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Snack: Students will eat snack during the second recess.

Provide a snack for your child daily.

Literacy Students will continue to write/draw. We will
Students will continue to work on reading discuss WOW pictures and ways to add detail
stamina. The students have been reading for to our drawings. As a class we will discuss
me and it’s great to see so many of them topics to write about. Students who can write
using picture clues to “read” their books. In words/letters will be encouraged to do so.
phonics we will learn about the sounds of m,
a and t.

Theme- All About Me and My family

This week we will make number books. We
will explore ten frames, quick look cards and
number formation. We will also work on
creating graphs. Students will use their foot
to begin exploring non-standard units of Students will share things we do with our
measurement. families and celebrate similarities and
. differences. Students will discuss how they
can be “bucket fillers” with kind words and
actions. Information on a family project will
be going home.
Suggested homework: Can your child write their name and identify all the letters in their
name. Practice both at home as needed. We will also begin working on proper number
formation. This is a great thing to practice at home.
Upcoming Important Dates:
● Warrior Wednesday-Every Wednesday students should wear Ray gear of green to show
their school pride.
● There is no school Friday, September 22, 2022.

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