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Class: BBA

Semester: 2nd

Chapter 1: Background study and revision of computer Network, Internet and e-mail
Time: Lecture - 6, Tutorial – 4, ILT - 4

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
 Know the various application of Internet knowledge.
 Knowledge about Computer networking.
 Knowledge about multiplexing and its types.

Material Require:
Neil Jenkins and Stan Schatt: Understanding Local Area Networks, PHI
W. Richard Stevens. "Unix Network Programming. Vol.-I. (Networking API).

Handouts and Text Support:

Library and Internet Source

What is Internet?
What are the components to use Internet?
What do you know about Multiplexing and its types?
What is modulation?
How we use internet and email in our business?

Prepare the content for Internet
Prepare the content about the use of Internet and its component.
Prepare the graphical representation of Multiplexing and its types.
Show how frequency travels from one destination to another.
Differentiate the types of modulation in chart.

Group discussion about Internet, email and its uses in our business. Discussion about the impact of internet
that hamper in our daily life, Why Modulation is Important, different types of multiplexing.

Find out the Internet and email uses in the business. Prepare the verbal report regarding the Internet,
email and its uses.

Evaluate with the help of presentation and graphical report.

Home Assignment:
Prepare the presentation about the email, Internet and its uses in Business and home.

Facilitator’s Reflection:
Did the outcome be fulfilled or not? If not then help them to fulfill the outcome.
Class: BBA
Semester: 2nd

Chapter 3: Brief Introduction to LAN

Time: Lecture - 6, Tutorial – 4, ILT - 5

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
 Uses of LAN, MAN, WAN.
 Knowledge about IP Address and its classification.
 Uses of IP Address
 Need of LAN System in Business.

Material Require:
Neil Jenkins and Stan Schatt: Understanding Local Area Networks, PHI
W. Richard Stevens. "Unix Network Programming. Vol.-I. (Networking API).

Handouts and Text Support:

Library and Internet Source

What is LAN and its uses.
Describe about the history and development of LAN?
What is network? Describe its types.
What is IP Address? Describe its types and uses.
Why we need LAN system in Business?

Prepare the content about LAN, Its Need and use, Prospect and History and development.
Preparing the content About types of Network.
Prepare the content for IP Address, its classification and uses.

Group discussion about internet and its applications, WWW, Web Browser, Search Engine and Internet and
its Business

Find out How can the business take advantage of the Internet. Prepare verbal report regarding WWW and
various types of internet application

Evaluate with the help of presentation and graphical report.

Home Assignment:
Prepare the presentation about the email, Internet and its uses in Business and home.

Facilitator’s Reflection:
Did the outcome be fulfilled or not? If not then help them to fulfill the outcome.
Class: BBA
Semester: 2nd

Chapter 1: Background study and revision of computer Network, Internet and e-mail
Time: Lecture - 6, Tutorial – 4, ILT - 4

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
 Know the various application of Internet knowledge.
 Knowledge about Computer networking.
 Knowledge about multiplexing and its types.

Material Require:
Neil Jenkins and Stan Schatt: Understanding Local Area Networks, PHI
W. Richard Stevens. "Unix Network Programming. Vol.-I. (Networking API).

Handouts and Text Support:

Library and Internet Source


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