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(Tài liệu livestream cho 8h tối thứ 7, 6/1/2018)

Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh

Facebook: Mrstranganh87


1. She had been depressed all day but she started to _____ after she heard that she was promoted.
A. shout up B. cheer up C. take up D. break up
2. Our car is very _____. It hardly seems to use any petrol at all.
A. economical B. economic C. ecological D. economy
3: The school was closed for a month because of a serious of fever.
A. outbreak B. outburst C. outset D. outcome
4: The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, without a ________ of a doubt
A. shade B. shadow C. benefit D. hue
5: It seems that the world record for this event is almost impossible to ___________________ .
A. get B. beat C. take D. achieve
6: It is _________________ opportunity to see African wildlife in its natural environment.
A. an unique B. a unique C. the unique D. unique
7: I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my________.
A. piece of cake B. sweets and candy C. biscuit D. cup of tea
9 Lindsay’s excuses for being late are beginning to______ rather thin.
A. get B. turn C. wear D. go
10. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but she rose to the______ wonderfully.
A. event B. performance C. incident D. occasion
11. You’ve lived in the city for most of your life, so______ you’re used to the noise.
A. apparently B. presumably C. allegedly D. predictably
11. He______ so much harm on the nation during his regime(chế độ cai trị) that it has never fully recovered.
A. indicted(truy tố,buộc tội) B. inferred (suy ra, luận ra)
C. induced(đem lại) D. inflicted (inflict on: bắt phải chịu, gây tổn hại)
12. Hotel rooms must be______ by 10 a. m, but luggage may be left with porters.
A. vacated(bỏ trống) B. evacuated(rút lui, tản cư)
C. abandoned(bỏ rơi) D. left(bỏ lại, bỏ quên)
13. I do not think there is so much as a______ of truth in that rumor.
A. crumb B. speck C. grain D. pebble
14. I have very______ feelings about the plan – it might possibly work or it could be a disaster.
A. certain B. mixed C. doubtful D. troubled
15. The noise of the typewriter really______ me off. I just couldn’t concentrate.
A. put B. pulled C. set D. took
16. The sixth time he called me at night was the______.
A. last cause B. last straw C. touch and go D. hot air
17. They seemed to be______ to the criticism and just carried on as before.
A. disinterested B. sensitive C. uncaring D. indifferent
18. It's no use______ over______ milk.
A. crying/ spilt B. to cry/ spilling C. crying/ spilling D. crying/ to spill
19. The black widow spider’s notoriety is not without foundation. However, an element of exaggeration has led to
certain______ regarding its evil nature.
A. concept B. preconception C. misconception D. conception
20. The Mekong River’s delta is the greatest rice …………………………region of Vietnam.
A. production B. producing C. product D. productivity
21.Due to …………………………..the difference between urban life and rural life is more and more reduced.
A. electricity B. electrician C. electrification D. electrical
22. Don’s father wrinkled his brow in ……………………………..when he heard that Don had failed the
A. pleasure B. pleasant C. unpleasure D. displeasure
23.This man is ________ in many countries for having committed many unlawful acts.
A. loved B. liked C. wished D. wanted
24. Sugar is the_________ of healthy teeth.
A. destruction B. destructor C. destroyer D. destructive
25. When confronted with a mass of _____tape, many people feel a sense of powerlessness.
A. red B. green C. blue D. brown
26. Mr. Pike has_________ his wife by three years.
A. lived B. outlived C. lived up to D. alive
27. He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later ............... when a medical check proved that he
had been taking drugs.
A. qualified B. unqualified C. disqualified D. both B and C\
28. Although some hold out hope for a sea wall and land reclamation programme, it is admittedly nothing more
than a mere ________ .
A. stop B. non-stop C. unstoppable D. stopgap
29. According to the………………………. of the contract, tenants must give six months notice if they intend to
A. laws B. rules C. terms D. details
30. Please accept our………………………….. congratulations!
A. finest B. warmest C. dearest D. deepest
31. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation’s……………………
A. inheritance B. heritage C. possessions D. legacy
32. A part-time job gives me the freedom to……………………… my own interests.
A pursue B. chase C. seek D. catch
33. In his first game for Newcastle, Keegan……………………… a goal after 58 minutes.
A. scored B. won C. earned D. gained
34. It…………………….. a lot of patience to be a nurse.
A. uses B. takes C. spends D. costs
35. “ How’s Karen today?” “She is feeling………………. She was yesterday.”
A. better slightly than B. slight better than C. slightly better than D. slightly better
36. “ Is Tom a good worker?” “He …………………….what he starts.”
A. never almost finishes B. finishes almost ever
C. almost never finishes D. finishes never almost
37. It was _______ of you not to play the music while I was asleep.
A. considering B. considerate C. considerable D. consideration
38. The answer Henry gave was so confusing that his lecturer could hardly make ______ of it at all.
A. sense B. meaning C. interpretation D. intelligibility
39. Considered America’s first great architect, ______.
A. many of the buildings at Harvard University were designed by Henry Hobson Richardson
B. it was Henry Hobson Richardson who designed many of the buildings at Harvard University
C. Henry Hobson Richardson designed many of the buildings at Harvard University
D. Harvard University has many buildings that were designed by Henry Hobson Richardson.
40. “Jack, can you help me push the piano to the corner of the hall to ______ our party?” said the teacher
A. give place to B. make place for C. take room for D. make room for

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