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Give a short comparison on political black propaganda practices then and now concerning election
irregularities and fake news fabrication.
Before, political campaigns would use black propaganda tactics to influence public opinion
about their opponents. This would often take the form of spreading rumors or lies about them
in order to make the opponent seem bad. Today, online platforms such as Facebook and Twitter
are often used to spread disinformation and fake news to manipulate public opinion about
political rivals.. This phenomenon has become increasingly common during political campaigns,
with foreign governments using social media to influence public opinion. Black propaganda
techniques are still used today to spread false information and discredit opponents. It seems like
the practices before and now are the same, the only difference now is that the way to spread
fake news and lies is more advanced and modern.
2. How does common sense helpful to one's historical perspective when there is no direct evidence
that one committed the crime? Explain.
There is no direct evidence that one committed the crime, but common sense may be
helpful in understanding the historical perspective. For example, if there is no direct evidence
that a person was at the scene of a crime, it may be reasonable to assume that he or she was
involved in the event. This is because people often commit crimes in close proximity to one
another, and it can be difficult to determine who was actually at the scene of a crime. Plus, if
someone has been accused of a crime in the past, it may be reasonable to assume that he or she
is likely responsible for the current crime. This is because people often repeat their own actions,
and crimes that are well known may be more likely to be committed by someone who is familiar
with the location or the victim. And common sense may be helpful in determining the credibility
of witnesses. For example, if a witness claims to have seen someone commit a crime, it may be
reasonable to assume that he or she is telling the truth. However, if a witness has a history of
making false claims, it may be more difficult to believe what he or she is saying. In short,
common sense can be helpful in understanding the context of a particular event, and in
determining what is likely to have occurred.

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