from north of the equator --- use of video games and is related to
to south of the Tropic of Capricorn. lnternet addiction disorder.
A) ranging B) resulting A) conscientious B) accurate
C) extending D) excluding C) global O) moderate
E) originating E) compulsive

· Bullyi~g can be defıned as purposeful 20. Malnutrltion Is -- by a wide array of health
~e:atıve behaviour directed toward another problems, lncludlng extreme welght loss,
ıvlduaı and usually ---- by adolescents weakened resistance to infectlon, and
againSl th eir more vulnerable peers.
impalrment of lntellect.
A) enhanced B) hugged
A) entailed B) alleviated
C) fluctuated D) devoted
C) praised O) characterized
E) perpetrated E) surpassed

osal of
26. Embezzlement Is the illegal dlsp
21. Ana lges ics are drug s that - paln legally entrusted -- by the person and it ıs
usn ess
selectively, wlth out affe ctln g con sclo a serlous erime.
or sen sory perception.
A) property B) penalty
A) cause B) relieve D) acquaintance
C) threat
C) inflict D) cooperate E) prosecution
E) erupt

- is an
erlzed by 27. The conflict between good and
22. Puberty is the phase of life charact eternal one, taklng place as an inne r battle
that •·- the transitlon from .
physlcal changes between the good self and the bad self
chlldhoo d to adultho od.
A) residence B) magnitude
A) deny B) prolong D) evil
C) rank
C) discriminate D) mark E) solemnity
E) span

igned to kill
name of 28. A pesticide is any chemical des
23. According to the old legends, the pests and - the cate gories of herbicide,
Ephesus was -- from "APASA S", the name lclde.
A" insecticide and fung
ofa city in the "KINGDOM OF ARZ .AW
her God dess".
meaning the "city ofth e Mot A) conserves B) destroys
C) remains D) redeems
A) sought B) revealed des
E) inclu
C) resigned D) derived
E) escorted

ifıc fıeld, nor

24. Subway is an electric, undergroun
d railway 29. Wis dom can not be - to a spec
bers of people is it an aca dem lc disc iplin e; it ıs the
designed to move large num ss and lntegrity
quickly to their - . con sclo usn ess of who lene
that tran sce nds both .
A) management B) vacation
ge D) trolley A) emerged B) existed
C) voya
E) destination C) confined D) depleted
E) dem onst rated

25. A gr~up of ~nimals and plants livln

g in a ns the rırst
30. Cinematography was by no mea
ther and s" but
s~ecıfıc_regıon. and ---- wlth one ano technology to facilitat e "ma gic trick
is called an
wıth theır physıcal environmen t
none had eve r bee n so intrinsic ally mag ical
ecosystem. in the whole •··· of its manlfestations.

A) charging B) quarrelling A) range B) publicity

C) interacting D) bordering C) variation D) congestion
E) coping E) advice
31. The word democracy - from the Greek 36. Some experts say that plastlc bags harın the
words meanlng "the people" and "to rule"; envlronment because when they break
thus, democracy means "rule by the down, they can - - materlals as polsonous
people." as to klll llvlng objects aro.u nd.

A) expands B) exists A) transform B) divide

C) conceals D) originates C) change D) throw
E) holds E) release

32. A team of American and Spanish scientlsts 37. Wrestling is a sport in which two - try to
believe that they have made an important - pin each other's shoulders to a mat on the
in the treatment of brain cancer. floor.

A) calamity B) inquiry A) familiarities B) spectators

C) predicament D) ailment C) winners D) opponents
E) discovery E) victories

33. Over the last half of the 20 century, 20 38. Although now widely considered a dead
years were added to the average lifespan, language, Latin has had a slgnlflcant
brlnging global life - to its current level of influence on many other languages stili -
66 years. today such as English.

A) rotation B) form A) craving B) retarding

C) expectancy D) insurance C) evacuating D) harvesting
E) vest E) thriving

34. in many countries, - to health care is a 39. Even small hits to the head can - braln
sign for the affluence and development of deterioration as opposed to the common
the nation as it provides social security. belief.

A) access B) reaction A) lead to B) stem from

C) obsession D) benefit C) stick to D) stare at
E) addiction E) apply to

l5. The Great Wall of Chlna is an anclent 40. Durlng World War 1, enemles of the Ottoman
Chinese fortlficatlon -- to protect the Emplre could --- their soldlers from their
Emplre of China against the raids of colonles; therefore, mllitary losses seriously
'barbarians' from Mongolia and Manchurla. affected the Ottoman Empire.
A) promoted B) cleared A) supply B) lose
C) built D) found C) conceive D) fulfıl
E) surrendered E) devote

46. in the US, a baby was kllled and several
41. Ollver Cromwe ll, who - ended the
mora people were - lnjured when a famlly
Renalssance in England, was among those
of 11 threw themsel ves from a thlrd-floo r flat
who was respons lble for the executlo n of
to flee a man they mistook for the devil.
Klng Charles l in 1642.
A) deliberately 8) constantly
A) identically 8) altematively
C) vastly D) seriously
C) tender1y D) incessantly
E) purely
E) effectively

42. Korean culsine orlginate d from the 47. Environm ental Rights revolve largely around
tradltlon s in the Korean penlnsul a and the idea of a rlght to a(n) - envlronm ent
southem Manchurla, and Is - based on both for the present and the future.
rica, noodles, tofu, vegetables, and meats.
A) constructive 8) appealing
C) livable D) vacant
A) largely 8) initially
D) mutually E) innovative
C) safely
E) progressively

43. When the red sludge reservol r burst near 48. Accordln g to the prevallln g cosmolo gical
Ajka in westem Hungary, the compan y theory of the universe 's early development,
immedla tely said that thls materlal is not -- the Blg Ban was the event which led to the
as 'hazardo us' by the European Unlon. - of the unlverse .

8) classified A) formation 8) increase

A) submitted
C) exerted D) sustained C) disposal D) glance
- E) settled E) addition

44. Street erime, - mugging , Is seen as a 49. A caricatu re can refer to a portrait that - or
serlous problem in Malaysla's major cities dlstorts the essence of a person or thing to
and so severely punished . create an easily ldentifia ble visual likeness.

A) particularly 8) barely A) foresees B) gazes

C) slightly D) virtually C) enquires D) exaggerates
E) considerately E) seans

45. Sclentls ts have found dlnosau r-llke 50. Mobile homes, also - called caravans in
footprlnt s in a 250-mllll on-year- old rock, publlc, are prefabrl cated homes that can be
suggest lng that dlnosau rs emerged up to easlly taken to the place where they wlll be
nine milllon years earller than -- thought. occuple d.

A) solely 8) previously B) briefly

A) informally
C) reluctantly D) enthusiastically D) subsequently
C) observably
E) favourably
E) considerably
.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ R_EA_o_ı_N_G_T_E_s_r_43_ _ _ _ _ _ _]
4. - 6. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
1. - 3. soruları, parçaya göre

Shopping in Hong Kong is a lifestyle, a passion nd

August Wilson was bom and raised in Pittsburgh,
PA. His father drifted in and out of his family. His an addictio~, and it'~ true t~ say that shopping isa
Hong Kong s favounte pastime. Evenings are oft
spent with fri~nd~ trawli~g the shops, with a quıJ"
mother and a stepfather, David Bedford, mostly
raised Wilson. When Wilson was sixteen, he was
accused of plagiarism at school when he wrote a meal at a Daı Paı Dong ın between, while Window
sophisticated paper that the administration did not shopping seems to be an in-built trait with the ıocaı
Shops are everywhere, packed into the classic s.
believe he could have written himself. When
Wilson's principal would not recognize the validity of areas like Causeway Bay and the markets in
Wilson's work, she suspended him and later ignored Mongkok and spread out everywhere in between
his attempts to come back to school. Wilson soon often not shutting until after 10p.m. Hong Kong h~s
dropped out and educated himself at the local some of the world's most expensive malls, stuffed
library, reading everything he could find. in the with intemational boutiques and shops bearing the
1960s, Wilson steeped himself in the black power goods from fashion shows around the world.
movement while he worked on his poetry and short
stories. Eventually, in the late sixties, Wilson
reinvented himself as a playwright.
4. it can be inferred from the passage that Dal
1. One can infer from the passage that PaiDong-.
plagiarism - .
A} is a place where the shoppers often stop to
A) is the literary movement most writers have fast-food
followed during Wilson's time 8) is a traditional fashion store for teenagers
B) is a reason tora lifetime imprisonment tor C} is basically regarded as the top food store
writers in Hong Kong
C) is a erime that Wilson admitted to have D} is Hong Kong's favourite shopping mail
committed E} is a restaurant where shoppers enjoy
D) is the act of stealing intellectual property spending long hours after shopping
E) is a protest group that resists strict
discipline at schools
5. We leam from the passage that - .
2. We can understand from the passage that
-. A} the best shops in Hong Kong are located
be~een Causeway Bay and Mongkok
A} Wilson owes his successful career to his B} fashıon shows are a common sight in most
proper education shopping malls in Hong Kong
B} Wilson was brought up in a happy family, C} most people in Hong Kong go shopping in
with loving parents their spare time
C} most of Wilson's poems are about the D} shops are open round the clock in Hong
injustice done to Black people Kong
D} the school administration underestimated E} shops in Hong Kong mostly sell traditional
Wilson's talent when he was sixteen clothes
E) Wilson started his literary career by writing
short plays at school
6. One can understand from the passage that
3. it Is lmplied in the passage that --. -.
A} it wasn't until the late sixties that Wilson A} teenagers in Hong Kong are crazy about
was fully aware of his talent as a playwright shopping at intemational boutiques
B) Wilson's stepfather was a more talented B} local people in Hong Kong are usually
writer than Wilson himself
dressed in traditional clothes
C} Wilson liked poetry more than short stories C} most Hong Kong shoppers prefer to shop
D} the essay Wilson claimed to have written after 10 p.m.
tumed out to be the work of David Bedford D) shopping plays an important partin
E} Wilson was dismissed from school by the people's lives in Hong Kong despite the
administration when he was caught
cheating in an exam considerably high prices
E} it is not unusual to come across
intemational brands in Hong Kong
1. _ 9. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 10. -12. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Maria Alcala of Madrid speaks for many Puerto Rico, a Caribbean island rich in history and
Mediterranean people when she says that "a meal remarkable natural beauty, has a cuisine all ta its
without olives would be a bore." Na one knows own. lmmigration to the island has helped ta shape
when the Mediterranean civilizations initially fell in its cuisine, with people from all over the world
ıove with olives. That probably occurred before making various contributions to it. However, before
recorded history. However, there is evidence that the arrival of these immigrants, the island of Puerto
the cultivation of olive trees began in countries Rica was known as Boriken and was inhabited by
around the Mediterranean Sea in approximately the Taino people. Taino cuisine included such foods
4000 B.C., and 2000 years after that people in the as rodents with chilli peppers, fresh shellfish and
eastem Mediterranean region began ta produce oil fish fried in cam oil. Many aspects of Taino cuisine
trom olives. The Mediterranean region still accounts continue today in Puerto Rican cooking, but it has
tor 99 percent of ali world olive oil production. Many been heavily influenced by the Spanish, who
olive growers maintain their ancient traditions and invaded Puerto Rica in 1508, and Africans who
stili harvest the olives by hand. "We harvest the were initially brought to work as slaves in the same
olives in the traditional way," says Don Celso, an year. However, in the latter part of the 19 century,
olive farmer from Tuscany, italy. "it would be less the cuisine of Puerto Rico was greatly influenced by
expensive ta do it with machines, but it's more ofa the United States in the ingredients used in its
social thing" he adds. preparation.

7. it is clearly indicated in the passage that-. 10. it is mentioned in the passage that --.

A) olive oil production first began in Tuscany, A) Africans are known ta be the first settlers of
ltaly Puerto Rico
B) Maria Alcala is the most famous olive B) Puerto Rico was invaded by the Spanish in
farmer in Spain the early 16th century
C) olive oil production by the Mediterranean C) Puerto Rico was under the rule of Spain
people dates back roughly to 2000 B.C. until the 19th century, when the Americans
D) the best olives in the world are grown in invaded the island
Tuscany, ltaly D) the island took the name of Puerto Rica
E) 99 percent of the Mediterranean people after the arrival of the Taino people
make a living by producing olive oil E) Taino people immigrated to Puerto Rica
from Spain in 1508

8. The writer of the passage states that -··· 11. it can be understood from the passage that

A) a meal prepared by olive oil is much

healthier than one prepared with vegetable A) dishes like fresh shellfish and fish fried in
oil corn oil were introduced to the Puerto Rican
B) people have been producing oil from olives cuisine by the A mericans
since 4000 B.C. B) Puerto Rican cuisine is a blend of several
C) people produced olive oil around the contributions from different cultures
Mediterranean until 2000 B.C C) Taino people leamed to cook rodents with
D) olive oil production is the most important chilli pepper from Spanish people
source of income for Mediterranean people D) Taino cuisine barely includes any marine
E) almost all of the global olive oil production varieties
comes from the Mediterranean region E) the influence of Taino people is hardly seen
in Puerto Rican cooking today

9. in the passage, the writer has made it clear 12. We can conclude from the passage that - .
A) Taino influence in Puerto Rican cuisine still
A) most olive farmers pick the olives by the exists today
help of modem machines as it is faster and B) Spaniards invaded Puerto Rica ta abuse
easier vast food resources
B) modem production techniques should be C) Puerto Rican food is unique in that it is
implemented for better output results prepared with the ingredients grown only
C) Don Celso is strictly against harvesting locally
olives by hand D) the influence of Americans on Puerto Rican
D) no matter how costly it is, many oil farmers cuisine is greater than that of any other
still maintain traditional methods immigrants to the island
E) many farmers still harvest olives by hand as E) Puerto Rican cuisine is intemationally
they cannot afford the machines required renowned for the various methods used in
for the process cooking
13. -15. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre

Marine biologist Jim Darting has studied the songs

of humpback whales for 25 years. While recording
whale songs on a boat near Hawaii, he invited
author Douglas Chadwick to experience diving with
a humpback. in the water, the way Chadwick heard
the whale's songs changed completely. "Suddenly, 1
no longer heard the whale's voice in my ears. 1felt it
inside my head and bones." Chadwick said. He
clear1y sensed the whale's silent awareness of him.
The 13-meter-long giant looked him over curiously,
but never harmed him. The whale then swam under
the boat. it pointed its head down to the ocean floor
and, with flippers extended out to its sides, began to
sing. Up in the boat, Dar1ing recorded the whale's
song. Such songs may be long and complex, lasting
for 30 minutes or more; they are perhaps the
longest songs sung by any animal.

13. it can be understood from the passage that

A) humpback whales are fearful, giant E

creatures that should be approached with o
utmost care o,
B) Hawaii is the most popular place for diving -~
with the whales
C) Jim Darting asked Chadwick to record the ~
whale songs while he dived with the whales ~
D) not enough research has been carried out CI)
conceming whale songs :::ı..
E) diving with the whales was a totally different ~
experience tor Chadwick ~

14. The author of the passage thinks that --.

A) whales sing better and longer when

accompanied by a human
B) humpback whales require the help of their
flippers to sing
C) no other animal in the world can sing longer
than humpback whales
D) it is weird that a 13-meter-long whale would
be so frightened by a human being
E) no other marine biologist can decipher
whale songs better than Jim Darting

15. it can be inferred from the passage that - .

A) the whale was aware of Chadwick's

presence in the water
B) Darting wamed Chadwick about what was
waiting tor him betore he dived into the
C) whale's song inflicted damage to
Chadwick's bones
D) recording whale songs has been a tough
job tor Chadwick
E) humpback whales weigh less than other
[ ________ R_E_A_o_ı_N_G_T_E_s_T_4_4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __J

1. _ 3. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 4. - 6. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

The ancestors of dogs were probably fırst attracted Runner or golfer, tennis player or new mom,
to humans by the scent of their garbage. Nowadays, chances are you've heard someone talking about
the govemment of the United States has a use for the benefıts of Pilates. Many types of people, at
those powerful noses that is benefıcial to all who fly many levels of fıtness, who have begun doing
in airplanes. A program in Texas trains dogs to Pilates exercises, say they've seen improvements in
smell bombs on planes and in passengers' luggage. range of motion, flexibility, circulation, posture, and
Although other wild animals alsa have an excellent abdominal strength and decreases in back, neck
sense of smell, dogs are much easier to train and joint pain. Forty years after his death, the
because they are domestic animals that pay system of exercises developed by Joseph Pilates
attention to humans. The partnership between a dog has never been in such demand. The benefıts of
and a human allows each to profıt from the special Pilates, the system of strengthening and stretching
skills of the other as they work together to save exercises designed to develop the body's core, are
lives. countless. it gives you a great muscular
development without making you look bulky; it
increases endurance of the body; it engages the
1. One point made in the passage is that ---. mind and enhances body awareness; it helps
prevent future injuries and, last but not the least,
A) dogs are the best friends of humans one of the benefıts of Pilates is that it teaches you
B) dogs can be trained to help people how to become efficient with your body.
C) dogs have a much stronger sense of smell
than any other animal in the wild 4. it can be concluded from the passage that,
O) dogs can detect natural disasters with their -.
E) dogs, surprisingly, like the smell of human A) Pilates attracts a wide range of people in
waste the society
B) people attain flexibility within a few days
after starting Pilates exercises
C) Joseph Pilates knew that new exercises
would replace his system after his death
2. One point not mentioned in the passage O) Pilates was fırst introduced 40 years ago
about dogs is that--. E) the best benefıt of Pilates is the mental
A) they cooperate with humans to get many
things done 5. We can understand from the passage that
B) they get along well with people Pilates ----.
C) the U.S.A protects dogs with a special
legislation A) is not recommended during pregnancy
D) they are trained to detect bombs B) is defınitely harmful for the elderly
E) they have a very powerful nose C) is a physical exercise that appeals mostly
to new mothers
O) has lots of difficulty levels for people to
choose from
E) has been gaining popularity recently

3. it can be understood from the passage that 6. it is clear from the passage that ---,
----. A) many people take up Pilates because it is
A) wild dogs are very difficult to train much less tiring than other physical
B) dogs are not the only animals to possess exercises
an excellent sense of smell B) Pilates exercises may lead to serious
C) ancient dogs used to feed mainly on human muscle injuries if overdone
garbage C) Pllates hardly ever involves stretching
D) dogs are trained to detect bombs only in the exercises
us O) Pilates has numerous health benefıts
E) the most bomb threats on airplanes are from head to toe
reported in Texas E) Pilates is prescribed by most doctors today
to reduce back pain
10. -12. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
7. - 9. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız .

Recently, Fiona Li did what million s of Chinese When Cindy and Thoma s Gallion 's house hunt
shoppers do to fınd a bargain: She went online . ended with a dull-looking ranch house in a
A few clicks later, she had a lead on where to buy Montgomery, Ala., neighbourhood, they knew there
the consu mer goods her brother wanted for his new was a bright side to it: room for their two sons to
apartment. lnstead of reaching for her credit card, romp, plus a two-ca r garage with easy groceries-t0-
though , she jotted down a time and a place: 8 p.m. kitchen access. These benefıts outwe ighed the dark
panelling, low ceiling and hollow-core doors. And
ata downtown Guangzhou electronics stora.
with Thoma s' building expertise and his decorator
That evening, Li and her brother joined 15 strangers
sister's eye tor detail, they were able to make the
at the store to demand a group discount on a new
television, refrigerator and washing machine. house more spacio us and more attractive with just a
few chang es. Eventu ally, the kitchen , breakf ast
Salespeople grumbled at the tactic, but the group
room and the family room looked so differe nt that
refused to give in. After two hours of haggling and
several walkouts by group members, the store you'd hardly believ e that it was the same house
manag er agreed to a 10% discount on the three when you looked at the "before" and "after" pictures.
items. Li, a marketing assistant, went home with a
smile on her face. "We wanted to save money, and
1O. it is clear from the passage that - .
fınally we did it," she says. "lt's in our natura,
wheth er we're rich or poor, and it we can save A) the Gallion s knew from the beginn ing that
money this way, why not?" they would fail to fınd the right house for
thems elves
B) the ranch house hada garage which hada
7. One can understand from the passage that direct acces s to the kitche n
---. C) the Gallion s should have looked tor a
classy flat in the city centre
A) online shopping is popular in China D) the Gallion s were relucta nt to refurb ish the
B) it was the fırst time Li was shopping online house in the beginn ing
C) revealing your credit card information while E) the bright side of the Gallio ns' new house
shopping on the intemet is an insecure act was its cheap price
D) the disadvantages of online shopping
outweigh its advantages 11 . it is implie d in the passa ge that - .
E) Fiona Li goes online only to buy house
appliances A) the alterat ions made by the Gallio ns did not
make the house look any better
B) Gallion s' passio n tor their new house
eventu ally disapp eared
C) the Gallio ns were happy with their new
8. According to the passage, people look for house as it had more advan tages than
online bargalns because - . disadv antage s
D) the Gallio ns regret ted having bough t the
A) they can view ali the brands ranch house as it had a dark panell ing and
B) it is a good way to sava money lowce iling
C) online shopping makes you feel good E) the Gallio ns' forme r house was actual ly
D) there is not any better place to shop larger than the ranch house they bough t
E) that gives you the chanc e to shop after 8:00
p.m .
12. One can understand from the passage that
A) Thom as Gallio n knew a lot about buildin g
9. it can be concluded from the passage that house s
-. B) the Gallio ns had to spend far more money
for the restora tion of their new house than
A) online shopp ing will soon becom e obsole te they had previo usly planne d
B) Chine se people never buy anythi ng withou t C) the only thing the Gallio ns did not like about
bargai ning
th_eir new house was the dark painte d walls
C) you alway s pay 10 percen t less tor the
D) Cındy and Thom as Gallio n are brothe r and
same good if you buy it online
sister who are both good at detect ing
D) 10% discou nt they got for the produc ts was details .
not satisfy ing for Li in such poor condition
E) the ranch house was
E) saving money has nothin g to do with it redeco rated
that the Gallio ns had to have
your financ ial stafus thorou ghly
13. -15. sorulan, aşağıdaki parçaya göre

When you can't wait to get started in the spring

garden, a good task to undertake is pruning. Most
trees and shrubs benefit from annual pruning. it
keeps them in shape, gets rid of dead and diseased
wood and encourages new growth. But not all trees
and shrubs should be pruned early, especially some
of the tıowering ones. Early spring bloomers set
their flower buds the fall before. Pruning them early
in the spring would mean losing some blossoms.
Most of the time, this is not what you want.
However, there are exceptions. lt's often easier to
prune when you can see the shape of the plant,
before the branches are masked by leaves. Trees
and shrubs that are in need ofa good shaping could
sacrifice a few blooms to be invigorated by a spring

13. it is true according to the passage that

pruning --.

A) must be done annually in the autumn for

best results
B) should only be considered for the tlowering
C) is a task that's beneficial for the plants
D) should only be carried out by experienced
E) is done only to make trees and shrubs look

14. in the passage the word "exceptions" refers


A) techniques used in pruning

B) pruning when the branches are masked by
C) the period when the pruning task should be
D) trees and bushes which don't need pruning
E) trees and shrubs that are in need ofa good

15. The main focus of the passage is - .

A) that most gardeners can't wait to start the

pruning task
B) the benefits of pruning and some helpful
tips about it
C) the difficulties of the pruning task
D) the fact that not all trees require pruning
E) the unwanted consequences that might J:J
occur as a result of pruning


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