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Generic Office Types

• The organizational structure is divided into traditional departments
like IT, marketing, finance, human resources, and operations based on
everyone's functional role in the organization. In such an
organizational structure, employees with similar skillsets and
specialization are grouped together.
IT Department
• Information technology (IT) is a field that involves the use and
development of computers. In a business setting, IT departments
generally handle all of the technology that the business uses.
Whether it’s a computer or fax machine, some from an IT department
can repair and upgrade it.
The functions of an Information Technology Department are:
• Network Management
• Technical Support
• Application Development
• Communication
Marketing Department
• The Marketing Department plays a vital role in promoting the
business and mission of an organization. It serves as the face of your
company, coordinating and producing all materials representing the
business. It is the Marketing Department's job to reach out to
prospects, customers, investors and/or the community, while creating
an overarching image that represents your company in a positive
Depending on your company, the duties of the Marketing Department may
include one or more of the following:

• Defining and managing your brand.

• Conducting campaign management for marketing initiatives
• Producing marketing and promotional materials
• Creating content providing search engine optimization for your website.
• Monitoring and managing social media
• Producing internal communications
• Serving as media liaison
• Conducting customer and market research
Finance Department
• At a high level, the finance department plans and manages company
money, making sure a business can access cash in sustainable ways.
This department can be as simple as a few people managing invoices
or as complex as a team of hundreds with multiple levels of
Roles and resposibilities of Finance Department

• Bookkeeping
• Management of company’s cash flow
• Budgets and forecasting
• Advising and sourcing longer-term financing
• Management of Taxes
• Management of Company’s Investments
• Financial Reporting and analysis
• Assist managers in making key strategic decisions
Human Resource Department
• Human resources (HR) is the division of a business that is charged
with finding, screening, recruiting, and training job applicants, as well
as administering employee-benefit programs. HR plays a key role in
helping companies deal with a fast-changing business environment
and a greater demand for quality employees in the 21st century.
All these functions must be clear when creating the human resources
department and design a strategic plan. Let's look at them individually.
• Personnel administration
• Personnel recruitment and selection
• Compensation and incentive management
• Development of a positive work climate
• Employee performance evaluation
• Staff training and development
• Labour relations
• Occupational health and safety
The Production function
The Production function undertakes the activities necessary to provide
the organisation’s products or services. Its main responsibilities are:
• production planning and scheduling
• control and supervision of the production workforce
• managing product quality (including process control and monitoring
• maintenance of plant and equipment
• control of inventory
• deciding the best production methods and factory layout.

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