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EX p 49 n 9

You are a freight forwarder. Call your partner to inform him about a delivery delay.

A: John Smith, Export computers & co, what can I do for you?

B: Hi, this is Richard Wilson from Export logistics. I’m calling you to inform that unfortunately there has
been a mistake for the delivery of your consignement of 35 laptop computers. The reason is that the
distribution centre gave us the wrong address and the computers have beeen delivered to your company’s
branch in Hanoi.

A. This is going to be a problem as we need the computers to arrive by Friday morning!

B: Of course, we are awfully sorry about this inconvenience . We have just arranged for transport to Ho Chi
Min City by Vietnam Air. So the computers should arrive on Friday.

A: Ok then, thank you very much for letting us know. As soon we receive the consignment we will send our

B: ok thank you , bye

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